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Israel and Palestine


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Diadora Van Basten
1 hour ago, Francis Albert said:

Qatar. From where he thanked god for bestowing martyrdom on his three sons. 

This is just something that Palestinian Muslims do and I think it’s a bit lost translation from your view point.


Here a martyr is a person who sacrifices something of great value and especially life itself for the sake of principle. In Palestine, the term shahid for "martyr" is used to mean any person who was killed by an aggressor, whether targeted or untargeted, and regardless of religion.


When something bad happens Muslims say Allhumdolillah, to thank God for the fact that something worse could have happened. It’s just what they are taught to do.

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18 minutes ago, Diadora Van Basten said:

This is just something that Palestinian Muslims do and I think it’s a bit lost translation from your view point.


Here a martyr is a person who sacrifices something of great value and especially life itself for the sake of principle. In Palestine, the term shahid for "martyr" is used to mean any person who was killed by an aggressor, whether targeted or untargeted, and regardless of religion.


When something bad happens Muslims say Allhumdolillah, to thank God for the fact that something worse could have happened. It’s just what they are taught to do.

Are you related in any way to Palestinian or Muslim?

And I am not being wide mate

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Diadora Van Basten
1 hour ago, Jim_Duncan said:

Harakat al-Muqawamah al-Islamiyyah (Hamas) – Proscription extended November 2021

Hamas is a militant Islamist movement that was established in 1987, following the first Palestinian intifada. Its ideology is related to that of the Muslim Brotherhood combined with Palestinian nationalism. Its main aims are to liberate Palestine from Israeli occupation, the establishment of an Islamic state under Sharia law and the destruction of Israel (although Hamas no longer demands the destruction of Israel in its Covenant). The group operates in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Hamas formally established Hamas IDQ in 1992. Hamas IDQ was proscribed by the UK in March 2001. At the time it was HM government’s assessment that there was a sufficient distinction between the so called political and military wings of Hamas, such that they should be treated as different organisations, and that only the military wing was concerned in terrorism. The government now assess that the approach of distinguishing between the various parts of Hamas is artificial. Hamas is a complex but single terrorist organisation.

Hamas commits and participates in terrorism. Hamas has used indiscriminate rocket or mortar attacks, and raids against Israeli targets. During the May 2021 conflict, over 4,000 rockets were fired indiscriminately into Israel. Civilians, including 2 Israeli children, were killed as a result. Palestinian militant groups, including Hamas, frequently use incendiary balloons to launch attacks from Gaza into southern Israel. There was a spate of incendiary balloon attacks from Gaza during June and July 2021, causing fires in communities in southern Israel that resulted in serious damage to property.

Hamas also prepares for acts of terrorism. One incident of preparatory activity is that Hamas recently launched summer camps in Gaza which focus on training groups, including minors, to fight. This is evidence of Hamas being responsible for running terrorist training camps in the region. In a press statement, Hamas described the aim of these camps as to “ignite the embers of Jihad in the liberation generation, cultivate Islamic values and prepare the expected victory army to liberate Palestine”.


From https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/proscribed-terror-groups-or-organisations--2/proscribed-terrorist-groups-or-organisations-accessible-version#:~:text=The group operates in Israel,the UK in March 2001.


Is support for a proscribed terrorist organisation and its leaders not contravening the JKB rules?

I don’t support Hamas but compared the reaction of the Hamas leader who has just had two generations of his family assassinated by Israel to that of the Israeli leader who is trying to provoke and prolong war to save himself from going to jail.


This gave those on the board who support the slaughter of Palestinian civilians including a large percentage of woman and children an opportunity to label me Hamas to try and gain the moral high ground that they lost a long time ago.


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Diadora Van Basten
2 minutes ago, Ked said:

Are you related in any way to Palestinian or Muslim?

And I am not being wide mate


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Diadora Van Basten

Two doctors return from Gaza and tell of the horrors they witnessed.

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13 hours ago, Jim_Duncan said:

There’s not a poster on here that supports Netanyahu’s approach. But it doesn’t matter how many times people qualify their comments; folk who decide that there is a clear, binary ‘good’ and ‘bad’ in every situation only want to see things that way. Hamas are murderers, just like the IDF. It’s not that hard to see if you open your eyes. 

Are you really sure about that ?

Not one who supports the way Netanyahu has done this ?

I’m not so sure.

I agree with the rest of your post incidentally.

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There's a few that refuse to say a bad word about Netanyahu while not giving a toss about the thousands of innocent Palestinians murdered. And, as others have said, this didn't start 6 months ago. The murder and forced removal of Palestinians from their ancestral homes has been going on for decades. 

