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To answer your question Shaun, yes you would, we have Jewish members, we also have Eastern European members who were born here (including one on Bradford council)


I'm farting against thunder trying to tell some people what the BNP stand for, but we are not some racist nazi party as some would have you believe, being pro white Briton does not make us racist........because with that logic every group in Britain set up to help only Asians or Blacks are racist too by that thinking.


Hooray! I can now sleep easily at last. :sorcerer:


It seems somewhat at odds with your comments in this thread though:




I think you know the answer to this already, but you obviously want me to type it here. Native Britons are from over the centuries of Anglo/Saxon/Celtic/Nordic decent. Asians/Africans etc are not and never have been native to this island. Sorry if that does not sit well with your multi-cultural utopia.


And a bit later in the thread:


I have already explained what an indigenous Briton is. If a dog is born in a stable, it does not make it a horse.


Yet as I pointed out in response: where's the Anglo/Saxon/Celtic/Nordic blood on my father's side of the family, from which I derive pretty much all of my physical characteristics?

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Son? Oh dear. Foolish? Hah... maybe we should have a poll. Who is looking the most foolish on this thread.


I stand firm in my belief that you cannot counter with any reasonable explanation as to why a senior member of your political party would state that they are 100% racist and yet somehow be taken out of context.*


Re your second point, are still sticking to your statement that the BNP is the most democratic party when they only stand for the white indigenous Briton?


*I like this article though. Especially the part about "Nick Griffin, Patrick Harrington and Derek Holland went to Tripoli courtesy of the Libyan regime in the hope of securing funding. Unfortunately all they got was 5,000 copies of Colonel Gadaffi's Green Book." Nick Griffin, the defender of Britain kowtowing to Gadaffi - a man who funded and armed a terrorist organisation intent on murdering British soldiers.


Or how about "The British National Party was described by the European Parliament's committee on racism and xenophobia as an "openly Nazi party... whose leadership have serious criminal convictions". Asked whether this was accurate, Edmonds replied that people such as German stormtroopers were "fine, brave men who fought the whole world for five years". He does realise that the whole world includes Britain, doesn't he?


I better stop now. I don't want to look foolish. Son.

I stand firm in my belief that you cannot counter with any reasonable explanation as to why a senior member of your political party would state that they are 100% racist and yet somehow be taken out of context.

I wont bore you with the full interview (many leading questions) but the part you insist on repeating was in response to "the BNP stand for white British?" "is that not racist?"


To which he replied " correct, but if that makes us racist then we are 100%"

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Thats easy, they are the only party who want to look after my interests and every other Britons interest opposed to looking after the interests of Islam



Rather a large contradiction there given the number of people of the Islamic faith who are British, born here, just like you and I, and have just the same rights as you and I. Or in the world of the BNP is it selective looking after.


unless of course you are too wary to click on a link to the most democratic party website in the UK.


The BNP, democratic in what way, unionist in what way.


I think I can quite safely say you are not what I would class as a Unionist, you don't seem to have quite grasped the whole idea of The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. You are not expressing views of a unionist nature, views of a British nature, you are spouting the ramblings of neo nazism. And given that many, many of our forefathers gave their lives to ensure Nazism would never succeed in the past there is no place for it now in Britain, nor is it something proper Unionists wish to be associated with.


I could take you to meet some of the most staunch Unionists in the UK if you wish. I would arrange the flight to Belfast, go along with you. I can also confirm that if you started giving it big licks in favour of the BNP only one seat would be required on the flight home.


Some times the best ways to draw conclusions about any subject matter is to forget about party politics, and draw your own conclusions. Do research in depth, taking all factors into account, discount the extremes on both sides and base your thoughts on sensible comment emanating from the middle ground. Because a specific political party says something is right, does not make it right, like wise if they say something is wrong it does not mean it is wrong.

