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Mr Romanov Saviour of HMFC

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Creepy Lurker

Been doing 30min cardio work outs before work the last two mornings. Pretty knackering but im sure ill get in to the swing of things again. Does anybody have any recommended circuits i can do in the house, preferably without weights (as i dont have any)? There's about a million and one on the internet and im having trouble picking what one i think would be best!


I've posted a couple elsewhere in the thread, but one that I've been enjoying (er, sort of) recently is as follows:


30 seconds burpees

30 seconds press-ups

30 seconds mountain climber

30 seconds jumping jacks

30 seconds Hindu squats

30 seconds burpees

30 seconds rest


Five times through. The below (which I've posted elsewhere, probably) is also good:


Burpees: 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off, 8 times through

Press-ups: as above

Hindu squats: as above

Star-ups: as above


All back to back. It's really worth buying a timer for this kind of thing; I've got a Gymboss interval timer, which can be picked up on Amazon.


My training's mainly done with Muay Thai in mind, and works areas which are useful for that, but it's also brilliant for general conditioning. Bodyweight circuits are a very, very underrated way of training.

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Cheers for the info CL, will give it a bash tonight/tomorrow morning. Two of my mates are members of the SMTC, they do a lot of training likes, one of them moved to Thailand for a short spell to train there, I wouldn't like a kick off either of them put it that way! Must be hard to keep such a low body weight with all that muscle

Edited by Hannibal Smith
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Both will help to improve your performance, but depending on what else you're eating you might not need that much protein. There's no point in resurrecting the cringefest that was my argument with the other guy who used to post on here over exactly how much you require (although I stand by what I said), but it isn't just about taking on loads of protein; it's about balancing your macronutrient intake correctly so that you're taking the right amounts of protein, carbs and fat.


Edit: on topic, my own training's going pretty well at the moment. Just missed out on taking part in my first interclub competition last month as my coach doesn't think that I've been sparring for long enough (having watched the competition, he's probably right), but I feel like I'm improving a lot and should be able to hopefully make the next one.


Care to recommend some reading on macronutrients? I need to do more research!


Cheers Creepy.

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Creepy Lurker

Cheers for the info CL, will give it a bash tonight/tomorrow morning. Two of my mates are members of the SMTC, they do a lot of training likes, one of them moved to Thailand for a short spell to train there, I wouldn't like a kick off either of them put it that way! Must be hard to keep such a low body weight with all that muscle


Let us know how you get on!


If you've got mates who do MT, they'll probably be able to give you a few bodyweight workouts similar to the ones that I've just posted. I'm happy to help too obviously, but it could be worth seeing if they can give any recommendations!


Care to recommend some reading on macronutrients? I need to do more research!


Cheers Creepy.




^^ the above's a very good beginner's guide to all things sports nutrition, which is all that you should really need (I certainly wouldn't consider myself to have any more than a very basic knowledge). I'd certainly recommend it. Magazines like Men's Fitness and Muscle and Fitness are also alright for recipe ideas etc, but you'll find that they contradict themselves quite a lot and sometimes (deliberately?) don't really give you all the information that you need.

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Let us know how you get on!


If you've got mates who do MT, they'll probably be able to give you a few bodyweight workouts similar to the ones that I've just posted. I'm happy to help too obviously, but it could be worth seeing if they can give any recommendations!



Hindu squats - can hardly move at work! feel like I've been riding a horse been ridden by a horsemellow.gif

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Creepy Lurker

You get used to them. thumbsup.gif I actually hate the burpees more...


Can barely walk myself, actually. We were practising low kicks on Wednesday and I still haven't recovered from it. laugh.gif

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Yeah will know in the future to take 10% of distances. Comes as a bit of a shock when your Nike + is telling you 13 miles and your at the 11mile mark, still you get what you pay for.

Will look into that google maps route planning.


If you've got an iPhone, Nike+ GPS is better than the transmitter in your shoe. Adidas MiCoach is also quite good as set up for running and cycling.

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Going to get back into the gym this month, will be going 4/5 times a week. Looking to get some shakes, any recommendations? I'm tall and very skinny so looking to bulk up, been recommended 'Mass XL' I think it was called.

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Looking for a bit of advice!


I'm going back to work Tomorrow after 3 months off.During that time I haven't exercised at all!


I've struggled over the past couple of weeks to get motivated and get back to the gym so I've just paid my Registration fee for the Bupa 10k run on 2nd October.


