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Poor ickle snowflake


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34 minutes ago, Governor Tarkin said:


Or I could be talking shite.



You, never!


Just kidding GT

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4 minutes ago, i8hibsh said:



Probably, but I see it as kinda romantic or a nice innocent gesture.  Be that as it may and whatever way the guy intended it has certainly fed her desire for public attention.  She acts like the guy went up and whapped his member out and slapped it on her face - he never.  She has come across as a truly pathetic little millennial.


Contrary to redm's prior accusations of me having contempt for 'Women' (plural), I have contempt for this girl.  I do not throw  the other 4 billion women into this based on the fact they share the same genitals.


"How can I hate women? My mum's one."


I here you i8.

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Seymour M Hersh
1 hour ago, Governor Tarkin said:


When I was a kid if you had something to say and wanted to find an audience you wrote it on bus stops and actual walls. The decline in council estate graffiti has gone hand in hand with the rise of social media.



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Ron Burgundy
10 minutes ago, Dusk_Till_Dawn said:

I'm going to go against the grain here and say that some weirdo giving you a note like that as you step off a train could be a bit unnerving. It's a slightly odd thing to do.

You step off the train,


Gorgeous young lady with massive pert breasts hands you the note -- Wahey ya beauty.


Fat speccy girl with acne -- feckin weirdo


if it's the former I reckon  99% of males would be chuffed to bits.


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Seymour M Hersh
1 hour ago, Governor Tarkin said:


So by your own admition you're just tailoring the term 'far left' to suit your own agenda. Cool. Now that we've cleared that up we can work on your understanding of what actually constitutes the 'right'. Would you care to elaborate?


You two need to get your labelling right. It's the "far right" and "hard left"! 

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3 minutes ago, Ron Burgundy said:

You step off the train,


Gorgeous young lady with massive pert breasts hands you the note -- Wahey ya beauty.


Fat speccy girl with acne -- feckin weirdo


if it's the former I reckon  99% of males would be chuffed to bits.



Look, I don't ****ing know.

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4 minutes ago, Dusk_Till_Dawn said:


"How can I hate women? My mum's one."


I here you i8.




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1 minute ago, Seymour M Hersh said:


You two need to get your labelling right. It's the "far right" and "hard left"! 



There is absolutely nothing hard about the left anymore.  They used to be salt of the earth tough as old boots kinda people.  Now soft as shite who get blown away by opinions and actions.

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Governor Tarkin
1 minute ago, i8hibsh said:



There is absolutely nothing hard about the left anymore.  They used to be salt of the earth tough as old boots kinda people.  Now soft as shite who get blown away by opinions and actions.


That's because they're not the left, mate.

You've been sold a pup.

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Seymour M Hersh
Just now, i8hibsh said:



There is absolutely nothing hard about the left anymore.  They used to be salt of the earth tough as old boots kinda people.  Now soft as shite who get blown away by opinions and actions.


You may be correct as far as being able to handle themselves in a fight. However, for labelling purposes let's have some accuracy please! :laugh:

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Just now, Seymour M Hersh said:


You may be correct as far as being able to handle themselves in a fight. However, for labelling purposes let's have some accuracy please! :laugh:



You are spot on in the way that every day there seems to be more labels.  Gone are the days of labour (left) lib dem (centre) and Conservative (right).


I was always ever so slightly right of centre - but those days were just too simple.

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Seymour M Hersh
2 minutes ago, Governor Tarkin said:


As my juvenile rap sheet will testify. :(


Surely (insert local gang name) rool ya bas hardly qualifies as having "something to say"! 

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Governor Tarkin
5 minutes ago, Seymour M Hersh said:


Surely (insert local gang name) rool ya bas hardly qualifies as having "something to say"! 


"(insert local gang name) rool ya bas" was just a convenient catch-all term for our collective social grievance and general sexual inadequacy. 


The parallels are striking.

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Just now, Eldar Hadzimehmedovic said:

Speaking of women on the internet with something to say. I enjoyed this video. 





I'd slip her.................................................a note.

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36 minutes ago, Eldar Hadzimehmedovic said:

Speaking of women on the internet with something to say. I enjoyed this video. 



Someone posted a link to the daily mail (I think it was on here) which had a story about a woman (researcher/journalist) who tweeted the question "[women] what would you do if men had a nine o'clock curfew?".. 


Almost every line in this song is a direct quote from it. 


Shouldn't have listened to it as I can't get it out of my *** head!! 

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17 hours ago, Ulysses said:



But only for a woman?  Not for a bloke?  Not even one who's carrying a heavy load or who looks like he might be feeling a bit unwell?


