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Is there anything in politics more shit than the Labour Party?


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Too late to change candidates with the byelection on 29th Feb. How will the Labour party handle this now?



Breaking: Labour withdraw support for Ali in Rochdale Azhar Ali is understood to be suspended from the Labour party pending investigation. A Labour party spokesperson said: “Following new information about further comments made by Azhar Ali coming to light today, the Labour party has withdrawn its support for Azhar Ali as our candidate in the Rochdale by-election. “Keir Starmer has changed Labour so that it is unrecognisible from the party of 2019. “We understand that these are highly unusual circumstances but it is vital that any candidate put forward by Labour fully represents its aims and values. “Given that nominations have now closed Azhar Ali cannot be replaced as the candidate.”

Edited by Footballfirst
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Malinga the Swinga
On 08/02/2024 at 17:59, Lovecraft said:

Is there anything in politics more shit than the Labour Party?






Think it is safe to say the Scottish National Party are significantly shitter than Labour. In fact, the only party to run them close are the Greens.

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17 minutes ago, Footballfirst said:

Too late to change candidates with the byelection on 29th Feb. How will the Labour party handle this now?



Breaking: Labour withdraw support for Ali in Rochdale Azhar Ali is understood to be suspended from the Labour party pending investigation. A Labour party spokesperson said: “Following new information about further comments made by Azhar Ali coming to light today, the Labour party has withdrawn its support for Azhar Ali as our candidate in the Rochdale by-election. “Keir Starmer has changed Labour so that it is unrecognisible from the party of 2019. “We understand that these are highly unusual circumstances but it is vital that any candidate put forward by Labour fully represents its aims and values. “Given that nominations have now closed Azhar Ali cannot be replaced as the candidate.”




Told yiz.

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4 minutes ago, Ulysses said:




Told yiz.

Labour voters could always switch to George Galloway. :whistling:

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The Mighty Thor
13 hours ago, Ulysses said:




Told yiz.

The first cracks starting to appear. Self inflicted ones too.


Keith is facing a bit of a battle to try to maintain his 'one Labour' unity schtick when the majority of the policies (or indications of policies) are so far removed from the traditional Labour movement it's frightening. 


This is all before the Tory MSM set about him. 



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The Mighty Thor

Second prospective candidate suspended for comments at the same meeting. 


Keith's arse will be twitching as its all starting to go sideways.

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The Real Maroonblood
10 minutes ago, The Mighty Thor said:

Second prospective candidate suspended for comments at the same meeting. 


Keith's arse will be twitching as its all starting to go sideways.


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10 minutes ago, The Mighty Thor said:

Second prospective candidate suspended for comments at the same meeting. 


Keith's arse will be twitching as its all starting to go sideways.

I saw on the news that the two women who were wearing paragliding signs at a pro Palestinian rally were found guilty  of terror offenses.

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2 hours ago, The Mighty Thor said:


Sphincters starting to tighten at Labour HQ?

Labour trying to out tory the tories might just be starting to backfire on them. If you believe in right wing politics you might as well vote for the tories, not the kiddy on ones. 

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i wish jj was my dad
3 hours ago, Gundermann said:


Scotland is doing too much to help the poor. We should be more Tory, says the Branch Office chief in the North.




TBF the difference between the headline and what he said would do the Daily Mail proud

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Malinga the Swinga
3 hours ago, Gundermann said:


Scotland is doing too much to help the poor. We should be more Tory, says the Branch Office chief in the North.




For the majority of people, with what's happening to them and their family is their No1 priority. That means jobs, economy and health .Social justice, whatever that really means, is further down the list. 

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1 hour ago, Malinga the Swinga said:

For the majority of people, with what's happening to them and their family is their No1 priority. That means jobs, economy and health .Social justice, whatever that really means, is further down the list. 



I'd say that if you live in a society where unemployment is fairly low and that most of our social security goes to those in jobs - the working poor - while the NHS needs more investment then it's right to put social justice first. The rich are doing fine - and increased their wealth during and after Covid. We're paying higher fuel bills but the companies are making good profits.


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The Mighty Thor
38 minutes ago, Mikey1874 said:

Bigger problems for the Tories than individual poll results




That cannae be right? Soft lad was telling me just last week that Farmers were loving the Brexit deal and no hormone beef imports from Canada or some other such wibble. 

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1 hour ago, i wish jj was my dad said:

TBF the difference between the headline and what he said would do the Daily Mail proud


Not really though as with Labour, it's all a bit forked tongue and you'll be hard pushed to pin them down to promising/ delivering something. Social policy included mitigating Westminster legislation on the bedroom tax and benefits. Would Labour actually scrap it? We don't know. Ditto the higher rate of tax. He doesn't like it apparently (fancy a millionaire saying that?) but would he scrap it? "I'm not saying we'd get rid of it...".