I know 10k is probably easy for most on the thread but not for me :lol:


Any tips how I can train up for this would be much appreciated.Should I be concentrating on the gym? Or go out Jogging?


What I should be eating etc.I've put 8 pounds on since I've been off and think I'm around a stone overweight.



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Looking for a bit of advice!


I'm going back to work Tomorrow after 3 months off.During that time I haven't exercised at all!


I've struggled over the past couple of weeks to get motivated and get back to the gym so I've just paid my Registration fee for the Bupa 10k run on 2nd October.


I know 10k is probably easy for most on the thread but not for me :lol:


Any tips how I can train up for this would be much appreciated.Should I be concentrating on the gym? Or go out Jogging?


What I should be eating etc.I've put 8 pounds on since I've been off and think I'm around a stone overweight.




I'm not an expert like the others on here, bur would say your best bet would be to jog 3 times a week, 2 shorter then one longe one, and do a bit of cross training inbetween. I feel like a bit of a broken record as I've said it a couple of times before, but I have a training programme that takes you from jogging 30 seconds to running a half marathon it'd just be a case of starting whererver you feel you currently are ability wise.

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I'm not an expert like the others on here, bur would say your best bet would be to jog 3 times a week, 2 shorter then one longe one, and do a bit of cross training inbetween. I feel like a bit of a broken record as I've said it a couple of times before, but I have a training programme that takes you from jogging 30 seconds to running a half marathon it'd just be a case of starting whererver you feel you currently are ability wise.



What's your training programme?

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Going to get back into the gym this month, will be going 4/5 times a week. Looking to get some shakes, any recommendations? I'm tall and very skinny so looking to bulk up, been recommended 'Mass XL' I think it was called.




I know there's been protein chat earlier on this thread.

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Looking for a bit of advice!


I'm going back to work Tomorrow after 3 months off.During that time I haven't exercised at all!


I've struggled over the past couple of weeks to get motivated and get back to the gym so I've just paid my Registration fee for the Bupa 10k run on 2nd October.


I know 10k is probably easy for most on the thread but not for me :lol:


Any tips how I can train up for this would be much appreciated.Should I be concentrating on the gym? Or go out Jogging?


What I should be eating etc.I've put 8 pounds on since I've been off and think I'm around a stone overweight.




Did the 10k a couple of years ago. Definitely a good idea to sign up and give yourself a target for motivation.


A few bits of advice:


1. Running outside puts a different type of strain on your legs, especially your calves so try and run outside as much as possible rather than the gym.


2. The Edinburgh 10k features a long uphill section past Arthurs seat which lasts about a kilometre. It was quite near the end and was by far the hardest part of the race. You need to prepare yourself for it both mentally and physically.


3. Don't just focus on running and endurance. You will need muscle strength to get through the last couple of kms. A key muscle for running is the gluts (bum) so make sure you build up strength in these as well as building up quads, calves and hamstring muscles.

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Used to be very fit when I was younger but have developed lots of bad habits since starting teaching.


I go through spells where I get really fit again (usually school hols) then let ut slip due to lack of time in termtime.


Over the past couple of years tge dreaded 'beerbaby' has emerged and I have moved up to 14st10lb.


My current target is to tone up my stomach and lose about a stone.


I bought a treadmill, weights, situp machine during the winter and quit the gym. Have been exercising in my garage for acouple of months and the belly is looking more toned but I wasn't losing weight so I bought resistance bands to use instead of tge weights to make sure I am only toning and not building more muscle.


Bern outside running over the past few weeks and have bern managibg about 8k three times a week so gonna start pushing it up to 10 k this weekend.

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Used to be very fit when I was younger but have developed lots of bad habits since starting teaching.


I go through spells where I get really fit again (usually school hols) then let ut slip due to lack of time in termtime.


Over the past couple of years tge dreaded 'beerbaby' has emerged and I have moved up to 14st10lb.


My current target is to tone up my stomach and lose about a stone.


I bought a treadmill, weights, situp machine during the winter and quit the gym. Have been exercising in my garage for acouple of months and the belly is looking more toned but I wasn't losing weight so I bought resistance bands to use instead of tge weights to make sure I am only toning and not building more muscle.


Bern outside running over the past few weeks and have bern managibg about 8k three times a week so gonna start pushing it up to 10 k this weekend.



I don't really know owt about owt but what I will say is that (in my experience) losing your stomach is as much down to diet as exercise. Since I started watching what I eat, I've finally developed some abs. Before then, I could have run to fecking Norway and still had a beer belly.



