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Bin Laden dead


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Chris Benoit

The American public seem to forget that Bin Laden and the United States were best buddies back in the 80s. :rolleyes:



Think it's more likely they are unaware to be honest

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Drylaw Hearts

Er, where did I say that?


The US say that this guy they've bumped off is Bin Laden. Have you seen the evidence that it is him?


Have you see evidence that he's been dead for years ?

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Body has been buried at see.


Next they will be saying a man was on the moon

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Jam Tarts 1874

Ding Dong the witch is dead, and it's body chucked into the sea.

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Buried at Sea


WTF - they are having a laugh


It hasn't been buried at sea yet, if youthink about it calmly where can they bury him without creating shrine? They have asked the Saudis if they want him back

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Geoff Kilpatrick

Have you see evidence that he's been dead for years ?

A man who is a media whore for his cause but who has a kidney disease disappears off the radar with only random tapes of his voice. This in the days of YouTube? Use your own eyes.

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Jam Tarts 1874

It hasn't been buried at sea yet, if youthink about it calmly where can they bury him without creating shrine? They have asked the Saudis if they want him back



Yes it has, it was announced on Radio 5 15 minutes ago and is now on the BBC website.

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Drylaw Hearts

A man who is a media whore for his cause but who has a kidney disease disappears off the radar with only random tapes of his voice. This in the days of YouTube? Use your own eyes.


I think you are letting your imagination run away with you.


You have absolutely ZERO evidence that Bin Laden was dead prior to today. This in the days of YouTube and Phones with Camera's etc etc etc.

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As cynical as I can be, especially when the US State Department are concerned, I genuinely don't doubt this.


If the US hasn't killed him then it would make no sense for them to say that they had. The fallout from saying such a thing were it not true would be immense.


Expect a few "I'm Spartacus" types emerging as pretenders start to be sighted across the Islamic world...

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Not usually one to celebrate the death of another human being but will make an exception here. Burying him at sea is the smart move but hope they have evidence and show it soon or we'll have even more conspiracy bullsh*t than we already have.

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I think the US had a large reward on him even if his killer was military,

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Body has been buried at see.


Next they will be saying a man was on the moon



Holy unbelievable.

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jambos are go!

a conspiracy theory that he is still alive will not be long coming IMO.

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Jam Tarts 1874

As cynical as I can be, especially when the US State Department are concerned, I genuinely don't doubt this.


If the US hasn't killed him then it would make no sense for them to say that they had. The fallout from saying such a thing were it not true would be immense.


Expect a few "I'm Spartacus" types emerging as pretenders start to be sighted across the Islamic world...



I don't doubt that the US has killed Bin Laden last night either. People who are asking why no pics of the dead Bin Laden etc should realise that if the US were seen to be parading the dead Bin Laden, it would almost certainly make the desire for retaliation against the US in some areas even more pronounced.

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Jam Tarts 1874

a conspiracy theory that he is still alive will not be long coming IMO.


He is outside my house walking his dog.

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The alleged photo of Bin Laden dead - is fake - or at least, appeared on another website back in NOVEMBER 2010 !!




Obama may very well have just committed political suicide.

That picture wasn't released by the Americans tho was it, and most media outlets have reported it as a fake... Don't let the truth get in the way of a good conspiracy tho eh

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Geoff Kilpatrick

I think you are letting your imagination run away with you.


You have absolutely ZERO evidence that Bin Laden was dead prior to today. This in the days of YouTube and Phones with Camera's etc etc etc.

The key FACT in my assertion is the kidney disease (and I fully admit it's an assertion). The balance of probabilities has him dying of natural causes years ago.

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Sterling Archer



That is just terrible photoshop. there's a clear line from under the eyes/ear to over the nose. The picture quality on each half is different :facepalm:

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The key FACT in my assertion is the kidney disease (and I fully admit it's an assertion). The balance of probabilities has him dying of natural causes years ago.



Just like Al-Magrahi in Libya?



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Jam Tarts 1874



If this is really Bin Laden, he must have been using an awful lot of Grecian 2000! Maybe the Pakistan Government had plentiful supplies.

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Guest GhostHunter

That picture wasn't released by the Americans tho was it, and most media outlets have reported it as a fake... Don't let the truth get in the way of a good conspiracy tho eh




It wasn't INITIALLY reported as a fake.


Plus, your comment makes no sense whatsoever

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Jimmy Powell

well the Americans have already buried him at sea apparently!! So let the conspiracy theories begin :thumbsup:

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Geoff Kilpatrick

Just like Al-Magrahi in Libya?





He was innocent though :P

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The key FACT in my assertion is the kidney disease (and I fully admit it's an assertion). The balance of probabilities has him dying of natural causes years ago.


