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Who do you want as our next manager?


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10 minutes ago, sac said:

Why not get rid of McAvoy & Forrest & bring in a foreign coach to asst Naismith.


Throwing good money after bad. Need a root and branch changeover of our coaching team. 

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1 hour ago, Ricardo Quaresma said:


Don't think it is; don't think Robbie got what he wanted in January either


It's starting to make sense why other managerial candidates over the last few years are just not getting the job


They wanted more money and perhaps more control over the signings

That's very fair , failing to buy last January definitely contributed to blowing 3rd position 

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1 hour ago, Ex member of the SaS said:

Sorry but NO to Mcinness, his teams are dire and boring, steady maybe but did Aberdeen dominate third when he was there? Our financial state should have third pretty much in the bag every season, maybe swapping with one other team something like the bigots do now. but a consistent third means more income ( from many sources ) and more income and a higher league position means we could attract better players. It's a self fulfilling system.

Off field is strong but without the on field we are nothing but another mid range company,

They dominated 2nd never mind 3rd, even with Rangers back in the league for a couple of years (took Rangers 3 attempts to finish above Aberdeen).  You have to go back to 2006 for the last time we finished above Rangers in the top league.

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Drylaw Hearts

One things almost certain…..Naismith is clinging on by his fingernails and I’ve no doubt there will have been behind the doors discussions on who we can go for next.


The club will have looked at the stands on Sunday…..and apart from the few thousand who didn’t bother turning up…….the mass walk out just after HT will have sent shivers down the spines of those upstairs.


Naismith has probably 4 or 5 matches (at most) to show he can get a tune out these players.



James Anderson is the key to where we go next imo.


If he isn’t willing to chuck us few coins then we are in the Stephen Robinson or Derek McInnes territory.


Don’t bother trying to bring in a foreign manager with new and fresh ideas unless you are willing to give him the money to spend on recruiting the players capable of carrying out exactly what he wants.


My guess is we’ll go down the industrious route and get in a guy who will bring a bit of steeliness and make us less of a walkover.


Naismith will be on garden leave just in time to open the first door on his advent calender imo.

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36 minutes ago, Bull's-eye said:


The season is over then, shut the doors and sack everyone.


Great stuff.

Wouldn't go that for, but we can't continue doing same thing and expecting a different result.

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4 hours ago, OTT said:


Just with you saying O'Neil, reminded me of Alex Neil - have had this feeling that Alex Neil is Savages ultimate aim, but circumstances just haven't aligned yet. 


Maybe that is part of the reason Naismiths team has such a thrown together feeling. I guess we'll find out. But strong feeling Naismith won't last long enough for an opportunity to appoint Neil to open up. 

Unlikely to for a while yet as well.  After last nights result the glass half full perspective on Stoke is that they are only four points off a play-off spot 

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1 hour ago, HopeDiouf said:

Yes I want a manager who will speak up if not happy with squad, rather than pretend he's happy and we get beat by Motherwell and Dundee and St mirren,  then blame the poor quality of players.

Really motivational for the players if at the start of the season the manager goes public saying his squad are not good enough. 

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51 minutes ago, Nerja Jambo said:

When you mention bigger names, there seems to an element on here that thinks that you go from the level of RN and SN, to Pep and Mourinho and nothing in between. Someone posted yesterday that if Kilmarnock could attract Clark and McInnes then that should be the minimum standard for us. Hearts and Edinburgh is a big attraction to many and should not be underestimated. The question is will the board really try next time to see how high a calibre of coach we could attract.  

Killie did well to attract McInnes though they timed it right. They only got Clark because he and Billy Bowie are schoolboy mates and he came up on a short term deal to help his mate out, stayed longer than planned then got the Scotland job.  No way they could have hired Clark on a regular basis. 

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N Lincs Jambo

Only one Scottish manager I would go for but he won’t be available till the summer at the earliest and that’s Steve Clarke. In any case there’s no vacancy at the moment so I’ll continue to back Naismith as I did with all managers before him.

