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Mr Romanov Saviour of HMFC

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Again, good luck.


Just beat him to death with those calves.




PS - I'm going through some severe unmotivated times just now - the early starts I can deal with, but the new gym's lockers and showers suck ass - it means I can't hang a shirt anywhere for going straight to work.


Lousy, scratch that, doofus reason - but it really grinds ma OCD.


I'm the same, really struggling for motivation, gone 3 times this week after about a 3/4 week layoff, but seem to lose interest half way through my workout and have to pluck up the courage to even get down there.

Anyone got any motivational tips ?

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I'm the same, really struggling for motivation, gone 3 times this week after about a 3/4 week layoff, but seem to lose interest half way through my workout and have to pluck up the courage to even get down there.

Anyone got any motivational tips ?


I find setting myself personal goals is great for motivation. Rather than looking too far into the future, i set myself mini goals like adding a certain amount of weight to my lifts etc. Once you reach your goal it really does spur you on and you can then set new goals.


Nothing worse when your not enjoying it but you just have to find the reason that you have lost interest. Previously i lost interest because i got fed up doing the same exercises every single week. So i try and change it up every few months, adapting or swapping some exercises, it keeps the body guessing and keeps it fresh.


Still have days where i feel like jacking it but feel better afterwards after dragging myself there than i would feel just by giving it a miss.

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I find setting myself personal goals is great for motivation. Rather than looking too far into the future, i set myself mini goals like adding a certain amount of weight to my lifts etc. Once you reach your goal it really does spur you on and you can then set new goals.


Nothing worse when your not enjoying it but you just have to find the reason that you have lost interest. Previously i lost interest because i got fed up doing the same exercises every single week. So i try and change it up every few months, adapting or swapping some exercises, it keeps the body guessing and keeps it fresh.


Still have days where i feel like jacking it but feel better afterwards after dragging myself there than i would feel just by giving it a miss.


Think a lot of people can't be motivated actually travelling to the gym. I'm fine once I get there but if its slashing with rain I sometimes have low motivation.


Just gotta man up I guess

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Snake Plissken

Scotsman gym:


I'm thinking of joining here on a deal as have just left macdonald gym at holyrood.


Is anyone a member here? Any feedback? What are usual prices?


Ta in advance


I temped there for a couple of weeks a few years ago so it might have been upgraded since then but it was a pretty standard gym. Not the biggest but it had all of the basics and a couple of squat racks, I can't remember the prices exactly but I think it was in the forty-quid region. Perfectly adequate but in a city with lots of options, I wouldn't settle for adequate. If you like the extras - pool, steam room etc. those are very good.


I'd take a look before joining, as I say I'm only going by what I know from December 2009 so it might be a lot better now.

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Snake Plissken

Think a lot of people can't be motivated actually travelling to the gym. I'm fine once I get there but if its slashing with rain I sometimes have low motivation.


Just gotta man up I guess


I'd agree that for a lot of people, the hardest part is just getting there.


Not me though, I can see my gym from my window.



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Creepy Lurker

Bit disappointed in myself last night. Didn't perform as well as I know I'm capable of. Frustrating. Was up against a Polish guy from the Griphouse in Glasgow and let him control the fight basically. Sore everywhere now, going to take a couple of days out of training and go back fresh to Headhunters in Falkirk on Monday.

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Bit disappointed in myself last night. Didn't perform as well as I know I'm capable of. Frustrating. Was up against a Polish guy from the Griphouse in Glasgow and let him control the fight basically. Sore everywhere now, going to take a couple of days out of training and go back fresh to Headhunters in Falkirk on Monday.

Unlucky , but every fight will be a learning experience in itself! Good luck on your next one and train hard!

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Creepy Lurker

Unlucky , but every fight will be a learning experience in itself! Good luck on your next one and train hard!


Cheers mate :) And to Dex too for wishing me good luck previously, didn't notice it until now.


