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Ah, it's so nice to hear they weren't all gassed. I guess that was genocide in the good sense of the word rather than the bad sense.




I know this thread has moved on considerably, but I was just emailed a link to this. Today, incidentally, is Holocaust Memorial Day - and that means taking a moment to remember everyone who was slaughtered during the Holocaust. Not just Jews - but homosexuals, the Romany, the mentally ill, Slavic peoples and many others, many of whom are invariably and quite disgracefully forgotten. Food for thought for Mr Griffin:



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Ok. You're up.


Anti-British posts from the above please.


I've only scanned the first few pages but posts 7, 46 and 52 are certainly anti BA, couple with I.J.'s moronic input and Melbourne Jambos sterling Muslim defence work, not to mention post 92 which is clearly inflammatory and a very snide insinuation.


Point proven, cheers.

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Yep, you were looking at the wrong thread!!


Exactly! I was all set to start seething until I realised I'd made a complete Hibs of things. D'oh! :qqb016:

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Sheriff Fatman
10. Says that "the average indigenous Briton" has 1.6 kids; "the average Bangladeshi or Pakistani" has 5 kids. "If you can't adapt to our ways in total, including birth rate, your community must leave": argues they won't be forcibly dragged from the country, but can be "persuaded" to leave, perhaps receiving some form of payment en route. All "serious criminals" from "other ethnic groups" will also all be booted out, including "all their dependents".


And there was me thinking the BNP says it stands for so called 'traditional British values'. Families having few children is a very modern occurrence and not traditional in the slightest.


My mother was one of 6, her father was one of 11, hell even the Queen had 4 kids. Would the BNP throw my family and Der Winsors out.

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I've only scanned the first few pages but posts 7, 46 and 52 are certainly anti BA, couple with I.J.'s moronic input and Melbourne Jambos sterling Muslim defence work, not to mention post 92 which is clearly inflammatory and a very snide insinuation.


Point proven, cheers.


I was quite well behaved on that thread, imo. At no point was I anti-British, or anti-army. I am however anti-ding dong.


I think you are trying to internet bully me.



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I've only scanned the first few pages but posts 7, 46 and 52 are certainly anti BA, couple with I.J.'s moronic input and Melbourne Jambos sterling Muslim defence work, not to mention post 92 which is clearly inflammatory and a very snide insinuation.


Point proven, cheers.


BA =/= Britain




Post 92 was a dig at RC and not anti-British in the slightest.


You're completely out of your depth.


I'll drop it but in future don't just make things up to try suit your agenda. You clearly stated that the usual suspects disintegrated the past BNP linked thread into anti-Britishness. Now be big enough and ugly enough to accept no such thing happened. Just like it hasn't happened on this thread.

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Think you're the one with the Jackanory complex.


Earlier in this thread you said someone from Sudan was more deserving of aid than someone from Glasgow, I'd like you to explain why.


Also, bring up a link from the previous thread and I'll point it out to you, if you can't already see it for yourself. You do yourself no favours everytime you hit your keyboard.


I've read some amount of rubbish on this thread, its is top class stuff !


Now for your point above -


50 pounds would get a suden kid thru a year, now this kid has only known proverty because of his govt, who has had to put up with wars that have nothng to do with him, has watched the west happily sell his corrupt govt weapeons so it can kill his own people


on the other hand


A junkie from glasgow who has had all the benefits of Britain but has choose drugs to waste his life will spend 50 pounds of his giro on his habit which would proparly be gone in a day !


Who dereserves the cash more ?


I've compered a junkie to a 3rd world kid as it is just as stupid as blaming 3rd world aid on the plight of pensioners!


As for the resident BNP nutcases, find it funny as **** that he talkes about going to the UAE to earn money but has a problem with people coming over here to better there lives !

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BA =/= Britain




Post 92 was a dig at RC and not anti-British in the slightest.


You're completely out of your depth.


