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Brexit Deal agreed ( updated )


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30 minutes ago, Captain Sausage said:

I think curriculums for schools and universities need updated to really show how 21st century propaganda can affect things like Brexit and US presidential election. 

Brexit was won because one side lied through their teeth and painted this picture of ‘us v them’ - the dirty foreigners coming here, sponging off our NHS and taking our jobs (whilst also taking all our benefits). It’s to the absolute shame of the remain party that they didn’t do more to fight these untruths. 

Same with Trump. He won on a card of ‘drain the swamp’. The massive irony being that he removed a bunch of qualified people who had been installed through nepotism with a bunch of family members who were completely unqualified. Nepotism, just different people. 

The damning fact is that joe public is too stupid to see through the slogans, to read more than the headline and it causes these charlatans to continue with their nonsense. 

Brexit is our fault. We brought it on ourselves and now we reap what we sow. 

Brexit was won because the Leave campaign broke the law (proven) and were fined for it (a fact).

In the meantime Johnson is trying to neuter an already demonstrably weak  electoral commission,  he'll do it all again, his party is still taking multi millions in Russian money. 

Brexit was won because Russian money enabled Leave to engage in a campaign they could never have funded - and virtually  no one in the UK seems concenred about it (except maybe the Tories given they have buried the "Russian Report" and refuse to discuss it).

Brexit was won because they painted a giant lie on a red bus and conned the gullible then  they lied about Turkey joining the EU. They lied about an EU army. They lied. Look at my avatar : that was another of their myriad lies. No family is better off under brexit and many are worse off. 


Brexit is the fault of the Leave campaign and the people they conned don't even care about being lied to : because they "won". Although quite what they won renains to be seen , five years down the track. 


WE didn't bring brexit on ourselves : even though people like Enzo perpetuate a myth there was a "massive" demand for a referendum. There wasn't. It was all fed by the ERG/TPA/Guido/UKIP/brexit party  and the tax exile , foreign owned press who wanted UK out of the EU who created a frenzy out of nothing. 


Brexit is most definitely not " our" fault. 

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35 minutes ago, NANOJAMBO said:

Yup, that's the final word from me.

A self deluded poster who abuses others and indulges in the most childish language.


Aaaahhahaha. The irony of that discourse being between 2 of the most intolerant, illiberal, disrespectful group thinkers on this board. Not to mention their factually incorrect utterances. 



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1 hour ago, WorldChampions1902 said:

They certainly were according to one of the main architects of Brexit, Dominic Cummings, who said:-


In February 2017, Dominic Cummings said the bus slogan was one of the main reasons why the Leave campaign won the 2016 EU referendum. In a wordy essay for the Spectator, Dominic Cummings wrote:


“Would we have won without immigration? No. Would we have won without £350m/NHS? All our research and the close result strongly suggests No. Would we have won by spending our time talking about trade and the Single Market? No way.” –  Dominic Cummings – February 2017.

Read more: https://www.conversion-uplift.co.uk/brexit/the-boris-johnson-brexit-bus-lie-of-350m/#ixzz7BQqn2KoR 


So your whole argument rests on the opinion of a man who claimed he drove 60 miles to "test his eyesight"?



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47 minutes ago, NANOJAMBO said:

Brexit was won because the Leave campaign broke the law (proven) and were fined for it (a fact).

In the meantime Johnson is trying to neuter an already demonstrably weak  electoral commission,  he'll do it all again, his party is still taking multi millions in Russian money. 

Brexit was won because Russian money enabled Leave to engage in a campaign they could never have funded - and virtually  no one in the UK seems concenred about it (except maybe the Tories given they have buried the "Russian Report" and refuse to discuss it).

Brexit was won because they painted a giant lie on a red bus and conned the gullible then  they lied about Turkey joining the EU. They lied about an EU army. They lied. Look at my avatar : that was another of their myriad lies. No family is better off under brexit and many are worse off. 


Brexit is the fault of the Leave campaign and the people they conned don't even care about being lied to : because they "won". Although quite what they won renains to be seen , five years down the track. 