This is just the worst because Netanyahu has decided to continue killing as many Palestinians as he can before he goes to jail


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Diadora Van Basten
56 minutes ago, Jim_Duncan said:

Well, I'm assuming @JFK-1 got banned, so that would leave no one who is mental enough to agree with Netanyahu. There are posters who understand that Israel needed a heavy response, but I don't think they agree with raining rockets down on wimmin and bairns.

It’s not just raining rockets down with woman and children being accidentally killed. Israel has programmed their Lavender Artificial Intelligence system to have an acceptable civilian kill rate of 20 for a low level Hamas operative and a kill rate of 100 civilians for a brigade commander. The assassinations are designed to take place in their homes so if you live in a flat that a brigade commander lives then Israel has decided blowing up you and your family is acceptable.


Norman Finkelstein who teaches International Law said that if there are 5 people in a room and 2 were combatants and 3 weren’t you would have to make a judgement whether it was acceptable to kill the 3 non combatants to get to the 2 combatants and the judgement would be based on the level of threat that they presented. When the US conducted the operation to kill Osama Bin Laden they calculated that a civilian casualty rate of 20 was acceptable and in the end they killed 8 civilians. Now compare this to Israel’s civilian casualty rates and it’s obvious that they are breaking International humanitarian law and that their allies including the UK are letting them.

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Diadora Van Basten
1 minute ago, Jim_Duncan said:

I’m not quite sure what your reply to me is about, mate. You obviously care passionately about this, but don’t assume just because others aren’t posting lengthy diatribes about evil Israel and praising Hamas leaders that they somehow approve of what’s happening from either side. 

I wasn’t criticising your previous post (although I can understand why you might think I was). I just wanted to highlight some thoughts I had regarding civilian casualties. Apologies for the confusion.

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5 minutes ago, Jim_Duncan said:

If you could point out the posts not caring about innocent people dying, that would be helpful. 

Here's one from a few posts ago. There are loads more and I'm sure you've seen them. Thankfully I have the worst pro-zionist posters on ignore


Presumably they have found bits of them, spread over a wide area.

At least in this case the dead are worthy of this end

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22 hours ago, Jim_Duncan said:

Well, I'm assuming @JFK-1 got banned, so that would leave no one who is mental enough to agree with Netanyahu. There are posters who understand that Israel needed a heavy response, but I don't think they agree with raining rockets down on wimmin and bairns.

It’s the acceptance of the actions of nations attacked. Normal if it’s us, abhorrent if it’s someone else.

Hypocrisy in other words. Did tens of thousands have to die because of 9/11 ?

I think not !

This genocide, because that’s what it is, is no different. 
Some will throw their hands up in horror at this comparison but what’s the difference between this and the the SS mantra of “ kill one of us and we’ll kill a hundred innocents. “


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il Duce McTarkin
9 minutes ago, Jim_Duncan said:

Perhaps controversial, and maybe inaccurate, but the I think through cultural conditioning and experience, it's easier to show greater empathy to those we resemble.


Controversial but not inaccurate.

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48 minutes ago, Boab said:

It’s the acceptance of the actions of nations attacked. Normal if it’s us, abhorrent if it’s someone else.

Hypocrisy in other words. Did tens of thousands have to die because of 9/11 ?

I think not !

This genocide, because that’s what it is, is no different. 
Some will throw their hands up in horror at this comparison but what’s the difference between this and the the SS mantra of “ kill one of us and we’ll kill a hundred innocents. “


Hundreds of thousands .

Other than that .


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il Duce McTarkin
37 minutes ago, Jim_Duncan said:

I sometimes wonder if there are folk in the Middle East tying themselves in knots trying to argue about Kaffliks and Prodeez.


Well if they require putting straight they only need to drop me a line.

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il Duce McTarkin
1 hour ago, Jim_Duncan said:



Great opportunity for a surgical airstrike.

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il Duce McTarkin
1 hour ago, Jim_Duncan said:

Oi! That’s selfless and humble Gerry Adams. 


The sooner he renews his acquaintance with McGuinness the better.



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Confirmed JKB anti-semites.


The official DTD list


1) Diadora

2) XB52

3) Gunnersaurus 

4) Shan dot Liarson 

5) OTT

6) the nats from the independence thread



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12 minutes ago, Footballfirst said:




Was going to say let’s bomb Iran back to the Stone Age but that’s where those dicks reside anyway.


High time the west was smashing the shit out of them.

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il Duce McTarkin
43 minutes ago, Dusk_Till_Dawn said:

Confirmed JKB anti-semites.


The official DTD list


1) Diadora

2) XB52

3) Gunnersaurus 

4) Shan dot Liarson 

5) OTT

6) the nats from the independence thread







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Just now, il Duce McTarkin said:





you’re more stop the boats



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il Duce McTarkin
6 minutes ago, Dusk_Till_Dawn said:

Was going to say let’s bomb Iran back to the Stone Age but that’s where those dicks reside anyway.