I'd happily do it for a bloke too. However, if a gentleman of a certain age offers a seat specifically to a lady because he considers it polite and respectful to do so, this seems to be what the contention was. 

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doctor jambo
23 minutes ago, Eldar Hadzimehmedovic said:

Speaking of women on the internet with something to say. I enjoyed this video. 



I wouldn't say I enjoyed it, its not my taste in music.

However, the generalising in her music/message is not massively helpful.

there are bad people out there, its true, but trying to absorb more and more people into being part of the problem is not helpful

when a guy passing a note , with, in as far as we know, no overt sexual threat or menace, becomes some poster boy of harassment and unacceptable behaviour then there is something awry.

What was the initial girls point?

It is now no longer acceptable to compliment someone?

You cannot try and ask out someone you don't know?

You cannot compliment someone on their appearance?

you cannot engage someone in conversation on  public transport in case they feel threatened?


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doctor jambo
15 hours ago, The Mighty Thor said:

That's quite spectacular even by the daily heil's clickbait standards.


How does the world turn whilst this species of deviant beast roams free?


And the narrative grows.

I would also state that I would like, just once,  a grown person from the "train girl" side to quite openly dress her down as being harmful to the feminist movement - it turns it into a joke



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4 hours ago, doctor jambo said:

I wouldn't say I enjoyed it, its not my taste in music.

However, the generalising in her music/message is not massively helpful.

there are bad people out there, its true, but trying to absorb more and more people into being part of the problem is not helpful

when a guy passing a note , with, in as far as we know, no overt sexual threat or menace, becomes some poster boy of harassment and unacceptable behaviour then there is something awry.

What was the initial girls point?

It is now no longer acceptable to compliment someone?

You cannot try and ask out someone you don't know?

You cannot compliment someone on their appearance?

you cannot engage someone in conversation on  public transport in case they feel threatened?



I think the connection is that a lot of women have a lot of worrying to do. They have to think about personal safety pretty much 24/7 and, for younger women especially, there’s often a lot of unwanted attention on a very regular basis. Random weird messages probably don’t help minimise that stress or fear.



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5 hours ago, Ron Burgundy said:

You step off the train,


Gorgeous young lady with massive pert breasts hands you the note -- Wahey ya beauty.


Fat speccy girl with acne -- feckin weirdo


if it's the former I reckon  99% of males would be chuffed to bits.


Don't be too hasty here?

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Not quite the  snowflakey side of identity politics but more the validate my mental illness constituency. Straight from the same Auntie that Orwell worked for, 'Quantum physics helped me understand my queer identity'


The Beeb are clearly just trolling Hibish now. No pretence of any sort of actual progressive angle just a random b£&Ish&t generator indistinguishable from the loony Unis. 


Where the f&ook is yer Arthur Scargills these days?

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John Findlay
1 hour ago, redm said:


I think the connection is that a lot of women have a lot of worrying to do. They have to think about personal safety pretty much 24/7 and, for younger women especially, there’s often a lot of unwanted attention on a very regular basis. Random weird messages probably don’t help minimise that stress or fear.



Sorry but that is just bollocks.

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Eldar Hadzimehmedovic
2 minutes ago, John Findlay said:

Sorry but that is just bollocks.


And you know that more than an actual woman, right? ?

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John Findlay
1 minute ago, Eldar Hadzimehmedovic said:


And you know that more than an actual woman, right? ?

I know women behave a damn sight worse than men nowadays. Worrying 24/7 about their personal safety. Absolute codswallop. 

I will repeat despite evidence to the contrary from people who work in the front line.  Paramedics, taxi drivers, bus drivers, us in the rail industry that we get more grieve and abuse from women. We are all liars. Because people like yourself and Redm are in denial as it doesn't suit your agenda that females in the modern world can and are nasty pieces of work.

Yes men are too. We know that but women have got us up and in some cases overtaken us.

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Eldar Hadzimehmedovic
2 minutes ago, John Findlay said:

I know women behave a damn sight worse than men nowadays. Worrying 24/7 about their personal safety. Absolute codswallop. 

I will repeat despite evidence to the contrary from people who work in the front line.  Paramedics, taxi drivers, bus drivers, us in the rail industry that we get more grieve and abuse from women. We are all liars. Because people like yourself and Redm are in denial as it doesn't suit your agenda that females in the modern world can and are nasty pieces of work.

Yes men are too. We know that but women have got us up and in some cases overtaken us.


Now that, to use your word, is bollocks. ?