Not sure about getting matched at C class this winter now. Still think I could probably do it if I trained properly (only even went into this second interclub having sparred about 5 times since September), but there's apparently another interclub through in Glasgow on the 30th January so thinking I might just do a mini bulk for a few weeks while still training MT 3 times a week before spending the end of January getting properly back into shape for that. Will see how it goes.

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Dropped a couple of kilos last month after not eating as much as I should. Been eating like a horse this month and already back to where I was. Hoping for another 5kg and I'll be sound as a pound

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Creepy Lurker

Not sure about getting matched at C class this winter now. Still think I could probably do it if I trained properly (only even went into this second interclub having sparred about 5 times since September), but there's apparently another interclub through in Glasgow on the 30th January so thinking I might just do a mini bulk for a few weeks while still training MT 3 times a week before spending the end of January getting properly back into shape for that. Will see how it goes.


Decided on this course of action now. Wasn't happy with my performance on Thursday and have uni work to do over December and January anyway, so I'll do a slow bulk for a bit and maybe do this January interclub but not look to get matched until the summer (by which point I'll both have more free time and more regular training under my belt).


Squats today :jjyay:

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Up early this morning and down to the gym for shoulders, still all sore from the other 3 days I've been down this week. Consequences of skiving for 3/4 weeks!!

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Creepy Lurker



Decided on this course of action now. Wasn't happy with my performance on Thursday and have uni work to do over December and January anyway, so I'll do a slow bulk for a bit and maybe do this January interclub but not look to get matched until the summer (by which point I'll both have more free time and more regular training under my belt).


Squats today :jjyay:


Ffs. Do I even lift? That was pitiful. :sob:

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Snake Plissken

Training routines?


My current strategy is to hit an area with five exercises, I'll do about four sets with a rep range of 8-12.


Yesterday was legs:


(first number is weight in kg, second is reps)


warm-up - five minutes on a bike followed by several minutes of stretches and body-weight lunges and squats


Leg Extension


70 x 10, 80 x 10, 80 x 10




100 x 10, 120 x 8, 120 x 8, 120 x 8


Romanian Deadlifts


60 x 10, 100 x 10, 100 x 10, 100 x 10


Hack Squats (going extremely low)


40 x 12, 40 x 12, 40 x 12


Leg press


180 x 12, 200 x 12, 320 x 12



As I'm trying to build muscle, I'm keeping the rep range in that sweet spot of 8-12 reps. Once I'm about to do a weight for for sets of 10+ reps, I'll up the weight next time. My progress on Romanian deadlifts in particular has been rapid, I was starting out on 60kg and I'm at almost double the weight a few months later. Squats are a little slower but I'm paying a lot more attention to form and depth, I have cranked out reps at 150kg but I was getting anywhere near low enough so I "started again" at 90kg and have been working my way up to a decent weight with strict form.


I've gone from a post-cut 71kg to 77kg since September, mostly clean bulking. I'm looking to get to 78/79 and then cut in January, I've been eating well so I think about four weeks should be enough to get the body fat back under 10%.

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Training to lose fat but also gain muscle (which I think you need to do to sustain weight loss).


I do 200 calorie workout on XT then a 2k sprint on the rower, aiming to beat my PB every time.


I then switch to weights and do either chest/triceps legs/shoulders or back/biceps


Chest is 4x6 with bar then 4x8 incline with dumbells, push ups, followed by 4x10 narrow grip press. Then I do tricep dips, kickbacks etc


Legs starts with squats 4x6 followed by 4x10 on the leg press, extensions, curls (15,12,10 reps) lunges with the bar overhead. Then move on to shoulders and do Arnold curls and a couple of other exercises that can't remember the name of.


Back starts with dead lifts followed by upright rows and the lat pulldown. Then rip the biceps with curls, hammer curls and seated curls on the bench with your arms hanging behind to start.


I finish my workout with a random core exercise like Russian twists, wood chop or plank then I use the foam roller on my IT band.