I'll drop it but in future don't just make things up to try suit your agenda. You clearly stated that the usual suspects disintegrated the past BNP linked thread into anti-Britishness. Now be big enough and ugly enough to accept no such thing happened. Just like it hasn't happened on this thread.


Jeez, when are you going to give up and admit your wrong, you're the only one proving they're out of their depth. For the bit above in bold I refer you to post 238

And not one person condemned them either, preferring to turn it into a slanging match against the British army and Britain in general.


Their agenda's are very clear.

Which the posts I highlighted in the other thread clearly show.


Looks like you've just made things up to suit your own agenda, hmmmm, you're clearly an mod edit so I'll leave it at that, just try and not lie in future to further your puerile arguments.


Thank you.

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Jeez, when are you going to give up and admit your wrong, you're the only one proving they're out of their depth. For the bit above in bold I refer you to post 238


Which the posts I highlighted in the other thread clearly show.


Looks like you've just made things up to suit your own agenda, hmmmm, you're clearly an imbecile so I'll leave it at that, just try and not lie in future to further your puerile arguments.


Thank you.


So where are the posts relating to anti-Britishness?


Funny your no insult moral high-ground didn't last too long.


Dig, dig, dig.

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I've read some amount of rubbish on this thread, its is top class stuff !


Now for your point above -


50 pounds would get a suden kid thru a year, now this kid has only known proverty because of his govt, who has had to put up with wars that have nothng to do with him, has watched the west happily sell his corrupt govt weapeons so it can kill his own people


on the other hand


A junkie from glasgow who has had all the benefits of Britain but has choose drugs to waste his life will spend 50 pounds of his giro on his habit which would proparly be gone in a day !


Who dereserves the cash more ?


I've compered a junkie to a 3rd world kid as it is just as stupid as blaming 3rd world aid on the plight of pensioners!


As for the resident BNP nutcases, find it funny as **** that he talkes about going to the UAE to earn money but has a problem with people coming over here to better there lives !


Look mate, you seem to be another one giving bollox examples and twisting what I've said.


I've never blamed 3rd world aid for the plight of pensioners, I merely stated my opinion that I believe whilst there is still poverty and hardship amongst the elderly and vulnerable in this country, tax payers money would be better directed helping them than sent in aid to Africa. Obviously it's tragic the conditions some people live in but I don't subscribe to the idea that it's our responsibility. I also have a problem with where exactly this aid goes, because I'm sure the majority of it never reaches its intended target.


Now I hope you can understand that and spare me your pesh poor comparisons which bear no relation to my opinion, which I've stated above. Your post is just horse dung.

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So where are the posts relating to anti-Britishness?


Funny your no insult moral high-ground didn't last too long.


Dig, dig, dig.


The only one digging a hole for themselves is you.


I'm beginning to think you can't read or maybe you have trouble understanding English. I refer you to my previous post, which you then said wasn't true, which I have now proven to be true.


You're now just making yourself look a fool.

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The only one digging a hole for themselves is you.


I'm beginning to think you can't read or maybe you have trouble understanding English. I refer you to my previous post, which you then said wasn't true, which I have now proven to be true.


You're now just making yourself look a fool.


I'll put it simply -


You advised us that the a previous thread descended into anti-Britishness.


I asked you to prove it.


You can't.


You can surely follow three sentences right?


And not one person condemned them either, preferring to turn it into a slanging match......against Britain in general


I know you can't prove this point so I won't continue humouring you. Nothing worse than somebody who can't admit when they made a hash-up.

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Nick Griffin doesn't believe the facts of his own sexuality never mind the holocaust.


I cant believe how much i laughed at that.

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I'll put it simply -


You advised us that the a previous thread descended into anti-Britishness.


I asked you to prove it.


You can't.


You can surely follow three sentences right?




I know you can't prove this point so I won't continue humouring you. Nothing worse than somebody who can't admit when they made a hash-up.


Right final time then I give up as there's clearly no getting through to you.


Post 237

And not one person condemned them either, preferring to turn it into a slanging match against the British army and Britain in general.


Their agenda's are very clear.

