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Mr Romanov Saviour of HMFC

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Glib responses aside, I sometimes add a little sriracha or tabasco sauce.


Very good haha should have seen a response like that coming. I'm in the situation where I'm trying to put on a bit of weight but I can't for the life of me eat tuna and I am not the biggest fan of eggs. Trying find a recipe or two to help.

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Snake Plissken

Very good haha should have seen a response like that coming. I'm in the situation where I'm trying to put on a bit of weight but I can't for the life of me eat tuna and I am not the biggest fan of eggs. Trying find a recipe or two to help.


So you're looking for protein sources?


Sources of protein include: salmon, chicken, turkey, beans, nuts, yogurt, cheese, pork etc


If you really can't take to tuna or eggs, don't force yourself, there are plenty of other options out there. Putting on weight is more than just taking in protein, you need to be taking in more calories than you are burning off. The first stage is working out what those needs are, the next part is calculating your macro-nutrients (protein, fat and carbohydrates) keep an eye on your micro-nutrients (vitamins and minerals) and you're set.


There's a few really good posts about that sort of stuff a few pages back. As a general rule of thumb, there's nothing you should consider off-limits but there are some things that will use up your macros quicker than others. I'd moderate things high in sugar and salt (get into the habit of checking labels).


Personally, I just throw some hot sauce into some chicken breast along with some vegetables and rice or quinoa. There's also a cracking wee place up the road from me which does a dish called duruchigi, it's basically strips of pork in a spicy sauce served with vegetables. A fine post workout feed.

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Billy Dynamite

I just boil my eggs never tire of them. Have 3 large with approximately 130g mackerel, 2 slices multi grain bread and lettuce, tomato each day.

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Billy Dynamite

I just boil my eggs never tire of them. Have 3 large with approximately 130g mackerel, 2 slices multi grain bread and lettuce, tomato each day.

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The People's Chimp

Leg day done for the week. Bring on the pain til Wednesday.



How does everyone eat their scrambled eggs? Need some ideas.


Scrambled eggs are howling. Omelettes/Frittatas are the bomb, so my idea would be "sack the scrambled eggs."

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So you're looking for protein sources?


Sources of protein include: salmon, chicken, turkey, beans, nuts, yogurt, cheese, pork etc


If you really can't take to tuna or eggs, don't force yourself, there are plenty of other options out there. Putting on weight is more than just taking in protein, you need to be taking in more calories than you are burning off. The first stage is working out what those needs are, the next part is calculating your macro-nutrients (protein, fat and carbohydrates) keep an eye on your micro-nutrients (vitamins and minerals) and you're set.


There's a few really good posts about that sort of stuff a few pages back. As a general rule of thumb, there's nothing you should consider off-limits but there are some things that will use up your macros quicker than others. I'd moderate things high in sugar and salt (get into the habit of checking labels).


Personally, I just throw some hot sauce into some chicken breast along with some vegetables and rice or quinoa. There's also a cracking wee place up the road from me which does a dish called duruchigi, it's basically strips of pork in a spicy sauce served with vegetables. A fine post workout feed.


I'm just looking for some new ideas. The usual chicken meals are getting boring and I fancy a change. Also been struggling to put on weight so I value any tips.



Edited by Jeffosphere
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The People's Chimp

Try mixing up some decent omelette recipes? Ricotta is a good protein source as well, and works well on a fritata with some chopped tomatoes. I like to go for a few chillies and some vegetables, like spring onions, red pepper etc, then I throw in some ham, then the eggs (make sure you've whisked them, seasoned them as well), keep agitating the eggs, once they start to set, then I put it under the grill, and then when it's almost done, throw on the chopped tomatoes and then the ricotta. You can vary this as much as you want - broccoli goes well in a fritata, as does spinach, sweet potato, courgette.

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Why are you so determined to eat eggs if you don't like them?


I wouldn't say I hated them. I'd just rather I had a more tastier egg meal than just regular scrambled.

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I think I may have dramatically increased the ageing process tonight.


Back Squat x 20 @ 90kg


6 kettlebell split squat per leg x 4 @ 40kg


12 Back extension x 4


Felt it literally 10 minutes after I'd finished and its got worse all night. Spent about 30 minutes afterwards foam rolling which has helped massively.


I'll never understand anyone that doesn't warm down. How the hell can they function the next day? Or am I just old.....

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Creepy Lurker

Still no sign of a video, but did get some (fairly poor quality) pictures:






My personal favourite:


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Snake Plissken

Bench plateau.


Help a brother out!


You could go for lower rep sets, shoot for 3-5 reps at a really heavy weight for 5 sets and build from there, once you master 5x5 add 2.5kg and go for it again.


Negatives can also be pretty useful, lowering a weight slightly heavier than you can lift (with a spotter of course).


I'm trying to break into three-digit territory. I cracked 100kg as a 1RM but I struggle to piece many reps together at anything north of 80. I spent a couple of months doing 5 x 5, starting at 80kg and working up, progress was slow but I can bang out a few reps at 90kg now which is a start.

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Billy Dynamite

As above 5x5 is seen as a good way to increase strength. Can also include 2 forced reps with a spotter at the end of your last sets. Chances are your probably over thinking it I know most people use it as a bench mark for strength but would be more concerned if I wasn't progressing with squats.

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BigC, I'm neither cutting or bulking to be honest.


Sort of in that no mans land territory. I was bulking but since I stopped and reduced calories, my strength has dropped a little.


Snake, negatives hurt me like feck! Proper feel it on my shoulders. (Reason I don't do dips). Maybe I'm doing them too slow when I do? I always tried to do the negative as long as physically possible.


