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Election night


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The Gasman

Indeed it won't. The Lib Dems are trapped - and any potential leadership challenger knows it. The atmosphere inside Cabinet will become something close to poisonous - but why should Cameron listen to anything any Lib Dem minister says? The party is holed below the water line, and Clegg's even lost Sheffield!




Sorry Shaun! :whistling:

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Snake Plissken

SNP gain Caithness, huge drop in Lib Dem support.

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Another SNP Gain in Caithness, Sutherland & Ross.


Lib Dems are getting royally pummelled.

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Sorry Shaun! :whistling:




Nah, it's OK. The kicking we've had has been deserved IMO.


There are also two other sidelights from this election:


1. A good showing by the Tories: disturbingly so given the extent of government cuts.


2. A really weak showing by Labour - and I certainly don't just mean in Scotland. Does anyone look at Ed Miliband and think "next Prime Minister"? I know I don't.


Apart from the question of a Scottish independence referendum, Cameron must be laughing.

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Absolutely outstanding result so far. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would see the SNP close to an overall majority, it's just so hard to do in the SP.


At the start of the campaign, I actually thought Labour would win :unsure: but they had one of the worst campaigns I've seen from any political party, and I'm glad the Scottish electorate punished them for it.

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2. A really weak showing by Labour - and I certainly don't just mean in Scotland. Does anyone look at Ed Miliband and think "next Prime Minister"? I know I don't.



I can't understand why anyone is voting for Labour. If you're looking for first-rate c u next tuesdays then look no further than them

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Napoleon  Wilson

Crushing Victory for SNP in Angus South! :thumbsup:


Well done Graeme Dey :thumbsup:

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North East regional results in


Labour 3, Tories 2, Lib Dems 1, SNP 1 (This after an "expert" said SNP couldn't win any seats because they'd won all 10 constituencies, they must have had some percentage of votes up there)


EDIT : Here's the explanation


1147 The SNP won all 10 first-past-the-post seats in the north east and it should have been impossible for them to pick up any additional list seats. The SNP got a 40.5% share on the North East list. The next closest was Labour on 19.6%. The Greens polled more than 10,000 regional votes in north east but were squeezed out by the SNP's massive 140,749. The SNP got almost 14 times the number of votes of the party in fifth place, the Scottish Greens.


:o That's a serious arse-whooping from the SNP's

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Good to see Fife starting early with the counts :lol:


Takes a while to transport ballot boxes to counts when all you have is tractors or horses with carts...




SNP defy the mathmaticians and take a list seat in the North East. Even their new MSP turned up i jeans and t-shirt not expecting that one to happen!

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Harry Palmer

Skye- SNP?


Skye, Lochaber & Badenoch - SNP gain from Lib Dems

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Skye- SNP?


Indeed, another gain from the Lib Dems. :thumbsup:

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Snake Plissken

Oooft the Lib Dems are getting a right royal pumping not seen since Annabel Chong.

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The Old Tolbooth

Indeed - don't know him from JKB (or at least I don't think I do!) but a nice enough guy I first met some years back.


I didn't know he was one of "them" though. :unsure:

:lol: @ one of "them"

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A drop of 15.9% of the vote for the Lib Dems in Inverness & Nairn :lol:



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Nah, it's OK. The kicking we've had has been deserved IMO.


There are also two other sidelights from this election:


1. A good showing by the Tories: disturbingly so given the extent of government cuts.


2. A really weak showing by Labour - and I certainly don't just mean in Scotland. Does anyone look at Ed Miliband and think "next Prime Minister"? I know I don't.


Apart from the question of a Scottish independence referendum, Cameron must be laughing.


Milliband just feels like someone on a weeks job placement, never in a million years could he be Prime Minister!


I think underneath Cameron would stomach losing Scotland if it meant marginalising the labour vote even if he wont ever admit it.

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Snake Plissken

Milliband just feels like someone on a weeks job placement, never in a million years could he be Prime Minister!


I think underneath Cameron would stomach losing Scotland if it meant marginalising the labour vote even if he wont ever admit it.


It would the best thing that ever happened to the Tories in England.


Labour can't win a UK election without Scotland.

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Another gain from Labour.


This is getting embarrassing :lol:

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The Old Tolbooth

SNP storm Stornoway too, although I couldn't understand half of what he was saying :blink:

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Woke up to see SNP on about 50 seats. :pleasing:



Enjoying the Lib Dem mauling just as much, this is ******* funny. :lol:

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SNP storm Stornoway too, although I couldn't understand half of what he was saying :blink:


:lol: The Western Isles or to give it their official consituency name Nah h-Eileanan an Iar

Labour down 13% :lol:

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What are they doing in Fife? :blink:


You've got to remember there's a fair amount of people in Fife who struggle to count to 10 so it's taking a wee while.

