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UK General Election, July 4th - How will you vote?


UK General Election 2024, July 4th  

419 members have voted

  1. 1. How do you intend to vote on July 4th?

    • Conservative
    • Labour
    • Scottish National Party
    • Liberal Democrat
    • DUP (NI)
    • Sinn Féin (NI)
    • Plaid Cymru (Wales)
    • SDLP (NI)
    • Alba
    • Green
    • Alliance (NI)
    • Workers Party
    • Reform UK
    • Independent/Other
    • Ulster Unionist (NI)
    • TUV (NI)
    • Undecided
    • Will not vote
    • Not eligible to vote

This poll is closed to new votes

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The Westminster general election has been called for July 4th.  With six weeks to go there's plenty of time for campaigning and changes of mind, but here's a poll to get some idea of how the denizens of the Shed plan to vote.  


The poll is not public.


There are a whopping 19 options, which should just about cover any of the significant choices, whether you're voting in Scotland, NI, Wales or England.  16 of the options cover the various groups who are expected to field candidates.  Some groups/parties only campaign in Wales or in NI, and they're labelled in brackets.  The other three options are undecided, not voting, and not eligible.


There are already threads for how much we hate the major political groups, but if you feel like posting to say why you're planning to vote the way you are, the thread's all yours.

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1 minute ago, Dusk_Till_Dawn said:



Did I miss another poll?  :ninja: 

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Keep it all together bro, can’t have two different threads 

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Was undecided between Labour and a tactical vote for SNP to aid Conservatives not winning the seat for Labour to win it.  It will be a Labour vote.  

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Joanna Cherry 

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2 minutes ago, Norm said:

How will I vote?




Indeed.  Sometimes it's a case of voting for the lizards in case the wrong lizards get in.


I'm not eligible, but very interested all the same.

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The Mighty Thor

I'd rather shite in my hands and clap than vote for that wee smarmy Blairite wank, Douglas Alexander in East Lothian. 


SNP it is. 

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Posted (edited)

Scottish Labour are slimy arseholes.

All the other opposition parties in Scotland aren't worth thinking about.

SNP again for me.


However, I'm getting to the stage where I'm wishing their was a credible alternative up here.



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1 minute ago, Cade said:

Scottish Labour are slimy arseholes.

All the other opposition parties in Scotland aren't worth thinking about.

SNP again for me.


However, I'm getting to the stage where I'm wishing their was a credible alternative up here.




It's a national election so you don't need to vote for any regional sub-party.  If you want to get rid of one party then there has to be an alternative vote.  


(Someone will go on about Scottish seats not deciding national elections but it doesn't mean it couldn't hinge on a small number of seats,  no matter where they are)

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Malinga the Swinga

Whoever in my constituency that has best hance of defeating SNP.

Will most likely be Labour although Tory 2nd last time. 

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All roads lead to Gorgie

Most probably Labour, not because I am overly impressed by their leader but the Tory Government needs emptied. The SNP have to get their shit together before I will give them my vote again.  

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Posted (edited)

Lib Dems to keep out the SNP in Edinburgh West. 👍

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Roxy Hearts
8 minutes ago, frankblack said:

Lib Dems to keep out the SNP in Edinburgh West. 👍

SNP for me fb. Hate Jardine!

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Once Scotland gets independence, then I'll consider voting for the non-tory arm of Labour. 

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2 minutes ago, hughesie27 said:

Once Scotland gets independence, then I'll consider voting for the non-tory arm of Labour. 

Same. SNP are a means to an end

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Diadora Van Basten
38 minutes ago, Malinga the Swinga said:

Whoever in my constituency that has best hance of defeating SNP.

Will most likely be Labour although Tory 2nd last time. 

Thought you’d be voting for the Likud party.

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Toxteth O'Grady

No option for me in the poll.


i will spoil my paper with “None of these” 

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SNP. Not that I'm particularly enamoured with them at the moment but there's no real alternative while Labour continue to be staunchly anti-indy. 

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Not one party worth voting for this time. 

I’m sure if they put ‘None of the above’ on the voting slip that option would win by a landslide.

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Be great to see the 2 Alba turncoats booted out

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Malinga the Swinga
17 minutes ago, Diadora Van Basten said:

Thought you’d be voting for the Likud party.