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31 minutes ago, Drylaw Hearts said:

One things almost certain…..Naismith is clinging on by his fingernails and I’ve no doubt there will have been behind the doors discussions on who we can go for next.


The club will have looked at the stands on Sunday…..and apart from the few thousand who didn’t bother turning up…….the mass walk out just after HT will have sent shivers down the spines of those upstairs.


Naismith has probably 4 or 5 matches (at most) to show he can get a tune out these players.



James Anderson is the key to where we go next imo.


If he isn’t willing to chuck us few coins then we are in the Stephen Robinson or Derek McInnes territory.


Don’t bother trying to bring in a foreign manager with new and fresh ideas unless you are willing to give him the money to spend on recruiting the players capable of carrying out exactly what he wants.


My guess is we’ll go down the industrious route and get in a guy who will bring a bit of steeliness and make us less of a walkover.


Naismith will be on garden leave just in time to open the first door on his advent calender imo.

McInnes will cost twice as much as Robinson if not more. Then he does have a track record that’s seriously better than Robinsons. 

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19 minutes ago, Drylaw Hearts said:

One things almost certain…..Naismith is clinging on by his fingernails and I’ve no doubt there will have been behind the doors discussions on who we can go for next.


The club will have looked at the stands on Sunday…..and apart from the few thousand who didn’t bother turning up…….the mass walk out just after HT will have sent shivers down the spines of those upstairs.


Naismith has probably 4 or 5 matches (at most) to show he can get a tune out these players.



James Anderson is the key to where we go next imo.


If he isn’t willing to chuck us few coins then we are in the Stephen Robinson or Derek McInnes territory.


Don’t bother trying to bring in a foreign manager with new and fresh ideas unless you are willing to give him the money to spend on recruiting the players capable of carrying out exactly what he wants.


My guess is we’ll go down the industrious route and get in a guy who will bring a bit of steeliness and make us less of a walkover.


Naismith will be on garden leave just in time to open the first door on his advent calender imo.

Agree that Naismith will struggle to see the end of November. The Board will surely need to accept this is on them and they've been clueless what to do after rightly binning Neilson. What's followed has been a farce but that shouldn't detract from the reality that Neilson had to go. His reward of a new contract after a gutless cup final performance summed it up. 


In calendar year 2018 Steve Clarke accumulated 74 points with Kilmarnock. I'm not sure the number of league games that spanned but we've never come close to that point total in a league campaign. He did that with guys like O'Donnell, Power, Dicker, Brophy etc. That particular ship has clearly sailed but it does illustrate what can be achieved with a proper coach at the helm. 


Sunday was the day that should've sent a very clear message to the Board for the reasons you highlight. Place emptied long before FT and no atmosphere in the stadium after we shat ourselves within minutes of the start yet again. 


Going back to Clarke. His Kilmarnock sides were drilled and coached that he never lost goals against the uglies inside 10 mins. Nor tellingly do they under McInnes. Clarke and McInnes had nowhere near the resources that Neilson and Naismith have enjoyed. 


James Anderson could increase his contribution from £4M to £10M but if you haven't got people in place who are competent then you'll continue to achieve the same outcomes irrespective of increased budget etc. 


I'm pretty sure a number of punters who might've been willing to give Naismith the benefit of the doubt will have decided enough is enough after Sunday. It just wasn't a contest and that should always be the minimum expectation, particularly at home. 

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30 minutes ago, Drylaw Hearts said:

One things almost certain…..Naismith is clinging on by his fingernails and I’ve no doubt there will have been behind the doors discussions on who we can go for next.


The club will have looked at the stands on Sunday…..and apart from the few thousand who didn’t bother turning up…….the mass walk out just after HT will have sent shivers down the spines of those upstairs.


Naismith has probably 4 or 5 matches (at most) to show he can get a tune out these players.



