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U.S. Politics megathread (merged)


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Francis Albert
26 minutes ago, Cade said:

Merkel was spot on in slapping that moronic tube down.


She lived through the dark days of East Germany and knows exactly what it feels like to be controlled by Russia. 

For Trump to be that ignorant is staggering.


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Arrived 30 minutes late for a meeting by NATO which was to discuss Russian aggression in the Ukraine, something or nothing?


Emergency meeting called and an impromptu press conference which is due to take place any time now.


Looking like a re-run of the chaos Trump left with the G7 meeting in Canada recently.

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3 minutes ago, Jambo-Jimbo said:

Arrived 30 minutes late for a meeting by NATO which was to discuss Russian aggression in the Ukraine, something or nothing?


Emergency meeting called and an impromptu press conference which is due to take place any time now.


Looking like a re-run of the chaos Trump left with the G7 meeting in Canada recently.

The meeting was actually scheduled to discuss the accession of Georgia and Ukraine into the alliance, which in my opinion, makes the timing even more curious. 


Mr Putin will be very pleased to see Donald in a few days. What a job he is doing for him.

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Sounds like some NATO countries have told Chump a few things he wanted to hear to satisfy his ego,     safe in the knowledge ( unlike Chump ) that he wont be around for all that long.


Win-win.    Chump gets to believe he's sorted oot NATO.     NATO kicks the can down the road and goes home to have a shower.

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1 minute ago, Victorian said:

Sounds like some NATO countries have told Chump a few things he wanted to hear to satisfy his ego,     safe in the knowledge ( unlike Chump ) that he wont be around for all that long.


Win-win.    Chump gets to believe he's sorted oot NATO.     NATO kicks the can down the road and goes home to have a shower.

Trump - "You guys like need to up the spending bigly, who said 2% was good enough, very bad. 4% is what we need"


Nato - "Erm, aye okay no bother"


Trump - "Great success guys, NATO is so great, finely tuned"


Nato Convening a meeting behind closed doors without Trump - "WTF"


Trump at his presser " Everyone was congratluating me, it was a great success, everyone agreed to pay more"



There is no way the rest of NATO will be able to meet his demands, but they have told them he will, which is all that is really important to him. He gets to go on TV to say he has won, and his base back home lap it up and call him a genius. 


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4 minutes ago, Rab87 said:

Trump - "You guys like need to up the spending bigly, who said 2% was good enough, very bad. 4% is what we need"


Nato - "Erm, aye okay no bother"


Trump - "Great success guys, NATO is so great, finely tuned"


Nato Convening a meeting behind closed doors without Trump - "WTF"


Trump at his presser " Everyone was congratluating me, it was a great success, everyone agreed to pay more"



There is no way the rest of NATO will be able to meet his demands, but they have told them he will, which is all that is really important to him. He gets to go on TV to say he has won, and his base back home lap it up and call him a genius. 



The problem with that strategy is that they might inadvertently increase the chances he'll be around longer than one term by giving him such easy "wins". 

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2 minutes ago, AlphonseCapone said:


The problem with that strategy is that they might inadvertently increase the chances he'll be around longer than one term by giving him such easy "wins". 

True, without a doubt.


But what is the alternative? Tell him they cannot meet his spending requirements within his time frame, and then he takes the US out of NATO? Almost unthinkable...

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These kind of future spending commitments can easily be 'committed to' over a number of years.     Quite comfortably parked to outlast Trump.     There will be lots of nods and winks,   maybe even with the knowledge of the American officials themselves.     Keep him happy... keep him quiet.

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2 minutes ago, Victorian said:

These kind of future spending commitments can easily be 'committed to' over a number of years.     Quite comfortably parked to outlast Trump.     There will be lots of nods and winks,   maybe even with the knowledge of the American officials themselves.     Keep him happy... keep him quiet.

Imagine having a president where you can get away with the tactic of "telling him what he wants to hear"


Kim Jong Un played him like a fiddle with this tactic recently.

