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22 hours ago, Jambo-Jimbo said:


I also disagree, the time for firing Mueller has come and gone, besides to fire him now, would only guarantee a republican wipe-out at the mid-terms.



Anyway, hasn't Mueller proofed a key part of the investigation into Trump against his sacking? 

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Brighton Jambo
14 hours ago, Maple Leaf said:

Senator McCain's family telling Trump to stay away from the funeral.  


I hope that there's an adult in the White House that will take Trump's phone off him to stop him tweeting something inappropriate.

Although for the sake of the family I hope he doesn’t I also sort of want him to as the republican base and certainly the republicans in the house/senate would be scathing.  Further damage to his reputation 

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Donald Trump’s longtime friend Roger Stone is sharing predictions about the outcome of the Mueller investigation — and one of his assertions is that the next indictment will be very close to the president. Donald Trump Jr. is on Mueller’s short list, and his turn will be coming any day, if Stone’s expectations bear out.


According to Newsweek, Stone says that Don Jr. won’t be facing charges for the Trump Tower meeting, but for lying to the FBI. The Trump family’s story about exactly what happened in that meeting has shifted a few times.

While Trump Sr. initially dictated a statement for Trump Jr. to assert that the meeting was about international adoptions, both later admitted Don Jr. was being offered potentially damaging information about Hillary Clinton. Trump maintains that he didn’t know about the meeting beforehand, although a phone call from Trump Jr. to a blocked number, during the planning of the meeting, has raised questions.



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Trump's childish behaviour over the death of John McCain is just the latest example of a man who is not suitable to be POTUS.


Trump is a draft-dodging con man, yet he has the gall to get insulting over a man who wore the uniform of his country, and put his life on the line when his nation asked him to do so.  The fungus under McCain's toenails is more deserving of America's respect that that embarrassment of a human who temporarily occupies the Oval Office.

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36 minutes ago, The Real Maroonblood said:

The flag at the White House is back to half mast.


Words fail me.




The man is a complete ignoramus, and an embarrassment to America, yet some people still like & defend him.

Little wonder he was getting it large on the McCain RIP thread, just look at his behaviour towards John McCain over the last few days, he can barely hide his contempt for the man.

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The Real Maroonblood
41 minutes ago, Jambo-Jimbo said:




The man is a complete ignoramus, and an embarrassment to America, yet some people still like & defend him.

Little wonder he was getting it large on the McCain RIP thread, just look at his behaviour towards John McCain over the last few days, he can barely hide his contempt for the man.

Thanks for the fix.?

Not an age thing just bloody raging at this dick.

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13 minutes ago, Barack said:

Wonder who had a quiet word.  


Kelly, I'd imagine.





The hypocrisy of Trump knows no bounds, he likes to portray himself as the champion and friend of US Veterans, yet he treated John McCain who was a US Veteran disgracefully.

Even with the man dead, Trump still can't bring himself to call McCain a war hero, yet Trump was more than happy to want to hold a military parade for no other reason than the veneration of himself.


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30 minutes ago, Jambo-Jimbo said:


The hypocrisy of Trump knows no bounds, he likes to portray himself as the champion and friend of US Veterans, yet he treated John McCain who was a US Veteran disgracefully.

Even with the man dead, Trump still can't bring himself to call McCain a war hero, yet Trump was more than happy to want to hold a military parade for no other reason than the veneration of himself.



There's something not right in the head of a draft dodger who wants to have a military parade purely to let him to act like a general.


I can just see it, him standing on the review stand, chest puffed out, belly sucked in, Mussolini pout on his face, saluting like a real soldier. :sick:


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The dramatic difference between the two men is incredible.

McCain parachutes from a plane shot down by enemy fire. He sustains two broken arms and a broken leg. Later he is offered release by his captors if he will sign a propaganda statement, he refuses. He is later offered release ahead of other wounded, because of his fathers rank. He refuses the offer. He is then subjected to further torture in cluding the rebreaking of his arms.

Meanwhile the future President of the United States who describes himself as a fighter, and supporter of the military, who threatens nuclear capable adversaries receives a draft notice to serve in the military during the Vietnam conflict. He seeks a deferment under the education clause, and also is medically unfit because of heel spurs.  

I have to ponder who the hero is in this case, broken arms, broken leg, torture, refuse to jump line for release, or a man so crippled by heel spurs that he is unable to even enrol for military service, you know I think I lean toward the man in the Vietnamese prison.

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1 hour ago, Maple Leaf said:


There's something not right in the head of a draft dodger who wants to have a military parade purely to let him to act like a general.


I can just see it, him standing on the review stand, chest puffed out, belly sucked in, Mussolini pout on his face, saluting like a real soldier. :sick:



Something like this?