James Anderson is the key to where we go next imo.


If he isn’t willing to chuck us few coins then we are in the Stephen Robinson or Derek McInnes territory.


Don’t bother trying to bring in a foreign manager with new and fresh ideas unless you are willing to give him the money to spend on recruiting the players capable of carrying out exactly what he wants.


My guess is we’ll go down the industrious route and get in a guy who will bring a bit of steeliness and make us less of a walkover.


Naismith will be on garden leave just in time to open the first door on his advent calender imo.

Not just the empty seats and walkouts on Sunday, we struggling to sell hospitality aswell for recent games! Supporters not stupid and know when they being taken for a ride , personally I'll always be there because just what I do but I understand Supporters who just not motivated to go watch that shitshow

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4 minutes ago, N Lincs Jambo said:

Only one Scottish manager I would go for but he won’t be available till the summer at the earliest and that’s Steve Clarke. In any case there’s no vacancy at the moment so I’ll continue to back Naismith as I did with all managers before him.

You continued to back Neilson, Cathro and Levein until their last game? Unfortunately our Board were equally as shortsighted and it has cost the club millions over the years.  I’m not advocating sacking Naismith yet by the way, just highlighting previous examples of poor judgement.

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11 minutes ago, soonbe110 said:

Killie did well to attract McInnes though they timed it right. They only got Clark because he and Billy Bowie are schoolboy mates and he came up on a short term deal to help his mate out, stayed longer than planned then got the Scotland job.  No way they could have hired Clark on a regular basis. 

Re McInnes, but they did attract him. Re Clark , was there for 21 months from October 19 to May 21, that certainly is longer than planned. But the big thing with Killie is that they showed a hell of a lot more ambition than our Board have done to attract both of them.

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N Lincs Jambo
1 minute ago, Fozzyonthefence said:

You continued to back Neilson, Cathro and Levein until their last game? Unfortunately our Board were equally as shortsighted and it has cost the club millions over the years.  I’m not advocating sacking Naismith yet by the way, just highlighting previous examples of poor judgement.

I backed the team. I want Hearts to win every game we play irrespective of who the manager is. That means I want every Hearts manager to be successful.


In all honesty in the 53 years since I went to my first Hearts game very few managers have been successful but I’ll support every one of them till they are gone. Cathro failed but still had some cracking victories. I well remember the “you’re getting fecked by a laptop” to Kris Boyd. I would say the Hearts fans that night supported Cathro. Just a pity Boyd was ultimately proved right.

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5 minutes ago, N Lincs Jambo said:

I backed the team. I want Hearts to win every game we play irrespective of who the manager is. That means I want every Hearts manager to be successful.


In all honesty in the 53 years since I went to my first Hearts game very few managers have been successful but I’ll support every one of them till they are gone. Cathro failed but still had some cracking victories. I well remember the “you’re getting fecked by a laptop” to Kris Boyd. I would say the Hearts fans that night supported Cathro. Just a pity Boyd was ultimately proved right.

How exactly do you back the manager?

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11 minutes ago, N Lincs Jambo said:

I backed the team. I want Hearts to win every game we play irrespective of who the manager is. That means I want every Hearts manager to be successful.


In all honesty in the 53 years since I went to my first Hearts game very few managers have been successful but I’ll support every one of them till they are gone. Cathro failed but still had some cracking victories. I well remember the “you’re getting fecked by a laptop” to Kris Boyd. I would say the Hearts fans that night supported Cathro. Just a pity Boyd was ultimately proved right.

I’m not sure ridiculing Kris Boyd and comparing Cathro to a laptop exactly equates to supporting Cathro and even if it does the goodwill for him didn’t last long at all. 

Apart from a few trolls and interlopers on here we all want Hearts to win.  That doesn’t necessarily mean that all are fully behind the manager though.  You can want Hearts to win and back the team but still think the manager is a bit shit. 