Responding, Scottish Green MSP Maggie Chapman said: “Of course social policy is driving the Scottish Parliament’s agenda, because this current UK Tory Government has made just being alive practically unaffordable for so many.


“We have to help people, we have a duty to. Is Anas Sarwar now telling us to expect more of the same wretched profit-over-people trickle-down economics if Labour win? If so then little wonder voters in their droves are reconsidering what kind of party they are.”

And he criticised the Scottish Government for bringing in a new top rate of tax. Those earning more than £125,140 pay 48% on the highest earnings.

The Scottish Labour MSP said the move to tax the highest earners more was “political performance rather than strategic economic management”.

Asked if he would therefore scrap the highest Scottish tax bands, Sarwar said he was “not saying” that.



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Malinga the Swinga
33 minutes ago, Gundermann said:



I'd say that if you live in a society where unemployment is fairly low and that most of our social security goes to those in jobs - the working poor - while the NHS needs more investment then it's right to put social justice first. The rich are doing fine - and increased their wealth during and after Covid. We're paying higher fuel bills but the companies are making good profits.


Do the stupid face palm all you want. Doesn't make you right. Social justice is way down list of priorities for everyday people. Not the rich, just those hard working people you seem to believe should worry about others before themselves. No wonder your beloved SNP failed in independence referendum and are failing now. You live in a warped fantasy where everyone wants to help everyone else to their own detriment. It never existed and it never will.

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The Mighty Thor
1 hour ago, Malinga the Swinga said:

Do the stupid face palm all you want. Doesn't make you right. Social justice is way down list of priorities for everyday people. Not the rich, just those hard working people you seem to believe should worry about others before themselves. No wonder your beloved SNP failed in independence referendum and are failing now. You live in a warped fantasy where everyone wants to help everyone else to their own detriment. It never existed and it never will.

It's way down the list for people like you or maybe even just you. 


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i wish jj was my dad
4 hours ago, Gundermann said:


Not really though as with Labour, it's all a bit forked tongue and you'll be hard pushed to pin them down to promising/ delivering something. Social policy included mitigating Westminster legislation on the bedroom tax and benefits. Would Labour actually scrap it? We don't know. Ditto the higher rate of tax. He doesn't like it apparently (fancy a millionaire saying that?) but would he scrap it? "I'm not saying we'd get rid of it...".



I'm not particularly arguing with the sentiment and I'd like to see Labour come out say that getting the economy going is dependent on improved standards for everybody, particularly paying a decent wage for all working people to put back into the economy. But there is nothing attributable that says Scotland is doing too much for the poor. 

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21 hours ago, Malinga the Swinga said:

Do the stupid face palm all you want. Doesn't make you right. Social justice is way down list of priorities for everyday people. Not the rich, just those hard working people you seem to believe should worry about others before themselves. No wonder your beloved SNP failed in independence referendum and are failing now. You live in a warped fantasy where everyone wants to help everyone else to their own detriment. It never existed and it never will.


Many of those on benefits are hard-working people. People who are also hit by rising fuel costs, inflation, higher mortgages, wage-freezes and higher food costs.


BTW, in the same day that the news is reporting on another recession, Brit Gas is reporting an increase in profits. But aye, no-one wants social justice...



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Malinga the Swinga
5 hours ago, Gundermann said:


Many of those on benefits are hard-working people. People who are also hit by rising fuel costs, inflation, higher mortgages, wage-freezes and higher food costs.


BTW, in the same day that the news is reporting on another recession, Brit Gas is reporting an increase in profits. But aye, no-one wants social justice...



I'm well aware of British Gas increase in profits and I'm well aware of recession. You ask workers what their main priorities are and I'll bet social justice, the redistribution of wealth and privileges, will come behind making sure they are okay themselves for at least 90% of them.

Looking after your family and yourself comes before looking after others, selfish as it may sound.

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44 minutes ago, Malinga the Swinga said:

I'm well aware of British Gas increase in profits and I'm well aware of recession. You ask workers what their main priorities are and I'll bet social justice, the redistribution of wealth and privileges, will come behind making sure they are okay themselves for at least 90% of them.

Looking after your family and yourself comes before looking after others, selfish as it may sound.



Are you being deliberately obtuse?

BTW, Sarwar put social justice at the heart of his campaign for leadership. Why would he trumpet that? It's his uturn like many others of his party that stinks.

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Roxy Hearts
1 hour ago, Gundermann said:


Are you being deliberately obtuse?

BTW, Sarwar put social justice at the heart of his campaign for leadership. Why would he trumpet that? It's his uturn like many others of his party that stinks.

Labour are shit and Sarwar is an erse of a man. That's as good a contribution that puppet deserves. 


