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Lucy Letby Trial


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The jury made their verdicts in stages.


So first guilty verdicts were already made before today. 



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John Findlay
1 hour ago, Mikey1874 said:


Lucy Letby is not the only one who should be getting a gaol sentence.

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Beverley Allitt didn't get a whole life term, she was sentenced to a minimum 30 years. Though in saying that it was 32 years ago now and she's still inside.


Here's a thing btw this nurse might be thinking of. It's been mentioned someone like this might have an uncomfortable time in prison, Allitt was only in prison a couple of weeks and created such a fuss she was sent to a secure mental hospital where she is to this day. 


Believe me, that's a lot cushier than prison.



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7 minutes ago, JFK-1 said:

Beverley Allitt didn't get a whole life term, she was sentenced to a minimum 30 years. Though in saying that it was 32 years ago now and she's still inside.


Here's a thing btw this nurse might be thinking of. It's been mentioned someone like this might have an uncomfortable time in prison, Allitt was only in prison a couple of weeks and created such a fuss she was sent to a secure mental hospital where she is to this day. 


Believe me, that's a lot cushier than prison.



Experience of being in a secure mental health unit? 🥸

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Compare the aviation industry to the medical one. Any incident involving a plane is as much about who or what is at fault as well as how to prevent it happening again. In the medical world it’s more about saving face at all costs, particularly high management. She should not be the only one who faces charges for this. 

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2 minutes ago, kila said:

Compare the aviation industry to the medical one. Any incident involving a plane is as much about who or what is at fault as well as how to prevent it happening again. In the medical world it’s more about saving face at all costs, particularly high management. She should not be the only one who faces charges for this. 

The series Dr Death was very interesting and showed the same, (all be it in the USA) trusts protecting themselves rather than the patients.

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4 hours ago, John Findlay said:

Lucy Letby is not the only one who should be getting a gaol sentence.

Indeed the catalogue of events just on the news is quite staggering that warnings were just ignored with babies lives at risk - they should be pursued to the limits of the law too

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I don't know what's been going on here but it's certainly different from Allitt in a number of ways. It didn't take the cops years to pin Allitt down once they knew the numbers were off the charts, nor anything like so long to try and convict her. Something odd about this one.

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This is even worse than Allitt, the variety of methods this monster used to kill/harm these tiny premature babies is just horrific and unforgivable, I would burn her at the stake for this.


Examples of methods used on multiple babies, probably a lot more than we currently know of.  Air bubble deliberately injected, insulin injected and get this, over feeding.


These babies are incredibly tiny, could fit in the palm of your hand. They're fed tiny amounts of milk, "less than a thimbleful"


Anything more than that will be catastrophic and I would bet extremely painful for that baby as pressure gradually builds on the lungs in this tiny not fully formed baby and it slowly suffocates. She was doing that, I would burn her alive.

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2 hours ago, manaliveits105 said:

Indeed the catalogue of events just on the news is quite staggering that warnings were just ignored with babies lives at risk - they should be pursued to the limits of the law too

No-one will get touched. It’s virtually impossible to make criminal liability stick in cases like this (beyond the perpetrator) and if the people responsible for trying to bury an investigation haven’t pre-empted this case by disappearing quietly already, they’ll retire or shift jobs long before an inquiry takes place.


Most will probably take legal advice telling them not to appear at any inquiry. It’ll have no power to force them to attend. These people are parasites and, in a broader sense, a massive part of the reason why so little in the UK functions properly. Frauds in jobs they can’t do, constantly covering up the fact.

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the posh bit
3 hours ago, JFK-1 said:

Beverley Allitt didn't get a whole life term, she was sentenced to a minimum 30 years. Though in saying that it was 32 years ago now and she's still inside.


Here's a thing btw this nurse might be thinking of. It's been mentioned someone like this might have an uncomfortable time in prison, Allitt was only in prison a couple of weeks and created such a fuss she was sent to a secure mental hospital where she is to this day. 


Believe me, that's a lot cushier than prison.




Its a lot harder to get out of too. 