Why would his colleagues not seek to discredit the Americans and prove the fact that he has been dead for ages, shouldn't be too hard for them to prove if that's true-they would have the opportunity to make the yanks a laughing stock worldwide an effectively bringing the obama administraton to it knees...


Or, I suppose there could be a simpler solution, in this instance the American are telling the truth and he caught a bullet yesterday. Dearie me

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Chris Benoit

I think the other thread with the identical title would be a give-away :rolleyes:

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The conspiracy theories on this thread - most of which are from people with the intelligence to know better - are absolutely risible. :down:


Good for Obama, good for the West, good - in the long run, at least - for Afghanistan. I don't think it's good at all for Pakistan, though: the government there are already trapped in a nightmare, trying to keep the West and Islamic factions happy; and the latter will be furious. And while in the longer term, this represents a huge blow for the ideology of al-Qaeda, for which bin Laden was a figurehead, in the shorter term, it makes things much more unstable. There will be reprisals of some sort, I have no doubt about that.


Incidentally, here's one semi-conspiracy theory of mine. I always felt it suited Bush and the neo-cons for Osama to remain alive and on the run: for decades, the US has needed some kind of bogeyman figure, be they Stalin, Saddam or Osama, and just as the American right actually need abortion to remain legal, enabling it to gather around this totem and blame it on the 'liberal elite' at election after election, so bin Laden's continued survival meant Bush could always call for his nation to unite against the continuing 'threat'.


But it never suited Obama. Obama needed him dead for his own political reasons as much as anything else - and now he is. Good. :thumbsup: Though as the responses of many have proved, the US is damned if it does, damned if it doesn't - and people clearly wouldn't believe the American President even if he said two plus two equals four. :rolleyes:


PS. Does anyone else react with mirth to IMA MAROON's posts on here? Is he aware of what an unintentional comedian he is, I wonder? :woot:

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Harry Palmer

What's Dave saying to it? :unsure:


That's what really matters.

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Guest Ultraviolet Catastrophe

Good result for Obama.


As for the conspiracy theorists. :vrface:




Especially the second part. Geoff and Dexter need a lie down.

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It wasn't INITIALLY reported as a fake.


Plus, your comment makes no sense whatsoever


Well on sky news they showed the photo released by un disclosed PAKISTANI sources and warned there was a high possibility that it was a fake. Youve been watching too much Michael Moore I think.

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Indeed. Suspect it also explains why my DVR recording of The Killing went all skee whiff.



You could record them shooting Bin Laden on sky? Was it in HD? ;)

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Guest Ultraviolet Catastrophe



Incidentally, here's one semi-conspiracy theory of mine. I always felt it suited Bush and the neo-cons for Obama to remain alive and on the run: for decades, the US has needed some kind of bogeyman figure, be they Stalin, Saddam or Osama, and just as the American right actually need abortion to remain legal, so it can gather around this totem and blame it on the 'liberal elite' at election after election, so bin Laden's continued survival meant Bush could always call for his nation to unite against the continuing 'threat'.


But it never suited Obama. Obama needed him dead for his own political reasons as much as anything else - and now he is. Good. :thumbsup:


PS. Does anyone else react with mirth to IMA MAROON's posts on here? Is he aware of what an unintentional comedian he is, I wonder? :woot:


You're really not doing him any favours, buddy. thumbsup.giflaugh.gif

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Chad Sexington

The Americans are also claiming they have arrested his 2 wives and children.


How they going to "fake" that one? :teehee:

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Geoff Kilpatrick

Why would his colleagues not seek to discredit the Americans and prove the fact that he has been dead for ages, shouldn't be too hard for them to prove if that's true-they would have the opportunity to make the yanks a laughing stock worldwide an effectiveltouring to obama administraton to it knees...


Or, I suppose there could be a simpler solution, in this instance the American are telling the truth and he caught a bullet yesterday. Dearie me

Who says they won't do that though?


It suited the nutjobs to let people believe he was alive as much as it did the US. Now it may suit them to play the martyr card or they may release another tape, which would immediately be discredited as a fake.


One thing is for sure - watch terrorist activity ramp-up as a consequence.

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His stunt doubles will be in the make up chair as will conspiracy books be at the ready.


The Bin Laden diaries to be an exclusive in one of the Sunday papers.

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You're really not doing him any favours, buddy. thumbsup.giflaugh.gif




Oops! You can call me Bill O'Reilly. :thumbsup:

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That'll put an end to Islamic Fundamentalism, then. We should all sleep easier now. :thumbsup:

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Who says they won't do that though?


It suited the nutjobs to let people believe he was alive as much as it did the US. Now it may suit them to play the martyr card or they may release another tape, which would immediately be discredited as a fake.


One thing is for sure - watch terrorist activity ramp-up as a consequence.



This will make not one iota of difference. (well, actually, it will, only in the opposite sense) As someone said earlier, there's one on every street corner these days.

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