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Trump going to clarify comments made to the press by being stuck back in front of the microphones again?


Seems like a plan.    What could go wrong?

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Governor Tarkin
1 hour ago, Victorian said:

David Lammy is a rising star of a politician.     An excellent orator as well.     A guy I would like to see lead the Labour Party one day.




Good call.

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I wish the media would quit with the inflatable balloon "news", been done to death. (the real balloon is already self- inflated to capacity)


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How many times, in the same passage of speech, does he say the same thing. Just repeats and repeats. Takes 2 or 3 minutes to finish saying something he already said in a few seconds.

Yesterday he said he wouldn’t have allowed the Russians to take Crimea.

Oh really. And how would the Donald have stopped them? Maybe building a wall that the Russians would have paid for?

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4 minutes ago, SectionDJambo said:

How many times, in the same passage of speech, does he say the same thing. Just repeats and repeats. Takes 2 or 3 minutes to finish saying something he already said in a few seconds.

Yesterday he said he wouldn’t have allowed the Russians to take Crimea.

Oh really. And how would the Donald have stopped them? Maybe building a wall that the Russians would have paid for?


Because there's never any substance to what he says.     All he can do is to pad out sentences.

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1 hour ago, Victorian said:

Trump's latest comments re Brexit and May.




I hope I don't sound like an old fogey (I'm only a middle-aged fogey), but more than this, he gets invited to this country and spends his time here criticising the government and the mayor of London. You can't get much ruder than that. He can say all he likes when he's elsewhere, but while he's actually here as our guest?

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1 minute ago, redjambo said:


I hope I don't sound like an old fogey (I'm only a middle-aged fogey), but more than this, he gets invited to this country and spends his time here criticising the government and the mayor of London. You can't get much ruder than that. He can say all he likes when he's elsewhere, but while he's actually here as our guest?


He was always going to get an easy ride from the trip in terms of not being challenged or criticised by the government.     Full diplomacy was always going to be extended to him.


To knife the government in such a way is quite incredible.     You could almost view it as a challenge in itself.     Goading people to stand up to him and taking great delight in the continued silence and complete impotence.

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1 hour ago, redjambo said:


I hope I don't sound like an old fogey (I'm only a middle-aged fogey), but more than this, he gets invited to this country and spends his time here criticising the government and the mayor of London. You can't get much ruder than that. He can say all he likes when he's elsewhere, but while he's actually here as our guest?


I'm really disappointed that the Queen has agreed to meet with the misogynist, racist, lying bag of crap.  It will stroke his ego no end, and will legitimise his conduct in his own eyes.

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4 hours ago, japanjambo said:


He was republican. Someone shouted to him 'You need your medication!' LOL



Yes you are quite correct and I appreciate you gently pointing out my error. 

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2 hours ago, Governor Tarkin said:




Good call.

Is that the big black guy who uncovered the windrush? If it is I agree wholeheartedly. 

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13 minutes ago, Maple Leaf said:


I'm really disappointed that the Queen has agreed to meet with the misogynist, racist, lying bag of crap.  It will stroke his ego no end, and will legitimise his conduct in his own eyes.

I wonder if he give her the Trump handshakes pull arm pish. I hate folk who do that shite and the try to crush your hand. 

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12 minutes ago, Victorian said:

Sun quotes are... "fake news".




Which only further proves the point that nobody should trust nor believe a word that comes out of this clowns mouth.


He's now just this minute refused to take a question from a news organisation which he called 'fake news' and instead takes a question from a "real news station" Fox News. 

Total ignorant clown.

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Very few of these questions are achieving a worthwhile response.    An awful lot of window dressing.     Nothing that might draw out a bit of substance.

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7 minutes ago, Barack said:

Bad idea doing that to The Sun.


They are a Shitehouse of a rag. But, I'm almost positive they've recorded the interview. Probably for exactly this reason...and will now happily release the transcript rather than accept "fake news".




I heard it this morning. 

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During the press conference with May, Trump says that he "will absolutely, firmly ask" Putin about Russia's meddling in the US 2016 elections.


Why ask?  America's intelligence services are 100% in agreement (something like 27 separate agencies) that Russia interfered, and did so to Trump's advantage.  So rather than "ask", why not confront him with the facts?  