Me too, Weinstein, Cosby, the pink wave, Christine Ford - the women are coming for us and not before time. I think it's brilliant. Hope they hurry up. 

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John Findlay
10 minutes ago, Eldar Hadzimehmedovic said:


Now that, to use your word, is bollocks. ?


Me too, Weinstein, Cosby, the pink wave, Christine Ford - the women are coming for us and not before time. I think it's brilliant. Hope they hurry up. 

I have no qualms with those men getting their just desserts. They deserve it.

I see you are still in denial over female appalling behaviour.

Regardless of sex/gender whoever behaves appallingly deserves all they get under the law. To think it's just us men is naivety of the highest order.

The law will catch up with the women too, eventually.

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30 minutes ago, John Findlay said:

I know women behave a damn sight worse than men nowadays. Worrying 24/7 about their personal safety. Absolute codswallop. 

I will repeat despite evidence to the contrary from people who work in the front line.  Paramedics, taxi drivers, bus drivers, us in the rail industry that we get more grieve and abuse from women. We are all liars. Because people like yourself and Redm are in denial as it doesn't suit your agenda that females in the modern world can and are nasty pieces of work.

Yes men are too. We know that but women have got us up and in some cases overtaken us.


I don’t deny some women are probably nasty pieces of work, you’re having almost entirely your own debate here. You’ll get unpleasant people regardless of gender or biological sex or whatever else. 


1 in 5 women are sexually assaulted. Many many women experience sexual harassment on a regular basis. Sexual assault is a very realistic and genuine fear. You don’t get men walking around with their keys between their fingers in case women approach them aggressively or being worried about women walking behind them on dark streets at night or a million other similar scenarios. There’s a reason for that. 


We’re not walking about trembling 24/7 but it’s a very real part of our daily lives. 


If you don’t believe just me, here’s a lot of other women telling their stories: 


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38 minutes ago, John Findlay said:

I have no qualms with those men getting their just desserts. They deserve it.

I see you are still in denial over female appalling behaviour.

Regardless of sex/gender whoever behaves appallingly deserves all they get under the law. To think it's just us men is naivety of the highest order.

The law will catch up with the women too, eventually.


The law will catch up with women eventually? What is it that you think they’re getting away with?


Also, probably no surprise or coincidence given the things i’m writing about but this promoted ad just appeared on my timeline. 



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Unknown user
56 minutes ago, John Findlay said:

I know women behave a damn sight worse than men nowadays. Worrying 24/7 about their personal safety. Absolute codswallop. 

I will repeat despite evidence to the contrary from people who work in the front line.  Paramedics, taxi drivers, bus drivers, us in the rail industry that we get more grieve and abuse from women. We are all liars. Because people like yourself and Redm are in denial as it doesn't suit your agenda that females in the modern world can and are nasty pieces of work.

Yes men are too. We know that but women have got us up and in some cases overtaken us.



WTF did I just read?

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John Findlay
31 minutes ago, redm said:


The law will catch up with women eventually? What is it that you think they’re getting away with?


Also, probably no surprise or coincidence given the things i’m writing about but this promoted ad just appeared on my timeline. 



We've covered that. Read other threads or read back through this one. Pay particular attention to the word suggested.

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2 minutes ago, John Findlay said:

We've covered that. Read other threads or read back through this one. Pay particular attention to the word suggested.


We still have people calling women and girls out for being “snowflakes” when they complain so it might’ve been covered but it certainly wasn’t understood. Did you read any of the individual stories in that link I shared with you? Did you see how many happened on public transport? 


Which word would you like me to pay attention to?

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doctor jambo
35 minutes ago, redm said:


We still have people calling women and girls out for being “snowflakes” when they complain so it might’ve been covered but it certainly wasn’t understood. Did you read any of the individual stories in that link I shared with you? Did you see how many happened on public transport? 


Which word would you like me to pay attention to?

The acknowledgement of female flaws would be a start.

in the last year I must have seen 100 or so cases of workplace bullying, 90%+ carried out by women.

the bitching, sniping, gossiping and general nastiness.

to each other, mainly

lewd comments about male colleagues , unwanted attention etc it's not a one way street

domestic violence on men, the psychological abuse of husbands- shouting and belittling


women are as bad

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doctor jambo

And sexually harassed is a broad old brush stroke ,

ive been molested many times by drunk women, try going out on a kilt as a dude


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Ministry MK2
7 hours ago, Eldar Hadzimehmedovic said:

Speaking of women on the internet with something to say. I enjoyed this video. 