I'll also go swimming if I have time for a 4th workout in a week or if I don't have time to do a full lifting session. I pick a distance, usually 1km but sometimes up to 2.5k then try and beat my PB.

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Past few times of doing leg extensions I've been feeling pain in my calfs believe it or not. Can't really describe the pain... it's more of a crampy style. Any ideas? I've not changed technique,

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Past few times of doing leg extensions I've been feeling pain in my calfs believe it or not. Can't really describe the pain... it's more of a crampy style. Any ideas? I've not changed technique,


Do you mean leg curls?


With extensions you should only feel it in your quads.


What is the set up of the machine? Are you sat upright?

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Do you mean leg curls?


With extensions you should only feel it in your quads.


What is the set up of the machine? Are you sat upright?


Definetly leg extensions, that's why I'm so confused. When I lift the weight up once my calfs feel really tight. Next leg day I'm going to start with the leg extensions as I think it could just be cramp kicking in from the rest of the excercise.

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Definetly leg extensions, that's why I'm so confused. When I lift the weight up once my calfs feel really tight. Next leg day I'm going to start with the leg extensions as I think it could just be cramp kicking in from the rest of the excercise.


That could be it.


I tend to find my hamstrings feel close to cramping when I do the leg curl.

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Done a wee chest workout today, anyone have any decent workout for chest they use? Really don't feel I'm getting the best workout while I'm there.

Also is there a reason my left side would be more defined than my right. I'm right handed, and I'm pretty sure my form is pretty good on most if not all excercises!

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And also going down tomorrow to do an arm workout , if anyone has any good routines?


I would split Triceps and Biceps to different days.


I think a good plan would be something like


Day 1 - Chest and Biceps

Day 2 - Back and Triceps

Day 3 - Legs

Day 4 - Abs, shoulders etc.


Just google some excercises at first and learn from others. One thing I would advise though is use the machines til you have a bit of strength then start using free weights. You will notice a difference.

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I would split Triceps and Biceps to different days.


I think a good plan would be something like


Day 1 - Chest and Biceps

Day 2 - Back and Triceps

Day 3 - Legs

Day 4 - Abs, shoulders etc.


Just google some excercises at first and learn from others. One thing I would advise though is use the machines til you have a bit of strength then start using free weights. You will notice a difference.

I'm pretty in the know with the gym tbh, and I've found personally doing triceps and biceps on the same day is beneficial to me, was just seeing if anyone had any alternate workouts as I feel mine is a bit stale tbh!

Maybe I'm just being fussy haha

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Not had an "arm day" in years.


Wee bit bi's at end of back and tri's at end of chest.


A session without compound lifts? Yawn.

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The Mighty JTs

Whats everyones take on supplements? thinking about getting some but have no idea whats best? If no one can be bothered answering then can they point me to the previous pages where it was discussed as I cant be bothered scrolling through all the pages I have missed.


On a completely different topic, does anyone have problems feeling dumbell chest presses? I never seem to feel anything in my chest compared to bench and using the cables, (think it may be my form) so I never feel like I am getting the most from chest day

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Whats everyones take on supplements? thinking about getting some but have no idea whats best? If no one can be bothered answering then can they point me to the previous pages where it was discussed as I cant be bothered scrolling through all the pages I have missed.


On a completely different topic, does anyone have problems feeling dumbell chest presses? I never seem to feel anything in my chest compared to bench and using the cables, (think it may be my form) so I never feel like I am getting the most from chest day


I've been using USN. Only downsides I could say from it are the fact that it sometimes is lumpy.


Worked pretty well for me though.


I prefer dumbbell pec flys for chest

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Snake Plissken

Creatine has worked well enough for me but for a lot of people, supplements are often a case of putting the cart before the horse.


Amount of calories > macro-nutrients > micro-nutrients > meal times/frequency > supplements


Don't think of them as some magic elixir but a useful tool to help support, or rather supplement, the other things you're doing.