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I don't really know owt about owt but what I will say is that (in my experience) losing your stomach is as much down to diet as exercise. Since I started watching what I eat, I've finally developed some abs. Before then, I could have run to fecking Norway and still had a beer belly.


I see.


Was hoping that wasn't the case tbh. Hate the idea of giving up beer and pizza. (although I did successfully give up crisps and biscuits for lent)

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Other people will give you better advice than me but diet seems to be crucial. I don't think it means you can't have beer and pizza but if that is the crux of your diet (ie fatty, unhealthy food) then you might find that your progress is pretty slow. Just as a start, someone on here recommended eating porridge. I've found that really good for energy and keeping my hunger down. Much better for you than alpen etc, which I'd always assumed was a decent option. I've totally cut out crisps and sweets, I try to eat wholemeal bread and pasta and I eat nuts and fruit as snacks. It's what folk on here suggested and it really works. Had a huge fecking curry last night like but I'd struggle to live like a monk...

Edited by Dusk_Till_Dawn
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Yesterday is the first day in a week and a bit I hadn't exercised, i have lost 5 pounds and an inch round the waist so far. Cos of the football, I had 8 pints and a pizza for tea last night so I doubled my workout this morning and plan to increase it over the next couple of weeks. I'm hoping to have lost a stone within a month but to be honest I'm in it for the long term so not to bothered about quick results

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I know there's been protein chat earlier on this thread.


USN do a Muscle Fuel range that is very good. Contains all your essential BCAAs and the muscle fuel anabolic also includes creatine. You can take half servings as well if you want to make the tub last that bit longer and are naturally quite lean. It is a bit more pricey however you get what you pay for. Try Bodyshapers fitness website as they've always been very reliable.

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Creepy Lurker

I see.


Was hoping that wasn't the case tbh. Hate the idea of giving up beer and pizza. (although I did successfully give up crisps and biscuits for lent)


Try to make gradual, manageable changes rather than just suddenly cutting things out. You'll be surprised by how much, when you start to give certain things up, you actually stop wanting others.


I used to eat at least two sweet things and have at least two cans of fizzy juice every single day, on top of maybe cereal for breakfast and a couple of cheese sandwiches at lunch (pretty much always had a healthy evening meal, to be fair). I'd maybe have one carry out a week and drink a fair bit every weekend. It was only really last summer that I started to make gradual changes, firstly by cutting out one of the sweets, then one of the cans of fizzy juice, then by making changes to my meals. The more that I read up on nutrition, the more I wanted to give up and now I'd say that although I'm still far from an expert on the topic, I'm pretty knowledgeable and have a better diet than pretty much anyone else I know. I won't blow my own trumpet by going into loads of detail on the topic (although I'm happy to do so if anyone particularly wants me to) but I'm now at the point, and have been since January, that I work out my daily meal plans several days in advance, making sure that I'm as close to the optimum levels of protein, carbs and fat for my training regime as I possibly can be whilst also having eight servings of fruit and veg a day (usually 2 fruit / 6 veg) in order to make sure that I'm also getting the other nutrients that are equally important.


You don't have to be as obsessive - some would say (and have said) anal - as me to make changes to your diet, though; as I said, just make gradual improvements (say initially by changing one small thing every week). There are loads of suggestions for good things to eat in the early pages of this thread.


Also, I'd strongly advise against completely cutting anything out; if you try to be too drastic with your changes, you just won't stick to them. Try to allow yourself a 'cheat day' every 7-10: not only will you be more likely to eat well on a Tuesday if you know that you're getting pished and having a kebab on Friday night, shocking your body also actually helps to speed up your metabolism. Think in terms of lifestyle changes rather than dieting, but don't completely deny yourself things that you enjoy.


I've not been online much recently, so I apologise if I've missed any questions that anyone's asked me: things are pretty hectic at the moment, so if anyone's wanting advice then I'll still be happy to give it but it might be best to ask by PM.


On a personal note, my own training's going pretty well at the moment. I've always been fit, but now I feel fitter than ever (although I've had a few more cheat days than I really should over the past few weeks due to this being one of those weird times of year when it seems to be everyone I know's birthday) and can really feel my technique improving with MT. Had a fair few people comment on the improvement in sparring recently, which is always nice. Can't remember who it was that was asking me about bodyweight circuits, but here's another one that I've found helpful recently:


10 burpees

20 tricep dips

30 side jumps (just jumping from side to side over a Thai pad - a stack of magazines of something would work just as well - 30 times)

40 press-ups

50 bodyweight squats


Five times through without any rests. Try doing it once a week or so, trying to get through it a bit more quickly each time. it takes it out of you, but it's a brilliant workout.