Your reply, post 238

No, it mainly moved into a discussion over the nature of free speech and freedom of assembly.


Are you senile?


The thread in question, post 7 from yourself



Won't be a popular opinion on here but I question the mentality of anybody who joins what is an offensive army.

Now this was only 7 posts into this thread yet you post this in a blatant attempt to shift the OP into demonising the BA.


Just give it up mate, you've been shown to be talking pish.

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Erm, the OP was relating to a protest against the British Army so in what way was my post off topic?


Are you really THIS stupid?


Still waiting for you to admit that you lied about the "anti-Britishness" by the way.

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just noticed your cute little bit of editing of my quote but you did it wrong, it should have read;


And not one person condemned them either, preferring to turn it into a slanging match......against........Britain in general




And not one person condemned them either, preferring to turn it into a slanging match......against Britain in general


Not you like you to take words out to try and twist things into suiting your agenda is it.


Very sad.

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And not one person condemned them either, preferring to turn it into a slanging match......against........Britain in general




Not you like you to take words out to try and twist things into suiting your agenda is it.


Very sad.




That's exactly what I quoted.


What word did I take out?

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Still waiting on you admitting your wrong, especially after the sleekit bit of editing you tried to pull.


I fear I may be waiting a long time though, people of your stupidity rarely hold their hands up and admit they're wrong.


I live in hope though.

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That's exactly what I quoted.


What word did I take out?


You took out the part about the BA then made the rest of the line all run together.


Are you really this thick???

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You took out the part about the BA then made the rest of the line all run together.


Are you really this thick???


I took out the part about BA because I was well aware there was posts which weren't supportive of the BA. What I questioned was the Anti-Britishness you alluded to which you STILL haven't provided any evidence of.


Anyway, i'm going to quit since you're actually hurting my brain now.


Jeez, for such a nice guy you're not shy with the personal insults this morning. Luckily i'm not a wimp like you who goes around reporting posts like you did on the previous page. :sorcerer:

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Look mate, you seem to be another one giving bollox examples and twisting what I've said.


I've never blamed 3rd world aid for the plight of pensioners, I merely stated my opinion that I believe whilst there is still poverty and hardship amongst the elderly and vulnerable in this country, tax payers money would be better directed helping them than sent in aid to Africa. Obviously it's tragic the conditions some people live in but I don't subscribe to the idea that it's our responsibility. I also have a problem with where exactly this aid goes, because I'm sure the majority of it never reaches its intended target.


Now I hope you can understand that and spare me your pesh poor comparisons which bear no relation to my opinion, which I've stated above. Your post is just horse dung.


The point i was trying to make was more the fact that a little bit of money makes the world of difference for some one in the 3rd world, even 2 pound a month is enough to keep them alive, will a extra 2 pound a month for every pensioner make a life and death difference ?


You should make the most of your life and save for your future if you don't then can you really point the finger at others. I'm not having a go at OAP, Because everyone is different and you real can not judge everyone who is on a peniosn the same.

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I took out the part about BA because I was well aware there was posts which weren't supportive of the BA. What I questioned was the Anti-Britishness you alluded to which you STILL haven't provided any evidence of.


Anyway, i'm going to quit since you're actually hurting my brain now.


Jeez, for such a nice guy you're not shy with the personal insults this morning. Luckily i'm not a wimp like you who goes around reporting posts like you did on the previous page. :sorcerer:


Lol, you're obviously hard as nails!


So you took out the bit that you'd already denied, so you've just admitted that you lied and revised what you previously said.


Well done, it's the first step hardman.


Oh, and for someone who posts in the manner you do, I thought you would be horrified at racial abuse, yet seemingly it's OK when it's your wee sidekick I.J.. Seems like your a bit of a hypocrite to me.

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The point i was trying to make was more the fact that a little bit of money makes the world of difference for some one in the 3rd world, even 2 pound a month is enough to keep them alive, will a extra 2 pound a month for every pensioner make a life and death difference ?