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All roads lead to Gorgie
1 minute ago, Governor Tarkin said:

This guy cracks me up :lol:

The guy hasn't a scooby what he is talking about and doesn't even try to answer things he is clueless about :laugh:

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Governor Tarkin

"We want peace in Africa and throughout the world so we're building up a huge military with all the very best gear in the world" 



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1 minute ago, Governor Tarkin said:

He's a bumbling fool.

Excuse me, a very stable genius actually. 

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Governor Tarkin
Just now, Barack said:

Pretty much played out as has been said here. 


Trump says he told them he was "extremely unhappy." They all cowered at his malevolent glare, and agreed to speed up the hitting of 2% target.


Donny walks out the room like Vince McMahon with an erection, & departs.




Aye, but it's all your fault.

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1 minute ago, Rab87 said:

Imagine having a president where you can get away with the tactic of "telling him what he wants to hear"


Kim Jong Un played him like a fiddle with this tactic recently.


I think the 'victory' statements following the Kim summit were a fait accompli.    They could have sat there having a silent game of Kerplunk and he would have come out and claimed he had achieved great,  world peace securing success.

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Criticises most of the other NATO members for not spending enough on defence and moans and groans about how much America is spending and say's it's unfair, yet in the very next breath congratulates himself for getting the biggest defence budget ever passed in the US adding that he wants to build the biggest and best US military that there has ever been, but he hopes never to have to use it.  


Bit of a contradiction there is there not? 

Moans about how unfair the military burden is on the US, yet campaigned on the back of an election promise of building up the US military to it's highest level ever.


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Trump itinerary in the UK.


Winfield House.   Blemheim Palace.  Chequers.  Windsor Castle.  Trump Turnberry.


The security bill would get NATO members to the 2%.     



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1 minute ago, Barack said:

Wonder what he thinks of this beauty?







He'll find a way of it being a compliment.

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Protesters planning to keep the baby awake in Winfield House by bashing pots and pans from outside Regents Park.




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Lots of chat about helicopters so far.


Did you know Marine One isn't a specific single helicopter. It could be one of a number and only takes on that title when the president is onboard ?

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1 minute ago, Barack said:

Like Air Force 1. Could be a Cessna, but if he's on it, that's its Call Sign.



Didn't you watch the Harrison Ford movie? :)

Star Wars?:interehjrling:

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Francis Albert
2 hours ago, Barack said:

Wonder what he thinks of this beauty?






Doubt he will get the irony in an embarrassingly infantile stunt portraying him as ... an infant.

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13 minutes ago, Francis Albert said:

Doubt he will get the irony in an embarrassingly infantile stunt portraying him as ... an infant.


The balloon is childish, classless, and vulgar ... it matches Trump perfectly.

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Just been watching the Congressional hearings on the F.B.I man who wrote the E mails to his girlfriend about Trump. I am not sure what they are trying to prove, but what they are convincing me is the whole U.S. political system has fallen apart.  The Republicans are so anxious to protect Trump that they are denouncing everyone, agency, or department that accuse the man. The Chairman of the hearing done a Trump himself when the guy Strjok refused to answer a question the Repulican chairman said you have to, you have been subpoenaed and must respond. The F.B.I. man rsponded so coolly and respectfully, Mr Chairman I have attended this hearing voluntarily, and am under no obligation to answer questions particularly those involving an active criminal investigation, I am not subject tio a subpoena, that is in a completely different matter, even as a witness in minor cases I was aware that preparation was essential.  I am convinced The Republicans, the Democrats, and most semi intelligent people know, Trump is going down, only the really stupid would put themselves in a position that they will go down with him. Not just for today, and the near future but in history as the worst President to ever hit the United States and even the World.

