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Chathams sponsorship


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Would love to know who your source is within Chathams - the toilet cleaner perhaps? The point of the matter is that your post (post 8) is either based on you making things up, or you accepting the word of someone who clearly has no idea what is going on.


You often make valid criticisms of the way in which the club is run, but nobody can take you seriously when you continue to try and defend fabricated nonsense like this.


Not sure what The Crofter will make of your patronising and ill-informed comments since he last posted - I look forward to his reaction tomorrow night. He will of course be too busy in his senior role at Chathams to read KB during the day :P


1) I never started this thread

2) I didnt say my source was someone in Chathams, my source was another regular poster on this board who claimed this was told to him, I will let that person decide if they want to identify themself and there source.

3) I havent patronised him at all, I have just posted facts, the simple fact he is senior means nothing, im sure lots of senior people in Hbos know nothing at all

4) No doubt he will just break about half a dozen rules and resort to personal abuse like he did earlier

5) Maybe he can confirm if the credit crunch was to blame? maybe he could redirect his anger at the posts on here claiming Chathams are in the crap financially :P

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Walter Payton

Can we leave this thread near the top? I'd be really interested in seeing Crofter's response when he logs in, and wouldn't want him to miss it if it had dropped to page 2 or something.

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Walter Bishop
My goodness FACTS!!!!


Prancer, coco , Drylaw Hearts etc will not like this!!!!!!


:rolleyes: I always find it unbelievable how news posted seen as positive is treated as FACT! Yet anyone with something negative to say is either a hobo or deluded or both!!!


Open your eyes people we are a shambles!

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Can we leave this thread near the top? I'd be really interested in seeing Crofter's response when he logs in, and wouldn't want him to miss it if it had dropped to page 2 or something.




I would be very keen to see his comments on Chathams failing business and how they are dealing with the credit crunch

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Mr Romanov Saviour of HMFC


I would be very keen to see his comments on Chathams failing business and how they are dealing with the credit crunch


**** me.


If this was a boxing match it would have been stopped by now.


There is no shame in admitting you are wrong. I don't think you are too proud to do that because you have no dignity or pride anyway.




What little credibility Prancer had left on this board? GONE.

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Drylaw Hearts
My goodness FACTS!!!!


Prancer, coco , Drylaw Hearts etc will not like this!!!!!!


Tsk Tsk.


I haven't even posted on this thread and yet you felt the need to attempt to involve me in it.



What a strange little man.

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My goodness FACTS!!!!


Prancer, coco , Drylaw Hearts etc will not like this!!!!!!


Sorry can you explain and show where on this thread I have speculated on anything to do with Chathams?

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See what I mean, opinion presented as fact.


I do have a senior position in the company and have worked there for over ten years, the official line, as you call it is the only line, we are a small tight-knit company and we don't go in for conspiracies. I could tell you all the in and out's of the negotiations, but frankly IT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS.


Next you'll be telling us it wasn't Lee Harvey Oswald that shot JFK.




Hang on. Lee Harvey Oswald might well have not shot JFK! :P


In all seriousness though, I quite agree. Prancer should get a job with the Daily Mail really. It doesn't matter who's in charge of the club, or whether we're doing well or badly: he will always adopt the most negative, sensationalist position imaginable. It can't be easy living such an obviously miserable life.

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Chathams failing business




You really should be a little more careful with what you put in print, there are laws you know.


In my daily dealings with Campbell Chatham and the other two or three people responsible for our sponsorship deal I have never heard any of them suggest they are unhappy with the way the club is being run and for that reason we should no longer be associated with HMFC. I don't spend 24 hours a day with CWC and all the other directors and while they have their own opinions about HMFC and HFC, the desicion to discontinue the football sponsorship was based on business reasons, the details of which I will not be drawn on, because as I said "It is not your business"


It's not a conspiracy. I will not comment on this further, if Prancer wants to believe his mole or pixie or whatever it is that's up to him.

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Chad Sexington


I would be very keen to see his comments on Chathams failing business and how they are dealing with the credit crunch


Desperate, desperate stuff.


I'm embarrassed for you. :sad:


There's no need to try and deflect away from the main point. Just admit you were wrong and try and leave the thread with what little dignity you still have.

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You really should be a little more careful with what you put in print, there are laws you know.


In my daily dealings with Campbell Chatham and the other two or three people responsible for our sponsorship deal I have never heard any of them suggest they are unhappy with the way the club is being run and for that reason we should no longer be associated with HMFC. I don't spend 24 hours a day with CWC and all the other directors and while they have their own opinions about HMFC and HFC, the desicion to discontinue the football sponsorship was based on business reasons, the details of which I will not be drawn on, because as I said "It is not your business"


It's not a conspiracy. I will not comment on this further, if Prancer wants to believe his mole or pixie or whatever it is that's up to him.


Its actually the rest of the posters who claim chathams are in financial crisis, not me.


Did you not read it? Thats why the sponsorship was withdrawn according to everyone else :)

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Its actually the rest of the posters who claim chathams are in financial crisis, not me.


Did you not read it? Thats why the sponsorship was withdrawn according to everyone else :)


Post 156

Unless you've given your login details to someone else, it certainly points the finger at you.

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Post 156

Unless you've given your login details to someone else, it certainly points the finger at you.


that was sarcasm


And to the point I wonder why it is a "senior" chathams employee doesnt care about people claiming their financially doomed, struggling etc which will affect their reputation and ability to sell cars yet cares about a rumour regarding why they stopped a sponsorship deal


I know what would concern me more If I was a senior chathams employee

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