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Bin Laden dead


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Harry Palmer

Stop encouraging him...



Anyway, Catastrophe, when is Cox in Edinburgh?

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Here you all go, conspiracy theories abounding already.Accept that he is dead, that said,the triumphalism of the Yanks in USA is sickening.They behave no more with humanity and civility than those they seek to demonise who rejoice at the suffering of those in the West.The fact that a deluge of provably fake video and audio tapes were released by an organization with direct ties to the Pentagon in the years that followed illustrated how the military-industrial complex was keen to prolong the Bin Laden boogeyman myth as a backdrop against which to launch their takeover of the middle east under the umbrella of the ?war on terror" and to justify more basic freedoms lost to most ordinary people; But i personally don?t think for a minute that final ?confirmation? of Osama?s death will mean an end to the ?war on terror? and the U.S. and British troops pulling out of Afghanistan,just as the capture of Saddam Hussein did absolutely nothing to speed a U.S. exit out of Iraq. :whistling:


If anything, the announcement of Osama?s death will only lead to more warfare and bloodshed in the region.Whether genuine or contrived,terrorist retaliation plots are already in the works and when they are unleashed,the establishment will point to them as a justification for more air strikes, more invasions and more regime change plots disguised as humanitarian aid. :whistling:

In life, Bin Laden?s propaganda value as an Emmanuel Goldstein hate figure was immense,but in death his usefulness to the US military-industrial complex or those that seek to create a one world dictatorship will, for a time at least,only increase.Find it really hard to believe that they put saddam hussain and his sons on tv for the world to see, and other terrorists but no they throw Osama in the sea :rolleyes: feck i think if people believe that with no real proof then we are in alot more trouble then I thought.


This fake photo, which is still being used by the main stream media news or "manipulation" out lets from the likes of the Daily Mail and the London Telegraph even after it was proven to be a contrived hoax that has been circulating on the internet for years,fits perfectly with everything surrounding the Bin Laden myth ? the old and effective problem,reaction, solution manipulation agenda,the fake video tapes,the fake audio tapes,the fake claim of responsibility for 9/11;This reeks of the usual method of manipulation used in the war on our freedoms,using justifiable government sponsored terrorism,the old problem,reaction,solution method to get the desired agenda to the next level;


ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT, FINANCED BY A WORLD CURRENCY,(CASH LESS) AND RUN BY A WORLD BANK, WITH A GLOBAL ARMY TO CRUSH ANY UPRISINGS BY OTHER COUNTRY'S WHO DO NOT COMPLY, WITH A CENTRAL OR ONE POLICE FORCE IN ALL COUNTRY'S TO ENFORCE IT; BACKED UP BY AN UNELECTED EUROPEAN/WORLD JUSTICE SYSTEM BODY TO ENFORCE LAWS THAT SUIT THIS NEW WORLD ORDER;A micro-chipped world population,control of every aspect of human life as possible,game set and match, welcome to the future centralized world fascist police state;This goal of a centralized fascist police state has been planned for ages and now it is slowly becoming transparent in places by the occasional feck ups like this faked photo being used as justification of Bin Laden"s death; :ninja:









ML, you could be writing interesting, witty, intelligent prose but I wouldn't know. I ignore everything you write because of the stupid pictures that inevitably follow the mass of text.


I know you'll come back saying "It is not my intention to ruin threads however this information is important [ media]some killing joke pish [ /media]"




Arnold, he did Edinburgh last month. Dunno when he's back.

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May the 14th I think, buddy. smile.gif


Wait, what? He wasn't in Edinburgh last month. huh.gif


Actually that's right, ignore what I said.

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Guest Ultraviolet Catastrophe

Haymarket for 4pm, bit of a bevy and then up Morrison St for half 7.

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Haymarket for 4pm, bit of a bevy and then up Morrison St for half 7.


I'm there. thumbsup.gif

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Harry Palmer

Not got a ticket...Catastrophe can be the man though! :thumbsup:



Either way.... :)

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Now children, are you sitting comfortably? Then your government will begin. Once upon a time there were three little pigs and they all sprouted wings. One little pig did not have a birth certificate so they faked one very badly so he could say he was the Big Pig and live with his snout in a trough in his little, well, not so little, white house.


One day Big Pig, who was really only doing what he was told to save his bacon, announced that a naughty man who had died a long time ago had died again. The naughty man was very clever to do this, but he was well known for his little tricks. For years after he died the first time he still managed to speak on new videos and tell the people just how naughty he was.