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Taken from Shaun's post above in relation to a Ratcatcher post from a different thread.... not actually claimed by Shaun



...Native Britons are from over the centuries of Anglo/Saxon/Celtic/Nordic decent Asians/Africans etc are not and never have been native to this island....


That just shows you how screwed up his logic is.


Apparently those of Nordic descent are native to this island yet the Nordic countries consist of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. Those of Saxon descent are native to this island yet the Saxons came from Germany. Those of Angles descent are native to this island yet the Angles also came from Germany.


But it seems that those of Asians/Africans descent are not and never have been native to this island! It couldn't be the colour of their skin, could it?

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Rather a large contradiction there given the number of people of the Islamic faith who are British, born here, just like you and I, and have just the same rights as you and I. Or in the world of the BNP is it selective looking after.




The BNP, democratic in what way, unionist in what way.


I think I can quite safely say you are not what I would class as a Unionist, you don't seem to have quite grasped the whole idea of The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. You are not expressing views of a unionist nature, views of a British nature, you are spouting the ramblings of neo nazism. And given that many, many of our forefathers gave their lives to ensure Nazism would never succeed in the past there is no place for it now in Britain, nor is it something proper Unionists wish to be associated with.


I could take you to meet some of the most staunch Unionists in the UK if you wish. I would arrange the flight to Belfast, go along with you. I can also confirm that if you started giving it big licks in favour of the BNP only one seat would be required on the flight home.


Some times the best ways to draw conclusions about any subject matter is to forget about party politics, and draw your own conclusions. Do research in depth, taking all factors into account, discount the extremes on both sides and base your thoughts on sensible comment emanating from the middle ground. Because a specific political party says something is right, does not make it right, like wise if they say something is wrong it does not mean it is wrong.

They sound nice, so if your views do not agree with theirs you get wasted....so democratic, and you have the cheek to call the BNP thugs.

I could take you to meet some of the most staunch Unionists in the UK if you wish. I would arrange the flight to Belfast, go along with you. I can also confirm that if you started giving it big licks in favour of the BNP only one seat would be required on the flight home.
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I wont bore you with the full interview (many leading questions) but the part you insist on repeating was in response to "the BNP stand for white British?" "is that not racist?"


To which he replied " correct, but if that makes us racist then we are 100%"


Go on, post the full interview.

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That just shows you how screwed up his logic is.


Apparently those of Nordic descent are native to this island yet the Nordic countries consist of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. Those of Saxon descent are native to this island yet the Saxons came from Germany. Those of Angles descent are native to this island yet the Angles also came from Germany.


But it seems that those of Asians/Africans descent are not and never have been native to this island! It couldn't be the colour of their skin, could it?

Learn your history, then come back
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That just shows you how screwed up his logic is.


Apparently those of Nordic descent are native to this island yet the Nordic countries consist of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. Those of Saxon descent are native to this island yet the Saxons came from Germany. Those of Angles descent are native to this island yet the Angles also came from Germany.


But it seems that those of Asians/Africans descent are not and never have been native to this island! It couldn't be the colour of their skin, could it?


Quite. As I never tire of pointing out, the Battle of Hastings was a victory for the French Danish over the English Danish!

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They sound nice, so if your views do not agree with theirs you get wasted....so democratic, and you have the cheek to call the BNP thugs.


I missed the bit where PJ1 called the BNP thugs.

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They sound nice, so if your views do not agree with theirs you get wasted....so democratic, and you have the cheek to call the BNP thugs.


Ha ha ha.*


*I'm assuming that was 'ironic'.

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Regardless of peoples views on the webiste this article is from, no one can deny it's a disgrace the way OAPs are treated in this country, especially when compared to Scandinavian countries.


All foreign aid should be stopped until we get our own house in order, giving millions to African countries is absolutely pointless, the money will very rarely reach it's intended target and will more likely line the pockets of corrupt officials. It IS a disgrace when you consider the amount of people requiring help and support in this country.