Edited by Fozzyonthefence
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How about we give the guy in charge now a little more time to do his work. Or the #obos on here could stop being @$$ holes and go worry about their own team for once. I know being a #!bee can’t be fun but for ****s sake, get a life.

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13 minutes ago, Nerja Jambo said:

Re McInnes, but they did attract him. Re Clark , was there for 21 months from October 19 to May 21, that certainly is longer than planned. But the big thing with Killie is that they showed a hell of a lot more ambition than our Board have done to attract both of them.


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Here's an interesting scenario.  January 2025 we are looking for a new manager because Rangers have come in for Naismith.  It's about as likely as most other suggestions on here.

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Lossiemouth Jambo

Naismith is on borrowed time; but to be honest even George Burley couldn't get anything from this squad.

I am sick of watching Kent, Sibbick or Rowles hoof it to no-one or muck about with it at the back and get pressed into mistakes.


We should probably keep Naismith because there is nobody who will improve this lot and as long as we don't finish last then ............; it won't cost us compensation.

For next season we need someone who is passionate about Hearts and can improve the squad. Attracting quality players in, which will cost.


Ultimately success costs money and if we want to have success then we need to spend.

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1 hour ago, HeartsandonlyHearts said:

How about we give the guy in charge now a little more time to do his work. Or the #obos on here could stop being @$$ holes and go worry about their own team for once. I know being a #!bee can’t be fun but for ****s sake, get a life.

How long do you give him?  He has been in the job over 6 months now  He has had the summer transfer window   There are no signs of progress in fact we have regressed since April in my opinion   We are easier to beat than we were then  

Folk said that Neilson had lost the dressing room, I see little evidence of the squad currently playing for the manager. The previous capacity crowds are dwindling, away tickets easier to get, stadium 75% empty with 15 mins to go on Sunday  Something or someone needs to reverse the trend and soon  

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2 minutes ago, soonbe110 said:

How long do you give him?  He has been in the job over 6 months now  He has had the summer transfer window   There are no signs of progress in fact we have regressed since April in my opinion   We are easier to beat than we were then  

Folk said that Neilson had lost the dressing room, I see little evidence of the squad currently playing for the manager. The previous capacity crowds are dwindling, away tickets easier to get, stadium 75% empty with 15 mins to go on Sunday  Something or someone needs to reverse the trend and soon  

A significant proportion of the current squad need chased. I don't believe that Naismith is the answer but that squad are largely a disgrace. The collapse last season highlighted a number of things you wouldn't wish to witness in players that play for Hearts. Collectively weak with a shitebag mentality.

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2 hours ago, Nerja Jambo said:

When you mention bigger names, there seems to an element on here that thinks that you go from the level of RN and SN, to Pep and Mourinho and nothing in between. Someone posted yesterday that if Kilmarnock could attract Clark and McInnes then that should be the minimum standard for us. Hearts and Edinburgh is a big attraction to many and should not be underestimated. The question is will the board really try next time to see how high a calibre of coach we could attract.  

This comes up every time we need a new gaffer. there's a level. We can't complete with the English Championship for example - unless you count the trainwreck that relegated us a few years back. You just need to look at our managerial appointments in the last 30 years, it can't be the case that the board on all of those occasions just weren't trying or went for the cheap option. Hearts and Edinburgh is a big attraction to us, it's our club, most fans are from generations of Hearts supporters. In terms of football in the UK, we are sadly not a big attraction. Hugely driven by the state of the league, our biggest league fixture of the season isn't even televised anymore. Players sign for us and instantly talk about stepping stone club. We are a big club in Scotland, and should be taking the best managers within Scotland, along with the best players, outwith the OF obviously. 


Don't want to be doom and gloom about it, but there is a level of realism required. Big names have been interested over the years, as soon as they get a sniff of the terms, playing budget etc it comes to nothing, time after time.  