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3 hours ago, Malinga the Swinga said:

I'm well aware of British Gas increase in profits and I'm well aware of recession. You ask workers what their main priorities are and I'll bet social justice, the redistribution of wealth and privileges, will come behind making sure they are okay themselves for at least 90% of them.

Looking after your family and yourself comes before looking after others, selfish as it may sound.


See those principles you rattled off and dismissed, maybe workers think they are the sorts of things that would look after their families?

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The Mighty Thor
3 hours ago, Malinga the Swinga said:

I'm well aware of British Gas increase in profits and I'm well aware of recession. You ask workers what their main priorities are and I'll bet social justice, the redistribution of wealth and privileges, will come behind making sure they are okay themselves for at least 90% of them.

Looking after your family and yourself comes before looking after others, selfish as it may sound.


Be thankful you've got a job. 


Do what master tells you.


Shut up. 


Welcome t' 19th century Mill lad.

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Malinga the Swinga
3 hours ago, Gundermann said:


Are you being deliberately obtuse?

BTW, Sarwar put social justice at the heart of his campaign for leadership. Why would he trumpet that? It's his uturn like many others of his party that stinks.

Not me that is being obtuse. It's called being honest. My family first, me second, my friends next. After that, not my issue. Social justice, the cry for those who want to come over as moral superiors but whose words speak louder than their actions.

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Roxy Hearts
37 minutes ago, Malinga the Swinga said:

Not me that is being obtuse. It's called being honest. My family first, me second, my friends next. After that, not my issue. Social justice, the cry for those who want to come over as moral superiors but whose words speak louder than their actions.

I thought Labour stood up for social justice. What do that hopeless lot stand for?

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The Mighty Thor

Two wins for Keith.


Reform polling with numbers that will spook the Tories especially in Kingswood where there's a fag paper between red Tory and the combined right wing division vote. 


Tice will be rubbing his mits.  



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i wish jj was my dad
9 hours ago, Malinga the Swinga said:

Not me that is being obtuse. It's called being honest. My family first, me second, my friends next. After that, not my issue. Social justice, the cry for those who want to come over as moral superiors but whose words speak louder than their actions.

If we run the economy in the national interest and no just to benefit a shower of spivs we can increase living standards for everybody.

That way more money would circulates around the economy that way rather than going offshore or buying yachts for Barrowman, Green etc. 

We would have better services, infrastructure, less reliance on welfare and reduced taxes which would benefit you, your family and friends. 

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Malinga the Swinga

Top results for Labour last night. Well on the way to winning next General Election this year.

Not bad for a party who are considered, wrongly imo, as most useless things on politics.

Certainly more useful than SNP, Green or Conservative parties.

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25 minutes ago, Malinga the Swinga said:

Top results for Labour last night. Well on the way to winning next General Election this year.

Not bad for a party who are considered, wrongly imo, as most useless things on politics.

Certainly more useful than SNP, Green or Conservative parties.


So, can you confirm that Labour isn't the party of social justice?


Who wants cheaper energy bills, good hospitals and education...

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Roxy Hearts
22 hours ago, Gundermann said:

Not the biggest fan of Greer but I'm with him on this.



Sarwar is Brinat toady and told what to say to his Britnat audience. Guy's a deceitful fraudster in the good old British Labour way! 

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17 minutes ago, Roxy Hearts said:

Sarwar is Brinat toady and told what to say to his Britnat audience. Guy's a deceitful fraudster in the good old British Labour way! 


Labour have often criticised the Council Tax saying that raising taxes is needed in order to pay for services. Now they're gurning because the more well-off in our society pay more. Middle-earners, pay only a little more but receive much in return. WTF do they stand for then?


Am genuinely baffled. Their policies seem tailored to whatever may bring them short-term gain.

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3 minutes ago, Gundermann said:


Am genuinely baffled. Their policies seem tailored to whatever may bring them short-term gain.


Nail on head. It's now all about appealing to the electorate and business (the latter for funding), far less to do with principles.

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Roxy Hearts
26 minutes ago, Gundermann said:


Labour have often criticised the Council Tax saying that raising taxes is needed in order to pay for services. Now they're gurning because the more well-off in our society pay more. Middle-earners, pay only a little more but receive much in return. WTF do they stand for then?


Am genuinely baffled. Their policies seem tailored to whatever may bring them short-term gain.

They're Tories! They are not the Labour Party anymore, in fact there really isn't a proper British Party. It's just establishment administrators pursuing what they think will win votes.


British politics couldn't be any worse and certainly won't improve under a new regime, representing the same failing state.

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The Real Maroonblood
47 minutes ago, Gundermann said:


Labour have often criticised the Council Tax saying that raising taxes is needed in order to pay for services. Now they're gurning because the more well-off in our society pay more. Middle-earners, pay only a little more but receive much in return. WTF do they stand for then?


Am genuinely baffled. Their policies seem tailored to whatever may bring them short-term gain.

They're red Tories 

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