Serious question btw - do you actually know what the hell you're talking about? If you don't, then I suggest you go learn some history about how a large portion of those problems came to be on the African continent.


For starters do you know anything about Sierra Leone? What the British (if we're going further back - the English), French, Dutch and The Portuguese used the country for? Once you learn the answer to that, you'll start to understand why it's now the poorest nation on the face of the earth.


I can't make my mind up if you're genuinely ignorant or playing stupid.

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Go on, post the full interview.

Hahaha, so you were just quoting some line you saw somewhere, and in reality have no clue to what your talking about, otherwise you'd already have the full interviview (from 14 months ago in case you didn't already know).


And as for the other post, having a piece of paper stating you are a citizen of the UK does not make you British.

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Learn your history, then come back




What part do i need to brush up on?


Various white foreigners came to live on the island now known as Great Britain and their descendants are acceptable to you.


Various non-white foreigners came to live on the island now known as Great Britain and their descendants are not acceptable to you.


What part of Britains history do you want me to learn.

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Hahaha, so you were just quoting some line you saw somewhere, and in reality have no clue to what your talking about, otherwise you'd already have the full interviview (from 14 months ago in case you didn't already know).


And as for the other post, having a piece of paper stating you are a citizen of the UK does not make you British.


In your opinion, what makes a person British?

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And as for the other post, having a piece of paper stating you are a citizen of the UK does not make you British.


So what does it make you?


Or are (as I believe) you claiming that racial purity is the only proof of nationality? Can you only be British if you are a "Briton"? Does being a Scot or Welsh preclude you from being British?


My father in law came here from The Lebanon 40 years ago and is fiercely proud that he is now British (or English as he prefers) should he not be allowed to proclaim himself British? Should my wife be excluded from Britishness as she is only half British genetically?

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They sound nice, so if your views do not agree with theirs you get wasted....so democratic, and you have the cheek to call the BNP thugs.


I don't recall referring to the BNP as thugs, nor did I say the people you would be introduced to are thugs, but I do know their viewpoint on those that confuse Unionism and Nazism, given that all the people you would be introduced to lost family fighting the latter.

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Serious question btw - do you actually know what the hell you're talking about? If you don't, then I suggest you go learn some history about how a large portion of those problems came to be on the African continent.


For starters do you know anything about Sierra Leone? What the British (if we're going further back - the English), French, Dutch and The Portuguese used the country for? Once you learn the answer to that, you'll start to understand why it's now the poorest nation on the face of the earth.


I can't make my mind up if you're genuinely ignorant or playing stupid.

So we are supposed to support them from here to eternity?

I agree with Sly, stop ALL foreign aid till our own house is in order, if tribes in Africa want to blow the **** out each other fair enough, not my problem and I could not care less.


The British empire was a long time ago, they have been paid tenfold, and we dont need to pay them till the end of time! sound harsh? too bad, we need to look after our own first..............the lefties will be spanking themselves in rage at that comment. :qqb016:

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I don't recall referring to the BNP as thugs, nor did I say the people you would be introduced to are thugs, but I do know their viewpoint on those that confuse Unionism and Nazism, given that all the people you would be introduced to lost family fighting the latter.

You suggested my seat on the plane home would be vacant......perhaps you could explain?

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So we are supposed to support them from here to eternity?

I agree with Sly, stop ALL foreign aid till our own house is in order, if tribes in Africa want to blow the **** out each other fair enough, not my problem and I could not care less.


The British empire was a long time ago, they have been paid tenfold, and we dont need to pay them till the end of time! sound harsh? too bad, we need to look after our own first..............the lefties will be spanking themselves in rage at that comment. :qqb016:


Spanking ourselves? Nah, that would insinuate that you had a somewhat valid point. As it stands, I'm surprised there's people on here that are giving you the time of day.


You really aren't worth the effort. I'm merely interested in what sly has to say, hence the reason my questions were aimed at him, not you.