Hibs are shit.


Creepy x

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Try to make gradual, manageable changes rather than just suddenly cutting things out. You'll be surprised by how much, when you start to give certain things up, you actually stop wanting others.


I used to eat at least two sweet things and have at least two cans of fizzy juice every single day, on top of maybe cereal for breakfast and a couple of cheese sandwiches at lunch (pretty much always had a healthy evening meal, to be fair). I'd maybe have one carry out a week and drink a fair bit every weekend. It was only really last summer that I started to make gradual changes, firstly by cutting out one of the sweets, then one of the cans of fizzy juice, then by making changes to my meals. The more that I read up on nutrition, the more I wanted to give up and now I'd say that although I'm still far from an expert on the topic, I'm pretty knowledgeable and have a better diet than pretty much anyone else I know. I won't blow my own trumpet by going into loads of detail on the topic (although I'm happy to do so if anyone particularly wants me to) but I'm now at the point, and have been since January, that I work out my daily meal plans several days in advance, making sure that I'm as close to the optimum levels of protein, carbs and fat for my training regime as I possibly can be whilst also having eight servings of fruit and veg a day (usually 2 fruit / 6 veg) in order to make sure that I'm also getting the other nutrients that are equally important.


You don't have to be as obsessive - some would say (and have said) anal - as me to make changes to your diet, though; as I said, just make gradual improvements (say initially by changing one small thing every week). There are loads of suggestions for good things to eat in the early pages of this thread.


Also, I'd strongly advise against completely cutting anything out; if you try to be too drastic with your changes, you just won't stick to them. Try to allow yourself a 'cheat day' every 7-10: not only will you be more likely to eat well on a Tuesday if you know that you're getting pished and having a kebab on Friday night, shocking your body also actually helps to speed up your metabolism. Think in terms of lifestyle changes rather than dieting, but don't completely deny yourself things that you enjoy.


I've not been online much recently, so I apologise if I've missed any questions that anyone's asked me: things are pretty hectic at the moment, so if anyone's wanting advice then I'll still be happy to give it but it might be best to ask by PM.


On a personal note, my own training's going pretty well at the moment. I've always been fit, but now I feel fitter than ever (although I've had a few more cheat days than I really should over the past few weeks due to this being one of those weird times of year when it seems to be everyone I know's birthday) and can really feel my technique improving with MT. Had a fair few people comment on the improvement in sparring recently, which is always nice. Can't remember who it was that was asking me about bodyweight circuits, but here's another one that I've found helpful recently:


10 burpees

20 tricep dips

30 side jumps (just jumping from side to side over a Thai pad - a stack of magazines of something would work just as well - 30 times)

40 press-ups

50 bodyweight squats


Five times through without any rests. Try doing it once a week or so, trying to get through it a bit more quickly each time. it takes it out of you, but it's a brilliant workout.


Hibs are shit.


Creepy x


Excellent stuff. Cheers. :thumbsup: Always good to hear a success story.

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USN do a Muscle Fuel range that is very good. Contains all your essential BCAAs and the muscle fuel anabolic also includes creatine. You can take half servings as well if you want to make the tub last that bit longer and are naturally quite lean. It is a bit more pricey however you get what you pay for. Try Bodyshapers fitness website as they've always been very reliable.


Cheers mate, had a wee look think I'm going to get the vanilla USN muscle fuel Anabolic. Looks like the vanilla is fecking rank though as the only bad reviews are of the vanilla.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Anyone got any feed back on these? http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B004HZC2EQ/ref=asc_df_B004HZC2EQ2764878?smid=A3P5ROKL5A1OLE&tag=googlecouk06-21&linkCode=asn&creative=22206&creativeASIN=B004HZC2EQ


Are they just the usuall "I used the "Knock Out Abs Boxing Abdominal Exerciser" once a week for two weeks and lost 7 stone" pish?


I live in a flat so struggle for non/low impact stuff to do in the house. Spotted this in Tesco and wondered if it was worth a shot.



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I would suspect its a load eh pish. Stick a towel on the floor and do regular crunches and press ups if you dont have the option of going to the gym. Throw in a few squats and lunges and it will be enough to get the heart pumping. Save your cash in my opinion, and also the space. These things just take up room.