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8 minutes ago, the posh bit said:


Its a lot harder to get out of too. 


Probably, the authorities can just declare forever yeah she's still crazy, a threat to the community. But at the same time I would expect the likes of Allitt and Letby to know right at the start they're never going to let me out.


Just had a funny thought, it's what Jack Nicholson's character did for an easier life in one flew over the cuckoos nest.  

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il Duce McTarkin
5 hours ago, the posh bit said:


Its a lot harder to get out of too. 


But easier to get out of than being dead, which is how she may end up if she remains in prison.


An absolute tragedy for the babies and the parents, including Letby's.


There should be NHS management heads on the block for this.

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6 hours ago, Dusk_Till_Dawn said:

No-one will get touched. It’s virtually impossible to make criminal liability stick in cases like this (beyond the perpetrator) and if the people responsible for trying to bury an investigation haven’t pre-empted this case by disappearing quietly already, they’ll retire or shift jobs long before an inquiry takes place.


I don't know much about it on that level. Are you saying there were people who knew she had committed these monstrous crimes, but just wanted to put her on administrative duty and hope nobody ever finds out?

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Joey J J Jr Shabadoo
1 hour ago, JFK-1 said:


I don't know much about it on that level. Are you saying there were people who knew she had committed these monstrous crimes, but just wanted to put her on administrative duty and hope nobody ever finds out?

The UK corrupt as ****. People in positions of power/responsibility get protected. Look at Hillsborough, Grenfell.

It's why the king's peado brother wanted his civil trial brought to London.

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1 hour ago, JFK-1 said:


I don't know much about it on that level. Are you saying there were people who knew she had committed these monstrous crimes, but just wanted to put her on administrative duty and hope nobody ever finds out?

It very much sounds like there were major concerns about her which management tried to ignore. At the very least, they should be made to explain why they were so reluctant to listen 

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23 minutes ago, Dusk_Till_Dawn said:

It very much sounds like there were major concerns about her which management tried to ignore. At the very least, they should be made to explain why they were so reluctant to listen 

The culpable ones should be sacked and have their pensions taken off them. If any have already retired, take their pensions too. 

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27 minutes ago, Mister T said:

The culpable ones should be sacked and have their pensions taken off them. If any have already retired, take their pensions too. 

I heard on the news that those executives and managers won't be compelled to give evidence, or answer questions at the Enquiry as its not going to be a Public Enquiry. That needs to change. 

They need to be exposed to their excuses being heard under oath.

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16 hours ago, Mikey1874 said:



That's informative, shocking but looks like this comes down to maybe some sort of blindness emanating from incredulity? Understandable to some degree I suppose. What gets me is I think I read an average of 3 babies a year were typically lost in this unit, but now they have 3 dying in 2 weeks? With multiple collapses?

And it wasn't a one off, it continued, from an average 3 a year to 3 dying repeatedly inside weeks with many unexpected collapses is staggering, there has to be something behind it, surely?


This doctor says he thinks they were sort of accusing him and his team of incompetence on some level, while trying to use her as a scapegoat. Now if you had given me those statistics, a non medical person, I would have instantly thought that's bizarre, something isn't right here.


Which is exactly why as he also said the cops too, not medically trained, concluded inside 10 minutes something isn't right here. Definitely questionable.


One thing I don't know of concerning the years it took to nail her. Are these tiny babies buries? Cremated? Is there any evidence that can be examined later when suspicions are raised? The cops were immediately suspicious probably from the numbers alone, they're staggering.


But what did they build their case from?

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the posh bit
3 hours ago, il Duce McTarkin said:


There should be NHS management heads on the block for this.


Don't hold your breath. They'll be well taken care of. 

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1 hour ago, Mister T said:

The culpable ones should be sacked and have their pensions taken off them. If any have already retired, take their pensions too. 

Never happens though. Never, ever happens. These people are untouchable.


You might read it already but if not, check out Private Eye’s Rotten Boroughs column. It’s about local councils and it’s basically a shake down of how incompetent people bounce from high paid job to high paid job and every time they **** up, they get a big pay off and depart with zero comeback or consequences.