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Francis Albert
5 minutes ago, bobsharp said:

Just been watching the Congressional hearings on the F.B.I man who wrote the E mails to his girlfriend about Trump. I am not sure what they are trying to prove, but what they are convincing me is the whole U.S. political system has fallen apart.  The Republicans are so anxious to protect Trump that they are denouncing everyone, agency, or department that accuse the man. The Chairman of the hearing done a Trump himself when the guy Strjok refused to answer a question the Repulican chairman said you have to, you have been subpoenaed and must respond. The F.B.I. man rsponded so coolly and respectfully, Mr Chairman I have attended this hearing voluntarily, and am under no obligation to answer questions particularly those involving an active criminal investigation, I am not subject tio a subpoena, that is in a completely different matter, even as a witness in minor cases I was aware that preparation was essential.  I am convinced The Republicans, the Democrats, and most semi intelligent people know, Trump is going down, only the really stupid would put themselves in a position that they will go down with him. Not just for today, and the near future but in history as the worst President to ever hit the United States and even the World.

He is up against some strong opposition for that  title and in reality has barely got out of the starting blocks.

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2 minutes ago, Francis Albert said:

He is up against some strong opposition for that  title and in reality has barely got out of the starting blocks.


Quite right, but he still has some time left to capture the title, and his statements of this week regarding NATO, and his meeting with Putin and his comments after should get him catching up on the leaders.  When the facts that seem to be coming out from North Korea about their suspected lies about their nuclear disarmament , are confirmed will make his claims seem really inflated. More and more he makes statements that are downright lies, misinformed about ac tual facts, claims that are not quite lies but untrue to suit the moment, and when Mueller either makes public his findings or does so after being terminated because of the new Supreme Court Judge who is Trumps alleged get out of jail card, all happen.  If the Wade v Rowe situation is passed down to the States to enforce, the potential for reduction of Gay Rights, suspension of some affirmative action policies, the effluent will hit the fan.


If the trade wars, threats of withdrawl from Nato, WTO, NAFTA, tariffs against some of the biggest trade partners escalates, and his what almost looks like isolationist policies impact intenational relations in a very negative way, and he has to reintroduce draft regulations to enhance the military the first people to get out of town will be his base.


I have only illustrated what I see as the good news items, but would hesitate to elucidate what I think the bad news is going to be, posibly a massive percentage of the male population who develop bone spurs being one of them.

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2 hours ago, maroonlegions said:

He has to be one of the Chuckle Brothers in disguise .



Image may contain: 1 person

That's 2 years old. 

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1 hour ago, ri Alban said:

That's 2 years old. 

Still relevant to point out the mans so out of touch he should be called captain  chaos.



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So he thinks Norway et al, should show the same committment to deadly weaponry as a country where even the teenagers are armed with assault rifles?


If he wants to carry on bombing Afghan orphanages and Syrian schools then that's an American tradition, not sure why anyone else should fund it though.

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Watched another hour and a half of the Congressional Hearings. Stjork I can't for the life of me remember how to spell his name, any way, he was being questioned by a Democrat from Texas, and very F.B.I. like he had a smile on his face which I suspect said go ahead you old fool you"re peanuts to me.  The old guy then completely lost it called him a liar asked if he lied to his wife about the affair with the woman that the texts were to, just made a complete idiot of himself.  Was soundly critiised of course by the Democrats, and the  F.B.I man just smiled then tried to reply and the Republican chairman would not allow it. The thing that made me smile was the old guys appal that anybody should lie, and he in his function was  protecting the most compulsive liar  since George Washingtons cherry tree lying son.


I also watched the Guards bands playing for Trump at Blenheim Palace with the Prime Minister. Donald stood with his hand turned to look like he was holding his wifes hand, this was however impractical as she was wearing a coat type cape so her hand could not be reached. He also commented to her on a couple of occasions and she did not reply.

Edited by bobsharp
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Well I hope I am well noted as one of the Trump haters.  I have often wondered what in life can be so bad that you would want to take your own , well if a Court ever sentenced me to watch that Alec Jones on a daily basis  I don't think I would last two days, what an ignorant animal, I see he backed off a wee bit on the guys behind, at least two of them I am sure are not F.B.I. agents, god help America when that like Trump is a defender of the truth.