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Creepy Lurker

Would tend to agree with the above: if having the equipment there would motivate you to work out more then it's probably worth having, but any high intensity cardio mixed with compound moves and core exercises will build a six pack, if that's what you want. At that price, I'd give it a miss.

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Silly question..


Went to gym for first time in years on Tuesday. Should i go back to the gym while i am still sore or should i wait till it doesn't hurt anymore?


Want to know if it will cause more harm than good or more good than harm.. Thought this thread might help.


Kit is in the car and have time to go tonight so looking forward to the responses.

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Silly question..


Went to gym for first time in years on Tuesday. Should i go back to the gym while i am still sore or should i wait till it doesn't hurt anymore?


Want to know if it will cause more harm than good or more good than harm.. Thought this thread might help.


Kit is in the car and have time to go tonight so looking forward to the responses.


A bit late with an answer (and I'm not as clued up as a lot of folk on here) but as far as I know it's best to have a rest day (or cross train and go for a swim or something) to let the muscles rebuild themselves.


Thanks for folks input on the boxing thing, I've improvised and made a homemade version using my sofa and a pillow :thumbsup:

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If you want to PM me an email address, I'll send you the files.


You've got a PM mate.


Im looking to try get fitter again.


Started to play 11s again but need to do my own thing to lose a bit weight and get properly fit.


Should probably really take a look at my diet as well.


Any tips will be appreciated.... :thumbsup:

Edited by GreigB1989
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  • 2 weeks later...

Well thats 2 weeks of being in the gym done.. just managed 3 times but also got an 2 games of badminton, 1 45 min swim and 4 rounds of golf played... I hav no idea where I am finding the time because in November I was doing none of these things....


SO the story so far..


Was 15 and a half stone in 2008.. got to 14 and a half over a year or so by not doing anything other than eating less chippies, pizzas and less drinking.


Then in Nov last year I started counting calories using www.myfitnesspal.com which I have on my phone. I actiually have a record of everything I have eaten since December.. how sad is that.


Anway.. lost just under a stone very quick by eating less and even better. Took up swimming and badminton in January, then back at the gym during last few weeks.


Well by mid feb i was 13 and a half.. then my weight started to go up again.. I wasn't doing anything different, but I was feeling better and was told this can be natural.. Well, it got up nearly to 14 stone again... but evened out and now has dropped back to 13 and a half, however.. .and this is the good part.. I really noticed this morning that my trousers were not really fitting right.. What a great feeling.. I have my belt on the last hole and its now feeling too loose.


So...., My goal was to be 12 and a half stone by July 20th (going on holiday then) ... so I have 2 months to go and I think I might do it... If I just keep at it and its great to see the results..

Edited by Bigsmak
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Well thats 2 weeks of being in the gym done.. just managed 3 times but also got an 2 games of badminton, 1 45 min swim and 4 rounds of golf played... I hav no idea where I am finding the time because in November I was doing none of these things....


SO the story so far..


Was 15 and a half stone in 2008.. got to 14 and a half over a year or so by not doing anything other than eating less chippies, pizzas and less drinking.


Then in Nov last year I started counting calories using www.myfitnesspal.com which I have on my phone. I actiually have a record of everything I have eaten since December.. how sad is that.


Anway.. lost just under a stone very quick by eating less and even better. Took up swimming and badminton in January, then back at the gym during last few weeks.


Well by mid feb i was 13 and a half.. then my weight started to go up again.. I wasn't doing anything different, but I was feeling better and was told this can be natural.. Well, it got up nearly to 14 stone again... but evened out and now has dropped back to 13 and a half, however.. .and this is the good part.. I really noticed this morning that my trousers were not really fitting right.. What a great feeling.. I have my belt on the last hole and its now feeling too loose.


So...., My goal was to be 12 and a half stone by July 20th (going on holiday then) ... so I have 2 months to go and I think I might do it... If I just keep at it and its great to see the results..



Cracking app :thumbsup:


Although it's telling me I can only have 1200 calories a day :o

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Do any of the fancy gyms in Edinburgh offer free day passes (or even just cheap ones)? I wont be near my regular haunt and would like to try somewhere else and maybe drag the missus along too.

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Creepy Lurker

Do any of the fancy gyms in Edinburgh offer free day passes (or even just cheap ones)? I wont be near my regular haunt and would like to try somewhere else and maybe drag the missus along too.


