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US and UK bombing Yemen


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10 hours ago, Japan Jambo said:


 England, sorry the UK could always ship by train. Wait a minute!

Edited by ri Alban
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Folk aren't trying to rewrite  history are they. Britain and America didn't enter the war to save the Jews. Much loved, they were resettled in the US, The UK and France. Oh wait! 

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21 hours ago, Malinga the Swinga said:

The attacks on shipping have been going on for years and pretty much everyone was against it. 

The Houthis have been fighting for years in Yemen and pretty much everyone was against them.

All of a sudden, Houthis now claim attacks are to help Gaza and immediately there is a change of attitude and we should let them be as it's all the West's fault. 



It's bizarre. You know I just had a thought. If people find themselves going for a narrative an Iranian Mullah would applaud, maybe you're a useful idiot.

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il Duce McTarkin
2 hours ago, ri Alban said:

I look forward to the retaliation. Maybe all the hoosejocks can go over and fight for their overlords. 


ri Alban and his pals celebrate another morning's shitposting on Kickback.






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AK's, suit jaykit's, MC Hammer pants & flip flops...how the ***k do they get laid?...:biggrin2:


Toting an AK might help...

Edited by OBE
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Thunder and Lightning
3 hours ago, ri Alban said:

I look forward to the retaliation. Maybe all the hoosejocks can go over and fight for their overlords. 


Up at 6am to post more shite. 😂 

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14 hours ago, Francis Albert said:

The Houthis flag is not the tricolour of the Republic of Yemen as someonev posted earlier. Both the tricolour and republic too westernised I suppose.

It consists of 4 ines in Arabic text in green and red. 

"God is the Greatest

Death to America

Death to Israel

A curse upon the Jews"

I don't think Hitler was so explicit about his aims. Three marks for honesty I suppose.


Some of the support for Hamas, Hezbullah and The Houthis is enlightening about the popularitty of Chamberain's appeasement of the Nazi regime. 





There are useful idiots the Iranian Mullahs have been toying with like puppets ever since the revolution, and have become masters of it in the age of the internet as have Russia. And to me in the age of mass information their ignorance is baffling.


You will see Israel called an apartheid state and those who parrot it have accepted that with not a thought, isn't this strangely what an Iranian mullah or just a plain old anti Semite might say?

Regarding that here are some actual statistics of Israeli society within a quote from an article titled 'No, Israel Is Not an Apartheid State' which I will provide a link to.



Israel is a democracy that affords its Arab citizens full rights. They vote in elections, and Arab parties sit in parliament. These parties obviously have a profoundly different worldview than the Zionist parties, which has been a barrier preventing cooperation between them. But this year, in a first, Arab parties were part of the negotiations over forming a new government before they broke down.

Arab Israelis are full participants in Israeli society. There are Arab justices on the Supreme Court. About 20 percent of doctors in Israel and about half of pharmacists are Arab. Roughly 17 percent of students seeking an undergraduate degree are Arab, a number that has roughly doubled over the past decade.

As Steve Kramer of the Times of Israel puts it, “They arguably are the most free Arabs in the Middle East.”

Then, there are the Palestinian territories, where there is a marked lack of democracy, courtesy of the Palestinians themselves.  https://www.nationalreview.com/2021/05/no-israel-is-not-an-apartheid-state/


It's the only democracy in the middle east and I expect that would be hard for any small nation but especially so the Jews and it's nothing whatsoever to do with Palestinians which people truly need to grasp. Muslims have despised the Jews almost since the beginning a little over 1,400 years ago.

And talking of how small it is again most probably don't even know.




See it in there surrounded by that vast expanse of land occupied by Arabs? And people seriously believe that's what this is about? And what were an initial 700K displaced Palestinians due to various reasons.

And incidentally in passing to demonstrate among other things that this isn't some sort of anti Islam diatribe, the Christians have been little better in anti Semitism, in fact they're the current record holders when it comes to trying to wipe out the Jews.


And here's another thing many many not know of.



I presume everybody will recognise Hitler, but few if any will recognise Haj Amin al-Husseini, Mufti of Jerusalem who was a Palestinian leader meeting with Hitler in late 1941. 

I will paste just a short quote from the wiki article about him under the Holocaust. It's expansive this is just a taste.



Al-Husseini has been described by the American Jewish Congress as "Hitler's henchman" and some scholars, such as Schwanitz and Rubin, have argued that Husseini made the Final Solution inevitable by shutting out the possibility of Jews escaping to Palestine.

In his memoirs al-Husseini recalled that Heinrich Himmler, in the summer of 1943, while confiding some German war secrets, inveighed against Jewish "war guilt", and revealed the ongoing extermination (in Arabic, abadna) of the Jews.

The Mufti was well aware that the European Jews were being wiped out; he never claimed the contrary. Nor, unlike some of his present-day admirers, did he play the ignoble, perverse, and stupid game of Holocaust denial... . His amour-propre would not allow him to justify himself to the Jews... .gloating that the Jews had paid a much higher price than the Germans... he cites... :

 "Their losses in the Second World War represent more than thirty percent of the total number of their people ...". Statements like this, from a man who was well placed to know what the Nazis had done ... constitute a powerful argument against Holocaust deniers. 


He was if anything even more enraptured with the genocide of the Jews than the Nazis. That was before Israel existed, NOBODY was displaced. 



The Mufti Al-Husseini meeting with Muslim volunteers, including the Azerbaijani Legion, at the opening of the Islamic Central Institute in Berlin on 18 December 1942, during the Muslim festival Eid al-Adha.

It's things like that that make the accusations of genocide against Israel all the more pathetic. If they wanted to genocide them they're doing a piss poor job of it given their capabilities, it's the height of sheepdom for want of a better term. 

So that last pic is from 1942, we know he's gloating like crazy that millions of the Jews are dead. Then even when it's all over and the Nazi's lost he's still delighted that 30% of all Jews were up in smoke,

And anybody thinks that attitude had changed just a few years later when Israel was created by UN mandate? Of course not his attitude became the societies attitude, and it's never changed.

Following WW2 there were 12 million displaced people, also for a variety of reasons including shifting borders. There were none within a few years. Because we had no desire nor motive to maintain it eternally. These people do and that's why this has been dragging on for 75 bloody years. In an area that's vastly 

Think about the utter insanity for this tiny scrap in that vast ocean of land that's bigger than western Europe. This is no different to that WW2 movement of people and the reason for that isn't Palestinians, it's because they simply refuse to let Israel exist.  Period.

And they openly call for the genocide of the Jews while mullah led sheep throw genocide at Israel. What do you think "Palestine will be free from the river to the sea" means?

Well here's what it doesn't mean, it doesn't mean let's all be friends and exist with a two sate solution. It means Israel is wiped from the map and ideally the population with it. It's in the Hams charter that their reason for existing is to wipe our the Jews FFS, even the Nazis didn't broadcast it.

On day one of Israel's existence they were around 700,000 Jews who were attacked by a coalition of 5 Arab armies and the Jews fought them to a standstill or Israel would have been strangled at birth, This was the major reason for a mass movement of people fast. That's what happens, look at Ukraine.

And since day one this has been never ending, because it began with a mentality of kill the Jews. How many times do they need to say it before it sinks in they mean it? And this is endemic in Arab and Islamic societies, and I have personal experience of that in an unusual way.

You see I too once fell for some level of the anti Israeli sentiment which is riddled through western societies too, anti Semitism is more rampant than anytime since the 1930's, indisputable. And I sort of went for it because I had little avenue to research it myself.