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Leveins Battalion

It's been covered already,the Board are clueless,of that there is no argument football wise.


They sacked Neilson and awaited applications,they had no plan B despite the nonsense fed to us by Mckinlay and Savage,they had no targets,they had no vision,they had no future planning.


They looked through CV's (a bit like HR are doing for the Head Chef in the new Hotel) and thought nobody fitted the criteria.They then thought shit let's get somebody from within,I know our Colts Manager,in fact let's supplement him with Joe Savages pal,the ex postman who has been helping the youth set up flourish so magnificently and did so well at Preston,and to top it off let's actually keep a guy who was part of the team that we have just sacked and coached these guys for the last 4 years.



It is staggering levels of both laziness and hugely unimaginative, how can the club expect to be ambitious when the Board are so unambitious.



However keep the cash coming in,in fact come to the Curry Club v Livi only £12.



Funded by Fans,Run by Clowns.

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Malinga the Swinga

Surely they could pick from the smug know it all clueless ***** who post on here demanding this, that and whatever. According to these halfwits, it's an easy task and one that would only take a short while to fix.

Get the self righteous Selkirk one on assisted by Levein and his battalion as they appear to be more than qualified.

That would require them actually doing something though instead of just snipping on here like a pair of fisherwives, so unlikely to happen.

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11 minutes ago, Leveins Battalion said:

It's been covered already,the Board are clueless,of that there is no argument football wise.


They sacked Neilson and awaited applications,they had no plan B despite the nonsense fed to us by Mckinlay and Savage,they had no targets,they had no vision,they had no future planning.


They looked through CV's (a bit like HR are doing for the Head Chef in the new Hotel) and thought nobody fitted the criteria.They then thought shit let's get somebody from within,I know our Colts Manager,in fact let's supplement him with Joe Savages pal,the ex postman who has been helping the youth set up flourish so magnificently and did so well at Preston,and to top it off let's actually keep a guy who was part of the team that we have just sacked and coached these guys for the last 4 years.



It is staggering levels of both laziness and hugely unimaginative, how can the club expect to be ambitious when the Board are so unambitious.



However keep the cash coming in,in fact come to the Curry Club v Livi only £12.



Funded by Fans,Run by Clowns.


Every single person on the board knows more about running a football club than everyone on here put together.



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For all the bluster from various people connected to the club since 2014 about ambition and reaching the “next level”,  we’ve shown zero ambition in all of our managerial appointments. 

Every appointment has been someone connected to or known to the club. 

The only appointment that could be argued showed ambition was Stendel and even then it was more desperation. Even after giving him the job we mucked about by not giving him his back room staff and signings that he wanted. 

I’m of the opinion that the board needs to change this perception when Naismith inevitably gets sacked or they need to move on and let others have a go. 

Different level I know, but we’ve heard for years that Rangers are skint yet they always find the money to be ruthless and sack an underachieving manager whilst being decisive in identifying their successor (for better or worse). About time our board stopped acting like a bowling club and did the same. 

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6 minutes ago, Malinga the Swinga said:

Surely they could pick from the smug know it all clueless ***** who post on here demanding this, that and whatever. According to these halfwits, it's an easy task and one that would only take a short while to fix.

Get the self righteous Selkirk one on assisted by Levein and his battalion as they appear to be more than qualified.

That would require them actually doing something though instead of just snipping on here like a pair of fisherwives, so unlikely to happen.


Both have dedicated their life to JKB and educating the masses on the finer points of football management, lose a game, sack everyone.

Clubs all over the world are eagerly watching for their next ground shattering revelations.





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Leveins Battalion
8 minutes ago, Bull's-eye said:


Every single person on the board knows more about running a football club than everyone on here put together.




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Leveins Battalion
14 minutes ago, Malinga the Swinga said:

Surely they could pick from the smug know it all clueless ***** who post on here demanding this, that and whatever. According to these halfwits, it's an easy task and one that would only take a short while to fix.