That’s senior management in the public sector. They’re an absolute disease.

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The Panorama programme last night had one of Letby's friends on it. She said all of their group are standing by her. They're sticking to the 'she's such a kind person she wouldn't hurt anyone' line. Interestingly Letby asked them not to attend the trial. Yeah, I'll bet...she wouldn't want them to hear the convincing evidence against her. 

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il Duce McTarkin
41 minutes ago, the posh bit said:

They'll be well taken care of. 


This type of 'taken care of'?




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57 minutes ago, Sooperstar said:

The Panorama programme last night had one of Letby's friends on it. She said all of their group are standing by her. They're sticking to the 'she's such a kind person she wouldn't hurt anyone' line. Interestingly Letby asked them not to attend the trial. Yeah, I'll bet...she wouldn't want them to hear the convincing evidence against her. 


One of her friends is quoted in this article. Don't know if it's the same friend.




Unwavering in her loyalty and belief that her friend was incapable of murder, was it possible that Letby had pulled the wool over her eyes?


Dawn let out a long sigh, before answering.


"The only way I'd ever believe that she's guilty is if she tells me she's guilty," she said.



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2 hours ago, JFK-1 said:


That's informative, shocking but looks like this comes down to maybe some sort of blindness emanating from incredulity? Understandable to some degree I suppose. What gets me is I think I read an average of 3 babies a year were typically lost in this unit, but now they have 3 dying in 2 weeks? With multiple collapses?

And it wasn't a one off, it continued, from an average 3 a year to 3 dying repeatedly inside weeks with many unexpected collapses is staggering, there has to be something behind it, surely?


This doctor says he thinks they were sort of accusing him and his team of incompetence on some level, while trying to use her as a scapegoat. Now if you had given me those statistics, a non medical person, I would have instantly thought that's bizarre, something isn't right here.


Which is exactly why as he also said the cops too, not medically trained, concluded inside 10 minutes something isn't right here. Definitely questionable.


One thing I don't know of concerning the years it took to nail her. Are these tiny babies buries? Cremated? Is there any evidence that can be examined later when suspicions are raised? The cops were immediately suspicious probably from the numbers alone, they're staggering.


But what did they build their case from?


The case was built initially on the statistics. Even very ill babies very rarely die. The NHS is world class in its care for poorly children. There was reporting that the first 4 deaths hadn't been properly notified. Had they been the people monitoring would have noticed immediately that something was badly wrong. 

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Lone Striker
6 hours ago, JFK-1 said:


That's informative, shocking but looks like this comes down to maybe some sort of blindness emanating from incredulity? Understandable to some degree I suppose. What gets me is I think I read an average of 3 babies a year were typically lost in this unit, but now they have 3 dying in 2 weeks? With multiple collapses?

And it wasn't a one off, it continued, from an average 3 a year to 3 dying repeatedly inside weeks with many unexpected collapses is staggering, there has to be something behind it, surely?


This doctor says he thinks they were sort of accusing him and his team of incompetence on some level, while trying to use her as a scapegoat. Now if you had given me those statistics, a non medical person, I would have instantly thought that's bizarre, something isn't right here.


Which is exactly why as he also said the cops too, not medically trained, concluded inside 10 minutes something isn't right here. Definitely questionable.


One thing I don't know of concerning the years it took to nail her. Are these tiny babies buries? Cremated? Is there any evidence that can be examined later when suspicions are raised? The cops were immediately suspicious probably from the numbers alone, they're staggering.


But what did they build their case from?

From what I've read, it seems the hospital (HR dept ?) had to provide staff rota history - so presumably the police correlated the death dates with who was on duty.   That seems to have led straight to Letby, and searches of her house and social media. 


From the published reports, Letby is seriously disturbed mentally, and probably has psychopathic traits  - covered up by her alter-ego "lovely caring girl" persona.       Thats one aspect I find quite chilling.  Any lovely/caring person you know could be hiding the same dark& evil  capabilities & urges.     