You should make the most of your life and save for your future if you don't then can you really point the finger at others. I'm not having a go at OAP, Because everyone is different and you real can not judge everyone who is on a peniosn the same.


And the point I was trying to make many moons ago was that more should be done to help out people in this country, and if that's at the expense of foreign aid then so be it.


That is all.

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Lol, you're obviously hard as nails!


So you took out the bit that you'd already denied, so you've just admitted that you lied and revised what you previously said.


Well done, it's the first step hardman.


Oh, and for someone who posts in the manner you do, I thought you would be horrified at racial abuse, yet seemingly it's OK when it's your wee sidekick I.J.. Seems like your a bit of a hypocrite to me.


You have issues mate. It's not healthy to get this angry over the internet.


I never once denied that there was anti-BA feeling in a previous thread. All I said was that the BA do not equal Britain so criticising them does not mean criticising Britain. I think you might have just lost track though, so feel free to read back. I asked you to show me where a previous thread descended into anti-British abuse. That's all. You haven't been able to do so unfortunately.


I don't know why you seem to think I.J is my side-kick. I have absolutely no idea who he is beyond a poster on JKB and don't think i've directly replied to any of his posts on this thread. I actually get the impression he likes to wind up any wannabe-intellectuals on a football messageboard so I would try not take his jibes personally.

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Sheriff Fatman
And the point I was trying to make many moons ago was that more should be done to help out people in this country, and if that's at the expense of foreign aid then so be it.


That is all.


If the families of the elderly did more to care for them instead of whinging about not getting their inheritance there would be more to go around for those elderly that don't have family.

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You have issues mate. It's not healthy to get this angry over the internet.


I never once denied that there was anti-BA feeling in a previous thread. All I said was that the BA do not equal Britain so criticising them does not mean criticising Britain. I think you might have just lost track though, so feel free to read back. I asked you to show me where a previous thread descended into anti-British abuse. That's all. You haven't been able to do so unfortunately.


I don't know why you seem to think I.J is my side-kick. I have absolutely no idea who he is beyond a poster on JKB and don't think i've directly replied to any of his posts on this thread. I actually get the impression he likes to wind up any wannabe-intellectuals on a football messageboard so I would try not take his jibes personally.


Hehe, the only issues I have is with your blatant lies and backtracking.


For the final time as I'm now bored to tears with this, for the bit highlighted above please go and read posts 237 and 238 again. Don't know how many times you need to be shown up but I promise this is the last.


Enjoy your day buddy.

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I actually get the impression he likes to wind up any wannabe-intellectuals on a football messageboard so I would try not take his jibes personally.


Pretty close.



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Hehe, the only issues I have is with your blatant lies and backtracking.


For the final time as I'm now bored to tears with this, for the bit highlighted above please go and read posts 237 and 238 again. Don't know how many times you need to be shown up but I promise this is the last.


Enjoy your day buddy.


In neither of those posts did I deny that there was anti-BA posts in that thread.


I honestly dont know what else to say. Maybe you should sound things out when you're reading or something?

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If the families of the elderly did more to care for them instead of whinging about not getting their inheritance there would be more to go around for those elderly that don't have family.


Maybe, maybe not. If the rulers of the third world countries in Africa knew how to run an administration (with the natural resources Africa has) there would be no need for foreign aid.

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In neither of those posts did I deny that there was anti-BA posts in that thread.


I honestly dont know what else to say. Maybe you should sound things out when you're reading or something?


The first one you wouldn't as it was my post. The second one said "No, it mainly moved into a discussion over the nature of free speech and freedom of assembly.


Are you senile?".


Thats not denying it is it?


Look man, I can't be fecked with this anymore, you're blatantly a wind up merchant, the only good to come of this is everyone can see you now slaver.



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Look man, I can't be fecked with this anymore, you're blatantly a wind up merchant, the only good to come of this is everyone can see you now slaver.





Yeah, that'll be why nobody except yourself and RC have taken issue with any of my posts yet you've been pulled up by half the people in here.