Then came the internet and a sudden flood of access to masses of information. I had a PC in the mid 90's when they were rare in the home and had been on the net for years before it became common place which was different from now.


At first the internet was like totally empty in a way in comparison to now, it was when domain squatting as it was called began because the internet was so small even industry like BMW Marks and Spencer whatever you like hadn't got into it. Not even the TV channels. Some people saw what was coming and were buying up things like BMW.com


But what was available was message board like things where people could communicate and discuss a topic while some of these folks could provide links to all manner of educational material, the universities is where the net was born keep in mind and a large proportion of users were still academics.


I began to discover things like actual historical facts which totally contradicted claims critical of Israel I had seen before, and it occurred to me that I had been believing stuff without any accreditable confirmation.


A magazine or news article written by some journalist I don't know anything about isn't confirmation of anything unless i can research what they're saying.

Then when I could it became ever clearer western societies as well as Islamic had been so riddled by Jew hatred for so long that western societies have always been and still are permeated by anti Semitism to a staggering degree.

If I were a Jew I would always be worried anywhere in the world for not just my own future but the future of my entire kind. When people have forever been saying we want to genocide you and yours, and have already tried to do it, believe them. It's not a passing phase.


While I had been more sympathetic to the critics of Israel I had never for a moment believed the holocaust was a hoax, nor any of the countless Jewish blood libels such as protocols of the elders of Zion. I think the reason for that is I was never an anti Semite, just somebody who wanted to know facts.



There are people who will either knowingly or willfully/ignorantly believe anything that suits a narrative of hating the Jews.  Or say they believe it, think US election deniers. They will refute irrefutable evidence that something they believe is entirely fabricated.


I think I didn't give a shred of credibility to any of the libels because to me it was so obviously ludicrous, and so obviously something a Nazi for one would say. But still I was falling for the subtle critiques of Israel, and the majority were fabricated, as are the majority to this day. When even in the age of the internet people fall for it, or say they do. Because they hate Jews, end of, even if there were no Israel. 


Also consider this, anti Semitism isn't new, it's had millennia to brew and millennia in which the Jews had no homeland. And for millennia there have been anti Jewish pogroms because they had no place to run to when these pogroms occurred. 



See how tiny that little sliver is surrounded by Islamic countries where Jew hatred, not Israeli hatred, 100% Jew hatred is just an accepted societal norm. To the extent that if you openly don't go along with it you would be seen as suspect. How can you not hate the Jews? And it's they who should step aside at the fringes of that gigantic land mass to accommodate what? Palestinians?


Palestinians aren't an ethnicity, nor a culture, there is no Palestinian language, never been any Palestinian kings, emperors, prime ministers whatever. No Palestinian currency, nothing. Have never been a nation state or specific cultural group, they're Arabs like all the other neighbouring states.


And these Jews who actually are an ethnic culture with their won language and much more must give up their nation which was granted to them by UN charter to accommodate Arabs? Who would live no different a life than they would in say Jordan? And in fact prior to claiming they should be a nation, that IS what they were. Jordanians. Let's make sure the Jews never have a safe haven anywhere? Well I can say that part is indeed a dream of most Arabs. Even more than that, you think Jews are loved in Pakistan for just one?



In the late 90's as the internet began to grow the message boards were largely outmoded by what became chatrooms which had text and voice too and I ended up spending a lot of time in yahoo chatrooms which began around 1998 and carried on till 2012. I don't think there's anything like it now, it was anarchic.

The chatrooms were categorised, there were countless topics and while I wasn't remotely religious I had discovered more about the history of Israel recently and on an impulse went into an Islamic chatroom where I became what they called a lurker. The regulars in this specific room would see this identity in the chatroom who never typed anything and never responded to any attempt at interaction.

After a while this silent lurker just becomes a joke and almost invisible to them, and while they become themselves as if i'm not there I silently watch them for years. They were from around the world, a lot of Arabs and Pakistanis but I could understand them because they were almost all speaking English. This was the early days of the internet, most western people still didn't have it far less anybody else.

The reason they spoke English was because they were the upper classes of Islamic nations, the elite want their kids to speak English because it's the most useful foreign language to learn. An example of how elite some were is I heard a Kuwaiti girl say that when Saddam invaded her father was a target for the Iraqi's as an important man. Most of the Pakistani ones were in exclusive areas behind gates. 

And these well educated multi lingual well off kids of the Islamic elite hated Jews with a passion, and weren't afraid to say it. Hitler worship was open, they loved Nazi jokes, being critical of Hitler would be like heresy. What do you think the masses in nations where that's what the educated spout are going to be like?

And getting back to genociding the Jews. Since day one their nightmare has been being over-run by Arab armies, because if they were they know exactly what would happen. A gigantic nationwide October 7th would happen and they know it. And I know it. Once more, how many times do they need to say it?

Do Hamas need to make a second charter before people will believe it? Didn't they prove it on October 7th? That's what it's all about, kill the Jews. And it's not even typical warfare killing, it's sheer barbarism slaughtering men women and children, babies.

And people want to make a ceasefire with that? What does that mean? Well it just means same old same old. rocket bombardment, any type of attack we can get in and prepare for another biggie. Hope lots of ours are killed when the Israelis retaliate.


War is shit, no one wants it, or no one sane does. But sometimes it's unavoidable, we had To fight Hitler and this group are worse than the Nazis. Even the Nazis wouldn't have gloried in their type of medieval barbarism. But they too used their own people as human shields at the end.



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2 hours ago, il Duce McTarkin said:


ri Alban and his pals celebrate another morning's shitposting on Kickback.








Heard the Houthis giving it the big ‘un yesterday. Let’s see if they bite like they bark because they’re taking a shoeing.



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5 minutes ago, il Duce McTarkin said:

Holy shit.

Morning, mate, what’s been happening….shit, just seen it.

Bye ! 😳

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28 minutes ago, JFK-1 said:


There are useful idiots the Iranian Mullahs have been toying with like puppets ever since the revolution, and have become masters of it in the age of the internet as have Russia. And to me in the age of mass information their ignorance is baffling.


You will see Israel called an apartheid state and those who parrot it have accepted that with not a thought, isn't this strangely what an Iranian mullah or just a plain old anti Semite might say?

Regarding that here are some actual statistics of Israeli society within a quote from an article titled 'No, Israel Is Not an Apartheid State' which I will provide a link to.



It's the only democracy in the middle east and I expect that would be hard for any small nation but especially so the Jews and it's nothing whatsoever to do with Palestinians which people truly need to grasp. Muslims have despised the Jews almost since the beginning a little over 1,400 years ago.

And talking of how small it is again most probably don't even know.




See it in there surrounded by that vast expanse of land occupied by Arabs? And people seriously believe that's what this is about? And what were an initial 700K displaced Palestinians due to various reasons.

And incidentally in passing to demonstrate among other things that this isn't some sort of anti Islam diatribe, the Christians have been little better in anti Semitism, in fact they're the current record holders when it comes to trying to wipe out the Jews.


And here's another thing many many not know of.



I presume everybody will recognise Hitler, but few if any will recognise Haj Amin al-Husseini, Mufti of Jerusalem who was a Palestinian leader meeting with Hitler in late 1941. 

I will paste just a short quote from the wiki article about him under the Holocaust. It's expansive this is just a taste.



He was if anything even more enraptured with the genocide of the Jews than the Nazis. That was before Israel existed, NOBODY was displaced. 