Harold Shipman springs to mind


The whole episode must be unbelievably awful for the parents of the babies, -  and also for Letby's own parents, the shame and shock of discovering terrible  things about their daughter.

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Came home and the wife was watching 'The Good Nurse'. Hospital bosses covering their backs and not caring about patients dying suspiciously. Could almost be a documentary

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Still so confused on why someone would do something like this. 

I think there have been cases where nurses have deliberately hurt patients so they can ‘save’ them, I’m not sure if this might have been part of it?


Horrible :( 

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5 minutes ago, OTT said:

Still so confused on why someone would do something like this. 

I think there have been cases where nurses have deliberately hurt patients so they can ‘save’ them, I’m not sure if this might have been part of it?


Horrible :( 

She’s clearly very mentally disturbed. There’s probably no understanding it 

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57 minutes ago, Lone Striker said:

From what I've read, it seems the hospital (HR dept ?) had to provide staff rota history - so presumably the police correlated the death dates with who was on duty.   That seems to have led straight to Letby, and searches of her house and social media. 


From the published reports, Letby is seriously disturbed mentally, and probably has psychopathic traits  - covered up by her alter-ego "lovely caring girl" persona.       Thats one aspect I find quite chilling.  Any lovely/caring person you know could be hiding the same dark& evil  capabilities & urges.     


Harold Shipman springs to mind


The whole episode must be unbelievably awful for the parents of the babies, -  and also for Letby's own parents, the shame and shock of discovering terrible  things about their daughter.


Pretty damning. 



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Lone Striker
3 minutes ago, JKB Member C said:


Pretty damning. 



Yep, something the hospital management  could easily have done themselves way before Baby Q died.

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2 minutes ago, Lone Striker said:

Yep, something the hospital management  could easily have done themselves way before Baby Q died.

It’s amazing that anyone could believe she’s innocent. The evidence is damning 

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Not seen a single outraged post about this from anyone on my Social Medias. Usually this sort of thing would be rife, especially from Mums. Maybe it's because "she looks so normal" aka not black.

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4 minutes ago, Lone Striker said:

Yep, something the hospital management  could easily have done themselves way before Baby Q died.

having a look at the dates, i would say baby E could have been saved if they had initiated an investigation after the three babies died in june 

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1 hour ago, Lone Striker said:

From what I've read, it seems the hospital (HR dept ?) had to provide staff rota history - so presumably the police correlated the death dates with who was on duty.   That seems to have led straight to Letby, and searches of her house and social media. 


From the published reports, Letby is seriously disturbed mentally, and probably has psychopathic traits  - covered up by her alter-ego "lovely caring girl" persona.       Thats one aspect I find quite chilling.  Any lovely/caring person you know could be hiding the same dark& evil  capabilities & urges.     


Harold Shipman springs to mind


The whole episode must be unbelievably awful for the parents of the babies, -  and also for Letby's own parents, the shame and shock of discovering terrible  things about their daughter.


The Police are very good at dealing with young child deaths. Vast majority happen in domestic situations. But they are expert in working with the health service to prove beyond reasonable doubt when there has been murder. 


I think the Police saw the stats on the numbers and immediately said a crime is pretty certain. 

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19 hours ago, JFK-1 said:

Beverley Allitt didn't get a whole life term, she was sentenced to a minimum 30 years. Though in saying that it was 32 years ago now and she's still inside.


Here's a thing btw this nurse might be thinking of. It's been mentioned someone like this might have an uncomfortable time in prison, Allitt was only in prison a couple of weeks and created such a fuss she was sent to a secure mental hospital where she is to this day. 


Believe me, that's a lot cushier than prison.



Here's the thing, for a crime like this she should be put up against a wall and shot. If they were looking for volunteers to do it  there would be a que a mile long. There is no valid reason for not puting this cretin down IMO.

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Lone Striker
2 minutes ago, milky_26 said:

having a look at the dates, i would say baby E could have been saved if they had initiated an investigation after the three babies died in june 

Aye.  Reports from the trial say that some clinical staff had serious suspicions around that time and tried to get management involved, but were  somehow "hushed".     As a few posters said above, the wider health profession & supply industry  is dogged by self-interest, protectionism & greed which sometimes rank above honesty & compassion.   The various scandals provide massive income for the legal profession pursuing misconduct damages and  drug licence breaches.