Pretend you're interested in joining and try your luck. Between David Lloyd and the two Virgin Actives, I managed to get a week's worth of free gym use during my last week in Edinburgh before I moved to Stirling. laugh.gif


It'll depend on who you speak to, though.

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Hey everyone, Im not new to the gym, but im certainly no expert. I used to have a "pay and go" membership as i did go to the gym but no very often.


I recently upgraded to a pay monthly, to motivate myself to going 3-5 times per week. And its worked, been a bit slack the last week due to back injury, but getting back in the swing of things the past couple days.


Im only 18 years old, never had problems with putting on wieght no matter how much i ate.


Ive been going for roughly 2 months now, and I only have a protien shake after every workout. Ive noticed that my muscle has had a noticible increase of the ppast 2 months, just using an all round workout plan.


Im now hoping that someone will be able to help me tailor my workout to suit me better, and work different sets of muscles different days.


Can anyone help me out? Obviously you dont know what weights I can lift, and ill be honest for a number of the newer excercises youl be able to tell me ill need to experiment myself as ive really only stuck with basic ones for my all round workout.


Couple things to note, I do have particlarly weak and tempremental ankles, due to wear and tear of playing football all my life, I know it sounds really bad considering im only 18.....I thought that too, but i have had quite afew bad injuries with ligaments in my ankles. So it would be good if this could be worked around within the workout plan?


I thank yous all in advance!!!



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You sound just like me bud haha! While jkb is great a good idea is going on a workout forum, like muscle chat. I registered and started a thread about my problems and within an hour had about 7 people helping me out. Really friendly place and good advice, the guys know what they are talking about!

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You sound just like me bud haha! While jkb is great a good idea is going on a workout forum, like muscle chat. I registered and started a thread about my problems and within an hour had about 7 people helping me out. Really friendly place and good advice, the guys know what they are talking about!


Yea man, I was looking through the first few pages and there was some good advice on here, i just need to collect it all and incorporate it in my own workout out somehow! Itle be good to hear back if anyone can help me out! Will have a look on the site you mentioned aswell!

Edited by Jambomuzz
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Hey everyone, Im not new to the gym, but im certainly no expert. I used to have a "pay and go" membership as i did go to the gym but no very often.


I recently upgraded to a pay monthly, to motivate myself to going 3-5 times per week. And its worked, been a bit slack the last week due to back injury, but getting back in the swing of things the past couple days.


Im only 18 years old, never had problems with putting on wieght no matter how much i ate.


Ive been going for roughly 2 months now, and I only have a protien shake after every workout. Ive noticed that my muscle has had a noticible increase of the ppast 2 months, just using an all round workout plan.


Im now hoping that someone will be able to help me tailor my workout to suit me better, and work different sets of muscles different days.


Can anyone help me out? Obviously you dont know what weights I can lift, and ill be honest for a number of the newer excercises youl be able to tell me ill need to experiment myself as ive really only stuck with basic ones for my all round workout.


Couple things to note, I do have particlarly weak and tempremental ankles, due to wear and tear of playing football all my life, I know it sounds really bad considering im only 18.....I thought that too, but i have had quite afew bad injuries with ligaments in my ankles. So it would be good if this could be worked around within the workout plan?


I thank yous all in advance!!!




You sound like an Ectomorph, which basically means you find it hard to put on weight and burn calories quickly due to a fast metabolism.


You need to find out your maintenance calorie intake, lets say it's around 2500. If your wanting to gain weight then the theory is to add an extra 500 calories onto that. So you should be up to around 3000 calories. That's the target you should be hitting daily. You can use this website to find out your daily calorie intake: http://www.personalhealthzone.com/mens_weight_calculator.html.


Due to your body type I would try aim for 4-6 meals a day.


Once you've found out your number needed to gain weight, you should construct some form of diet. This website: http://www.wolframalpha.com/ is a great tool for finding out which foods contain what and how many calories they hold.


What's your current routine like?


If I were you I'd get on a starting strength program so you can build a base and move on from there.


This program is the best I've used and is highly recommended it's called Rippetoes Starting Strength...




Honestly one of the best routines out there. You use this, combined with a diet and adequate amounts of rest each night then I guarantee you'll see results.


This was pretty brief ans as I said I don't really know your goals etc.

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You sound like an Ectomorph, which basically means you find it hard to put on weight and burn calories quickly due to a fast metabolism.