High time the west was smashing the shit out of them.





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il Duce McTarkin
6 minutes ago, Dusk_Till_Dawn said:

you’re more stop the boats




Stop every ***t.



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il Duce McTarkin
6 minutes ago, Dusk_Till_Dawn said:

Restart the Crusades imo


They never stopped.



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Diadora Van Basten
Just now, escobri said:



It was always the Neocons plan to go after Iran after they invaded Iraq. Unfortunately they made such a mess of Iraq that the public support wasn’t there to invade Iran until now

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Seen on X that Netanyahu's jet has left Israel. Could be bollocks but reckon he would be first out of there.



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Diadora Van Basten
5 minutes ago, Homme said:



Seen on X that Netanyahu's jet has left Israel. Could be bollocks but reckon he would be first out of there.



Just like Putin when Prizgozin was marching towards Moscow.


All bullies are cowards at heart.

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21 minutes ago, scottishguy said:

Iran have started an attack on Isreal. 



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6 minutes ago, redjambo said:



Over 100 drones and cruise missiles heading for Israel as we speak unfortunately.

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23 minutes ago, ehcaley said:

Can drones and cruise missiles be tracked on Flight radar?

why don't you try and see?

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10 minutes ago, Threedoorsdown said:

Over 100 drones and cruise missiles heading for Israel as we speak unfortunately.

Ffs.  😑

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2 minutes ago, Jim_Duncan said:

This could be a long night.

Quite a scary one e too!

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1 minute ago, Jim_Duncan said:

This could be a long night.


I'd be very surprised if the drones aren't taken out as quickly and completely as possible by the Israelis. They've been preparing themselves for this for a long time and getting frequent practice due to drones and missiles originating in Lebanon. On the other hand, they did manage to drop the ball regarding the Hamas incursion, so practice and real-life action are not necessarily the same thing.

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5 minutes ago, Jim_Duncan said:

This could be a long night.

I wish I had went out on the piss now . I had been invited out . Might be last chance 

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Just now, Jim_Duncan said:

I'm worried redjambo has his SoH activated.


I activate it from time to time just to check that it's still there. I'm not so sure that it is. :D

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Just now, Jim_Duncan said:


I suppose it's all down to how much they feel like escalating this.



Hopefully it’s all “ Théâtre “ 

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Just now, Jim_Duncan said:


I suppose it's all down to how much they feel like escalating this.



Are you suggesting that there is a possibility that they might let some through in order to do so?

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1 minute ago, Jim_Duncan said:

A tin of Kopperberg and the remnants of a bottle of Sauvignon Blanc. That's what I'm seeing out the end of the world with :( 


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1 minute ago, Jim_Duncan said:


There's nothing would surprise me in that neck of the woods. Drop a huge dome over the whole area and let them get on with it.

Great idea 

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1 minute ago, Jim_Duncan said:


I suppose it's all down to how much they feel like escalating this.


Would love to know the thinking behind the embassy attack in Syria. Seemed designed to provoke.




Yup. Normally you do not attack embassies or consulates. They're supposed to enjoy a very large measure of immunity. But was it provocation or "we don't give a feck" recklessness?

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5 minutes ago, Jim_Duncan said:

A tin of Kopperberg and the remnants of a bottle of Sauvignon Blanc. That's what I'm seeing out the end of the world with :( 


Fortunately I've got some of my Arran Quarter Cask left. Cheers!

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7 minutes ago, Jim_Duncan said:


I suppose it's all down to how much they feel like escalating this.


Would love to know the thinking behind the embassy attack in Syria. Seemed designed to provoke.



It was clearly to escalate to keep the US involved.


They were losing broad support, but most importantly - their sugar daddy support.



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Just now, Lovecraft said:

It was clearly to escalate to keep the US involved.


They were losing broad support, but most importantly - their sugar daddy support.



That and element of the mentality of wee guy that has a hard big brother so thinks they can mess anyone around based on him. 

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1 minute ago, Tazio said:

That and element of the mentality of wee guy that has a hard big brother so thinks they can mess anyone around based on him. 



If your dickhead mate starts a fight, you will still step in for him - even if it's just to back him up.


I say bomb them all back into the dark ages..... which to be fair, most of them wouldn't notice.



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I haven't been out of my home town for a few months now. Over that period, I've had to cancel two trips at short notice due to Covid and then because of an injury. I'm booked on tomorrow's bus out of here for a few days away. If I am indeed part of a Truman Show type scenario then I can't help but feel that they're just taking the piss with this one. :D

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