I got up to 120kg for 2 and a wee spot at 125 for 1.


But I've not managed to keep it. 115kg is my 1rm again. Annoying the tits off me.

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Snake Plissken

I was thinking around 3-5 seconds, about the length of a long inhale and then a forced rep up.


There's also the issue of secondary muscles - are your triceps or anterior delts letting you down? I know my deadlifts are held back by my forearms for example.

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I was thinking around 3-5 seconds, about the length of a long inhale and then a forced rep up.


There's also the issue of secondary muscles - are your triceps or anterior delts letting you down? I know my deadlifts are held back by my forearms for example.


Good shout.


For a while now the majority of my tricep work has been done using cables.


Skulls and dips kill me these days.


Ridiculously annoying as they're the staple of a tricep workout IMO.


Could well be the culprit. Might need to start them again and man up. Albeit starting very light.



Edited by Sten Guns
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Snake Plissken

Try some close-grip bench presses with an EZ bar, that's a staple of my workouts. My gym's equipped with some pretty heavy ones so I've been making use of them, I do it with a French grip.

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Try some close-grip bench presses with an EZ bar, that's a staple of my workouts. My gym's equipped with some pretty heavy ones so I've been making use of them, I do it with a French grip.


Been doing that on and off. Although with the Olympic bar. Still feel the pecs coming in to play. Just doesn't isolate them as much. Don't get me wrong though, defo feel it on the tri's!


Will see how the return to skulls and dips goes :lol:


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Billy Dynamite

If you're finding skulls and dips tough then all the more reason to do it. Overhead 2 handed dumbell tri extension (bit of a mouthful) is a good strength builder as well.

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If you're finding skulls and dips tough then all the more reason to do it. Overhead 2 handed dumbell tri extension (bit of a mouthful) is a good strength builder as well.


It's not a good tough mate!


It's the bad tough.



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Legs today. Still got ongoing lower back and hip pain so still can't go heavy. To be honest I'm enjoying the volume and lighter weight just now.


10 x 10 back squats


60kg, 70kg, 80kg, 90kg, 100kg, 110kg


90kg, 80kg, 70kg, 60kg



5 x Front squats (until failure)


50kg, 60kg, 70kg, 80kg, 50kg



6 sets of Deads


Starting at 10 reps, working down as I increased the weight.


100kg, 110kg, 120kg, 130kg, 140kg, 150kg.



4 sets of Stiff Leg Deads. 15 reps


60kg, 70kg, 80kg, 60kg



Then on to the machines. All high rep. (15-20)


Leg Press / superset to calf press.

Leg extensions.

Hamstring Leg curl thingy




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Snake Plissken

That's some volume of training there, Sten.


How long did it take you to do all that?


I didn't finish up in the gym until 23:40 last night, I went much later than usual and it was mobbed even at that time. I was on back, I include deads in my back workout, I'm still plagued by grip issues but the weight is getting better and I'm slowly getting towards something resembling respectable.


Pull-ups (wide-grip) 10 slow reps

chin-ups (supinated grip) w/10kg added - 3 x 4-6 reps




120 x 8, 120 x 8, 130 x 8, 100 x 12


T-bar rows


82.5 x 8, 82.5 x 8, 80 x 10


Lat pull-down


60 x 12, 65 x 12, 70 x 12 (drop set with 55 x 12, 40 x 10 and 30 x 20)


Dumbbell pull-overs


26 x 12, 31 x 12, 34 x 12



I was in with the bursd, she comes along with me a couple of times a week, she's right into her pole dancing and yoga so lifting with me helps her with those. She's up to 72.5 kg on deadlifts now, heavier than quite a few of the men who use the same gym :lol:

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Sounds like a good back sesh.


A misses who Deads. :wub:


That leg session took 1 hour 20. (Was training with a mate)



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Creepy Lurker

Miss lifting :sob:


Second interclub tomorrow, so pending how that goes will either be back lifting by next week or stepping up the Muay Thai in am effort to get matched. I'm down 3.4kg from when I started my cut but feel like I've visibly lost muscle now.

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Miss lifting :sob:


Second interclub tomorrow, so pending how that goes will either be back lifting by next week or stepping up the Muay Thai in am effort to get matched. I'm down 3.4kg from when I started my cut but feel like I've visibly lost muscle now.


Sounds like me every single time I cut.



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Guest GhostHunter

Miss lifting :sob:


Second interclub tomorrow, so pending how that goes will either be back lifting by next week or stepping up the Muay Thai in am effort to get matched. I'm down 3.4kg from when I started my cut but feel like I've visibly lost muscle now.


Again, good luck.


Just beat him to death with those calves.




PS - I'm going through some severe unmotivated times just now - the early starts I can deal with, but the new gym's lockers and showers suck ass - it means I can't hang a shirt anywhere for going straight to work.


Lousy, scratch that, doofus reason - but it really grinds ma OCD.

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I'm struggling to get any cardio done just now and I'll miss the odd session over the next few days due to Xmas Party season.


When I get to the gym I just can't be arsed with cardio so I just lift.


Going to do what I usually do when I get bored and have a swim tonight. Aiming to absolutely go at it for 40 lengths to get a cardio burst that way.

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The People's Chimp

Got a slight bug and shattered right now. Got to the Gym, went to do a km or 2 run, ran for about 2 minutes then thought **** this. :lol: Would have been better going to my bed.

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Scotsman gym:


I'm thinking of joining here on a deal as have just left macdonald gym at holyrood.


Is anyone a member here? Any feedback? What are usual prices?


Ta in advance

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