The Mufti Al-Husseini meeting with Muslim volunteers, including the Azerbaijani Legion, at the opening of the Islamic Central Institute in Berlin on 18 December 1942, during the Muslim festival Eid al-Adha.

It's things like that that make the accusations of genocide against Israel all the more pathetic. If they wanted to genocide them they're doing a piss poor job of it given their capabilities, it's the height of sheepdom for want of a better term. 

So that last pic is from 1942, we know he's gloating like crazy that millions of the Jews are dead. Then even when it's all over and the Nazi's lost he's still delighted that 30% of all Jews were up in smoke,

And anybody thinks that attitude had changed just a few years later when Israel was created by UN mandate? Of course not his attitude became the societies attitude, and it's never changed.

Following WW2 there were 12 million displaced people, also for a variety of reasons including shifting borders. There were none within a few years. Because we had no desire nor motive to maintain it eternally. These people do and that's why this has been dragging on for 75 bloody years. In an area that's vastly 

Think about the utter insanity for this tiny scrap in that vast ocean of land that's bigger than western Europe. This is no different to that WW2 movement of people and the reason for that isn't Palestinians, it's because they simply refuse to let Israel exist.  Period.

And they openly call for the genocide of the Jews while mullah led sheep throw genocide at Israel. What do you think "Palestine will be free from the river to the sea" means?

Well here's what it doesn't mean, it doesn't mean let's all be friends and exist with a two sate solution. It means Israel is wiped from the map and ideally the population with it. It's in the Hams charter that their reason for existing is to wipe our the Jews FFS, even the Nazis didn't broadcast it.

On day one of Israel's existence they were around 700,000 Jews who were attacked by a coalition of 5 Arab armies and the Jews fought them to a standstill or Israel would have been strangled at birth, This was the major reason for a mass movement of people fast. That's what happens, look at Ukraine.

And since day one this has been never ending, because it began with a mentality of kill the Jews. How many times do they need to say it before it sinks in they mean it? And this is endemic in Arab and Islamic societies, and I have personal experience of that in an unusual way.

You see I too once fell for some level of the anti Israeli sentiment which is riddled through western societies too, anti Semitism is more rampant than anytime since the 1930's, indisputable. And I sort of went for it because I had little avenue to research it myself.

Then came the internet and a sudden flood of access to masses of information. I had a PC in the mid 90's when they were rare in the home and had been on the net for years before it became common place which was different from now.


At first the internet was like totally empty in a way in comparison to now, it was when domain squatting as it was called began because the internet was so small even industry like BMW Marks and Spencer whatever you like hadn't got into it. Not even the TV channels. Some people saw what was coming and were buying up things like BMW.com


But what was available was message board like things where people could communicate and discuss a topic while some of these folks could provide links to all manner of educational material, the universities is where the net was born keep in mind and a large proportion of users were still academics.


I began to discover things like actual historical facts which totally contradicted claims critical of Israel I had seen before, and it occurred to me that I had been believing stuff without any accreditable confirmation.


A magazine or news article written by some journalist I don't know anything about isn't confirmation of anything unless i can research what they're saying.

Then when I could it became ever clearer western societies as well as Islamic had been so riddled by Jew hatred for so long that western societies have always been and still are permeated by anti Semitism to a staggering degree.

If I were a Jew I would always be worried anywhere in the world for not just my own future but the future of my entire kind. When people have forever been saying we want to genocide you and yours, and have already tried to do it, believe them. It's not a passing phase.


While I had been more sympathetic to the critics of Israel I had never for a moment believed the holocaust was a hoax, nor any of the countless Jewish blood libels such as protocols of the elders of Zion. I think the reason for that is I was never an anti Semite, just somebody who wanted to know facts.



There are people who will either knowingly or willfully/ignorantly believe anything that suits a narrative of hating the Jews.  Or say they believe it, think US election deniers. They will refute irrefutable evidence that something they believe is entirely fabricated.


I think I didn't give a shred of credibility to any of the libels because to me it was so obviously ludicrous, and so obviously something a Nazi for one would say. But still I was falling for the subtle critiques of Israel, and the majority were fabricated, as are the majority to this day. When even in the age of the internet people fall for it, or say they do. Because they hate Jews, end of, even if there were no Israel. 


Also consider this, anti Semitism isn't new, it's had millennia to brew and millennia in which the Jews had no homeland. And for millennia there have been anti Jewish pogroms because they had no place to run to when these pogroms occurred. 



See how tiny that little sliver is surrounded by Islamic countries where Jew hatred, not Israeli hatred, 100% Jew hatred is just an accepted societal norm. To the extent that if you openly don't go along with it you would be seen as suspect. How can you not hate the Jews? And it's they who should step aside at the fringes of that gigantic land mass to accommodate what? Palestinians?


Palestinians aren't an ethnicity, nor a culture, there is no Palestinian language, never been any Palestinian kings, emperors, prime ministers whatever. No Palestinian currency, nothing. Have never been a nation state or specific cultural group, they're Arabs like all the other neighbouring states.


And these Jews who actually are an ethnic culture with their won language and much more must give up their nation which was granted to them by UN charter to accommodate Arabs? Who would live no different a life than they would in say Jordan? And in fact prior to claiming they should be a nation, that IS what they were. Jordanians. Let's make sure the Jews never have a safe haven anywhere? Well I can say that part is indeed a dream of most Arabs. Even more than that, you think Jews are loved in Pakistan for just one?



In the late 90's as the internet began to grow the message boards were largely outmoded by what became chatrooms which had text and voice too and I ended up spending a lot of time in yahoo chatrooms which began around 1998 and carried on till 2012. I don't think there's anything like it now, it was anarchic.

The chatrooms were categorised, there were countless topics and while I wasn't remotely religious I had discovered more about the history of Israel recently and on an impulse went into an Islamic chatroom where I became what they called a lurker. The regulars in this specific room would see this identity in the chatroom who never typed anything and never responded to any attempt at interaction.

After a while this silent lurker just becomes a joke and almost invisible to them, and while they become themselves as if i'm not there I silently watch them for years. They were from around the world, a lot of Arabs and Pakistanis but I could understand them because they were almost all speaking English. This was the early days of the internet, most western people still didn't have it far less anybody else.

The reason they spoke English was because they were the upper classes of Islamic nations, the elite want their kids to speak English because it's the most useful foreign language to learn. An example of how elite some were is I heard a Kuwaiti girl say that when Saddam invaded her father was a target for the Iraqi's as an important man. Most of the Pakistani ones were in exclusive areas behind gates. 

And these well educated multi lingual well off kids of the Islamic elite hated Jews with a passion, and weren't afraid to say it. Hitler worship was open, they loved Nazi jokes, being critical of Hitler would be like heresy. What do you think the masses in nations where that's what the educated spout are going to be like?

And getting back to genociding the Jews. Since day one their nightmare has been being over-run by Arab armies, because if they were they know exactly what would happen. A gigantic nationwide October 7th would happen and they know it. And I know it. Once more, how many times do they need to say it?

Do Hamas need to make a second charter before people will believe it? Didn't they prove it on October 7th? That's what it's all about, kill the Jews. And it's not even typical warfare killing, it's sheer barbarism slaughtering men women and children, babies.

And people want to make a ceasefire with that? What does that mean? Well it just means same old same old. rocket bombardment, any type of attack we can get in and prepare for another biggie. Hope lots of ours are killed when the Israelis retaliate.


War is shit, no one wants it, or no one sane does. But sometimes it's unavoidable, we had To fight Hitler and this group are worse than the Nazis. Even the Nazis wouldn't have gloried in their type of medieval barbarism. But they too used their own people as human shields at the end.