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You suggested my seat on the plane home would be vacant......perhaps you could explain?


Simple really. PJ1 cancelled the return portion of your flight as he was so embarrassed about you showing him up in front of his friends with your usual risible and myopic display of intellectual pygmyism.

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Spanking ourselves? Nah, that would insinuate that you had a somewhat valid point. As it stands, I'm surprised there's people on here that are giving you the time of day.


You really aren't worth the effort. I'm merely interested in what sly has to say, hence the reason my questions were aimed at him, not you.

Fair enough


But I'm also pleased you never (or couldn't) deny the post.

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Simple really. PJ1 cancelled the return portion of your flight as he was so embarrassed about you showing him up in front of his friends with your usual risible and myopic display of intellectual pygmyism.
Hey Heaven98, my Nemesis, what took you so long? :sorcerer:
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not my problem and I could not care less.



Do you care about the millions of children, born into poverty who will die of starvation and easily treatable conditions?


I know this sounds like i'm trolling but i'd really like you to answer it.

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Another pathetic attempt, I (and the BNP) have no gripe with Indians. Perhaps you should read both sides rather than just your lefty rags.


If the BNP have no gripe with Indians why would they pay them to leave the country?


And wouldn't that money be better spent making sure gran gets 3 square meals?

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Fair enough


But I'm also pleased you never (or couldn't) deny the post.


Well played, i see what you did there.

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You suggested my seat on the plane home would be vacant......perhaps you could explain?


I suggested to you that they might take the viewpoint that the BNP idea of Britain contradicts much of what they, as Unionists and staunchly British, believe to be right. I further suggested a potential outcome, which in reality I had no right to do, because I do not know how they would react. It was not a factual statement as such.


Indeed if you were on the flight back I would cover the costs of that as well.


The point I was trying to get across to you was that the BNP viewpoint of Britain is light years away from the viewpoints of those who fully support the Union, and through that fully support Britain. It is something which can be done very, very successfully without the need for nazi based ideology.


Given the present make up of the population of the UK I think I can safely say there is more white trash living here than there is ethnic trash (and I apologse to anyone who finds the word trash offensive, it is being used for emphasis only). Removing the ethnic minorities, even those whom as I have said before are British citizens by birth, will not cure this island's woes.

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And to answer your question, the elderly in need in this country are more deserving.....to the people of this country.


I guess we'll never see eye to eye. I seriously find your views reprehensible and just serve to remind me why nationalism is so disturbing.


We're all human beings buddy. Maybe the sooner we realise that we'll start to make something of the species.

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I suggested to you that they might take the viewpoint that the BNP idea of Britain contradicts much of what they, as Unionists and staunchly British, believe to be right. I further suggested a potential outcome, which in reality I had no right to do, because I do not know how they would react. It was not a factual statement as such.


Indeed if you were on the flight back I would cover the costs of that as well.


The point I was trying to get across to you was that the BNP viewpoint of Britain is light years away from the viewpoints of those who fully support the Union, and through that fully support Britain. It is something which can be done very, very successfully without the need for nazi based ideology.


Given the present make up of the population of the UK I think I can safely say there is more white trash living here than there is ethnic trash (and I apologse to anyone who finds the word trash offensive, it is being used for emphasis only). Removing the ethnic minorities, even those whom as I have said before are British citizens by birth, will not cure this island's woes.

No probs PJ, if I ended up with a sore face or worse would say more about them than me. But as you said, you were surmising. But I appreciate you covering my fare home :)

As for the white trash comment, I know the context in which you stated it, and thats ok, I actually agree with you on it. You know, if I'd used the word black or Asian before trash I'd be emptied for a week.....I never have or never will, but it seems us indigenous Brits are acceptable targets for it.


Just for the record, the BNP have no policy of 'emptying' all ethnics from the UK, no matter what certain sections of the press may say.

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Do you care about the millions of children, born into poverty who will die of starvation and easily treatable conditions?