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7 minutes ago, Mikey1874 said:


The Police are very good at dealing with young child deaths. Vast majority happen in domestic situations. But they are expert in working with the health service to prove beyond reasonable doubt when there has been murder. 


I think the Police saw the stats on the numbers and immediately said a crime is pretty certain. 

When you listen to paediatricians talking about how rare unexpected/unexplained baby deaths are, the warning signs should have been massive early on. This is why she’s clearly guilty. All these weird deaths or collapses, her on the scene every single time. Even before you consider all the documentation in her house, it’s miles beyond an unlucky coincidence.


Tbf, they were to certain people who clocked her early but not to the people at the top. Hope that Harvey prick gets his windows put in.

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Lone Striker
58 minutes ago, JKB Member C said:


Pretty damning. 



Looking at that, you'd hope that Nurses 4, 35, 37 & 38 were questioned about what they knew/saw.     Also,  why were there no other nurses on duty on some shifts  where  LL seems to have been  alone ?   Baby N on 14/06/16 .... after all the deaths & incidents prior to that, LL is alone on duty ?


I see the lawyers acting for some of the parents are demanding a full public inquiry - which calls into question what criteria the  Govt  has based its decision on to hold a non-statutory inquiry for such  a high profile in-house murder event ?    This could get very embarrassing for the Govt  & NHS management at a time when dozens of parents and a lot of  the wider public are angry at how this killing spree was  allowed to go "undetected" for so long.


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41 minutes ago, Lone Striker said:

Aye.  Reports from the trial say that some clinical staff had serious suspicions around that time and tried to get management involved, but were  somehow "hushed".     As a few posters said above, the wider health profession & supply industry  is dogged by self-interest, protectionism & greed which sometimes rank above honesty & compassion.   The various scandals provide massive income for the legal profession pursuing misconduct damages and  drug licence breaches.



The management sided with Letby when she raised a Greivance and told the consultant paediatricians to shut up or face disiplinary action themselves

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57 minutes ago, Dusk_Till_Dawn said:

When you listen to paediatricians talking about how rare unexpected/unexplained baby deaths are, the warning signs should have been massive early on. This is why she’s clearly guilty. All these weird deaths or collapses, her on the scene every single time. Even before you consider all the documentation in her house, it’s miles beyond an unlucky coincidence.


Tbf, they were to certain people who clocked her early but not to the people at the top. Hope that Harvey prick gets his windows put in.


The main evidence was so many children died. Something that doesn't happen in first world health service. 


Not sure how they proved the injection of air, insulin etc but that then was the detail needed. Was interesting it took the jury so long so there must have been a lot of technical information to cover.

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Lone Striker
2 hours ago, Mikey1874 said:


The main evidence was so many children died. Something that doesn't happen in first world health service. 


Not sure how they proved the injection of air, insulin etc but that then was the detail needed. Was interesting it took the jury so long so there must have been a lot of technical information to cover.

Probably, yes.   And the sheer number of babies who either died or almost died - the jury would have to consider the evidence on each of them individually


Plus, the defence in a situation like that tend to put experts on the stand who can sow seeds of doubt in a jury's mind about things which at first glance seem damning.


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10 hours ago, Dusk_Till_Dawn said:

Never happens though. Never, ever happens. These people are untouchable.


You might read it already but if not, check out Private Eye’s Rotten Boroughs column. It’s about local councils and it’s basically a shake down of how incompetent people bounce from high paid job to high paid job and every time they **** up, they get a big pay off and depart with zero comeback or consequences.


That’s senior management in the public sector. They’re an absolute disease.

I wholeheartedly agree. Cronyism and Nepotism are absolutely rife and there are loads of totally incompetent  dickheads in senior posts they aren’t qualified for. It wasn’t always this way but it’s been steadily worsening for 20+ years. An absolute shitshow.



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