I lose track of posters on here but pretty sure you’re mental?

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8 minutes ago, Dusk_Till_Dawn said:

I lose track of posters on here but pretty sure you’re mental?


I lose track of posters too, or at least most so I don't know anything about you. But can you critique that post? If not don't bother me talking and saying nothing. And go look up what ad hominem means.

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il Duce McTarkin
21 minutes ago, Dusk_Till_Dawn said:

I lose track of posters on here but pretty sure you’re mental?


100% chicken oriental.



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1 hour ago, JFK-1 said:


There are useful idiots the Iranian Mullahs have been toying with like puppets ever since the revolution, and have become masters of it in the age of the internet as have Russia. And to me in the age of mass information their ignorance is baffling.


You will see Israel called an apartheid state and those who parrot it have accepted that with not a thought, isn't this strangely what an Iranian mullah or just a plain old anti Semite might say?

Regarding that here are some actual statistics of Israeli society within a quote from an article titled 'No, Israel Is Not an Apartheid State' which I will provide a link to.



It's the only democracy in the middle east and I expect that would be hard for any small nation but especially so the Jews and it's nothing whatsoever to do with Palestinians which people truly need to grasp. Muslims have despised the Jews almost since the beginning a little over 1,400 years ago.

And talking of how small it is again most probably don't even know.




See it in there surrounded by that vast expanse of land occupied by Arabs? And people seriously believe that's what this is about? And what were an initial 700K displaced Palestinians due to various reasons.

And incidentally in passing to demonstrate among other things that this isn't some sort of anti Islam diatribe, the Christians have been little better in anti Semitism, in fact they're the current record holders when it comes to trying to wipe out the Jews.


And here's another thing many many not know of.



I presume everybody will recognise Hitler, but few if any will recognise Haj Amin al-Husseini, Mufti of Jerusalem who was a Palestinian leader meeting with Hitler in late 1941. 

I will paste just a short quote from the wiki article about him under the Holocaust. It's expansive this is just a taste.



He was if anything even more enraptured with the genocide of the Jews than the Nazis. That was before Israel existed, NOBODY was displaced. 



The Mufti Al-Husseini meeting with Muslim volunteers, including the Azerbaijani Legion, at the opening of the Islamic Central Institute in Berlin on 18 December 1942, during the Muslim festival Eid al-Adha.

It's things like that that make the accusations of genocide against Israel all the more pathetic. If they wanted to genocide them they're doing a piss poor job of it given their capabilities, it's the height of sheepdom for want of a better term. 

So that last pic is from 1942, we know he's gloating like crazy that millions of the Jews are dead. Then even when it's all over and the Nazi's lost he's still delighted that 30% of all Jews were up in smoke,

And anybody thinks that attitude had changed just a few years later when Israel was created by UN mandate? Of course not his attitude became the societies attitude, and it's never changed.

Following WW2 there were 12 million displaced people, also for a variety of reasons including shifting borders. There were none within a few years. Because we had no desire nor motive to maintain it eternally. These people do and that's why this has been dragging on for 75 bloody years. In an area that's vastly 

Think about the utter insanity for this tiny scrap in that vast ocean of land that's bigger than western Europe. This is no different to that WW2 movement of people and the reason for that isn't Palestinians, it's because they simply refuse to let Israel exist.  Period.

And they openly call for the genocide of the Jews while mullah led sheep throw genocide at Israel. What do you think "Palestine will be free from the river to the sea" means?

Well here's what it doesn't mean, it doesn't mean let's all be friends and exist with a two sate solution. It means Israel is wiped from the map and ideally the population with it. It's in the Hams charter that their reason for existing is to wipe our the Jews FFS, even the Nazis didn't broadcast it.

On day one of Israel's existence they were around 700,000 Jews who were attacked by a coalition of 5 Arab armies and the Jews fought them to a standstill or Israel would have been strangled at birth, This was the major reason for a mass movement of people fast. That's what happens, look at Ukraine.

And since day one this has been never ending, because it began with a mentality of kill the Jews. How many times do they need to say it before it sinks in they mean it? And this is endemic in Arab and Islamic societies, and I have personal experience of that in an unusual way.

You see I too once fell for some level of the anti Israeli sentiment which is riddled through western societies too, anti Semitism is more rampant than anytime since the 1930's, indisputable. And I sort of went for it because I had little avenue to research it myself.

Then came the internet and a sudden flood of access to masses of information. I had a PC in the mid 90's when they were rare in the home and had been on the net for years before it became common place which was different from now.


At first the internet was like totally empty in a way in comparison to now, it was when domain squatting as it was called began because the internet was so small even industry like BMW Marks and Spencer whatever you like hadn't got into it. Not even the TV channels. Some people saw what was coming and were buying up things like BMW.com


But what was available was message board like things where people could communicate and discuss a topic while some of these folks could provide links to all manner of educational material, the universities is where the net was born keep in mind and a large proportion of users were still academics.


I began to discover things like actual historical facts which totally contradicted claims critical of Israel I had seen before, and it occurred to me that I had been believing stuff without any accreditable confirmation.


A magazine or news article written by some journalist I don't know anything about isn't confirmation of anything unless i can research what they're saying.

Then when I could it became ever clearer western societies as well as Islamic had been so riddled by Jew hatred for so long that western societies have always been and still are permeated by anti Semitism to a staggering degree.

If I were a Jew I would always be worried anywhere in the world for not just my own future but the future of my entire kind. When people have forever been saying we want to genocide you and yours, and have already tried to do it, believe them. It's not a passing phase.


While I had been more sympathetic to the critics of Israel I had never for a moment believed the holocaust was a hoax, nor any of the countless Jewish blood libels such as protocols of the elders of Zion. I think the reason for that is I was never an anti Semite, just somebody who wanted to know facts.



There are people who will either knowingly or willfully/ignorantly believe anything that suits a narrative of hating the Jews.  Or say they believe it, think US election deniers. They will refute irrefutable evidence that something they believe is entirely fabricated.


I think I didn't give a shred of credibility to any of the libels because to me it was so obviously ludicrous, and so obviously something a Nazi for one would say. But still I was falling for the subtle critiques of Israel, and the majority were fabricated, as are the majority to this day. When even in the age of the internet people fall for it, or say they do. Because they hate Jews, end of, even if there were no Israel. 


Also consider this, anti Semitism isn't new, it's had millennia to brew and millennia in which the Jews had no homeland. And for millennia there have been anti Jewish pogroms because they had no place to run to when these pogroms occurred. 



See how tiny that little sliver is surrounded by Islamic countries where Jew hatred, not Israeli hatred, 100% Jew hatred is just an accepted societal norm. To the extent that if you openly don't go along with it you would be seen as suspect. How can you not hate the Jews? And it's they who should step aside at the fringes of that gigantic land mass to accommodate what? Palestinians?


Palestinians aren't an ethnicity, nor a culture, there is no Palestinian language, never been any Palestinian kings, emperors, prime ministers whatever. No Palestinian currency, nothing. Have never been a nation state or specific cultural group, they're Arabs like all the other neighbouring states.


And these Jews who actually are an ethnic culture with their won language and much more must give up their nation which was granted to them by UN charter to accommodate Arabs? Who would live no different a life than they would in say Jordan? And in fact prior to claiming they should be a nation, that IS what they were. Jordanians. Let's make sure the Jews never have a safe haven anywhere? Well I can say that part is indeed a dream of most Arabs. Even more than that, you think Jews are loved in Pakistan for just one?