Then another little pig said that the naughty man had been thrown into the sea and so the people could not see his face and know that the Big Pig was telling the truth. But everyone with a brain knew that the Big Pig never told the truth and so they knew that Big Pig was telling more porkies. :lol:


Big Pig and the little pigs showed the people a picture that was made up to fool lots of them, and, unfortunately, children, this was usually not very difficult to do. :woot:


The End.


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Now children, are you sitting comfortably? Then your government will begin. Once upon a time there were three little pigs and they all sprouted wings. One little pig did not have a birth certificate so they faked one very badly so he could say he was the Big Pig and live with his snout in a trough in his little, well, not so little, white house.


One day Big Pig, who was really only doing what he was told to save his bacon, announced that a naughty man who had died a long time ago had died again. The naughty man was very clever to do this, but he was well known for his little tricks. For years after he died the first time he still managed to speak on new videos and tell the people just how naughty he was.


Then another little pig said that the naughty man had been thrown into the sea and so the people could not see his face and know that the Big Pig was telling the truth. But everyone with a brain knew that the Big Pig never told the truth and so they knew that Big Pig was telling more porkies. :lol:


Big Pig and the little pigs showed the people a picture that was made up to fool lots of them, and, unfortunately, children, this was usually not very difficult to do. :woot:


The End.



Cite your sources madman.



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Now children, are you sitting comfortably? Then your government will begin. Once upon a time there were three little pigs and they all sprouted wings. One little pig did not have a birth certificate so they faked one very badly so he could say he was the Big Pig and live with his snout in a trough in his little, well, not so little, white house.


One day Big Pig, who was really only doing what he was told to save his bacon, announced that a naughty man who had died a long time ago had died again. The naughty man was very clever to do this, but he was well known for his little tricks. For years after he died the first time he still managed to speak on new videos and tell the people just how naughty he was.


Then another little pig said that the naughty man had been thrown into the sea and so the people could not see his face and know that the Big Pig was telling the truth. But everyone with a brain knew that the Big Pig never told the truth and so they knew that Big Pig was telling more porkies. :lol:


Big Pig and the little pigs showed the people a picture that was made up to fool lots of them, and, unfortunately, children, this was usually not very difficult to do. :woot:


The End.



Dear christ, do you literally believe anything?

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Guest Ultraviolet Catastrophe

I'm there. thumbsup.gif





cnt w8 lol x


Not got a ticket...Catastrophe can be the man though! :thumbsup:



Either way.... :)


Get involved you Scouse mess.




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Get involved you Scouse mess.


Are there still tickets?

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Harry Palmer

Aye Ok, Catastrophe what's the site again....


Manure baws.

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Governor Tarkin

Are there still tickets?


Think its sold out :angry:

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Thread starts, thread moves on nicely, thread has a nice bit of bickering and joking.


Then the tinfoil hat wearer arrives.


Thread ceases to be interesting.


As sure as eggs are eggs.


Every fecking time.

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Bill Hicks is a big influence on me and he in his time said things that in hindsight are bang on the money on certain things that are or have been going on in this crazy world we call reality;He often made references to the USA military complex and its puppet masters in government, he often suggested that terrorism and its sources was much more closer to home than one would realize;The video below sums him up and his mockery of the powers at be are bang on; :D



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Guest Ultraviolet Catastrophe

I've had a quick Google but it seems it's sold out. sad.gif


Sorry guys.

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Harry Palmer

Think its sold out :angry:


EDIT: Confirmation




Still, a few pints will see you good.



Double Edit: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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My Google Maps and this thread crashed simultaneously (sp).


Should I be worried?

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Patrick Bateman

Bill Hicks is a big influence on me and he in his time said things that in hindsight are bang on the money on certain things that are or have been going on in this crazy world we call reality;He often made references to the USA military complex and its puppet masters in government, he often suggested that terrorism and its sources was much more closer to home than one would realize;The video below sums him up and his mockery of the powers at be are bang on; :D





I would rather be dead than share your perverted, delusional world view. You must be in a constant state of miserable paranoia; perhaps you should check yourself into your nearest mental health facility and explain your delusions to a qualified psychiatrist? It'll save you from embarrassing yourself here.


Bin Laden's actions fully merited the United State's response. He was more than happy to send other, mentally weak people to their deaths in the name of some laughable ideology, but was, in fact, a coward himself. The world is better off without him. Hopefully the US will now exact a similar response to the rest of the parasitic echelons of Al Qaeda and wipe them from the face of the earth.

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So what time are we all meeting up for ****** on the 14th? thumbsup.gif





Bill Hicks is a big influence on me and he in his time said things that in hindsight are bang on the money on certain things that are or have been going on in this crazy world we call reality;He often made references to the USA military complex and its puppet masters in government, he often suggested that terrorism and its sources was much more closer to home than one would realize;The video below sums him up and his mockery of the powers at be are bang on;




Seriously, Hicks was right in one sense - most of America's recent enemies were all Frankensteins of their own creation - Saddam, Bin Laden, the Taliban and even Gaddaffi to an extent.