Get the self righteous Selkirk one on assisted by Levein and his battalion as they appear to be more than qualified.

That would require them actually doing something though instead of just snipping on here like a pair of fisherwives, so unlikely to happen.


Get to the Curry Club.

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1 hour ago, soonbe110 said:

The previous capacity crowds are dwindling, away tickets easier to get, stadium 75% empty with 15 mins to go on Sunday  Something or someone needs to reverse the trend and soon  



Currently over 1000 tickets available for the Livingston game before unused hospitality has been released. No chance the Ticket Exchange opens again and there will be several thousand that don't bother. By far and away the biggest reason for all that is because of on field performance. The inept decisions made by the board this calendar year, coupled with the dismal leadership of the 2 individuals they entrusted to run our first team has seen that level of apathy grow. Without a very improbable upturn in results given the venues of 2 of the next 3 games they are going to be under huge pressure very soon. I'm not sure sitting doing nothing is even an option for them. 

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36 minutes ago, Leveins Battalion said:



You seriously think supporters on here know more about running a football club than the current board ?



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52 minutes ago, Malinga the Swinga said:

Surely they could pick from the smug know it all clueless ***** who post on here demanding this, that and whatever. According to these halfwits, it's an easy task and one that would only take a short while to fix.

Get the self righteous Selkirk one on assisted by Levein and his battalion as they appear to be more than qualified.

That would require them actually doing something though instead of just snipping on here like a pair of fisherwives, so unlikely to happen.

Halfwits? Take a look in the mirror 

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9 hours ago, gregzy2k7 said:

When the inevitable happens..


Who would your choice be for our next manager?


I personally would quite like to see us push the boat out and go for either Chris Wilder or Kevin Muscat.


If we wanted a cheaper option albeit would have to pay compensation then I wouldn't mind us taking a punt on Stephen Robinson.

There are loads to choose from recently released by Wilko!

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45 minutes ago, Leveins Battalion said:


Some just accept any old shite thrown at them eh !! I'm sure Mrs Budge or Mr Anderson have never appointed someone in the most important position in there business dealings as a yts experiment and not even have the required qualifications to do the job

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3 hours ago, Bazzas right boot said:


Wonderful to see your beloved Bob Neilson has found a new job labouring on a building site. Never mind Bob I'm sure it won't be long before you're back in the game. 

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54 minutes ago, Luckies1874 said:



Currently over 1000 tickets available for the Livingston game before unused hospitality has been released. No chance the Ticket Exchange opens again and there will be several thousand that don't bother. By far and away the biggest reason for all that is because of on field performance. The inept decisions made by the board this calendar year, coupled with the dismal leadership of the 2 individuals they entrusted to run our first team has seen that level of apathy grow. Without a very improbable upturn in results given the venues of 2 of the next 3 games they are going to be under huge pressure very soon. I'm not sure sitting doing nothing is even an option for them. 

I'm sure the 7000 on Mckinlays fantasy list will snap up the available tickets. 

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25 minutes ago, Selkirkhmfc1874 said:

Some just accept any old shite thrown at them eh !! I'm sure Mrs Budge or Mr Anderson have never appointed someone in the most important position in there business dealings as a yts experiment and not even have the required qualifications to do the job

Have you ever contacted the club directly with your concerns?


If you have perhaps you could share your experience with us?


Otherwise posting the same thing on here every day could be deemed as simply “accepting any old shite”.

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6 hours ago, Costanza said:

If we're looking domestically then is Kettlewell not a better shout?

Has massively improved Motherwell and they give the OF a far harder game than we do.

I'll say it again. Young, hungry and intelligent. That's the way forward for us. What!! He lacks experience, Aye!! in what exactly? that's such a red herring if ye ask me. I assume, like most who've had any sort of career, he's been steeped in football since he was a pup and seems to have a bit about him. He has a vampire's hairline anaw, bonus. 😏

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