In the late 90's as the internet began to grow the message boards were largely outmoded by what became chatrooms which had text and voice too and I ended up spending a lot of time in yahoo chatrooms which began around 1998 and carried on till 2012. I don't think there's anything like it now, it was anarchic.

The chatrooms were categorised, there were countless topics and while I wasn't remotely religious I had discovered more about the history of Israel recently and on an impulse went into an Islamic chatroom where I became what they called a lurker. The regulars in this specific room would see this identity in the chatroom who never typed anything and never responded to any attempt at interaction.

After a while this silent lurker just becomes a joke and almost invisible to them, and while they become themselves as if i'm not there I silently watch them for years. They were from around the world, a lot of Arabs and Pakistanis but I could understand them because they were almost all speaking English. This was the early days of the internet, most western people still didn't have it far less anybody else.

The reason they spoke English was because they were the upper classes of Islamic nations, the elite want their kids to speak English because it's the most useful foreign language to learn. An example of how elite some were is I heard a Kuwaiti girl say that when Saddam invaded her father was a target for the Iraqi's as an important man. Most of the Pakistani ones were in exclusive areas behind gates. 

And these well educated multi lingual well off kids of the Islamic elite hated Jews with a passion, and weren't afraid to say it. Hitler worship was open, they loved Nazi jokes, being critical of Hitler would be like heresy. What do you think the masses in nations where that's what the educated spout are going to be like?

And getting back to genociding the Jews. Since day one their nightmare has been being over-run by Arab armies, because if they were they know exactly what would happen. A gigantic nationwide October 7th would happen and they know it. And I know it. Once more, how many times do they need to say it?

Do Hamas need to make a second charter before people will believe it? Didn't they prove it on October 7th? That's what it's all about, kill the Jews. And it's not even typical warfare killing, it's sheer barbarism slaughtering men women and children, babies.

And people want to make a ceasefire with that? What does that mean? Well it just means same old same old. rocket bombardment, any type of attack we can get in and prepare for another biggie. Hope lots of ours are killed when the Israelis retaliate.


War is shit, no one wants it, or no one sane does. But sometimes it's unavoidable, we had To fight Hitler and this group are worse than the Nazis. Even the Nazis wouldn't have gloried in their type of medieval barbarism. But they too used their own people as human shields at the end.



i  Struggled to take it seriously after reading " mufti" 

Edited by JudyJudyJudy
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On 12/01/2024 at 17:50, That thing you do said:

Signed to replace shankland apparently.


Jihad has done well in the middle eastern leagues but on his last jaunt in Scottish football didint have a good time in Glasgow.




Bir unfair mate, he was on fire before he left. 

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Malinga the Swinga
1 hour ago, JFK-1 said:


There are useful idiots the Iranian Mullahs have been toying with like puppets ever since the revolution, and have become masters of it in the age of the internet as have Russia. And to me in the age of mass information their ignorance is baffling.


You will see Israel called an apartheid state and those who parrot it have accepted that with not a thought, isn't this strangely what an Iranian mullah or just a plain old anti Semite might say?

Regarding that here are some actual statistics of Israeli society within a quote from an article titled 'No, Israel Is Not an Apartheid State' which I will provide a link to.



It's the only democracy in the middle east and I expect that would be hard for any small nation but especially so the Jews and it's nothing whatsoever to do with Palestinians which people truly need to grasp. Muslims have despised the Jews almost since the beginning a little over 1,400 years ago.

And talking of how small it is again most probably don't even know.




See it in there surrounded by that vast expanse of land occupied by Arabs? And people seriously believe that's what this is about? And what were an initial 700K displaced Palestinians due to various reasons.

And incidentally in passing to demonstrate among other things that this isn't some sort of anti Islam diatribe, the Christians have been little better in anti Semitism, in fact they're the current record holders when it comes to trying to wipe out the Jews.


And here's another thing many many not know of.



I presume everybody will recognise Hitler, but few if any will recognise Haj Amin al-Husseini, Mufti of Jerusalem who was a Palestinian leader meeting with Hitler in late 1941. 

I will paste just a short quote from the wiki article about him under the Holocaust. It's expansive this is just a taste.



He was if anything even more enraptured with the genocide of the Jews than the Nazis. That was before Israel existed, NOBODY was displaced. 



The Mufti Al-Husseini meeting with Muslim volunteers, including the Azerbaijani Legion, at the opening of the Islamic Central Institute in Berlin on 18 December 1942, during the Muslim festival Eid al-Adha.

It's things like that that make the accusations of genocide against Israel all the more pathetic. If they wanted to genocide them they're doing a piss poor job of it given their capabilities, it's the height of sheepdom for want of a better term. 

So that last pic is from 1942, we know he's gloating like crazy that millions of the Jews are dead. Then even when it's all over and the Nazi's lost he's still delighted that 30% of all Jews were up in smoke,

And anybody thinks that attitude had changed just a few years later when Israel was created by UN mandate? Of course not his attitude became the societies attitude, and it's never changed.

Following WW2 there were 12 million displaced people, also for a variety of reasons including shifting borders. There were none within a few years. Because we had no desire nor motive to maintain it eternally. These people do and that's why this has been dragging on for 75 bloody years. In an area that's vastly 

Think about the utter insanity for this tiny scrap in that vast ocean of land that's bigger than western Europe. This is no different to that WW2 movement of people and the reason for that isn't Palestinians, it's because they simply refuse to let Israel exist.  Period.

And they openly call for the genocide of the Jews while mullah led sheep throw genocide at Israel. What do you think "Palestine will be free from the river to the sea" means?

Well here's what it doesn't mean, it doesn't mean let's all be friends and exist with a two sate solution. It means Israel is wiped from the map and ideally the population with it. It's in the Hams charter that their reason for existing is to wipe our the Jews FFS, even the Nazis didn't broadcast it.

On day one of Israel's existence they were around 700,000 Jews who were attacked by a coalition of 5 Arab armies and the Jews fought them to a standstill or Israel would have been strangled at birth, This was the major reason for a mass movement of people fast. That's what happens, look at Ukraine.

And since day one this has been never ending, because it began with a mentality of kill the Jews. How many times do they need to say it before it sinks in they mean it? And this is endemic in Arab and Islamic societies, and I have personal experience of that in an unusual way.

You see I too once fell for some level of the anti Israeli sentiment which is riddled through western societies too, anti Semitism is more rampant than anytime since the 1930's, indisputable. And I sort of went for it because I had little avenue to research it myself.

Then came the internet and a sudden flood of access to masses of information. I had a PC in the mid 90's when they were rare in the home and had been on the net for years before it became common place which was different from now.


At first the internet was like totally empty in a way in comparison to now, it was when domain squatting as it was called began because the internet was so small even industry like BMW Marks and Spencer whatever you like hadn't got into it. Not even the TV channels. Some people saw what was coming and were buying up things like BMW.com


But what was available was message board like things where people could communicate and discuss a topic while some of these folks could provide links to all manner of educational material, the universities is where the net was born keep in mind and a large proportion of users were still academics.


I began to discover things like actual historical facts which totally contradicted claims critical of Israel I had seen before, and it occurred to me that I had been believing stuff without any accreditable confirmation.


A magazine or news article written by some journalist I don't know anything about isn't confirmation of anything unless i can research what they're saying.

Then when I could it became ever clearer western societies as well as Islamic had been so riddled by Jew hatred for so long that western societies have always been and still are permeated by anti Semitism to a staggering degree.