WE didn't bring brexit on ourselves : even though people like Enzo perpetuate a myth there was a "massive" demand for a referendum. There wasn't. It was all fed by the ERG/TPA/Guido/UKIP/brexit party  and the tax exile , foreign owned press who wanted UK out of the EU who created a frenzy out of nothing. 


Brexit is most definitely not " our" fault. 

👏 Glad people aren't falling for Enzo's tired old mix of insults, non-sequitars, straw-men, revisionism and gaslighting.

I'm wondering at his point how much Tory HQ pay him for his propaganda, because no-one can cultivate this level of zealotry and double-think without something driving it. 

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15 minutes ago, Gizmo said:

👏 Glad people aren't falling for Enzo's tired old mix of insults, non-sequitars, straw-men, revisionism and gaslighting.

I'm wondering at his point how much Tory HQ pay him for his propaganda, because no-one can cultivate this level of zealotry and double-think without something driving it. 

Wow. So many trite platitudes in one sentence. Well done.

What you could have said was "i don't agree with your views. But then fundamentalists haven't been taught how to absorb alternative opinions and their mono-thought process permits only one, narrow, and certainly warped, world view.


You tick all those boxes. Well done again.

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The Mighty Thor
19 minutes ago, Gizmo said:

👏 Glad people aren't falling for Enzo's tired old mix of insults, non-sequitars, straw-men, revisionism and gaslighting.

I'm wondering at his point how much Tory HQ pay him for his propaganda, because no-one can cultivate this level of zealotry and double-think without something driving it. 

I disagree. 


He has the same irrational thought processes on a number of subjects.


His contributions on the Covid thread.

The stellar performance on the Brexit thread.

The latest doozy 'cyclical climate change'


There's a pattern there. 

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7 minutes ago, The Mighty Thor said:

I disagree. 


He has the same irrational thought processes on a number of subjects.


His contributions on the Covid thread.

The stellar performance on the Brexit thread.

The latest doozy 'cyclical climate change'


There's a pattern there. 

Yes, there's certainly a pattern of group-think and faux certainty with the views of you and others.

The problem with being cocooned in an echo chamber, such as this thread, is that when your pre-conceived word view is challenged, the only option for you is to shoot the messenger. 

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Konrad von Carstein
9 minutes ago, Enzo Chiefo said:

Yes, there's certainly a pattern of group-think and faux certainty with the views of you and others.

The problem with being cocooned in an echo chamber, such as this thread, is that when your pre-conceived word view is challenged, the only option for you is to shoot the messenger. 


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25 minutes ago, The Mighty Thor said:

I disagree. 


He has the same irrational thought processes on a number of subjects.


His contributions on the Covid thread.

The stellar performance on the Brexit thread.

The latest doozy 'cyclical climate change'


There's a pattern there. 

Definitely. I’ve seen examples of his irrational thought processes in Terrace threads as well. To be pitied more than anything.

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22 minutes ago, Enzo Chiefo said:

Wow. So many trite platitudes in one sentence. Well done.

What you could have said was "i don't agree with your views. But then fundamentalists haven't been taught how to absorb alternative opinions and their mono-thought process permits only one, narrow, and certainly warped, world view.


You tick all those boxes. Well done again.


13 minutes ago, Enzo Chiefo said:

Yes, there's certainly a pattern of group-think and faux certainty with the views of you and others.

The problem with being cocooned in an echo chamber, such as this thread, is that when your pre-conceived word view is challenged, the only option for you is to shoot the messenger. 




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6 minutes ago, Alex Kintner said:

Definitely. I’ve seen examples of his irrational thought processes in Terrace threads as well. To be pitied more than anything.

Have you really? Hardly ever on the Terrace so, well done you


You are quite clearly a blinkered fanatic and you seem determined to proselytize at every opportunity on this Board.

You're wasting your time though, as you're out your deoth on here.

I, and others,  will continue to demolish your narrow, insular and intolerant views.

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31 minutes ago, Enzo Chiefo said:

Yes, there's certainly a pattern of group-think and faux certainty with the views of you and others.

The problem with being cocooned in an echo chamber, such as this thread, is that when your pre-conceived word view is challenged, the only option for you is to shoot the messenger. 


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3 hours ago, Enzo Chiefo said:

So your whole argument rests on the opinion of a man who claimed he drove 60 miles to "test his eyesight"?