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5 minutes ago, bobsharp said:

Well I hope I am well noted as one of the Trump haters.  I have often wondered what in life can be so bad that you would want to take your own , well if a Court ever sentenced me to watch that Alec Jones on a daily basis  I don't think I would last two days, what an ignorant animal, I see he backed off a wee bit on the guys behind, at least two of them I am sure are not F.B.I. agents, god help America when that like Trump is a defender of the truth.



I'd sooner support genocide than support that fat c ø unt. Anyone who gives him even the slightest ounce of credibility or respect should be forced to sit through an entire Sutherland Springs church sermon.


Stephen Paddock is more welcome at my dinner table than that rodent.

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11 minutes ago, bobsharp said:

Well I hope I am well noted as one of the Trump haters.


Count me in. I'm not normally a fan of hate, but I detest that man. Mostly because I can see the potential of what he can do to the world. Apart from having some for his immediate family, and perhaps sharks, he doesn't seem to have an ounce of care or empathy in his body.

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I just watched a Russian foreign affairs expert talking on Russian state television about the NATO summit.


She said Trump's behaviour was extraordinary, in that he has managed to drive a wedge between the members of the alliance that the USSR and Russia were never able to do.

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Francis Albert
9 minutes ago, peter_hmfc said:


I'd sooner support genocide than support that fat c ø unt. Anyone who gives him even the slightest ounce of credibility or respect should be forced to sit through an entire Sutherland Springs church sermon.


Stephen Paddock is more welcome at my dinner table than that rodent.

You would rather support genocide?

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Francis Albert
1 hour ago, peter_hmfc said:

So he thinks Norway et al, should show the same committment to deadly weaponry as a country where even the teenagers are armed with assault rifles?


If he wants to carry on bombing Afghan orphanages and Syrian schools then that's an American tradition, not sure why anyone else should fund it though.

That's your view of NATO? Presumably Trump's claimed  threat to give up on NATO meets with your approval.

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1 hour ago, Francis Albert said:

You would rather support genocide?


Alexa, please search word: "Sarcasm".

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3 hours ago, bobsharp said:

Watched another hour and a half of the Congressional Hearings. Stjork I can't for the life of me remember how to spell his name, any way, he was being questioned by a Democrat from Texas, and very F.B.I. like he had a smile on his face which I suspect said go ahead you old fool you"re peanuts to me.  The old guy then completely lost it called him a liar asked if he lied to his wife about the affair with the woman that the texts were to, just made a complete idiot of himself.  Was soundly critiised of course by the Democrats, and the  F.B.I man just smiled then tried to reply and the Republican chairman would not allow it. The thing that made me smile was the old guys appal that anybody should lie, and he in his function was  protecting the most compulsive liar  since George Washingtons cherry tree lying son.


I also watched the Guards bands playing for Trump at Blenheim Palace with the Prime Minister. Donald stood with his hand turned to look like he was holding his wifes hand, this was however impractical as she was wearing a coat type cape so her hand could not be reached. He also commented to her on a couple of occasions and she did not reply.


He was republican. Someone shouted to him 'You need your medication!' LOL

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David Lammy is a rising star of a politician.     An excellent orator as well.     A guy I would like to see lead the Labour Party one day.

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Francis Albert
12 minutes ago, Victorian said:

Trump's latest comments re Brexit and May.



Not diplomatic but that the May "plan" probably kills the idea of a UK/US trade deal is a rare Trump statement of fact.

And when he says he would have approached the negotiation differently ... who wouldn't have?

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1 minute ago, Francis Albert said:

Not diplomatic but that the May "plan" probably kills the idea of a UK/US trade deal is a rare Trump statement of fact.

And when he says he would have approached the negotiation differently ... who wouldn't have?


Yes indeed.    Even this maniac can get things right every so often.      Unlike a lot of what he says,    these comments could cause some practical harm for the government.     

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