Incidentally, I always thought that George Carlin was much more switched on as a commentator on modern politics.

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Seriously, Hicks was right in one sense - most of America's recent enemies were all Frankensteins of their own creation - Saddam, Bin Laden, the Taliban and even Gaddaffi to an extent.


Incidentally, I always thought that George Carlin was much more switched on as a commentator on modern politics.



I agree. Did it for far longer as well.


Hicks was good though.

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Elton John is going to be doing a tribute song to Osama Bin Laden..


Sandals in the Bin!


















I'll get ma coat :whistling:

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Eldar Hadzimehmedovic

Just listening to the latest comments from Obama, he started with the words "America did not choose this fight". Hmmmm.............



Really? 3000 families might disagree with you there.

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No reason to disbelieve the reports, Obama would look a bit stupid if Bin Laden were to

turn up on Al Jazeera in a couple of months.


Buried immediately at sea?

No video footage?


He may well have been killed, but thats a body the USA would want to show off! (look at Saddam Hussain).


ps. Talking of muslims, the apologists insist they enrich and intigrate into the west, even though they

consider themselves pakistani or wherever they are from (even the ones born here)

Watching the wedding on Friday, I was struck by the number of people from all over the world who were among

the 10's of thousands there in the crowd - yet not one muslim face to be seen, the couple televised were

Indians, law of averages say there should have been at least some (no matter your view on royalty). They despise us and hate the British/Western

way of life, when are you going to stop defending people that hate us?


pps. The BBC failed to report the demo less than a mile from the church, placards such as 'death to the queen' and

many others, guess who were waving them? coincidence?

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No reason to disbelieve the reports, Obama would look a bit stupid if Bin Laden were to

turn up on Al Jazeera in a couple of months.


Buried immediately at sea?

No video footage?


He may well have been killed, but thats a body the USA would want to show off! (look at Saddam Hussain).


ps. Talking of muslims, the apologists insist they enrich and intigrate into the west, even though they

consider themselves pakistani or wherever they are from (even the ones born here)

Watching the wedding on Friday, I was struck by the number of people from all over the world who were among

the 10's of thousands there in the crowd - yet not one muslim face to be seen, the couple televised were

Indians, law of averages say there should have been at least some (no matter your view on royalty). They despise us and hate the British/Western

way of life, when are you going to stop defending people that hate us?


pps. The BBC failed to report the demo less than a mile from the church, placards such as 'death to the queen' and

many others, guess who were waving them? coincidence?


As ignorant a post as you're likely to see on here. :vrface:

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Only 6 more Bin Ladens to find.


It's like an Easter Egg hunt.

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Only 6 more Bin Ladens to find.


It's like an Easter Egg hunt.

Or where's Wally

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As ignorant a post as you're likely to see on here. :vrface:

Yet your unable to deny the point, start on the name calling as well, a well used tact -

normally after finding you cant retort

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Yet your unable to deny the point, start on the name calling as well, a well used tact -

normally after finding you cant retort


I said your post was ignorant, as far as I'm aware that isn't the same as name calling. Playing the victim card a little early aren't we? :rolleyes:


You say all muslims hate the West and our way of life yet there's millions of them living and benefitting from our society in the UK alone, nevermind those around Europe and the US. I'm sure there are a minority who do dislike the West because of our actions in the Middle East, etc but I have no doubts they are a minority.


Thankfully people with your viewpoint are as much of a minority in western culture as they are in the muslim world.

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I said your post was ignorant, as far as I'm aware that isn't the same as name calling. Playing the victim card a little early aren't we? :rolleyes:


You say all muslims hate the West and our way of life yet there's millions of them living and benefitting from our society in the UK alone, nevermind those around Europe and the US. I'm sure there are a minority who do dislike the West because of our actions in the Middle East, etc but I have no doubts they are a minority.


Thankfully people with your viewpoint are as much of a minority in western culture as they are in the muslim world.

Well you were partly right.

But its always nice to see the alleged majority silence their minority, oh wait, that never happens though, does it?

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Daydream Believer

No reason to disbelieve the reports, Obama would look a bit stupid if Bin Laden were to

turn up on Al Jazeera in a couple of months.


Buried immediately at sea?

No video footage?