You need to find out your maintenance calorie intake, lets say it's around 2500. If your wanting to gain weight then the theory is to add an extra 500 calories onto that. So you should be up to around 3000 calories. That's the target you should be hitting daily. You can use this website to find out your daily calorie intake: http://www.personalhealthzone.com/mens_weight_calculator.html.


Due to your body type I would try aim for 4-6 meals a day.


Once you've found out your number needed to gain weight, you should construct some form of diet. This website: http://www.wolframalpha.com/ is a great tool for finding out which foods contain what and how many calories they hold.


What's your current routine like?


If I were you I'd get on a starting strength program so you can build a base and move on from there.




This program is the best I've used and is highly recommended it's called Rippetoes Starting Strength...




Honestly one of the best routines out there. You use this, combined with a diet and adequate amounts of rest each night then I guarantee you'll see results.


This was pretty brief ans as I said I don't really know your goals etc.


Im not really wanting to put on weight, as I am a perfect weight for my hieght. But I do want to put on muscle mass, I know this will put on some wieght, but im not sure if your meaning for me to put on fat weight first? To effecivly put on muscle mass do I need to eat more and put on weight?


Ill be Honest I dont really know the names of most of the excerices, but ill do my best to explain them.


1/ Firstly Ill do 10-15 mins cardio on the bike.

2/ Leg press - 4 sets,8 reps, 90kg

3/ Dumbbell curls - 3 sets, 8 reps, 12kg each hand.

4/ Bench press - 3 sets, 8 reps, 20kg (pretty pathetic but gotta start somewhere! haha)

5/ Next excersice with the barbell, i stand with the bar infront of me, close grip and lift the bar up to my chin, pointing my elbows up as much as possible. 3 sets, 8 reps,15kg

6/ Next there is a bar high up above my head, with a wide grip range. I grip as far out on each side of the bar and pull down to my chin, I beleive it targets the shoulder and back muscles. 3 sets, 8 reps, 45 kg

7/ Im sitting with my feet slightly elevated on rests either side of the grip. Keep my back straight and pull the grip towards my chest. 3 sets, 8 reps, 40 kg

Edited by Jambomuzz
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Creepy Lurker

Im not really wanting to put on weight, as I am a perfect weight for my hieght. But I do want to put on muscle mass, I know this will put on some wieght, but im not sure if your meaning for me to put on fat weight first? To effecivly put on muscle mass do I need to eat more and put on weight?


Ill be Honest I dont really know the names of most of the excerices, but ill do my best to explain them.


1/ Firstly Ill do 10-15 mins cardio on the bike.

2/ Leg press - 4 sets,8 reps, 90kg

3/ Dumbbell curls - 3 sets, 8 reps, 12kg each hand.

4/ Bench press - 3 sets, 8 reps, 20kg (pretty pathetic but gotta start somewhere! haha)

5/ Next excersice with the barbell, i stand with the bar infront of me, close grip and lift the bar up to my chin, pointing my elbows up as much as possible. 3 sets, 8 reps,15kg

6/ Next there is a bar high up above my head, with a wide grip range. I grip as far out on each side of the bar and pull down to my chin, I beleive it targets the shoulder and back muscles. 3 sets, 8 reps, 45 kg

7/ Im sitting with my feet slightly elevated on rests either side of the grip. Keep my back straight and pull the grip towards my chest. 3 sets, 8 reps, 40 kg


My training isn't aimed at putting on bulk, but here are my thoughts:


You can't put on muscle mass without putting on weight; it's pretty much physically impossible unless you're incredibly obese to start out with. Muscle weighs twice as much as fat, so it isn't a question of it putting on 'some weight'.


To put on weight - be it as muscle or fat - you need to be taking on more calories than you're burning. That probably means around 3,000, but you can get a decent estimate of how many you're burning if you look up 'Harris Benedict equation' on Google, then add around 500 to that.


As far as putting on fat at the same time goes, the question's not entirely relevant as you won't put on all that much muscle if you're not taking in more than you put out, but you will gain muscle more quickly if you 'bulk' and 'cut', which basically just means eating enough to put on both muscle and a bit of fat before spending a bit of time working at a calorie deficit and doing mostly cardio to burn off the fat. You'll also lose a bit of the muscle that you've gained in doing so, but you'll still end up with more than you started with.


Also, if you're really serious about what you're doing then I'd definitely recommend first of all getting a programme done for you by someone and secondly becoming a bit better informed on the lifts that you're doing and why you're doing them. People on here and proper bodybuilding forums (I imagine...I don't use any because, as I said, I'm not a bodybuilder) will be happy to help, but your goal should always be to be able to do it for yourself.