If I were a Jew I would always be worried anywhere in the world for not just my own future but the future of my entire kind. When people have forever been saying we want to genocide you and yours, and have already tried to do it, believe them. It's not a passing phase.


While I had been more sympathetic to the critics of Israel I had never for a moment believed the holocaust was a hoax, nor any of the countless Jewish blood libels such as protocols of the elders of Zion. I think the reason for that is I was never an anti Semite, just somebody who wanted to know facts.



There are people who will either knowingly or willfully/ignorantly believe anything that suits a narrative of hating the Jews.  Or say they believe it, think US election deniers. They will refute irrefutable evidence that something they believe is entirely fabricated.


I think I didn't give a shred of credibility to any of the libels because to me it was so obviously ludicrous, and so obviously something a Nazi for one would say. But still I was falling for the subtle critiques of Israel, and the majority were fabricated, as are the majority to this day. When even in the age of the internet people fall for it, or say they do. Because they hate Jews, end of, even if there were no Israel. 


Also consider this, anti Semitism isn't new, it's had millennia to brew and millennia in which the Jews had no homeland. And for millennia there have been anti Jewish pogroms because they had no place to run to when these pogroms occurred. 



See how tiny that little sliver is surrounded by Islamic countries where Jew hatred, not Israeli hatred, 100% Jew hatred is just an accepted societal norm. To the extent that if you openly don't go along with it you would be seen as suspect. How can you not hate the Jews? And it's they who should step aside at the fringes of that gigantic land mass to accommodate what? Palestinians?


Palestinians aren't an ethnicity, nor a culture, there is no Palestinian language, never been any Palestinian kings, emperors, prime ministers whatever. No Palestinian currency, nothing. Have never been a nation state or specific cultural group, they're Arabs like all the other neighbouring states.


And these Jews who actually are an ethnic culture with their won language and much more must give up their nation which was granted to them by UN charter to accommodate Arabs? Who would live no different a life than they would in say Jordan? And in fact prior to claiming they should be a nation, that IS what they were. Jordanians. Let's make sure the Jews never have a safe haven anywhere? Well I can say that part is indeed a dream of most Arabs. Even more than that, you think Jews are loved in Pakistan for just one?



In the late 90's as the internet began to grow the message boards were largely outmoded by what became chatrooms which had text and voice too and I ended up spending a lot of time in yahoo chatrooms which began around 1998 and carried on till 2012. I don't think there's anything like it now, it was anarchic.

The chatrooms were categorised, there were countless topics and while I wasn't remotely religious I had discovered more about the history of Israel recently and on an impulse went into an Islamic chatroom where I became what they called a lurker. The regulars in this specific room would see this identity in the chatroom who never typed anything and never responded to any attempt at interaction.

After a while this silent lurker just becomes a joke and almost invisible to them, and while they become themselves as if i'm not there I silently watch them for years. They were from around the world, a lot of Arabs and Pakistanis but I could understand them because they were almost all speaking English. This was the early days of the internet, most western people still didn't have it far less anybody else.

The reason they spoke English was because they were the upper classes of Islamic nations, the elite want their kids to speak English because it's the most useful foreign language to learn. An example of how elite some were is I heard a Kuwaiti girl say that when Saddam invaded her father was a target for the Iraqi's as an important man. Most of the Pakistani ones were in exclusive areas behind gates. 

And these well educated multi lingual well off kids of the Islamic elite hated Jews with a passion, and weren't afraid to say it. Hitler worship was open, they loved Nazi jokes, being critical of Hitler would be like heresy. What do you think the masses in nations where that's what the educated spout are going to be like?

And getting back to genociding the Jews. Since day one their nightmare has been being over-run by Arab armies, because if they were they know exactly what would happen. A gigantic nationwide October 7th would happen and they know it. And I know it. Once more, how many times do they need to say it?

Do Hamas need to make a second charter before people will believe it? Didn't they prove it on October 7th? That's what it's all about, kill the Jews. And it's not even typical warfare killing, it's sheer barbarism slaughtering men women and children, babies.

And people want to make a ceasefire with that? What does that mean? Well it just means same old same old. rocket bombardment, any type of attack we can get in and prepare for another biggie. Hope lots of ours are killed when the Israelis retaliate.


War is shit, no one wants it, or no one sane does. But sometimes it's unavoidable, we had To fight Hitler and this group are worse than the Nazis. Even the Nazis wouldn't have gloried in their type of medieval barbarism. But they too used their own people as human shields at the end.



You'll get nothing but daft responses because although what you have said is factually correct, it doesn't fit the desired narrative of the appeasers.


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Malinga the Swinga
49 minutes ago, JudyJudyJudy said:

i  Struggled to take it seriously after reading " mufti" 

For someone who constantly complains they are picked on and not taking seriously, perhaps you need to practice what you preach.

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Jeffros Furios
1 hour ago, JFK-1 said:


There are useful idiots the Iranian Mullahs have been toying with like puppets ever since the revolution, and have become masters of it in the age of the internet as have Russia. And to me in the age of mass information their ignorance is baffling.


You will see Israel called an apartheid state and those who parrot it have accepted that with not a thought, isn't this strangely what an Iranian mullah or just a plain old anti Semite might say?

Regarding that here are some actual statistics of Israeli society within a quote from an article titled 'No, Israel Is Not an Apartheid State' which I will provide a link to.



It's the only democracy in the middle east and I expect that would be hard for any small nation but especially so the Jews and it's nothing whatsoever to do with Palestinians which people truly need to grasp. Muslims have despised the Jews almost since the beginning a little over 1,400 years ago.

And talking of how small it is again most probably don't even know.




See it in there surrounded by that vast expanse of land occupied by Arabs? And people seriously believe that's what this is about? And what were an initial 700K displaced Palestinians due to various reasons.

And incidentally in passing to demonstrate among other things that this isn't some sort of anti Islam diatribe, the Christians have been little better in anti Semitism, in fact they're the current record holders when it comes to trying to wipe out the Jews.


And here's another thing many many not know of.



I presume everybody will recognise Hitler, but few if any will recognise Haj Amin al-Husseini, Mufti of Jerusalem who was a Palestinian leader meeting with Hitler in late 1941. 

I will paste just a short quote from the wiki article about him under the Holocaust. It's expansive this is just a taste.



He was if anything even more enraptured with the genocide of the Jews than the Nazis. That was before Israel existed, NOBODY was displaced. 



The Mufti Al-Husseini meeting with Muslim volunteers, including the Azerbaijani Legion, at the opening of the Islamic Central Institute in Berlin on 18 December 1942, during the Muslim festival Eid al-Adha.

It's things like that that make the accusations of genocide against Israel all the more pathetic. If they wanted to genocide them they're doing a piss poor job of it given their capabilities, it's the height of sheepdom for want of a better term. 

So that last pic is from 1942, we know he's gloating like crazy that millions of the Jews are dead. Then even when it's all over and the Nazi's lost he's still delighted that 30% of all Jews were up in smoke,

And anybody thinks that attitude had changed just a few years later when Israel was created by UN mandate? Of course not his attitude became the societies attitude, and it's never changed.

Following WW2 there were 12 million displaced people, also for a variety of reasons including shifting borders. There were none within a few years. Because we had no desire nor motive to maintain it eternally. These people do and that's why this has been dragging on for 75 bloody years. In an area that's vastly 

Think about the utter insanity for this tiny scrap in that vast ocean of land that's bigger than western Europe. This is no different to that WW2 movement of people and the reason for that isn't Palestinians, it's because they simply refuse to let Israel exist.  Period.