He may well have been killed, but thats a body the USA would want to show off! (look at Saddam Hussain).


ps. Talking of muslims, the apologists insist they enrich and intigrate into the west, even though they

consider themselves pakistani or wherever they are from (even the ones born here)

Watching the wedding on Friday, I was struck by the number of people from all over the world who were among

the 10's of thousands there in the crowd - yet not one muslim face to be seen, the couple televised were

Indians, law of averages say there should have been at least some (no matter your view on royalty). They despise us and hate the British/Western

way of life, when are you going to stop defending people that hate us?


pps. The BBC failed to report the demo less than a mile from the church, placards such as 'death to the queen' and

many others, guess who were waving them? coincidence?


How can you tell someones religion by looking at their face?

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Hey, look everyone! A great big racist!

Like I said, you cant argue so you love to throw racist around (popular word these days), how very socialist of you.

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How can you tell someones religion by looking at their face?

You cant, but in a turban of that style I'm guessing he was a Sikh (fair guess?)

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I can only call a spade a spade (does that term turn you on?)

Tut tut, your alledged mockery does your argument no good, but keep it up, why change?

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Chad Sexington

I've no argument to make. You made an astonishingly ignorant post, I pointed it out. There's no argument involved because your racism is self-evident.


Nice one for marking yourself out as a bigot for future reference but. All the best battling those anti-Royal Wedding darkies.


I watched the royal wedding crowd footage as well.


By my scientific calculation there were only 12567 Jews there.


Poor show. <_<

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I P Knightley

Elton John is going to be doing a tribute song to Osama Bin Laden..


Sandals in the Bin!


















I'll get ma coat :whistling:


First aired for Mother Teresa, I seem to remember.

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When I heard this morning that the most hated man in the world had been killed, my immediate thought was:....... " Who'll get the Celtic manager's job now?"

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Everything ML posts is a copy and paste from some tin foil hat site, yet he slags others for believing everything they read/see/hear.



This irony is completely lost on him.




I may copy and paste information that i feel is relevant and if that is from controversial web sites then so be it and as i have said before and it looks like you have conveniently ignored that i have often stated that i DO NOT BELIEVE or share all views from these web sites, now what is it that you cannot understand about that;The irony is that you judge and condemn before looking deeper,what other sources of information or news are you exposed to except from the main stream ones, have you any concept or perception that,yes,there are other sources outside the mainstream media who do the same job at investigating;Also i asm well aware that out side MSM web sites do attract loonies and crack pots but the trick is to see the beyond that, as we all know "not all that glitters is gold"; :woot:


You may be of the opinion that there is no coming fascist police state and these episodes unfolding are not directly the result of a stepping stone approach to complete surveillance and control but you have never been down that particular rabbit hole have you;Every thing i copy and paste is for information purposes with my own personal views included too;Also i do not slag off others for having main stream sources of information only ,this conspiracy goes deeper than you could imagine and its not surprising that the main stream media and those who manipulate it are very effective in portraying events like this as "nothing to be alarmed about folks, go back to sleep and enjoy your mind numbing TV";


That people are easily manipulated by the mainstream media is evident when they start to smell a rat about cases like this when they were manipulated in believing the official BS to start with;If one goes about life questioning nothing and excepting every official line is it any wonder that there is a very high ignorance perception with the majority of the mases of out side sources of information that might just portray the official line as some what full of pesh water, the law of averages would say that not all is being reported true fully by the MSM;


The protectors of the status quo will go to any lengths to protect it and that includes lying and fooling the masses with their number one weapon,the main stream media, control a nations media and you control and manipulate the people; Could you site how many times i have been rude to people on here who feel that there is no conspiracy about a coming global fascist police state,i am the one that receives a majority slagging"s but it is expected but the difference is dont give a feck; Could you also site the number of freedoms most people have lost or new ones introduced since the gulf war and 9/11, its not a pretty sight, coincident or planned, whatever you choose to believe thats your problem as it is mine what rabbit hole i choose to go down;ML; (nothing copy and pasted apart from videos and lyrics); :thumbsup:


All ears if you would like a further mature and respectful discussion but you would have to venture down the rabbit hole, red pill or blue pill, the choice is yours as it always should be;At the end of the day to be called a mad man by someone on this thread because of my views or perceptions shows how little if any he has actually been exposed to in regards to information existing on the other side of the conspiracy fence;ML; :woot:


The red or blue pill; :ninja:








I am reminded off by this brilliant song by Killing joke;

Love of the Masses;


"Around, around, young men and women move

Through sun and steel our lives transforming

To forge a link flow backwards to our source

And forfeit self amongst the masses"


"Why do we love them?

Love of the masses"


"They fight and play in timeless rivalry

The people clamour for a loser

WIth joy and sorrow mixed we realize

That PEACE shall come by sacrifice" :ninja:

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