In all fairness to Trump, he might not have time to confront Putin, since Putin will be busy changing the microchip in the base of Trump's skull.

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11 minutes ago, alfajambo said:



50% of Britons who think that the visit should go ahead, doesn't necessary mean that the same percentage support Trump, those are two separate questions.

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The Real Maroonblood
8 minutes ago, Victorian said:

No bow or curtsy.    :mellow:


The queen didn’t curtsy.

She should be ashamed.

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Francis Albert
1 hour ago, Maple Leaf said:

During the press conference with May, Trump says that he "will absolutely, firmly ask" Putin about Russia's meddling in the US 2016 elections.


Why ask?  America's intelligence services are 100% in agreement (something like 27 separate agencies) that Russia interfered, and did so to Trump's advantage.  So rather than "ask", why not confront him with the facts?  


In all fairness to Trump, he might not have time to confront Putin, since Putin will be busy changing the microchip in the base of Trump's skull.

Putin might respond by listing all the occasions the USA has "interfered" (to put it euphemistically) in others' elections. Wouldn't leave much time for the rest of the meeting.

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6 minutes ago, Barack said:

As long as he didn't "grab her by the pussy"...it's a great day for diplomacy all round, I think.


Haha.    A few Palace officials were probably about to have a stroke if he went lunging in with the gums.

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Francis Albert
3 hours ago, Maple Leaf said:


I'm really disappointed that the Queen has agreed to meet with the misogynist, racist, lying bag of crap.  It will stroke his ego no end, and will legitimise his conduct in his own eyes.

Fastidiousness has never been a strong point in the Queen's (or rather her Governments') decisions on who she meets.  She has welcomed many much worse then Trump, going way beyond misogyny, racism and lying.

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3 hours ago, Barack said:

I've not. Are The Sun correct in reporting what they did?


He said he told TM what to do about Brexit, but she didn't do as he said. Plus the Boris PM think. 

Note: He did say he wasn't choosing one over the other, just Boris would be a good PM. 

Edited by ri Alban
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Francis Albert

Good article in today's Guardian by Simon Jenkins, one of the very few Guardian writers I can bear to read these days. He thanks Trump for raising  (or at least prompting) questions about what the future role of NATO (if any) should be, pointing out that NATO's eastern expansion of NATO post the Soviet collapse has been a godsend for extreme Russian Nationalism and for Putin and his buddies. He also rightly questions whether the USA really would risk extinction by responding militarily to a Russian attack on one of its  former satellites. However he dismisses the idea of higher defence spending as good for no-one but the arms manufacturers.


IMO the departure of US forces as Trump threatens might just make Europe a safer place.

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1 hour ago, Francis Albert said:

Putin might respond by listing all the occasions the USA has "interfered" (to put it euphemistically) in others' elections. Wouldn't leave much time for the rest of the meeting.


I agree that the American record in this regard is extremely poor (to put it mildly), but the American President is duty bound, imo, to address an issue that is causing great concern to his intelligence agencies and to members of Congress on both sides of the aisle.  The 2016 election is history, but what about 2018 and 2020?  That's the issue.


Although Trump is aware of these concerns, I except that all that will come out of the meeting is that Putin will say "It wiznae me," and Trump will say, "OK, that's good enough."

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1 hour ago, Francis Albert said:

Fastidiousness has never been a strong point in the Queen's (or rather her Governments') decisions on who she meets.  She has welcomed many much worse then Trump, going way beyond misogyny, racism and lying.


You're right, of course, but that doesn't assuage my disappointment.  HRH could just have easily shunted Trump over to Harry and Meghan and the Trump's would have been just as thrilled.  I think the invitation was extended a while ago, before the full extent of Trump's idiocy was recognised, and now the career diplomats are trying to make the best of a bad situation.


The Queen isn't meeting with Trump due to popular demand, that's for sure.

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13 minutes ago, Maple Leaf said:


I agree that the American record in this regard is extremely poor (to put it mildly), but the American President is duty bound, imo, to address an issue that is causing great concern to his intelligence agencies and to members of Congress on both sides of the aisle.  The 2016 election is history, but what about 2018 and 2020?  That's the issue.


Although Trump is aware of these concerns, I except that all that will come out of the meeting is that Putin will say "It wiznae me," and Trump will say, "OK, that's good enough."