I know this sounds like i'm trolling but i'd really like you to answer it.

Fair question.

Yes I do.


Do I put them before British kids in poverty?

No I dont.


I hope that answers your question.

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Denny Crane

If they ever do a fim version of Tom Sharpe's "Riotious Assembly" I propose Ratcatcher be offered the part of Konstabel Els - he is tailor-made for it.

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Can I get a reply from the extreme right please to my post about my faather in law?

Sorry Tazio, I got caught up a bit.

The answer is yes, just as it was to Shaun. Your father in law has been here since the 50's and is part of our community, just like you and I. I get peeved at having to repeat what the BNP stand for time and again. Go and read both sides, and I dont mean both sides from the same source, we are not Nazi or totalitarian like some would like you to think, we are not racist either.

Hey Taz, you dont even have to admit to anyone here that you looked on the 'other side'. :hanged:

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Sheriff Fatman

Back to the original point, do I think that the older generation are given a good deal, no. Do I think that society is caring for the elderly properly, no. Do I think that younger generations are expecting the government to pay the way of their grandparents, yes.


As Ratcatcher has been known to point out, charity begins at home. Home begins with the family, not the government. People complain about the elderly having to sell their house to pay for their care, why? Is it that they care more about the money they would get as an inheritance rather than the care of their parents and grandparents.


Certainly there are elderly people who deserve to get more money from the government, but there are far more who deserve to get more money, care and support from their own family.

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Before I go to bed


from the BNP website -


the introduction of a system of voluntary resettlement whereby those immigrants who are legally here will be afforded the opportunity to return to their lands of ethnic origin assisted by a generous financial incentives both for individuals and for the countries in question.


Do you trust this man to run such a system fairly and without malice?



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Back to the original point, do I think that the older generation are given a good deal, no. Do I think that society is caring for the elderly properly, no. Do I think that younger generations are expecting the government to pay the way of their grandparents, yes.


As Ratcatcher has been known to point out, charity begins at home. Home begins with the family, not the government. People complain about the elderly having to sell their house to pay for their care, why? Is it that they care more about the money they would get as an inheritance rather than the care of their parents and grandparents.


Certainly there are elderly people who deserve to get more money from the government, but there are far more who deserve to get more money, care and support from their own family.

Very good point Sheriff.

There are many catagories of pensioner, and some not very nice sons and daughterswho don't want to see their inheritace sold off.


But there are also the pensioners who don't have a pot to **** in, who go cold in the winter and decide when to eat....or when they can afford to.


Lets put the 9 billion foreign aid to one side for a moment, how many other 100's of millions are squandered on idiotic schemes while at the same time our old folks cannot afford to eat or stay warm.

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Back to the original point, do I think that the older generation are given a good deal, no. Do I think that society is caring for the elderly properly, no. Do I think that younger generations are expecting the government to pay the way of their grandparents, yes.


As Ratcatcher has been known to point out, charity begins at home. Home begins with the family, not the government. People complain about the elderly having to sell their house to pay for their care, why? Is it that they care more about the money they would get as an inheritance rather than the care of their parents and grandparents.


Certainly there are elderly people who deserve to get more money from the government, but there are far more who deserve to get more money, care and support from their own family.



In relation to the OP I agree with this.


As children we grow up constantly taking from our parents, asking for this, that and the other. When we grow up, and eventually become middle aged adults we reach what I call pay back day. By that time your parents, if still alive, are in old age and it is time to start giving back to them some of what they gave to us as children, care, attention and, if needed, financial support.

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Before I go to bed


from the BNP website -




Do you trust this man to run such a system fairly and without malice?



night night, and remember to keep the red flag flying high. :10800:

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In relation to the OP I agree with this.


As children we grow up constantly taking from our parents, asking for this, that and the other. When we grow up, and eventually become middle aged adults we reach what I call pay back day. By that time your parents, if still alive, are in old age and it is time to start giving back to them some of what they gave to us as children, care, attention and, if needed, financial support.