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Snake Plissken

I did chest last night, I often do legs on a Monday but that seems to have switched to Saturday now.


Emphasis is on volume so the weights aren't super-heavy. I don't normally bother with dumbbells but I had to do something else while I was waiting for someone to finish up on the cables so I went pretty light on those.



Bench Press


75 x 10, 75 x 10, 75 x 10, 80 x 10


Incline Dumbbell Press


20 x 10, 26 x 10, 26 x 10


Incline cable flyes


25 x 10, 25 x 10, 30 x 10


Dips (no added weight)


4 sets of 12 reps


Decline Bench


60 x 10, 60 x 10, 60 x 10


Cable crossovers


30 x 10, 32.5 x 10, drop set: 32.5 x 10, 22.5 x 10, 15 x 12


It was a pretty decent workout overall, my bench is creeping up towards a decent enough weight with 10+ reps. I have cracked 100 on a 1RM but I'm trying to get to the point were I can crank out 10 reps at 90-100kg. Still a long way to go there but I'll be moving up to 77.5 next week as I'm now "comfortable" at 75.

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I did chest last night, I often do legs on a Monday but that seems to have switched to Saturday now.


Emphasis is on volume so the weights aren't super-heavy. I don't normally bother with dumbbells but I had to do something else while I was waiting for someone to finish up on the cables so I went pretty light on those.



Bench Press


75 x 10, 75 x 10, 75 x 10, 80 x 10


Incline Dumbbell Press


20 x 10, 26 x 10, 26 x 10


Incline cable flyes


25 x 10, 25 x 10, 30 x 10


Dips (no added weight)


4 sets of 12 reps


Decline Bench


60 x 10, 60 x 10, 60 x 10


Cable crossovers


30 x 10, 32.5 x 10, drop set: 32.5 x 10, 22.5 x 10, 15 x 12


It was a pretty decent workout overall, my bench is creeping up towards a decent enough weight with 10+ reps. I have cracked 100 on a 1RM but I'm trying to get to the point were I can crank out 10 reps at 90-100kg. Still a long way to go there but I'll be moving up to 77.5 next week as I'm now "comfortable" at 75.


Snake, was it you who said your shoulders were causing you pain during chest exercises a few weeks back or am I just imagining it? Because if so, there is an article in this month's Muscle and Fitness about shoulder pain while benching due to a tightness in the Pectoralis Minor.



This whole thing might be my memory playing up and if so -



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Snake Plissken

Snake, was it you who said your shoulders were causing you pain during chest exercises a few weeks back or am I just imagining it? Because if so, there is an article in this month's Muscle and Fitness about shoulder pain while benching due to a tightness in the Pectoralis Minor.




I did indeed but that was more on the incline than flat. I'm happy to report that my problems were alleviated quite a bit thanks to a much better warm-up.


I tend to avoid the incline bench at the moment but I may return to it in a few weeks, I'm doing pretty well without it just now.

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I did indeed but that was more on the incline than flat. I'm happy to report that my problems were alleviated quite a bit thanks to a much better warm-up.


I tend to avoid the incline bench at the moment but I may return to it in a few weeks, I'm doing pretty well without it just now.


I have no idea how I remembered that but something just pinged in my head when I read the article :lol:


Anyway, yeah, it was just saying how important a proper chest warm up is to stop shoulder pain while benching - including rolling out the pec minor using a tennis ball. Sounds like you're on top of things now though.

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Snake Plissken

Gone are the days when I'd just rock up to the bench and start pumping out reps.


Nowadays I'm on the bike for a good five minutes, sometimes more and then through to the studio to stretch and warm-up the muscles I'm going to use. Then I'll start with a light set before I go heavy, sometimes two light sets if it's a big compound lift like squats or deadlifts.


At the moment I have to spend ages warming up because it's so bloody cold :lol: but I definitely rate a decent warm-up.

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Monday night with my mate.




