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The all new "seethe" thread


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I put my back out a few years ago and the physio advised me to do this as it helps strengthen the muscles around the base of the back.


Have to admit I felt a bit of a plank doing this, but sometimes it's justifiable. Just.


Also, can be used to help strengthen knee or ankle injuries. Also done it in the past and also felt like a dick doing it

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I put my back out a few years ago and the physio advised me to do this as it helps strengthen the muscles around the base of the back.


Have to admit I felt a bit of a plank doing this, but sometimes it's justifiable. Just.


Surely you could do this elsewhere without looking weird :lol:

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People who block the whole pavement when waiting for the bus. Wait in the bus stop for your tramp wagon and let other walk along the pavement.


Also kids on the promenade weaving all about the place, it's a cycle and pedestrian route and their parents should be more aware.


Kids in general. And parents.

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Cyclists on the Promenade cycling far too fast. There are kids rightly walking/playing. When I originally lived down in Portobello in he late seventies cycling on the prom was forbidden. That rule should be re-introduced for adults. They czn cycle on the roads and scare motorists instead.

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Carl Fredrickson

Cyclists on the Promenade cycling far too fast. There are kids rightly walking/playing. When I originally lived down in Portobello in he late seventies cycling on the prom was forbidden. That rule should be re-introduced for adults. They czn cycle on the roads and scare motorists instead.

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Cyclists on the Promenade cycling far too fast. There are kids rightly walking/playing. When I originally lived down in Portobello in he late seventies cycling on the prom was forbidden. That rule should be re-introduced for adults. They czn cycle on the roads and scare motorists instead.


Cyclists can rightfully cycle on it too. The prom is plenty wide enough for all, yet you get mum and dad walking with 3 kids in a big line right across the whole thing whilst junior weaves back and forth on his scooter. They should just partition it like in Los Angeles or middle meadow walk, nice and clear and safe for all.

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Cyclists can rightfully cycle on it too. The prom is plenty wide enough for all, yet you get mum and dad walking with 3 kids in a big line right across the whole thing whilst junior weaves back and forth on his scooter. They should just partition it like in Los Angeles or middle meadow walk, nice and clear and safe for all.


Ohh, I agree with you on the line walking - that does my head in too, in fact, on any 'walkway' (wrt anymore than two abreast). To be fair, most cycists are decent on the prom but on busy days, of which there were many this summer, best to avoid the area until later in evening.

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chuck berrys hairline

Sinusitis can **** off, every time I have a drink boom next morning nose is running like Niagara Falls. Contemplating walking around with a couple of bottle stoppers up my nose just can't stop sneezing.

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"Would you like one of these bars of chocolate for ?1?"


No thanks, if I wanted a bar of chocolate I'd have A. bought one and B. bought one a quarter of the size of that being offered.


Still, good to see you doing your bit for the nation's obesity crisis and appalling dental health record.

Edited by FWJ
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iPhone charger cables are about 25cm too short to comfortably use the phone while plugged into a bedside socket. My first iPod cable was 3 metres.

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Captain Sausage

Pretty much all humans are arseholes aren't they.


Once you accept this fact, the levels of seethe drop tremendously.

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Charity packers at supermarkets do my head in. When they are not there the supermarket offer free assistance. When they are there you are extorted out of a quid to have your shopping badly packed by an 8 year old.



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Captain Sausage

Charity packers at supermarkets do my head in. When they are not there the supermarket offer free assistance. When they are there you are extorted out of a quid to have your shopping badly packed by an 8 year old.


Try to guilt trip people into giving them money. I think most people struggle to tell a wee kid to bolt when they start packing.


Goes back to HBKs point about people being arseholes. This is a real scumbag tactic.

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Captain Sausage

Charity packers at supermarkets do my head in. When they are not there the supermarket offer free assistance. When they are there you are extorted out of a quid to have your shopping badly packed by an 8 year old.


Try to guilt trip people into giving them money. I think most people struggle to tell a wee kid to bolt when they start packing.


Goes back to HBKs point about people being arseholes. This is a real scumbag tactic.

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"Nah you're alright" is easily said to charity packers.

Normally give them a coin anyway because they've spent the morning packing food for *****.

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"Would you like one of these bars of chocolate for ?1?"


No thanks, if I wanted a bar of chocolate I'd have A. bought one and B. bought one a quarter of the size of that being offered.


Still, good to see you doing your bit for the nation's obesity crisis and appalling dental health record.


Only ever get that in my most hated shop, train station WH Smiths, utterly detest the way they double the price of everything because they know people will be in a rush to catch a train and need juice/snack/sandwich/cigarettes etc

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Lobey Dosser

Two quick seethes in succession today.


Twin Atlantic. Or more specifically, their singer's ridiculous west-end-of-Glasgow accent.


People who you hardly know who try to hug you.





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Double glazing and conservatory sales people on the way out of a supermarket !!!


Ehhhm aye......... Bread, milk , cheese and a conservatory !!! Aye right, does anybody ever stop at these folk.

Edited by 22HMFC22
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Try to guilt trip people into giving them money. I think most people struggle to tell a wee kid to bolt when they start packing.


Goes back to HBKs point about people being arseholes. This is a real scumbag tactic.


Self service every time for me


Predominantly it's because I'm an antisocial ***** and it means I don't have to talk to anyone

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Guest GhostHunter

Door to door charity people.


I always tell them I donate online, and not to people who are being paid commission by the charities to get new monthly direct debits signed up.


They don't like that much.

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Self service every time for me


Predominantly it's because I'm an antisocial ***** and it means I don't have to talk to anyone


Me to. Im only here to buy things not have an akward 2 minute chat about the day im having.

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People that moan at me for not showering daily.


Why do you need to shower daily? Will you get ill and die if you don't shower every 24 hours?


Our ancestors survived weeks on end without washing themselves, why should I be any different?

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Women in Asda licking their fingers then separating the bags. Then touching all my shopping with their spit hands.


Absolutely horrific and I really cannot understand why the stores allow it.



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Women in Asda licking their fingers then separating the bags. Then touching all my shopping with their spit hands.


Absolutely horrific and I really cannot understand why the stores allow it.



some shops had wet sponges for a while, and they would wet their fingers with it, dont do it now for some reason, but agree totally disgusting
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People that moan at me for not showering daily.


Why do you need to shower daily? Will you get ill and die if you don't shower every 24 hours?


Our ancestors survived weeks on end without washing themselves, why should I be any different?

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People that moan at me for not showering daily.


Why do you need to shower daily? Will you get ill and die if you don't shower every 24 hours?


Our ancestors survived weeks on end without washing themselves, why should I be any different?


If you reek to the extent that people are moaning at you I would give serious consideration to washing more.


I shower at least twice a day.


Do you brush your teeth?

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Guest GhostHunter

Related to Ragnar's stinky dilemma...


The fact that deodorants claim 48 hour protection


My arse.


I might get 4 hours protection if I don't exert myself.

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If you reek to the extent that people are moaning at you I would give serious consideration to washing more.


I shower at least twice a day.


Do you brush your teeth?


I don't start to smell until day 3/4, at which point I will shower.


Showering daily just seems pointless.


You shower twice a day? Jesus. That must do more harm than good to your skin.


Yes I brush my teeth every day.

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I don't start to smell until day 3/4, at which point I will shower.


Showering daily just seems pointless.


You shower twice a day? Jesus. That must do more harm than good to your skin.


Yes I brush my teeth every day.



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Yesterday, I had a shower when I woke up.


Then a shower after the gym.


Then a shower before I went on a night out.



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