And they openly call for the genocide of the Jews while mullah led sheep throw genocide at Israel. What do you think "Palestine will be free from the river to the sea" means?

Well here's what it doesn't mean, it doesn't mean let's all be friends and exist with a two sate solution. It means Israel is wiped from the map and ideally the population with it. It's in the Hams charter that their reason for existing is to wipe our the Jews FFS, even the Nazis didn't broadcast it.

On day one of Israel's existence they were around 700,000 Jews who were attacked by a coalition of 5 Arab armies and the Jews fought them to a standstill or Israel would have been strangled at birth, This was the major reason for a mass movement of people fast. That's what happens, look at Ukraine.

And since day one this has been never ending, because it began with a mentality of kill the Jews. How many times do they need to say it before it sinks in they mean it? And this is endemic in Arab and Islamic societies, and I have personal experience of that in an unusual way.

You see I too once fell for some level of the anti Israeli sentiment which is riddled through western societies too, anti Semitism is more rampant than anytime since the 1930's, indisputable. And I sort of went for it because I had little avenue to research it myself.

Then came the internet and a sudden flood of access to masses of information. I had a PC in the mid 90's when they were rare in the home and had been on the net for years before it became common place which was different from now.


At first the internet was like totally empty in a way in comparison to now, it was when domain squatting as it was called began because the internet was so small even industry like BMW Marks and Spencer whatever you like hadn't got into it. Not even the TV channels. Some people saw what was coming and were buying up things like BMW.com


But what was available was message board like things where people could communicate and discuss a topic while some of these folks could provide links to all manner of educational material, the universities is where the net was born keep in mind and a large proportion of users were still academics.


I began to discover things like actual historical facts which totally contradicted claims critical of Israel I had seen before, and it occurred to me that I had been believing stuff without any accreditable confirmation.


A magazine or news article written by some journalist I don't know anything about isn't confirmation of anything unless i can research what they're saying.

Then when I could it became ever clearer western societies as well as Islamic had been so riddled by Jew hatred for so long that western societies have always been and still are permeated by anti Semitism to a staggering degree.

If I were a Jew I would always be worried anywhere in the world for not just my own future but the future of my entire kind. When people have forever been saying we want to genocide you and yours, and have already tried to do it, believe them. It's not a passing phase.


While I had been more sympathetic to the critics of Israel I had never for a moment believed the holocaust was a hoax, nor any of the countless Jewish blood libels such as protocols of the elders of Zion. I think the reason for that is I was never an anti Semite, just somebody who wanted to know facts.



There are people who will either knowingly or willfully/ignorantly believe anything that suits a narrative of hating the Jews.  Or say they believe it, think US election deniers. They will refute irrefutable evidence that something they believe is entirely fabricated.


I think I didn't give a shred of credibility to any of the libels because to me it was so obviously ludicrous, and so obviously something a Nazi for one would say. But still I was falling for the subtle critiques of Israel, and the majority were fabricated, as are the majority to this day. When even in the age of the internet people fall for it, or say they do. Because they hate Jews, end of, even if there were no Israel. 


Also consider this, anti Semitism isn't new, it's had millennia to brew and millennia in which the Jews had no homeland. And for millennia there have been anti Jewish pogroms because they had no place to run to when these pogroms occurred. 



See how tiny that little sliver is surrounded by Islamic countries where Jew hatred, not Israeli hatred, 100% Jew hatred is just an accepted societal norm. To the extent that if you openly don't go along with it you would be seen as suspect. How can you not hate the Jews? And it's they who should step aside at the fringes of that gigantic land mass to accommodate what? Palestinians?


Palestinians aren't an ethnicity, nor a culture, there is no Palestinian language, never been any Palestinian kings, emperors, prime ministers whatever. No Palestinian currency, nothing. Have never been a nation state or specific cultural group, they're Arabs like all the other neighbouring states.


And these Jews who actually are an ethnic culture with their won language and much more must give up their nation which was granted to them by UN charter to accommodate Arabs? Who would live no different a life than they would in say Jordan? And in fact prior to claiming they should be a nation, that IS what they were. Jordanians. Let's make sure the Jews never have a safe haven anywhere? Well I can say that part is indeed a dream of most Arabs. Even more than that, you think Jews are loved in Pakistan for just one?



In the late 90's as the internet began to grow the message boards were largely outmoded by what became chatrooms which had text and voice too and I ended up spending a lot of time in yahoo chatrooms which began around 1998 and carried on till 2012. I don't think there's anything like it now, it was anarchic.

The chatrooms were categorised, there were countless topics and while I wasn't remotely religious I had discovered more about the history of Israel recently and on an impulse went into an Islamic chatroom where I became what they called a lurker. The regulars in this specific room would see this identity in the chatroom who never typed anything and never responded to any attempt at interaction.

After a while this silent lurker just becomes a joke and almost invisible to them, and while they become themselves as if i'm not there I silently watch them for years. They were from around the world, a lot of Arabs and Pakistanis but I could understand them because they were almost all speaking English. This was the early days of the internet, most western people still didn't have it far less anybody else.

The reason they spoke English was because they were the upper classes of Islamic nations, the elite want their kids to speak English because it's the most useful foreign language to learn. An example of how elite some were is I heard a Kuwaiti girl say that when Saddam invaded her father was a target for the Iraqi's as an important man. Most of the Pakistani ones were in exclusive areas behind gates. 

And these well educated multi lingual well off kids of the Islamic elite hated Jews with a passion, and weren't afraid to say it. Hitler worship was open, they loved Nazi jokes, being critical of Hitler would be like heresy. What do you think the masses in nations where that's what the educated spout are going to be like?

And getting back to genociding the Jews. Since day one their nightmare has been being over-run by Arab armies, because if they were they know exactly what would happen. A gigantic nationwide October 7th would happen and they know it. And I know it. Once more, how many times do they need to say it?

Do Hamas need to make a second charter before people will believe it? Didn't they prove it on October 7th? That's what it's all about, kill the Jews. And it's not even typical warfare killing, it's sheer barbarism slaughtering men women and children, babies.

And people want to make a ceasefire with that? What does that mean? Well it just means same old same old. rocket bombardment, any type of attack we can get in and prepare for another biggie. Hope lots of ours are killed when the Israelis retaliate.


War is shit, no one wants it, or no one sane does. But sometimes it's unavoidable, we had To fight Hitler and this group are worse than the Nazis. Even the Nazis wouldn't have gloried in their type of medieval barbarism. But they too used their own people as human shields at the end.




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3 minutes ago, Malinga the Swinga said:

For someone who constantly complains they are picked on and not taking seriously, perhaps you need to practice what you preach.

So am right i am getting picked on and not taking seriously :) his posting was rather long and very one sided and impartial. Is that any better ? 

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2 minutes ago, Jeffros Furios said:




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With these public rallies of Houthie Rebels and supporters, it's high time we just dropped one on ****ers...... but no wait, people will be outraged and suggest we settle this peacefully....please tell us how you carry out such a ridiculous suggestion 😂



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Better hope the fishermen never blockade the English channel. Bombed tae feck.

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And there’s your tip for the day kids. If you’re thread banned just shift all the posts you want to put on it onto another thread. Subtlety be damned. 

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il Duce McTarkin
8 minutes ago, The Mighty Thor said:

Dot Liarson-esque posting 👍


Too much kerosene soaked oregano in the pipe type posting imo👍

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2 hours ago, The Mighty Thor said:

Dot Liarson-esque posting 👍

Is he still on Twitter harassing Jewish celebrities with anti semitic tweets, and lying about having relatives who were Holocaust survivors?