Edited by Creepy Lurker
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Looking for a bit diet advice. Currently on a typical diet, breakfast lunch dinner, all pretty healthy but snack inbetween as I'm always feeling hungry. I'm actually trying to put weight on, so want to convert the snacking into a more sort of healthy, bigger, high protein meal.


Any recommendations of decent things I can have? Stuff like pasta?

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Creepy Lurker

There's loads of advice in the early pages of this thread as to what kinds of thing to eat and in what quantities.

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In the last month I've dropped 7lbs, which I'm quite happy about. Just made a few slight changes.


- Been going to the gym 2-4 times a week before work.


- Replaced chicken with turkey, used to eat LOADS of chicken. I've been led to believe turkeys lower in fat etc.


- Replaced mid afternoon snacks of crisps or something with a handful of peanuts.


- Replaced sandwiches for wholemeal pitta pockets.


- Stopped drinking soft drinks and jist drink water, tea and coffee.


- Cut back slightly on bevvy, down to about 2 days a week.


So far a few little sacrifices have yielded quite big results.

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Creepy Lurker

Well done. The difference between chicken and turkey's pretty negligible, though: chicken breast's still one of the best lean protein sources available.


If cutting down the fat content of your meat's what your interested in, you'd be better off cutting back on red meat (assuming that you were eating much to start out with). Eating both chicken and turkey's fine.

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I never really researched it, was just told it and took it for granted. Used to love red meat but can't remember the last time I had it.

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Creepy Lurker

Turkey is leaner, just not by a huge amount. Chicken's still good, though.


To be honest, I'd probably recommend a mixture of both rather than cutting out one or the other. Lots of fish would also be a good idea.

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Mr Romanov Saviour of HMFC

What are peoples thoughts on Full Body Workouts?


They got slated a bit at the beginning of this thread but I'm just having a wee read of Menshealth forums and they are all full body daft. :o




Here is the thread.


What do we think?

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Creepy Lurker

Who was slating full body workouts?


They're all that I really use. Splitting muscle groups is fine for bodybuilders who want to have big muscles for the sake of having big muscles (which is a perfectly acceptable aim, of course), but if what you want's functional strength and overall fitness (before anyone gets pissy, I know that 'fitness' is a problematic term in that it means different things to different people) then full body workouts are better.


I know quite a few MMA fighters, and none of them would dream of splitting up muscle groups.

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Creepy Lurker

When I'm doing weighted work (which isn't that often at the moment, really), I alternate between four different workouts. I'll start with a big compound lift at high weight/low rep (to build strength without packing on too much muscle) before going on to a complex. The four workouts that I use are as below:


Workout 1

Pull-ups: 3 x 12 (90 second rests)


Barbell Complex 1

Bent over row x 8

Standing row x 8

Military press x 8

Good morning x 8

Split squat x 8 (each side)

Squat to press x 8

Romanian deadlift x 8


A complex is like a sprint with weights, so there are no rests between those individual lifts and only 60 seconds between each circuit. I'll do that six times through.


Workout 2

Bench press: alternating between 3 x 6, 3 x 4 and 3 x 2 on different days (90 second rests)


Barbell complex 2

Hang clean & press x 6

Front squat x 6

Lunge x 6 (each side)

Romanian deadlift x 6

Bent over row x 6

Shrug x 6


Workout 3

Squat: alternating between 3 x 6, 3 x 4 and 3 x 2 on different days (90 second rests)


Medicine ball complex

Reverse woodchop x 10

Passing press-up x 10

Overhead squat x 10

Russian twist x 10


The above for ten minutes, non stop. The aim's just to complete as many rounds as possible in that time.


Workout 4

Deadlift: alternating between 3 x 6, 3 x 4 and 3 x 2 on different days (90 second rests)


Tabata complex

20 seconds burpess

10 seconds rest

20 seconds box jumps

10 seconds rest

20 seconds mountain climbers

10 seconds rest

20 seconds lunge jumps

10 seconds rest


The above eight times through.


I do a lot of similar bodyweight workouts, but they generally won't be 'full body' as such in that they're more specific to the muscles that are most useful in Muay Thai (which basically means very little back and biceps). I should also add that when you're doing a complex the aim is to improve your explosive power, so you're looking to rally through the lifts as quickly as possible, which runs against what most people will do with resistance work (it goes without saying that maintaining good form becomes possibly even more important as a result).

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