Nope. As evidenced by scores of my posts on this thread that don’t mention Cummings. Do keep up!


As for Cummings damning admission in my previous post, he said those things when he was working for Clown shoes and Cummings stock was at its peak. Interestingly, nobody disagreed with him at the time on that or anything else. But once again, when Leavers are faced with uncomfortable facts, they avoid the question, rewrite history and deflect.


So here is a question for you, given your defence of the indefensible that is Brexit.

In October 2016, Brexit Secretary David Davis told the HoC that quote, “there will be no downsides to Brexit at all, and considerable upsides”. This thread is virtually saturated with nothing but downsides and no upsides. So, here is your chance to ‘educate’ us Remainers on what we are overlooking. Put on your thinking cap and lay out in your next reply, ALL the magnificent life-changing BREXIT upsides we are failing to acknowledge. In the absence of your voluminous list, I am confident that we Remainers can rest easy that there are next to No upsides and ONLY considerable downsides. Confirming that which we already know. That Brexit is a pack of lies and anybody that tries to say otherwise is full of wind and p**h.


So go on. I dare you. This is your moment to shine. Get furiously typing that list.


No deflection now. No avoiding the question. No whataboutery. Just that massive list.


I’m waiting.



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31 minutes ago, WorldChampions1902 said:

Nope. As evidenced by scores of my posts on this thread that don’t mention Cummings. Do keep up!


As for Cummings damning admission in my previous post, he said those things when he was working for Clown shoes and Cummings stock was at its peak. Interestingly, nobody disagreed with him at the time on that or anything else. But once again, when Leavers are faced with uncomfortable facts, they avoid the question, rewrite history and deflect.


So here is a question for you, given your defence of the indefensible that is Brexit.

In October 2016, Brexit Secretary David Davis told the HoC that quote, “there will be no downsides to Brexit at all, and considerable upsides”. This thread is virtually saturated with nothing but downsides and no upsides. So, here is your chance to ‘educate’ us Remainers on what we are overlooking. Put on your thinking cap and lay out in your next reply, ALL the magnificent life-changing BREXIT upsides we are failing to acknowledge. In the absence of your voluminous list, I am confident that we Remainers can rest easy that there are next to No upsides and ONLY considerable downsides. Confirming that which we already know. That Brexit is a pack of lies and anybody that tries to say otherwise is full of wind and p**h.


So go on. I dare you. This is your moment to shine. Get furiously typing that list.


No deflection now. No avoiding the question. No whataboutery. Just that massive list.


I’m waiting.



Thanks for waiting.  I voted Remain . In both the Brexit and Scexit votes.

A consistent and coherent position to take  I'm sure you'll agree.👍

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40 minutes ago, WorldChampions1902 said:

Nope. As evidenced by scores of my posts on this thread that don’t mention Cummings. Do keep up!


As for Cummings damning admission in my previous post, he said those things when he was working for Clown shoes and Cummings stock was at its peak. Interestingly, nobody disagreed with him at the time on that or anything else. But once again, when Leavers are faced with uncomfortable facts, they avoid the question, rewrite history and deflect.


So here is a question for you, given your defence of the indefensible that is Brexit.

In October 2016, Brexit Secretary David Davis told the HoC that quote, “there will be no downsides to Brexit at all, and considerable upsides”. This thread is virtually saturated with nothing but downsides and no upsides. So, here is your chance to ‘educate’ us Remainers on what we are overlooking. Put on your thinking cap and lay out in your next reply, ALL the magnificent life-changing BREXIT upsides we are failing to acknowledge. In the absence of your voluminous list, I am confident that we Remainers can rest easy that there are next to No upsides and ONLY considerable downsides. Confirming that which we already know. That Brexit is a pack of lies and anybody that tries to say otherwise is full of wind and p**h.


So go on. I dare you. This is your moment to shine. Get furiously typing that list.


No deflection now. No avoiding the question. No whataboutery. Just that massive list.


I’m waiting.





Cos he hasn't got a single benefit to talk of and his previous post proves beyond doubt that all he is interested in doing on here is insulting people,  trolling and trying to provoke outrage viz  his puerile insult aimed at NS.