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Guest S.U.S.S.
I don't think I have mate. Other than maybe one comment within the text (the one about Aboriginals and Red Indians), and a couple of exclamation marks, I just summarised what he said, using quotation marks when quoting verbatim. Incidentally, there was not one mention anywhere of what a "generous settlement" would involve; nor did he even mention financial settlements much.


Fair enough mate, as i said, not listend to read much by him so im maybe being a little unfair with my comment.



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Yeah, that'll be why nobody except yourself and RC have taken issue with any of my posts yet you've been pulled up by half the people in here.




Haha, just cos you've been found out to be a liar don't take it personal.


At least the other posters were actually debating the point, you were just slavering pish, and have since been found out.



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Sheriff Fatman
Maybe, maybe not. If the rulers of the third world countries in Africa knew how to run an administration (with the natural resources Africa has) there would be no need for foreign aid.


Not even close, the troubles of Africa are far more than just the corrupt administrations.


The West wouldn't let Africa keep all it's resources anyway or even price them at levels that would really help as that would screw up the economies of the developed world far more than it is already.

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that bugs the hell out of me that both Sly and RC continuously spout this nonsense about African administrations when their knowledge is at best simplistic when it comes to Africa and it's problems. I've already called them out about this, yet not one of them has given me a response. Instead they choose to hide behind a wall of ignorance.


if it helps them in any way or form, I'll gladly put the questions to them again.


Edit: i've answered every question that's been asked of me, so it's only fair they start to answer questions that are put to them.

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that bugs the hell out of me that both Sly and RC continuously spout this nonsense about African administrations when their knowledge is at best simplistic when it comes to Africa and it's problems. I've already called them out about this, yet not one of them has given me a response. Instead they choose to hide behind a wall of ignorance.


if it helps them in any way or form, I'll gladly put the questions to them again.


Edit: i've answered every question that's been asked of me, so it's only fair they start to answer questions that are put to them.


Called me out about what? Don't know whats bugging you mate, I've made my opinions very clear, don't know what your problem is??

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Not even close, the troubles of Africa are far more than just the corrupt administrations.


The West wouldn't let Africa keep all it's resources anyway or even price them at levels that would really help as that would screw up the economies of the developed world far more than it is already.


Maybe, maybe not. The problems of Africa certainly aren't going to be solved by chucking a couple of billion in aid their way.


Corrupt administrations are a massive problem, can't you see that. Zimbabwe's a prime example.

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Called me out about what? Don't know whats bugging you mate, I've made my opinions very clear, don't know what your problem is??



You've made nothing clear. rather than simply coming out with simplistic stuff like:

Corrupt administrations are a massive problem, can't you see that. Zimbabwe's a prime example.


Please detail Zimbabwe's problems and why they aren't connected to past British interference. Do you actually know how Mugabe and his party came to power?


all you and RC have done throughout the thread is churn out stuff you've quickly listened to on the BBC or read in The Sun, then trying to put it across like you actually have in-depth knowledge of the whole situation.


It's painfully obvious you don't have a clue what the hell you're banging on about, so either admit you know nothing or please enlighten us with your vast knowledge on African history. no shame in not being knowledgeable about a certain subject, just don't embarrass yourself by pretending you know something when you don't.

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You've made nothing clear. rather than simply coming out with simplistic stuff like:


Please detail Zimbabwe's problems and why they aren't connected to past British interference. Do you actually know how Mugabe and his party came to power?


all you and RC have done throughout the thread is churn out stuff you've quickly listened to on the BBC or read in The Sun, then trying to put it across like you actually have in-depth knowledge of the whole situation.


It's painfully obvious you don't have a clue what the hell you're banging on about, so either admit you know nothing or please enlighten us with your vast knowledge on African history. no shame in not being knowledgeable about a certain subject, just don't embarrass yourself by pretending you know something when you don't.


Hark at you. Is Zimbabwe suffering from hyper inflation? Is the majority of the population starving? Is that Britain's fault?