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An independence referendum has to be legislated for by Westminster, IIRC. Would Cameron be brave (or foolish, depending on your viewpoint) to call it this year?

Well this is a debateable point. The act of union (1707) was between the Scots' and English Parliaments. The latter no longer exists, but the former was reconvened in 1999. What Westminster claims is that they have reserved powers which prevent the Scots' Parliament acting on certain issues. Legally, reserved powers do not exist, it has merely been an acceptable agreement between the parliaments to continue the initial agreement which avoided unnecessary conflict. If london is still so cravenly stupid as to deny Scots' a plebiscite, the Scots' Parliament can assume all reserved powers and declare the re-independence of its legislative powers over all aspects of governance and government. We would prefer a referendum and negotiations, but, that is up to just how morally and legally ignorant the london parties wish to be.

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Regional declaration for Lothians delayed due to 200 votes going missing in Midlothian.


Come on own up who was it?

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ToadKiller Dog

What are they doing in Fife? :blink:


According to reports the AV vote and the regional vote combined to confuse the poor fifers .

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ToadKiller Dog

Jackie Baillie ,Johana Lamont , Hugh Henry may put themselves forward as New Scottish labour leader . Ha ha that will be them out of power for a long time . Malcolm Chisholm also maybe a good choice but would not work well with london labour as he is old labour .

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I P Knightley

"Codheid FC will be homeless by March 2011" - FAIL


"Chelsea FC will win the Champions League" (a prediction he makes every single year) - FAIL


"Fat Alex will be out of a job by May 2011" - FAIL


I mean - I know my record isn't exactly exemplary, but at least I get one right occasionally... :lol:




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Harry Palmer

South Scotland List- SNP 4; Lab 2; Lib Dems 1.


Glenrothes- SNP. :thumbsup:

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All Scottish Pensioners polled higher than the Lib Dems in Glenrothes!

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SNP just 5 seats away from a majority, with 5 more consituencies up for grabs and the list vote in the Lothians, Highlands and Fife still to come.

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Harry Palmer

Lib Dems being squashed. :thumbsup:


Fife NE- SNP. :thumbsup:


Cowdenbeath- Lab Hold.

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Geoff Kilpatrick

Well this is a debateable point. The act of union (1707) was between the Scots' and English Parliaments. The latter no longer exists, but the former was reconvened in 1999. What Westminster claims is that they have reserved powers which prevent the Scots' Parliament acting on certain issues. Legally, reserved powers do not exist, it has merely been an acceptable agreement between the parliaments to continue the initial agreement which avoided unnecessary conflict. If london is still so cravenly stupid as to deny Scots' a plebiscite, the Scots' Parliament can assume all reserved powers and declare the re-independence of its legislative powers over all aspects of governance and government. We would prefer a referendum and negotiations, but, that is up to just how morally and legally ignorant the london parties wish to be.



Well, if Cameron called it and arranged it, how would that be 'denying' the people their say?

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SNP gain Fife North East


Labour hold Cowdenbeath

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Danny Wilde

Been up all night and on my 3rd can of red-bull at work. There was no way I going to miss all these Labour dinasours being vaporised by the SNP asteroid. Each political death was savoured with a swig of Jack Daniels.


Now looking forward to clocking off at 4Pm and getting sleep/drunk/euphoric all at once.

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Geoff Kilpatrick

Dunfermline- SNP :thumbsup:





GIRUY Tolson


GIRUY Rowley



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Dunfermline- SNP :thumbsup:


Absolutely destroyed the Lib Dems in the process as well. :lol:

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The Old Tolbooth

SNP gain Fife North East


Labour hold Cowdenbeath

That's a massive coup, it's always been a Lib Dem stronghold, as has my home town of Galashiels and it has also toppled to SNP, people are fed up with the Lib Dems at long last!

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Been up all night and on my 3rd can of red-bull at work. There was no way I going to miss all these Labour dinasours being vaporised by the SNP asteroid. Each political death was savoured with a swig of Jack Daniels.


You must be absolutely shitfaced!



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If Kirkcaldy falls down I'll be delighted!!


Fixed that for you John.

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Been up all night and on my 3rd can of red-bull at work. There was no way I going to miss all these Labour dinasours being vaporised by the SNP asteroid. Each political death was savoured with a swig of Jack Daniels.


Now looking forward to clocking off at 4Pm and getting sleep/drunk/euphoric all at once.


Enjoy it, It's been a long night/day. I gave in at 9 but was back up at 12. :thumbsup:


The joys of being unemployed.... :down:

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Danny Wilde

You must be absolutely shitfaced!





Adrenaline caffeine and tiredness mate, all working in perfect harmony at this point.


Think I'll buy myself a bottle of quality champers on the way home, neck half-of-it and then crash out on the sofa.


Plus remember to pick up the youngster from after-school club ! Don't want to go through that unfortunate error again.

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