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Mr Romanov Saviour of HMFC

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Had a docs appointment yesterday because I've been having pain in behind my knees & they've been swollen after playing football. Been given anti-inflammatories (a months worth!) to take & I've not to do any impact related exercise with my legs for a week. Went into the gym yesterday to do a small leg sesh to see how I felt, couldn't squat 80kg, whereas I can usually squat 115kg for 6. Jumped on the legs press & could only do 250kg, whereas I can normally do 370kg.




Leg day ruined for 2 weeks.



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My name is djf and i'm a BB drag curl-aholic. Why these give you such a better pump than standard barbell curls I don't know but i'm addicted. Chuck them into your bi's day if you haven't tried them before and see how you get on.

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My marathon row is on Sunday. 42000m on a ******* row machine. Got a couple films to watch and theres 30 other people doing it as well so should be ok. Maybe.


Pray for me braaaahssss

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The People's Chimp

My marathon row is on Sunday. 42000m on a ******* row machine. Got a couple films to watch and theres 30 other people doing it as well so should be ok. Maybe.


Pray for me braaaahssss


Sorry m8 but no fap.

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My marathon row is on Sunday. 42000m on a ******* row machine. Got a couple films to watch and theres 30 other people doing it as well so should be ok. Maybe.


Pray for me braaaahssss


You'll have to pee at least once. Make sure no-on else gets on the machine when you do!

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Snake Plissken

You'll have to pee at least once. Make sure no-on else gets on the machine when you do!


At least.


When I ran the DMZ marathon in 2012, I had to stop for a shite at around the 14 mile mark.


It was a squatter toilet :muggy: try running 14 miles and then squatting for ten minutes while your intestines try to make their way out of your arse.




The horror!


The horror!

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Guest C00l K1d

Had two wanks and still benched 120kg.


Myth busting fact.

All my mates who are into their weight lifting are shaggers so i think the trick is to actually pump more birsds

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All my mates who are into their weight lifting are shaggers so i think the trick is to actually pump more birsds


This post is proof that..



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Juan Rom?n Riquelme

What are good exercises to build up the strength in your knees?


I damaged the ligaments in my left knee playing football last year and am back playing now but still get quite a bit of pain in it the day after I exercise.

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What are good exercises to build up the strength in your knees?


I damaged the ligaments in my left knee playing football last year and am back playing now but still get quite a bit of pain in it the day after I exercise.


Pretty sure most leg machines at the gym would help with knee strength in one way or the other. Lunges with dumbbells could be a shout.

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Completed my marathon row for charity in three hours and five minutes. Rowed 42,195m at an average pace of 2:09 per 500m.


Im ******* dying now tho. So tiring.


Cant wait to smash some junk food tonight.

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Completed my marathon row for charity in three hours and five minutes. Rowed 42,195m at an average pace of 2:09 per 500m.


Im ******* dying now tho. So tiring.


Cant wait to smash some junk food tonight.


Well done.


Was struggling after my Xmas break but I'm down to 7.24 for the 2km, 7 secs off my PB.


Unfortunately had to stop after feeling a tweak in my back when squatting. It's just a bit tight just now. You know that winded feeling you get when you take a breath. That.


I've been trying to go deeper to get my form better.


Hopefully it won't tighten up more and I'll only need a day or two off.

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Completed my marathon row for charity in three hours and five minutes. Rowed 42,195m at an average pace of 2:09 per 500m.


Im ******* dying now tho. So tiring.


Cant wait to smash some junk food tonight.


Congratulations. Doubt I could go through that.

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What are good exercises to build up the strength in your knees?


I damaged the ligaments in my left knee playing football last year and am back playing now but still get quite a bit of pain in it the day after I exercise.


Have had knee issues for years even although i am mid 20s, to the point i was advised to either get surgery or strengthen the musculature around my knees.


I do squats as a general lower body exercise but to work my knees specifically i do lunges, bulgarian split squats and also step up onto an aerobic box/step whilst holding a couple of dummbbells - this forces you to stabilise from the ankle and knee upwards. In terms of building muscle to support the knees, leg extension machine has been the best for me, specifically doing them one leg at a time. I go for 12-15 reps for the purpose of building muscle size as well as strength, as the size also helps absorb impact from tackles, jumps etc. If you do a lot of quad-dominant work though remember and work your hamstrings equally, otherwise the imbalance will increase the chances of a pulled hamstring. Nobody wants that, an awful pain believe me! Best things for hamstrings IMO are romainian (stiff-leg) deadlifts as these also require stabilisation at the knee.