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Cameron on Breakfast TV this morning with his Mr Angry face on and trying to look serious.  The Houthis will be cra@@ping it now.

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4 minutes ago, joondalupjambo said:

Cameron on Breakfast TV this morning with his Mr Angry face on and trying to look serious.  The Houthis will be cra@@ping it now.

Think they’re all looking for their scattered body parts m8

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il Duce McTarkin
2 hours ago, Nucky Thompson said:

No need for any bombs.

Just the sight of the Royal Navy has the French fishermen scurrying back to Calais :sweeet:

Royal Navy ships ordered to Jersey as French fishermen prepare blockade (telegraph.co.uk)




17 minutes ago, Dusk_Till_Dawn said:

Think they’re all looking for their scattered body parts m8



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7 hours ago, JudyJudyJudy said:

i  Struggled to take it seriously after reading " mufti" 


So you're another who doesn't have the capacity to critique it, so with all due respect **** off and don't bother me with nothing but mindless attention begging shite. If you can't see the sheer ignorance of such rambling shite far less the stupidity you're unfit to say anything at all about it. Which you just demonstrated by saying absolutely nothing about it.

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2 minutes ago, JFK-1 said:


So you're another who doesn't have the capacity to critique it, so with all due respect **** off and don't bother me with nothing but mindless attention begging shite. If you can't see the sheer ignorance of such rambling shite far less the stupidity you're unfit to say anything at all about it. Which you just demonstrated by saying absolutely nothing about it.

TBF i wasnt the slightest interest in reading any further an articule which seem to be trying to excuse a nation of committing daily genocide . So you can sooks baws . 

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6 hours ago, Jeffros Furios said:




"Israel isn't an apartheid state"



End of discussion. 


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6 hours ago, Malinga the Swinga said:

You'll get nothing but daft responses because although what you have said is factually correct, it doesn't fit the desired narrative of the appeasers.


Spot on.  

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Jeffros Furios
7 minutes ago, JFK-1 said:


So you're another who doesn't have the capacity to critique it, so with all due respect **** off and don't bother me with nothing but mindless attention begging shite. If you can't see the sheer ignorance of such rambling shite far less the stupidity you're unfit to say anything at all about it. Which you just demonstrated by saying absolutely nothing about it.


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1 minute ago, JudyJudyJudy said:

TBF i wasnt the slightest interest in reading any further an articule which seem to be trying to excuse a nation of committing daily genocide . So you can sooks baws . 


You can't critique it,  you just demonstrated that again with some mindless ad hominem shite, you really don't get the vacuous nature of your utter nonsense in a debate forum. So go to ignore where you can say nothing while not bothering me with it. I want someone who can critique it, and that's not you.

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13 minutes ago, JFK-1 said:


So you're another who doesn't have the capacity to critique it, so with all due respect **** off and don't bother me with nothing but mindless attention begging shite. If you can't see the sheer ignorance of such rambling shite far less the stupidity you're unfit to say anything at all about it. Which you just demonstrated by saying absolutely nothing about it.

So straight back to type as shown on the Israel thread you go emptied from. Post a long post with very string forceful views in it and anyone who disagrees or critiques it in a way you don’t like gets abused and called an idiot, and worse. It doesn’t promote debate it’s just you trying to clamp it down so you can regale is with your genius and insightful understanding of international affairs. No wonder I gave up on that thread as you rampaged around abusing people. 

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11 minutes ago, JFK-1 said:


You can't critique it,  you just demonstrated that again with some mindless ad hominem shite, you really don't get the vacuous nature of your utter nonsense in a debate forum. So go to ignore where you can say nothing while not bothering me with it. I want someone who can critique it, and that's not you.

You don’t want  anyone to critique it , you want people to agree with it . 

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2 minutes ago, Tazio said:

So straight back to type as shown on the Israel thread you go emptied from. Post a long post with very string forceful views in it and like gets abused and called an idiot, and worse. It doesn’t promote debate it’s just you trying to clamp it down so you can regale is with your genius and insightful understanding of international affairs. No wonder I gave up on that thread as you rampaged around abusing people. 


And there it is again, 'anyone who disagrees or critiques it in a way you don’t like' ???


No one is critiquing it, you ramble on about me not liking anyone critiquing it, yet as I point out no one is critiquing it, as I say I want someone to at least try. That's what I don't like.


Then finish the entire pile of nothing off with complaints about me being abusive? As people like you who can say nothing at all about it talk about me being mental?  Not in an abusive manner?

You go to ignore too. 

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There is / was a poster JFK on Follow Follow who was all over these types of threads on there too. Ukraine in perticular. Same guy? 


Yeah I had a login at one point. Unfortunately they didn't like an opinion of mine on Tillman 🤣

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1 hour ago, Dusk_Till_Dawn said:

Think they’re all looking for their scattered body parts m8


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Anyway, if you and your wee shitty pals want to fire missiles at wester trade, you're fair game IMO.



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1 minute ago, JFK-1 said:


And there it is again, 'anyone who disagrees or critiques it in a way you don’t like' ???


No one is critiquing it, you ramble on about me not liking anyone critiquing it, yet as I point out no one is critiquing it, as I say I want someone to at least try. That's what I don't like.


Then finish the entire pile of nothing off with complaints about me being abusive? As people like you who can say nothing at all about it talk about me being mental?  Not in an abusive manner?

You go to ignore too. 

I know quite a lot about the Middle East from the early 1900’s up to today actually, including relatives right in the middle of it. And that’s exactly why I don’t reply to your over the top one sided posts. Please block me if it gives you a wee vicarious thrill.

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Jeffros Furios
12 minutes ago, JudyJudyJudy said:

You don’t want  anyone to critique it , you want people to agree with it . 

He's not worth it , the man has issues .

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32 minutes ago, JudyJudyJudy said:

You don’t want  anyone to critique it , you want people to agree with it . 

Be nice if you read it first.

Didn't see mufti anywhere.


jfk posts like this on American politics thread.


I disagree with vehement views. 

But his post here is hard to criticise.

So what is it you find about his post worth criticising if you didn't get beyond a word that wasn't in it?

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23 minutes ago, Jeffros Furios said:

He's not worth it , the man has issues .

He nay well do.

You obviously have.

Play the Post  .

He nips my nut also.


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26 minutes ago, Jeffros Furios said:

He's not worth it , the man has issues .


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3 minutes ago, Ked said:

Be nice if you read it first.

Didn't see mufti anywhere.


jfk posts like this on American politics thread.


I disagree with vehement views. 

But his post here is hard to criticise.

So what is it you find about his post worth criticising if you didn't get beyond a word that wasn't in it?

If you read it there’s a whole section in the middle about the Grand Mufti. He was the Palestinian leader for a number of years before and after WWII. 

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6 minutes ago, Ked said:

Be nice if you read it first.

Didn't see mufti anywhere.


jfk posts like this on American politics thread.


I disagree with vehement views. 

But his post here is hard to criticise.

So what is it you find about his post worth criticising if you didn't get beyond a word that wasn't in it?

“presume everybody will recognise Hitler, but few if any will recognise Haj Amin al-Husseini, Mufti of Jerusalem who was a Palestinian leader meeting with Hitler in late 1941. “ 

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1 minute ago, Tazio said:

If you read it there’s a whole section in the middle about the Grand Mufti. He was the Palestinian leader for a number of years before and after WWII. 

Forgot the bit after it.


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