Well you thought wrong.

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Labour for me and hopefully the start of Labour north  and south of the border and we can finally put independence out of its misery.

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Lord Montpelier

In a break of my tradition, Labour. But await to see the detail behind their policies and stance on certain social issues. Failing that, could well spoil the ballot

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I P Knightley



In my constituency, that means a Labour vote. 


I can stomach that. Our MP's a decent enough chap and, as I've written elsewhere, a boring, mundane and vaguely competent PM will be a refreshing change from the shitshow of the last 14 years. 

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The Real Maroonblood
Just now, Eddiepolio3 said:

Labour for me and hopefully the start of Labour north  and south of the border and we can finally put independence out of its misery.

Hopefully not.

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John Findlay
1 hour ago, Ulysses said:

The Westminster general election has been called for July 4th.  With six weeks to go there's plenty of time for campaigning and changes of mind, but here's a poll to get some idea of how the denizens of the Shed plan to vote.  


The poll is not public.


There are a whopping 19 options, which should just about cover any of the significant choices, whether you're voting in Scotland, NI, Wales or England.  16 of the options cover the various groups who are expected to field candidates.  Some groups/parties only campaign in Wales or in NI, and they're labelled in brackets.  The other three options are undecided, not voting, and not eligible.


There are already threads for how much we hate the major political groups, but if you feel like posting to say why you're planning to vote the way you are, the thread's all yours.

You should have a spoil your ballot paper option.

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Spoiled ballot and I'll wait for a party that aligns with my views that also supports independence.

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Labour for me. Not because I particularly want to but best of a bad, bad bunch.

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I might vote but certainly not for any of the known parties that sit in WM or HR. 

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20 minutes ago, Lord Montpelier said:

In a break of my tradition, Labour. But await to see the detail behind their policies and stance on certain social issues. Failing that, could well spoil the ballot

Yes I do wonder what labours policies will be on “ social issues “ ! 

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Want to vote SNP as I think independence is our best way forward.

But as a conservative might vote Labour as I'm sick of living in a thiefdom.

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Ray Gin

SNP romped the seat for my area last time with Labour miles behind the Tory candidate in third, so I'll probably vote SNP as the likeliest option to keep the Tories out. 

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2 hours ago, The Mighty Thor said:

I'd rather shite in my hands and clap than vote for that wee smarmy Blairite wank, Douglas Alexander in East Lothian. 


SNP it is. 



He's horrible. The careerists already flocking back to a right-wing Labour now that power beckons.

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Seymour M Hersh

Probably drive me and the wife to the polling station. 

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Posted (edited)

Still holding on for dear life to the last threads of possible independence so probably SNP. I’m not a huge fan of their record in government but they could have a say in who governs at Westminster. Any cooperation or deal MUST include a referendum obviously 


if not for the independence issue I’d probably vote Tory. Just feel they can be trusted with the big items a bit more.

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Byyy The Light
1 hour ago, All roads lead to Gorgie said:

Most probably Labour, not because I am overly impressed by their leader but the Tory Government needs emptied. The SNP have to get their shit together before I will give them my vote again.  

Saved me typing. Exact same boat here.

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Thankfully I’ll be on holiday so will give it a miss. 

good to see those high moral types sticking with the snp. :rofl:

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4 minutes ago, Dazo said:

Thankfully I’ll be on holiday so will give it a miss. 

good to see those high moral types sticking with the snp. :rofl:


Tears and snotters.



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1 hour ago, Roxy Hearts said:

SNP for me fb. Hate Jardine!

Christine carried out some excellent work for me, as one of her constituents. A terrific MP. Has served her constituency very well indeed. I'm sure Edinburgh West will rightly reward Christine's determination and hard work ethos, by voting her back in with a decisive majority. They would be foolish not to. 

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2 hours ago, The Mighty Thor said:

I'd rather shite in my hands and clap than vote for that wee smarmy Blairite wank, Douglas Alexander in East Lothian. 


SNP it is. 

I will vote Douglas we can cancel each other out 👍

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Posted (edited)

Only 2 possible contenders for me,  SNP need to regroup and rebuild, probably reluctantly back to  Labour this time 

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