He's jealous, it's just pure plain jealousy with Trump, that's why he wants to act like a General, like a real soldier, a war hero even, why he wants military parades in his honour, it's also why he latched onto the US Vets and why he disgracefully slagged off a real war hero, he's jealous of them, they are more of a man, more of a hero then he'll ever be and Trump knows this.


Trump desperately wants the adulation which the public have for the military and their war hero's, but Trump also knows he'd never ever attain that adulation because he knows the public and himself know that he's nothing but a yellow-bellied coward and that fact is eating at him, has done so for many a year and will continue to eat at him.

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2 minutes ago, ri Alban said:

It's that fat orange face with the white eyelids. He looks like an orange panda, but fatter. 


How do you feel about his draft dodging, I know you got very incensed at me when I called a Deputy a coward when he failed to do his duty, in my mind Trump also failed to answer the call when many others including John McCain did. I seem to recall that you and others felt that the Deputy done the right thing, self protection, so did Trump, do you agree with that stance, and is his appearance your main problem with him or is it his policies which you haven't mentioned.

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5 minutes ago, bobsharp said:


How do you feel about his draft dodging, I know you got very incensed at me when I called a Deputy a coward when he failed to do his duty, in my mind Trump also failed to answer the call when many others including John McCain did. I seem to recall that you and others felt that the Deputy done the right thing, self protection, so did Trump, do you agree with that stance, and is his appearance your main problem with him or is it his policies which you haven't mentioned.

I don't believe in drafts. If you want to join the armed forces it should be by choice. But saying that, if you do dodge a draft, you should keep your trap shut about men who served with honour. 


I do think national service should be brought back. 

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3 hours ago, Maple Leaf said:


There's something not right in the head of a draft dodger who wants to have a military parade purely to let him to act like a general.


I can just see it, him standing on the review stand, chest puffed out, belly sucked in, Mussolini pout on his face, saluting like a real soldier. :sick:


He is like those conmen who turn up to military things with medals they have bought and are a mismatch of wars.

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6 minutes ago, milky_26 said:

He is like those conmen who turn up to military things with medals they have bought and are a mismatch of wars.

Valour thieves . 

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52 minutes ago, ri Alban said:

I don't believe in drafts. If you want to join the armed forces it should be by choice. But saying that, if you do dodge a draft, you should keep your trap shut about men who served with honour. 


I do think national service should be brought back. 

Thank you for your reasonable response, although National Service was by draft. There were plenty who dodged the National Service call up by fraudulent medical reports.  There was one doctor on East Preston Street who would provide if requested the necessary stationary with the necessary diagnosis, and he was by no means a solitary nfigure.

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21 minutes ago, milky_26 said:

He is like those conmen who turn up to military things with medals they have bought and are a mismatch of wars.


Many of us served on the Suez Canal Zone in the early fifties, although a medal was normal for the type of service we were on, none was issued. It was a political decision as the government of the day wanted to dispel any impression that we were on a military action standing, they did not want to offend the Egyptians.  Of course as time went on one would go to say an Armistice day parade and there would be guys with a string of medals. One was a Suez campaign medal which you could buy, another was a National Service medal again a by purchase medal. We were issued our General Service Medal with the clasp Canal Zone, in 2003. It was nice to get, but I was denied the honor of wearing the medal during thirty six years in a uniform career.

Politicians are quick to send men into situations but are just as quick to clear themselves of any responsibility.  Just watch Trump if some of his threats are answered in a like manner.

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I P Knightley
1 hour ago, Jambo-Jimbo said:


Something like this?



He's jealous, it's just pure plain jealousy with Trump, that's why he wants to act like a General, like a real soldier, a war hero even, why he wants military parades in his honour, it's also why he latched onto the US Vets and why he disgracefully slagged off a real war hero, he's jealous of them, they are more of a man, more of a hero then he'll ever be and Trump knows this.


Trump desperately wants the adulation which the public have for the military and their war hero's, but Trump also knows he'd never ever attain that adulation because he knows the public and himself know that he's nothing but a yellow-bellied coward and that fact is eating at him, has done so for many a year and will continue to eat at him.

I think jealousy is at the root of the man's behaviour.


He's not a bright lad so he tells us he's had the "best" education, by which he means "most expensive", without realising that daddy might have paid for his to go to an expensive school but that, in itself doesn't make him bright.


He's jealous of popular and effective politicians so he tells us that he's the most popular president ever and that all his policies have been a huge success (without the need for any independent third party verification of these claims).


He's jealous, as you point out, of people who are regarded as heroes because they served in the military so, having tried to belittle McCain, he now tries a different tack to identify with them.


He's jealous of anyone who attracts praise or adulation and so he acts out like a big spoiled baby - just to get attention.