I havn't required any surgery so hopefully similar exercises can help with your knee as well mate

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I think if you have a previous injury then having a physio or experienced instructor watching you the first few times would be better.


There 'a a lot if knowledgeable people on this thread but it's not a substitute for someone correcting your form as you're doing the exercise.

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Snake Plissken

I had my body fat percentage taken on Friday and I'm sitting at 11.2% - I know the method used won't deliver exact results but as a general idea, it's not bad. I've been cutting since the first of the month (I was about 13-14% at the end of the last bulk) so I'd say it's going pretty well.


I'm switching to a full-body routine four times a week, all the major compounds at reasonable but not overly heavy weights. I think another 2-3 weeks of cutting should be sufficient.

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Juan Rom?n Riquelme

Have had knee issues for years even although i am mid 20s, to the point i was advised to either get surgery or strengthen the musculature around my knees.


I do squats as a general lower body exercise but to work my knees specifically i do lunges, bulgarian split squats and also step up onto an aerobic box/step whilst holding a couple of dummbbells - this forces you to stabilise from the ankle and knee upwards. In terms of building muscle to support the knees, leg extension machine has been the best for me, specifically doing them one leg at a time. I go for 12-15 reps for the purpose of building muscle size as well as strength, as the size also helps absorb impact from tackles, jumps etc. If you do a lot of quad-dominant work though remember and work your hamstrings equally, otherwise the imbalance will increase the chances of a pulled hamstring. Nobody wants that, an awful pain believe me! Best things for hamstrings IMO are romainian (stiff-leg) deadlifts as these also require stabilisation at the knee.


I havn't required any surgery so hopefully similar exercises can help with your knee as well mate


Smashing mate. Will definitely give some of these a try.

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Struggling big style with my squats.


I used to just go half way down, but realised I'd be better off trying to correct my form.


Turns out due to injuries and previous bad form, I can't squat at all without lifting my heels and rocking on to my toes. If I ever want to lift heavy this is a no-no, so I've gone back to absolutely no weight and I'm just squatting with my arms in front of me for balance.


I stuck a couple of 2.5kg plates under my heels to begin with, I can now get all the way down with just one under each foot instead of two, and hopefully I'll get rid of that soon and be able to squat normally, pushing through my heels.


Once I've mastered that I'll start introducing some weight again.


Frustrating but the right thing to do in the long run! Going to google some ankle flexibility exercises as well as I think that will help.

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Get some lifting shoes? Much better for heavy squats.


Also, for ankle flexibility try to lean how to pistol squat. Takes a bit of practise but really warms up your ankles. You can also practice it in the house if you feel like a loony doing it in the gym.

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About five minutes. Im pretty flexible (oiii oiii) and have far bigger legs than my upper body due to doing nothing but cycling when I was growing up.


Just practice it lots. Use a doorframe to help you and you'll eventually get it. Only when you start doing stuff like that you'll realise how inflexible you are! Good luck

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Bit of a strange one...for the last week or so I have had a twitch/pulsing in my right shoulder, comes and goes throughout the day. It's not sore but pretty annoying when I am at my desk or trying to fall asleep.


Have been lifting heavier the last month or so and wondered if I have maybe over stretched it?


Anyone ever experienced this/know a remedy?

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Struggling big style with my squats.


I used to just go half way down, but realised I'd be better off trying to correct my form.


Turns out due to injuries and previous bad form, I can't squat at all without lifting my heels and rocking on to my toes. If I ever want to lift heavy this is a no-no, so I've gone back to absolutely no weight and I'm just squatting with my arms in front of me for balance.


I stuck a couple of 2.5kg plates under my heels to begin with, I can now get all the way down with just one under each foot instead of two, and hopefully I'll get rid of that soon and be able to squat normally, pushing through my heels.


Once I've mastered that I'll start introducing some weight again.


Frustrating but the right thing to do in the long run! Going to google some ankle flexibility exercises as well as I think that will help.


Get 2 5kg plates & place them shoulder-width apart. Once you've lifted the bar, place your heels on the places, creating exactly what a pair of lifting shoes would do. It'll easily add 10-15kg to your lifts. Plus, no rocking.


Edit - Just realised that's exactly what you said... Arsehole. Try a wider stance. it may also help

Edited by mcdougg
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Feeling quite strong just now on this mini bulk.


100kg bench has never felt so light.


Was moving it about at ease today.




Good going mate. pretty decent form as well! Back arching a little on the last rep but that tends to happen when you are pushing the last rep or so out!