Go on then, dazzle me with your in depth knowledge of the continent.


Read the rest of the thread, I've nothig more to say.

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Hark at you. Is Zimbabwe suffering from hyper inflation? Is the majority of the population starving? Is that Britain's fault?


Go on then, dazzle me with your in depth knowledge of the continent.


Read the rest of the thread, I've nothig more to say.


Yes, mate, i read those headlines in the Sun too. Now you've churned out yet more headlines from the sun and dressed them up as questions, please answer my questions.


Just in case you missed it, I didn't ask for you to fire questions back at me, I simply asked you to explain further. i'll happily debate your in depth points once you put them forward, i never once said I wouldn't.


Why doesn't it surprise me that you have nothing more to say?


Btw, did you also know Nords were indigenous to Briton? i didn't but you learn something new everyday, huh?

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Yes, mate, i read those headlines in the Sun too. Now you've churned out yet more headlines from the sun and dressed them up as questions, please answer my questions.


Just in case you missed it, I didn't ask for you to fire questions back at me, I simply asked you to explain further. i'll happily debate your in depth points once you put them forward, i never once said I wouldn't.


Why doesn't it surprise me that you have nothing more to say?


Sorry pal, I don't read the Sun.


Do you remeber what the OP was? I've stated my opinion on that, you seem to be the one with the problem, so why don't you tell me what that is instead of these stupid posts. My opinion needs no further explanation.


Have you even read the whole thread?


Just noticed the last line in your post, what relevence has that to the OP?

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Sorry pal, I don't read the Sun.


Do you remeber what the OP was? I've stated my opinion on that, you seem to be the one with the problem, so why don't you tell me what that is instead of these stupid posts. My opinion needs no further explanation.


Have you even read the whole thread?



Sigh. Do I really have to go through this step by step? My initial post in this thread was quoting a post you made. A post that made references to Africa, so are you now telling me your post wasn't up for discussion? If not, that begs the question - why the hell did you post it in the first place? It wasn't me that moved the topic to Africa, it was you. Get it - i posted in response to one of your posts.


The only problem I have is getting a sensible answer from yourself. Thought you were done answering me anyway?

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Sorry pal, I don't read the Sun.


Do you remeber what the OP was? I've stated my opinion on that, you seem to be the one with the problem, so why don't you tell me what that is instead of these stupid posts. My opinion needs no further explanation.


Have you even read the whole thread?


Just noticed the last line in your post, what relevence has that to the OP?


The person that created this thread mentioned the Nords... Oh forget it, it's like shooting fish in a barrel

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You've made nothing clear. rather than simply coming out with simplistic stuff like:


Please detail Zimbabwe's problems and why they aren't connected to past British interference. Do you actually know how Mugabe and his party came to power?


all you and RC have done throughout the thread is churn out stuff you've quickly listened to on the BBC or read in The Sun, then trying to put it across like you actually have in-depth knowledge of the whole situation.


It's painfully obvious you don't have a clue what the hell you're banging on about, so either admit you know nothing or please enlighten us with your vast knowledge on African history. no shame in not being knowledgeable about a certain subject, just don't embarrass yourself by pretending you know something when you don't.

I dont have a vast knowledge of Africa's history. What I do know though is Zimbabwe was once a prosperous state when the British were involved, you may remember, it was called Rhodesia back then. Actually most African states when they were controlled by Europeans (such as the Dutch) were doing well, now the whites are being kicked out of nearly all of them, the states in Africa are going down the tubes now, they are grabbing billions in aid while screaming about outside oppression, and at the same time killing each other in great big batches (and S.Africa wont be far behind)


Like the fact or not, these people are not capable of running a continent, they had their chance at prosperity with our help, they blew it big time! So I say fine! let them get on with it themselves.......but not with my money.

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Like the fact or not, these people are not capable of running a continent


Once again, my flabber is gasted.

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I'm sure Nick Griffin would be able to cope with the job of President of Africa in between visits to Italian Facist rallies.

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