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18 minutes ago, NANOJAMBO said:



Cos he hasn't got a single benefit to talk of and his previous post proves beyond doubt that all he is interested in doing on here is insulting people,  trolling and trying to provoke outrage viz  his puerile insult aimed at NS.



Tell you what old son; I feel duty bound, in the interesfs of truth, to call you out for your hypocrisy and brainwashed rantings.

You obviously feel entitled to rain "puerile insults" down on our PM yet play the "faux offended" card when La Sturge gets it tight.

Feel free to update me on the protracted SNP "investigations" into the sleaze and corruption allegations against Derek Mackay, Patrick Grady, Margaret Ferrier,  Patricia Gibson and The Murrells and the missing millions from ahem, "ringfenced" donations.

The SNP, Holyrood and the sreets of Glasgow are rotten to the core. 


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34 minutes ago, Enzo Chiefo said:

Tell you what old son; I feel duty bound, in the interesfs of truth, to call you out for your hypocrisy and brainwashed rantings.

You obviously feel entitled to rain "puerile insults" down on our PM yet play the "faux offended" card when La Sturge gets it tight.

Feel free to update me on the protracted SNP "investigations" into the sleaze and corruption allegations against Derek Mackay, Patrick Grady, Margaret Ferrier,  Patricia Gibson and The Murrells and the missing millions from ahem, "ringfenced" donations.

The SNP, Holyrood and the sreets of Glasgow are rotten to the core. 


Not biting. Rant away. :wave1:

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5 minutes ago, NANOJAMBO said:

Not biting. Rant away. :wave1:

As expected. So, the National Socialist narrative  goes ; You rant against Tories and I respond. That response introduces uncomfortable truths for you so you retreat into a safe space and withdraw from the debate.

It's a well worn narrative with swivel eyed fanatics. However,  should you feel able to update me on the historic "investigations" I cited, please let me know.


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6 minutes ago, Enzo Chiefo said:

As expected. So, the National Socialist narrative  goes ; You rant against Tories and I respond. That response introduces uncomfortable truths for you so you retreat into a safe space and withdraw from the debate.

It's a well worn narrative with swivel eyed fanatics. However,  should you feel able to update me on the historic "investigations" I cited, please let me know.


🎣 <---  you 


🐟🐠🐡 <--- Kickback


Not biting. :wave1:

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The Mighty Thor

I asked the following the other night during one of his incoherent outbursts regarding 'European Encroachment'.


Please give the details of any European law or directive that the EU enforced on the UK?

How did this Law/directive impact the function of the UK government, its businesses or its citizens?

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The Mighty Thor
1 hour ago, Enzo Chiefo said:

Tell you what old son; I feel duty bound, in the interesfs of truth, to call you out for your hypocrisy and brainwashed rantings.

You obviously feel entitled to rain "puerile insults" down on our PM yet play the "faux offended" card when La Sturge gets it tight.

Feel free to update me on the protracted SNP "investigations" into the sleaze and corruption allegations against Derek Mackay, Patrick Grady, Margaret Ferrier,  Patricia Gibson and The Murrells and the missing millions from ahem, "ringfenced" donations.

The SNP, Holyrood and the sreets of Glasgow are rotten to the core. 


Missing millions? Pounds? Turkish Lira?


Do enlighten us please?

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1 minute ago, The Mighty Thor said:

I asked the following the other night during one of his incoherent outbursts regarding 'European Encroachment'.


Please give the details of any European law or directive that the EU enforced on the UK?

How did this Law/directive impact the function of the UK government, its businesses or its citizens?

Well given he's only here to troll he's not going to answer.

He must be the worst exponent  of gaslighting I've personally seen - he trolls & insults all & sundry across multiple threads , makes crazy claims about (but not limited to) brexit and when he's asked to explain brexit benefits says "I voted remain".


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2 minutes ago, Alex Kintner said:


I feel sorry for the generations you taught. Seriously.

Forget climate change, educarion is Scotland’s biggest problem going forward.  

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6 minutes ago, The Mighty Thor said:

Missing millions? Pounds? Turkish Lira?


Do enlighten us please?