Front squats, back squats, Deads, stiff Deads.


50 minutes with the oly bar / rack.


Boy stood watching us the entire time. Playing on his phone. Waiting for bar.


Mate, honestly, just do something else man. :lol:


Improvise or rearrange your days surely.


Pure needs another rack, I know that time length is maybe selfish but if was 2 people so you can call it 25 mins each really :)


If it wasn't me doing it, someone else would have......

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The People's Chimp

Monday night with my mate.




Front squats, back squats, Deads, stiff Deads.


50 minutes with the oly bar / rack.


Boy stood watching us the entire time. Playing on his phone. Waiting for bar.


Mate, honestly, just do something else man. :lol:


Improvise or rearrange your days surely.


Pure needs another rack, I know that time length is maybe selfish but if was 2 people so you can call it 25 mins each really :)


If it wasn't me doing it, someone else would have......


:lol: Ridiculous.


At Pure Glasgow there are 2 racks upstairs, and a smith, and the same downstairs. There is practically always a queue as well.

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Gone are the days when I'd just rock up to the bench and start pumping out reps.


Nowadays I'm on the bike for a good five minutes, sometimes more and then through to the studio to stretch and warm-up the muscles I'm going to use. Then I'll start with a light set before I go heavy, sometimes two light sets if it's a big compound lift like squats or deadlifts.


At the moment I have to spend ages warming up because it's so bloody cold :lol: but I definitely rate a decent warm-up.


People not doing warm-ups/low weight sets first is ridiculous. Guaranteed injuries and shite form for your first few lifts.


I do about 10 mins warm-up then low weight sets and build up to my working weight.


Also do about 10 minute warm doing and hardly ever get pain/DOMS the next day. The foam roller is a wonderful invention especially for the lower back.


Makes me cringe when you see some nobhead rock up and try to squat heavy straight away, they end up looking ridiculous as their entire body cracks away and they barely get parallel, never mind full depth.

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The Mighty JTs

Downloaded some motivational speeches and stuck them on the iPod and tried them out today at the gym and I don't think I have had a better workout, what is everyone else listening to when they are at the gym?

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Downloaded some motivational speeches and stuck them on the iPod and tried them out today at the gym and I don't think I have had a better workout, what is everyone else listening to when they are at the gym?


Uplifting trance really gets me going. The song below is my most recent fav for working out. Most won't like but each to their own eh :P


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Uplifting trance really gets me going. The song below is my most recent fav for working out. Most won't like but each to their own eh :P



A man of taste I see.

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some good music choices there lads!! Always forget to pick my headphones up when I go to the gym!


Had a back workout today, was doing lat pull downs and felt a strain on my right wrist down the side, was wierd, but just dropped down 5kg and it wasn't too bad! Maybe just trying to lift too heavy too quick and my forearms ect can't take the weight yet, I dunno!

Finishes off with deadlifts, 3 sets of 65kg (including bar weight) the burn was good, that's 10kg up on the week before, hopefully head towards the 100kg mark before the end of jan!

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Monday night with my mate.




Front squats, back squats, Deads, stiff Deads.


50 minutes with the oly bar / rack.


Boy stood watching us the entire time. Playing on his phone. Waiting for bar.


Mate, honestly, just do something else man. :lol:


Improvise or rearrange your days surely.


Pure needs another rack, I know that time length is maybe selfish but if was 2 people so you can call it 25 mins each really :)


If it wasn't me doing it, someone else would have......


Shite gym etiquette.

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Shite gym etiquette.




Ken, I should have gave it away and let someone else do the exact same.




I offered the boy to work in. As I always do :)

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Snake Plissken

In this case the fault is with the gym.


Is it the one at Ocean T? They've got plenty of space but they squander it with loads of cross-trainers and bikes. Pandering to middle-aged women as always.


My gym is about the third the size but has two racks and three smith machines and as I live next door, I can go at the quietest times. I hope my next one serves me as well as this one has.

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