Woohoo PJ, it only took 4 pages, but now we are in complete agreement.


Dont you feel all warm and fuzzy?


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I guess we'll never see eye to eye. I seriously find your views reprehensible and just serve to remind me why nationalism is so disturbing.


We're all human beings buddy. Maybe the sooner we realise that we'll start to make something of the species.


Correct.The appalling situations in the African and non or nearly non white or semi white nations is by deification Neo Nazi .We as a human species are cannibals.Why or what is the foundation of this apparent hatred or animal like tendencies of boundaries through class ,creed or ethnic being?The systematic rape of the the African continents through the years of slavery was planed by the ruling classes. By the belief of their birth right, religion and politics they bought the lie and belief that religion and politics justified human sufferance on a scale they would never have to suffer, let alone account for.Each nation makes it governments , chooses its leaders and adopts its religion . Who or what kind of human being agrees ,through ethnic. political and religious beliefs, THAT ANY KIND OF HUMAN BEING,(and children), SHOULD SUFFER DEATH THROUGH STARVATION, WAR AND RELIGIONS


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the introduction of a system of voluntary resettlement whereby those immigrants who are legally here will be afforded the opportunity to return to their lands of ethnic origin assisted by a generous financial incentives both for individuals and for the countries in question.


It would have to be a bloody good financial settlement to get my father in law to move back to The Lebanon considering the huge amount of tax and pension contributions he has made in 40 years of living here and running his own business. Would these people get all of their national insurance back or keep their right to a British pension?

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In relation to the OP I agree with this.


As children we grow up constantly taking from our parents, asking for this, that and the other. When we grow up, and eventually become middle aged adults we reach what I call pay back day. By that time your parents, if still alive, are in old age and it is time to start giving back to them some of what they gave to us as children, care, attention and, if needed, financial support.


As I said near the start of the thread there is a lot to be admired in the Asian family values set up.

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Sheriff Fatman
Very good point Sheriff.

There are many catagories of pensioner, and some not very nice sons and daughterswho don't want to see their inheritace sold off.


But there are also the pensioners who don't have a pot to **** in, who go cold in the winter and decide when to eat....or when they can afford to.


Lets put the 9 billion foreign aid to one side for a moment, how many other 100's of millions are squandered on idiotic schemes while at the same time our old folks cannot afford to eat or stay warm.


One of those idiotic schemes would be the payment to immigrants to go home. The money lost in taxes from those immigrants would far outweigh any savings. Even the small proportion who are on benifits pay tax on everything they buy.

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how many other 100's of millions are squandered on idiotic schemes while at the same time our old folks cannot afford to eat or stay warm.



And the BNP said:


the introduction of a system of voluntary resettlement whereby those immigrants who are legally here will be afforded the opportunity to return to their lands of ethnic origin assisted by a generous financial incentives (sic) both for individuals and for the countries in question.




Er.......... :20:

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Before I go to bed


from the BNP website -




Do you trust this man to run such a system fairly and without malice?



One more thing, yes we all know Nick Griffin was once in the NF, a long time ago.


Guess what? I'm 48, and 25 years ago I was a member of the Barbarians (Dalkeith), people change, their views change (or soften) leopards maybe dont change their spots, but we do come round to other viewpoints, its called maturing, and I'm not as extreme as some on here seem to think.

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Woohoo PJ, it only took 4 pages, but now we are in complete agreement.


Dont you feel all warm and fuzzy?




I am not sure if we are in complete agreement as such Ratcatcher. Without re-reading the OP I believe there was a large element of it which suggested the government should stop lending money to overseas countries, and spend it on our OAP's instead. I was agreeing more with Sherrif Fatman's point of view, that families should take more responsibilty for members of their family who come into the classification of OAP, they shouldn't have to depend on the government.

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