He said he'd tell him not to do again. :D

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Trump has a nerve to talk about the cost to the U.S of nato when he has doubled the U.S deficit with his super rich and corporate tax giveaway. He is a pawn of Putin.

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Now in Scotland. Our guys will make sure security is nailed down tight....." Shite...it's a feckin para-glider, sarge....whit dae we dae ? "

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Wonder if the public had a choice to be PM out of Boris, Teresa or Jeremy, who they would vote for.


My money would be Boris.

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Bindy Badgy

I always feel a bit sorry for the Queen in these situations. She's an unelected figurehead that has no real power and ends up meeting horrible people because it's in the government's interests. A lot of the people she ends up meeting probably make her skin crawl.

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37 minutes ago, Stokesy said:

I always feel a bit sorry for the Queen in these situations. She's an unelected figurehead that has no real power and ends up meeting horrible people because it's in the government's interests. A lot of the people she ends up meeting probably make her skin crawl.


She could always quit. 

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42 minutes ago, Stokesy said:

I always feel a bit sorry for the Queen in these situations. She's an unelected figurehead that has no real power and ends up meeting horrible people because it's in the government's interests. A lot of the people she ends up meeting probably make her skin crawl.


Our head of state has no real power...? £uck off. A lot of people's skin may craw having to meet our head of state...naw?

Edited by Old Blue Eyes
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King Of The Cat Cafe
10 hours ago, Francis Albert said:

Fastidiousness has never been a strong point in the Queen's (or rather her Governments') decisions on who she meets.  She has welcomed many much worse then Trump, going way beyond misogyny, racism and lying.


...Xi Jinping

Martin McGuinness

King Abdullah

Mobutu Sese Seko

Vladimir Putin

Bashar al-Assad

Robert Mugabe

Emperor Akihito

Nicolae Ceausescu...


...to name but a few.

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5 hours ago, Dagger Is Back said:


That's a superb read. What Trump, and Farage, and Salvini, and Orban are doing has happened many times before. Step by step, drip by drip. We're all taught about it at school; then apparently half of us can't even see it happening right in front of us, in plain sight.


In his interview with The Sun, and again at his press conference, Trump invoked specifically white nationalist themes. "Immigration is bad... because it's changing the culture". And singling out Sadiq Khan, for reasons which should be abundantly obvious. 


Unless Trump is removed, the Western alliance, which has preserved peace in the West since 1945, is going to break - because Putin demands it. Without US protection, what becomes of Europe? What becomes of the UK? Meanwhile, it's now been revealed that the very same day Trump stood at a press conference and invited Russia to hack Hillary Clinton's campaign... it turns out, they did just that. 




Also contained in Mueller's latest set of indictments is this. And it's rather horrifying.




It is absolutely plausible that Russia, with the Trump campaign's help, hacked the electoral and voting process itself. It is also increasingly plausible - no, scratch that, it's blindingly obvious - that Trump didn't become President by chance, but thanks to a multi-layered criminal conspiracy. Which also involved Brexit. And unlike the US, the UK isn't even investigating. 


When criminal conspiracies change election results, bad things will follow. Very very bad things. And still, we continue to sleepwalk. And still, many (including some on this thread) deny it's even happening.

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The protestors smack of snp activists as usual 

I wonder how many millions Wee Nippy has cost the country with her views on Donald ?

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The Real Maroonblood
1 hour ago, manaliveits105 said:

The protestors smack of snp activists as usual 

I wonder how many millions Wee Nippy has cost the country with her views on Donald ?

Oh ma sides.

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2 hours ago, shaun.lawson said:

It is absolutely plausible that Russia, with the Trump campaign's help, hacked the electoral and voting process itself. It is also increasingly plausible - no, scratch that, it's blindingly obvious - that Trump didn't become President by chance, but thanks to a multi-layered criminal conspiracy. Which also involved Brexit. And unlike the US, the UK isn't even investigating. 


When criminal conspiracies change election results, bad things will follow. Very very bad things. And still, we continue to sleepwalk. And still, many (including some on this thread) deny it's even happening.


The real Russia scandal?

The Clinton campaign paid for the fake Russia dossier, then lied about it and covered it up.

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