One pound or 600k or 600m lira or 1500 Israeli sheckles.. who cares? Not my money. You obviously have a corruption threshold, yeah?

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The Mighty Thor
6 minutes ago, Enzo Chiefo said:

One pound or 600k or 600m lira or 1500 Israeli sheckles.. who cares? Not my money. You obviously have a corruption threshold, yeah?

So £600,000? Allegedly.


Not missing millions?


OK. Thanks.

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2 minutes ago, Boof said:


Could someone PhotoShop Neil Lennon falling on his arse in the aisle?

Gibson, Mackay, Murrells, Ferrier, Grady.  Any update? Anyone found the missing dough?

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Just now, Enzo Chiefo said:

Gibson, Mackay, Murrells, Ferrier, Grady.  Any update? Anyone found the missing dough?





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1 minute ago, The Mighty Thor said:

So £600,000? Allegedly.


Not missing millions?


OK. Thanks.

I don't give a feck. A crook is a crook don't you agree?

The determination to defend a crooked,  ruling elite in Scotland is telling.  All to further an ambition towards Scexit,  which would see the same crooks in charge. Go figure !

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2 minutes ago, Boof said:





Gibson,  Mackay, Murrells, Ferrier, Grady.  Any update? Sorry if it was confusing first time around.  Huh?🤣

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The Mighty Thor
2 minutes ago, Enzo Chiefo said:

I don't give a feck. A crook is a crook don't you agree?

The determination to defend a crooked,  ruling elite in Scotland is telling.  All to further an ambition towards Scexit,  which would see the same crooks in charge. Go figure !

So it's not millions?




I think we're done here. 

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2 minutes ago, Enzo Chiefo said:

Gibson,  Mackay, Murrells, Ferrier, Grady.  Any update? Sorry if it was confusing first time around.  Huh?🤣


I haven't the faintest ****ing idea what you're on about.


Are you a bot with a software glitch? That would certainly explain a helluva lot.

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21 minutes ago, Enzo Chiefo said:

I feel sorry for the generations you taught. Seriously.

Forget climate change, educarion is Scotland’s biggest problem going forward.  



You can’t even get an insult right! :rofl:

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5 minutes ago, Boof said:


I haven't the faintest ****ing idea what you're on about.


Are you a bot with a software glitch? That would certainly explain a helluva lot.

Harsh on bots imo

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20 minutes ago, Alex Kintner said:



You can’t even get an insult right! :rofl:

Glad you were insulted .  Plural or singular.👍 

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26 minutes ago, Boof said:


I haven't the faintest ****ing idea what you're on about.


Are you a bot with a software glitch? That would certainly explain a helluva lot.

All were elected representatives, SNP MSPs or MPs. All are or were under investigation for sleaze or corruption. What is it you are finding so fecking hard to understand,  or accept 😉?

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23 minutes ago, Alex Kintner said:

Harsh on bots imo

But, surely as a "teacher" you understand what I was referring to?

Or, like Andrew Wilson's report into the economic viability of a separate Scotland,  you are out with the hoover? Huh?

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1 minute ago, Enzo Chiefo said:

All were elected representatives, SNP MSPs or MPs. All are or were under investigation for sleaze or corruption. What is it you are finding so fecking hard to understand,  or accept 😉?


What I'm finding hard to understand is the relevance between those people and the request to PhotoShop Neil Lennon on his arse in the picture of an aircraft full of meme characters.

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3 minutes ago, Enzo Chiefo said:

But, surely as a "teacher" you understand what I was referring to?

Or, like Andrew Wilson's report into the economic viability of a separate Scotland,  you are out with the hoover? Huh?

Are you a bitter ex-pupil of mine?


Oh wait, you can’t be. I never taught Special Ed.

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1 minute ago, Alex Kintner said:

Are you a bitter ex-pupil of mine?


Oh wait, you can’t be. I never taught Special Ed.

Oh my sides, my sides🤣🤣🤣

Anyway,  I doubt it, I dropped Woodwork in 3rd Year👍

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11 minutes ago, Boof said:


What I'm finding hard to understand is the relevance between those people and the request to PhotoShop Neil Lennon on his arse in the picture of an aircraft full of meme characters.

Seriously wft you talking about?

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