I don't think he necessarily has any regret at not having served in the military, as he'd have been shit-scared to do anything. However, in his fantasies, he's John Wayne and Clint Eastwood rolled into one which is probably where his outrageous comment about respecting those who didn't get captured came from.


Man's a feckin' imbecile.

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1 hour ago, I P Knightley said:

I think jealousy is at the root of the man's behaviour.


He's not a bright lad so he tells us he's had the "best" education, by which he means "most expensive", without realising that daddy might have paid for his to go to an expensive school but that, in itself doesn't make him bright.


He's jealous of popular and effective politicians so he tells us that he's the most popular president ever and that all his policies have been a huge success (without the need for any independent third party verification of these claims).


He's jealous, as you point out, of people who are regarded as heroes because they served in the military so, having tried to belittle McCain, he now tries a different tack to identify with them.


He's jealous of anyone who attracts praise or adulation and so he acts out like a big spoiled baby - just to get attention.


I don't think he necessarily has any regret at not having served in the military, as he'd have been shit-scared to do anything. However, in his fantasies, he's John Wayne and Clint Eastwood rolled into one which is probably where his outrageous comment about respecting those who didn't get captured came from.


Man's a feckin' imbecile.


Yip, agree with all of this.

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3 hours ago, bobsharp said:

Thank you for your reasonable response, although National Service was by draft. There were plenty who dodged the National Service call up by fraudulent medical reports.  There was one doctor on East Preston Street who would provide if requested the necessary stationary with the necessary diagnosis, and he was by no means a solitary nfigure.

I think it should be voluntary, and I think when war is just(WW2) the more volunteers would appear. National service would give people the skill, knowledge and courage required if war were to arise. 

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10 minutes ago, ri Alban said:

I think it should be voluntary, and I think when war is just(WW2) the more volunteers would appear. National service would give people the skill, knowledge and courage required if war were to arise. 

I can see where you are cominhg from, basically the Territorial Army filled a need providing training and military practise while still a civilian. Yes serving military personnel were first to fight in the two world wars, unfortunately the mortality rate was high, and there were understandably not a rush of volunteers so compulsory service was implemented. The war Trump could start would unfortunately incur high death rates but that will c omprise of both civilian and serving personnel.

Of interest just caught a wee snippet on the news that all is not going well with the North Korea agreement. Trump cancelling the military exercises, has left South Korea in a wee bit of a pickle, but all is not lost because according to the President kim is an honorable man, a nice man, who loves his country and his people. So I am sure he won't allow a lot of his subjects to die in a war, who would he have left to put in prison and murder then.

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The Real Maroonblood
5 hours ago, Jambo-Jimbo said:


Something like this?



He's jealous, it's just pure plain jealousy with Trump, that's why he wants to act like a General, like a real soldier, a war hero even, why he wants military parades in his honour, it's also why he latched onto the US Vets and why he disgracefully slagged off a real war hero, he's jealous of them, they are more of a man, more of a hero then he'll ever be and Trump knows this.


Trump desperately wants the adulation which the public have for the military and their war hero's, but Trump also knows he'd never ever attain that adulation because he knows the public and himself know that he's nothing but a yellow-bellied coward and that fact is eating at him, has done so for many a year and will continue to eat at him.

Spot on with this post about that a*******.

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4 hours ago, I P Knightley said:

I think jealousy is at the root of the man's behaviour.


He's not a bright lad so he tells us he's had the "best" education, by which he means "most expensive", without realising that daddy might have paid for his to go to an expensive school but that, in itself doesn't make him bright.


He's jealous of popular and effective politicians so he tells us that he's the most popular president ever and that all his policies have been a huge success (without the need for any independent third party verification of these claims).


He's jealous, as you point out, of people who are regarded as heroes because they served in the military so, having tried to belittle McCain, he now tries a different tack to identify with them.


He's jealous of anyone who attracts praise or adulation and so he acts out like a big spoiled baby - just to get attention.


I don't think he necessarily has any regret at not having served in the military, as he'd have been shit-scared to do anything. However, in his fantasies, he's John Wayne and Clint Eastwood rolled into one which is probably where his outrageous comment about respecting those who didn't get captured came from.


Man's a feckin' imbecile.


He's a real-life Eric Cartman.

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1 hour ago, ri Alban said:

I think it should be voluntary, and I think when war is just(WW2) the more volunteers would appear. National service would give people the skill, knowledge and courage required if war were to arise. 


Yes, except it's an unfair system, mate.


People with wealth or influence avoid the draft (National Service), while ordinary guys are made to go.


When I got called up, I was working at the next desk to a professional football player for Hearts.  I had to go, he got a medical exemption.  His football career lasted for about another 20 years. Somebody pulled strings on his behalf.