This sort of stuff is ridiculous. It perpetuates the idea that all men should be seen as a threat. That men can do whatever they want and face no repercussions. It’s nonsence.


Also, with reference to the 24/7 worrying women have to do regarding their safety. As a male aged between 18-35 living in the UK, I am almost 3 times as likely to be murdered than my female counterparts. 


Although statistically my life is in much more grave danger than any female, I still go about my business and don’t feel the need to worry about it 24/7. 


Everyone should take care and take small precautions to help ensure their safety. But if you are worrying about it 24/7 and letting it consume your life, you maybe need to reconsider. 

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John Findlay
58 minutes ago, redm said:


We still have people calling women and girls out for being “snowflakes” when they complain so it might’ve been covered but it certainly wasn’t understood. Did you read any of the individual stories in that link I shared with you? Did you see how many happened on public transport? 


Which word would you like me to pay attention to?

It happens to men too but, that's not news and as I have stated doesn't suit your narrative or agenda. Because it's us men saying it. It must be lies Afterall us men are the bad guys.

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doctor jambo
8 minutes ago, Ministry MK2 said:

This sort of stuff is ridiculous. It perpetuates the idea that all men should be seen as a threat. That men can do whatever they want and face no repercussions. It’s nonsence.


Also, with reference to the 24/7 worrying women have to do regarding their safety. As a male aged between 18-35 living in the UK, I am almost 3 times as likely to be murdered than my female counterparts. 


Although statistically my life is in much more grave danger than any female, I still go about my business and don’t feel the need to worry about it 24/7. 


Everyone should take care and take small precautions to help ensure their safety. But if you are worrying about it 24/7 and letting it consume your life, you maybe need to reconsider. 

Also far more likely to end up in prison , suffer violent assault, and never be allowed to see my children.

also vastly more likely to kill myself

and die younger

work longer hours


retire later and suffer worse health outcomes

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doctor jambo

Add to that the education system failing boys

boys less likely to get into uni

the world is not only hard on women

but we treat their issues with more gravity

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3 hours ago, doctor jambo said:

Also far more likely to end up in prison , suffer violent assault, and never be allowed to see my children.

also vastly more likely to kill myself

and die younger

work longer hours


retire later and suffer worse health outcomes



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11 hours ago, JALBO said:


I'd happily do it for a bloke too. However, if a gentleman of a certain age offers a seat specifically to a lady because he considers it polite and respectful to do so, this seems to be what the contention was. 


In theory, I tend to offer seats based on my perception of someone's need (elderly, pregnant, unwell, that type of thing).  If someone looks like they don't need it, I don't offer, regardless of gender.


That's the theory.  In practice I almost always stand on public transport because of my dodgy back.  Ah well. :ninja:

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6 hours ago, Eldar Hadzimehmedovic said:


And you know that more than an actual woman, right? ?


Of course he does.  He's a middle-aged white bloke.  We know more than anyone.  :thumbsup:

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11 hours ago, redm said:


The law will catch up with women eventually? What is it that you think they’re getting away with?



I'd have thought this part was pretty obvious.


The number of 'actual' sexual assaults carried out by males against the number of convictions made, compared against the number of 'actual' (you know, the ones which society turns a blind eye to - see the list doctor jambo posted as a rough idea for starters) sexual assaults  carried out by females against the number of convictions made.


Up and down the country, domestic / sexual / physical / mental abuse against guys is happening. Make no mistake of that. At the moment its not taken anywhere near as seriously as that which is carried out by guys. Anyone who says otherwise has their head in the sand.


I would imagine that John's point is that sooner or later, women will become as accountable for their actions as guys are - and in that respect I hope he's correct.


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If anyone ever thinks that women don't get harassed on a daily basis from internet creeps, ask a woman how many unsolicited pics, messages and general pish they get from men on a daily basis via the internet. 


My bird even gets weirdos harassing her on Linkedin ffs and thats not to mention the number of dick pics she used to get on online dating (which is how we met). 


I'd rather be a man than a woman any day of the week. There are clearly issues that both sex's need to address and some folk here seem to think its an argument, rather than a debate on the fact that, yes, women do get creeped on more and are far more likely to be sexually assaulted. Men, however, are more likely to get battered. So you have two issues, not mutually exclusive, that need addressing. Its slowly becoming more balanced (see convictions for women attacking men, which is definitely an issue on the rise as anyone in the hospitality or railways/police etc can testify). 


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21 minutes ago, Erik said:


I'd have thought this part was pretty obvious.