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Good going mate. pretty decent form as well! Back arching a little on the last rep but that tends to happen when you are pushing the last rep or so out!


Yeah it got a bit messy on the 6th rep. :lol:


I don't like benches at pure. The gap so the seat can rise is so annoying when your using it flat.

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Anyone else suffer from tight hamstrings? I play 5s as well which aggravates them a fair bit. Any suggestions?


Do you stretch afterwards? That's supposed to help.

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The People's Chimp

It's right in behind my knee, right up the back of the thigh. Niggling, wiry pain that's almost like a tickle, but a really shit internal tickle.



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Mr Brightside

Anyone else suffer from tight hamstrings? I play 5s as well which aggravates them a fair bit. Any suggestions?

Get a foam roller but make sure you do your calves, IT band and quads as well as you hammies.


You can get a decent foam roller on amazon for ?20

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Found this video useful.


As well as spraining both ankles in the past, I think all the swimming I've done hasn't helped, as the front crawl kick position gives you a naturally pointed toe and when I tumble-turn I always push off the side of the pool with my toes, doing a kind of calf raise off the wall rather than a squat... which is the correct thing to do but counter-productive in terms of squatting.

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The People's Chimp

Boy in the gym last night, placed was stowed, walks over to a rack, takes bar off and lays it down, then proceeds to use the grips at the top of the rack for chin ups. Then sits down in the rack, texts and rests. Meanwhile every actual chin/pull station was free - there were about 5 other places he could have done it, and he's hogging the rack. Total welt.



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Snake Plissken

Boy in the gym last night, placed was stowed, walks over to a rack, takes bar off and lays it down, then proceeds to use the grips at the top of the rack for chin ups. Then sits down in the rack, texts and rests. Meanwhile every actual chin/pull station was free - there were about 5 other places he could have done it, and he's hogging the rack. Total welt.




I hate people bringing their phones onto the gym floor with them, they always end up hogging a machine or bench for three times as long just because they can't leave the bloody thing in a locker for an hour.


A few weeks ago I recall some boy was hovering by the bench I was using, playing with his phone. When I vacated said bench a few minutes later, he jumped on it. I went through the rest of my workout, a good 30/40 minutes, and when I was leaving he was still there. I doubt he did four sets in the whole time it took me to finish my entire routine.


Just say no kids.

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The only reason I take my phone with me to train is because my music is on there. I do my best not to text while training, but if I receive a text from a burd, it's getting replied to :lol:


I witnessed a guy the other week on the cross trainer have a full 40 minute conversation with someone on his phone - through his earphones. It's not the first time I've seen him do it either. If you need motivation to get you through your session, get a gym buddy.

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Generic Username

Was on the treadmill last night, gunning it. Looked over to my right, about 3 treadmills along is a dame with the machine on a walking pace with her phone out texting.


She was still there when I left about 40 minutes later.


What's the actual point in her being there?


"At the gym lol :-) totes on a tredmill!!"

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Was on the treadmill last night, gunning it. Looked over to my right, about 3 treadmills along is a dame with the machine on a walking pace with her phone out texting.


She was still there when I left about 40 minutes later.


What's the actual point in her being there?


"At the gym lol :-) totes on a tredmill!!"

Saw a girl taking 'selfies' on the cycling machine Selfie-GIF.gif
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The roof has been damaged on my gym. I'm utterly at a loss as to what to do. Not open till Tuesday.


Just been gunning the bodyweight exercises in the house. Anybody got any good bodyweight routines?

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Konrad von Carstein

The roof has been damaged on my gym. I'm utterly at a loss as to what to do. Not open till Tuesday.


Just been gunning the bodyweight exercises in the house. Anybody got any good bodyweight routines?


20 push ups

20 sit ups (crunches)

20 squats

20 lunges (10/each leg)

30 jumping jacks

60 s wall sit


x 3

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Snake Plissken

The roof has been damaged on my gym. I'm utterly at a loss as to what to do. Not open till Tuesday.


Just been gunning the bodyweight exercises in the house. Anybody got any good bodyweight routines?


Try ladders, you can do these for things like squats and push-ups, let's use the latter for example:


Do one push-up with strict form and hold it at the bottom of the movement for a count of five, then complete two reps and hold for another five count. Repeat this while increasing the reps by one each time all the way through to ten. Then do nine reps, then eight and so on. Get as far as you can without breaking position, if you can do the whole thing with push-ups, you're doing very well indeed.

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