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The orange-faced, candy-floss haired wee Hitler is now threatening violence if the republicans lose control of the two houses in the November mid-terms.


What a complete roaster.

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27 minutes ago, Cade said:

The orange-faced, candy-floss haired wee Hitler is now threatening violence if the republicans lose control of the two houses in the November mid-terms.


What a complete roaster.


Yeh, I saw that earlier, if it wasn't dangerous talk it would be funny.

He's trying to scare people into voting Republican by suggesting that if the Democrats won there would be violence from the far left.


Where it's dangerous is that if the Democrats win some far right groups could take it that they have to defend the streets against the far left.


America is sleepwalking into some dark and dangerous times.

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34 minutes ago, redjambo said:

An American President trying to interfere with the Free Press by suggesting that the boss of CNN gets fired. While that boss is on leave after heart surgery. My oh my.




Yet the day before he said that if the Democrats win the mid-terms they pose a threat to the 1st amendment, freedom of the press & free speech, and the only way to protect the 1st amendment is to vote Republican.



Like I said America is sleep walking into dark times with the orange buffon in charge.

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1 hour ago, peter_hmfc said:


In a Tweet this morning Trump said the following:


I just cannot state strongly enough how totally dishonest much of the Media is.


This comes from a pathological liar, proven to have lied over 2,000 times in his short term as President.  Tragically, it's probably only a matter of time before Trump's incendiary words are going to get some poor journalist killed.


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Just now, Maple Leaf said:


In a Tweet this morning Trump said the following:


I just cannot state strongly enough how totally dishonest much of the Media is.


This comes from a pathological liar, proven to have lied over 2,000 times in his short term as President.  Tragically, it's probably only a matter of time before Trump's incendiary words are going to get some poor journalist killed.



Aye okay DonDon, they're not wrong they're just outright liars...


... all of them except for FOX, Breitbart and the rodents of Infowars.


Everyone else just lies for whatever reason.



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So months after a huge tax cut that will add trillions to the US deficit and primarily benefits the super rich, Trump announces that he’s cancelled a planned pay rise for federal government workers because the country has to be fiscally responsible.


That should go down well with the voters affected.

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12 minutes ago, marshallschunkychicken said:

So months after a huge tax cut that will add trillions to the US deficit and primarily benefits the super rich, Trump announces that he’s cancelled a planned pay rise for federal government workers because the country has to be fiscally responsible.


That should go down well with the voters affected.


But the Wall and Space Force though?


At least those teachers who can't afford their own school supplies can rest easy that they are safe from "space ISIS" about 2% of drugs that are smuggled in.

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13 minutes ago, marshallschunkychicken said:

So months after a huge tax cut that will add trillions to the US deficit and primarily benefits the super rich, Trump announces that he’s cancelled a planned pay rise for federal government workers because the country has to be fiscally responsible.


That should go down well with the voters affected.


There are a large number of federal employees in states such as Florida, Pennsylvania, and Ohio ... states that Trump won in 2016 and were key to his victory.  Some of those victories were very narrow. This decision of his to cancel pay increases will cost him votes.  The next election could be tighter than the last one because of this. 

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58 minutes ago, Geoff the Mince said:

Boom and bust the Trump way ! 


Oh yeh, his supporters are cheering like feck in the boom, but will they be so enthusiaistic in their support for Trump when the inevitable crash comes, and it will come.

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Trump threatens to pull the US out of the WTO.



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Trump is alleging that an interview he done with NBC about the Comey firing, when he contradicted a previous story by saying he made the decision to fire Comey and it had nothing to do with a memo from Rosenstein. He now claims that the program was changed and it was not him speaking on the televised program tape. Acosta on CNN said something to the effect that it was just another example of the sinking from reality. The man is definitely falling apart, he is stressed about the future and all that is going to be revealed.

There are a lot of ifs, but the first is the ramifications of the Democrats taking over the House. The second will be the Mueller report loaded with all the statement that his cohorts have given. The third is whether the report will be made public.  And my non if, my firmly believed conviction that he will not complete his first term as President.

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On 28/08/2018 at 21:46, Maple Leaf said:


Yes, except it's an unfair system, mate.


People with wealth or influence avoid the draft (National Service), while ordinary guys are made to go.


When I got called up, I was working at the next desk to a professional football player for Hearts.  I had to go, he got a medical exemption.  His football career lasted for about another 20 years. Somebody pulled strings on his behalf.

So was that Willie Bauld , Alfie Conn, Alex Young, not Dave MacKay ( he was a joiner), amongst others I do not recall any  of them re-counting national service experiences, they'd be liable for,or if so suffered from ?

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Donald Trump, is everything the USA deserves, we in Scotland did not vote for theresa may, as a people we do not deserve to be treated the way treated we are,by her and her corrupt party of charlatans.

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