The number of 'actual' sexual assaults carried out by males against the number of convictions made, compared against the number of 'actual' (you know, the ones which society turns a blind eye to - see the list doctor jambo posted as a rough idea for starters) sexual assaults  carried out by females against the number of convictions made.


Up and down the country, domestic / sexual / physical / mental abuse against guys is happening. Make no mistake of that. At the moment its not taken anywhere near as seriously as that which is carried out by guys. Anyone who says otherwise has their head in the sand.


I would imagine that John's point is that sooner or later, women will become as accountable for their actions as guys are - and in that respect I hope he's correct.



Wasting your time man. redm thinks a girl saying "he did it" or "me too" is case closed, start sentencing as after all......why would she lie.


But yeah, she wants to live in a fair society.

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16 minutes ago, The Brow said:

If anyone ever thinks that women don't get harassed on a daily basis from internet creeps, ask a woman how many unsolicited pics, messages and general pish they get from men on a daily basis via the internet. 


My bird even gets weirdos harassing her on Linkedin ffs and thats not to mention the number of dick pics she used to get on online dating (which is how we met). 


I'd rather be a man than a woman any day of the week. There are clearly issues that both sex's need to address and some folk here seem to think its an argument, rather than a debate on the fact that, yes, women do get creeped on more and are far more likely to be sexually assaulted. Men, however, are more likely to get battered. So you have two issues, not mutually exclusive, that need addressing. Its slowly becoming more balanced (see convictions for women attacking men, which is definitely an issue on the rise as anyone in the hospitality or railways/police etc can testify). 




Linkedin is pretty much facebook now. Utterly horrendous. People posting self serving attention seeking keek all day. Give me a break.

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40 minutes ago, i8hibsh said:



Linkedin is pretty much facebook now. Utterly horrendous. People posting self serving attention seeking keek all day. Give me a break.


Point was more, its meant to be for business but far too many men seem to think its alright to just message birds out of the blue. Its creepy as **** and indicative of the very weird dating culture we now have. 


I get that most folk think that telling a girl shes attractive is harmless, but a lot of the time, its embarrassing and uncomfortable for them. They want to be left alone to sit on the bus/train/wherever without being the subject of advances. Theres nothing wrong with that. Unless you're fairly sure that a girl wants you to talk to her, just leave her alone. You're not being romantic giving a stranger a compliment, no matter how many Mad Men episodes you've watched. Not aimed at you i8, only quoted you for the first line ;) 


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12 hours ago, Ministry MK2 said:

This sort of stuff is ridiculous. It perpetuates the idea that all men should be seen as a threat. That men can do whatever they want and face no repercussions. It’s nonsence.


Also, with reference to the 24/7 worrying women have to do regarding their safety. As a male aged between 18-35 living in the UK, I am almost 3 times as likely to be murdered than my female counterparts. 


Although statistically my life is in much more grave danger than any female, I still go about my business and don’t feel the need to worry about it 24/7. 


Everyone should take care and take small precautions to help ensure their safety. But if you are worrying about it 24/7 and letting it consume your life, you maybe need to reconsider. 


That’s the daily reality for a woman. It’s second nature most of the time though. It’s not a choice, it’s a reaction to threats and experiences. 


I don’t know the comparitive statistics for violence against women and men but if you’re more likely to be murdered, it’s probably safe to assume the likelihood is that it would also be a man given that they commit vast majority of violent crime. 


Also, all men are absolutely not a threat, but when so many women are harassed by them on a daily basis it’s pretty difficult to work out who’s a threat and who isn’t to begin with.



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2 hours ago, Erik said:


I'd have thought this part was pretty obvious.


The number of 'actual' sexual assaults carried out by males against the number of convictions made, compared against the number of 'actual' (you know, the ones which society turns a blind eye to - see the list doctor jambo posted as a rough idea for starters) sexual assaults  carried out by females against the number of convictions made.


Up and down the country, domestic / sexual / physical / mental abuse against guys is happening. Make no mistake of that. At the moment its not taken anywhere near as seriously as that which is carried out by guys. Anyone who says otherwise has their head in the sand.


I would imagine that John's point is that sooner or later, women will become as accountable for their actions as guys are - and in that respect I hope he's correct.



Women should absolutely be as accountable as men for their behaviour. You’ll not find me disputing that and at no point have I suggested otherwise. It’d be helpful if you argued with me about the things I do believe or say rather than the things you wish I believed or said. 


I know it would be much easier to be dismissive of this stuff if the women saying it were all busy being man-haters or denying men their own protections and rights against assault or whatever, but that’s just not the case here or pretty much anywhere else I see this debate unfolding. Nobody’s taking anything away from you. 


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