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Watched Trump doing his thing in South Carolina, with regard to polls he says they are rigged, they can not be relied on. The ones that are not in his favor are specifically those people who hate him. He of course repeats how he has solved all the problems facing him Korea, taxes, employment, the only things he has not yet solved are things where he is being deliberately blocked by  the Democrats.


He attacked Trudeau again, in a sneering way he criticised him for turning away from him when he had gone, and had to hear about it on Air Force one. He mocked Trudeau not knowing there were tv's on the aircraft that he could watch.  He claimed the picture of him with Merkel possibly disciplining him, only showed what the reporter wanted, ther actuall were many smiles after that. His presentation was the same rhetoric he uses at all these campaign deals, points out pressnce of fake news channels, biggest crowds ever, I however have changed my mind about criticising him as President, the total reason he is not a President, he is a reality TV actor who is playing the role of president, he is in fact Donald Trump ignorant fool, liar, and shameless.


I have also to go to my pet peeve that is his return of the U.S. dead from Korea.,he has stated that 200 remains have been returned, that is not true, the son of one of these soldiers was interviewed yesterday, he has heard nothing.  What has not been mentioned but was touched on yesterday, this is not men who areinterred in a nice grave with a wee white cross, these are bodies that were probably thrown in a hole with others, and the identification of whom is probably going to take a long time to complete if ever, but it is a good way for a man who has none to show some compassion.

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Bindy Badgy





US Supreme Court upholds Trump's travel ban


The US Supreme Court has ruled in favour of the Trump administration's travel ban targeting people from several Muslim-majority countries.


Lower courts had deemed the ban unconstitutional, but the US top court has reversed this decision in a 5-4 ruling announced on Tuesday.


The ban prohibits most people from Iran, Libya, Somalia, Syria and Yemen from entering the US.

It has been criticised by refugee and human rights groups.


Chief Justice John Roberts wrote the opinion, which said the travel ban was "squarely within the scope of Presidential authority".

"The Government has set forth a sufficient national security justification to survive rational basis review. We express no view on the soundness of the policy."



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6 hours ago, bobsharp said:

Watched Trump doing his thing in South Carolina, with regard to polls he says they are rigged, they can not be relied on. The ones that are not in his favor are specifically those people who hate him. He of course repeats how he has solved all the problems facing him Korea, taxes, employment, the only things he has not yet solved are things where he is being deliberately blocked by  the Democrats.


He attacked Trudeau again, in a sneering way he criticised him for turning away from him when he had gone, and had to hear about it on Air Force one. He mocked Trudeau not knowing there were tv's on the aircraft that he could watch.  He claimed the picture of him with Merkel possibly disciplining him, only showed what the reporter wanted, ther actuall were many smiles after that. His presentation was the same rhetoric he uses at all these campaign deals, points out pressnce of fake news channels, biggest crowds ever, I however have changed my mind about criticising him as President, the total reason he is not a President, he is a reality TV actor who is playing the role of president, he is in fact Donald Trump ignorant fool, liar, and shameless.


I have also to go to my pet peeve that is his return of the U.S. dead from Korea.,he has stated that 200 remains have been returned, that is not true, the son of one of these soldiers was interviewed yesterday, he has heard nothing.  What has not been mentioned but was touched on yesterday, this is not men who areinterred in a nice grave with a wee white cross, these are bodies that were probably thrown in a hole with others, and the identification of whom is probably going to take a long time to complete if ever, but it is a good way for a man who has none to show some compassion.


I'm certain Trump would have been there in person at the airfield surrounded by all the 'fake media' who would have been called in to capture and record his every word the moment one body is returned.


The man's a liar, always has been, always will be.

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Sweep sweep. Nothing to see here. No cause for alarm. Move along please. 





Edited by shaun.lawson
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With Anthony Kennedy's announcement that he'll be retiring, I'm now officially in "it's all over" mode. I don't see any way back to sanity that doesn't involve war or some other really horrible outcome for millions of people.

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41 minutes ago, Justin Z said:

With Anthony Kennedy's announcement that he'll be retiring, I'm now officially in "it's all over" mode. I don't see any way back to sanity that doesn't involve war or some other really horrible outcome for millions of people.


Welcome to Gilliad.

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Eldar Hadzimehmedovic

Wherever you stand on politics or the issues themselves, the attempts to create division and and animosity in those tweets are disgraceful. Many presidents have been hated by the "other side" but none of them came anywhere near such aggressive language. Obama was despised by a lot of people on the right and W. Bush was loathed by the left, but neither spoke of it in such terms and almost always maintained the perception that the president works for everybody, no matter who they voted for. Demagoguery 101.

Edited by Eldar Hadzimehmedovic
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1 hour ago, Justin Z said:

With Anthony Kennedy's announcement that he'll be retiring, I'm now officially in "it's all over" mode. I don't see any way back to sanity that doesn't involve war or some other really horrible outcome for millions of people.


Trump will appoint a hard-right judge to replace Kennedy, and it will be the end of an era in the USA.  The end of Roe v Wade is now on the cards.


The appoint of two right-leaning judges to the Supreme Court will cement Trump's status as a hero of the Republican Party.   

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Tories invite the fat mutant to the UK.

Police Scotland have to pony up £5 million if the ludicrous reptile fancies hauling his frame around a golf course.

Tories refuse to pay said £5 million.

Great stuff.

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The Real Maroonblood
45 minutes ago, SpruceBringsteen said:

Tories invite the fat mutant to the UK.

Police Scotland have to pony up £5 million if the ludicrous reptile fancies hauling his frame around a golf course.

Tories refuse to pay said £5 million.

Great stuff.

If something goes wrong it would be worth it.

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Watched this horrible man last night in Fargo North Dakota, in his rant he went on about he would protect Americans Rights, Americas Borders, and your 2nd Amendment Rights. Today another shooting incident in Maryland, this can be added to the shootings in Florida and Las Vegas and everywhere else,  but Americans can be assured their Right to bear arms is sacrosant.  Of course this was met with c heers by the frantic crowd.  That crowd of thousands as stated by the Great Pretender was actually six thousand, but there were in his words tens of thousands outside in the streets who could not get into the arena. He said he was offered a twenty six thousand seat arena, but rejected the offer because the Fake News who were in attendance at this venue, if there were two seats empty in the twenty six thousand arena would be saying many did not attend Trump's rally. He went further to say he could not understand why the Fake News stations dislike him, he claims because of him their ratings are increasing and they are making millions.  Could it be that more people are seeing through him and his sycophants Carlson and Hannity and are looking for more objective and closer to the truth reporting.


What is frightening is that so many people are enthralled by this man and his rhetoric, I do not use the comparison to Nazis, but do see a resemblance from many years ago in my life watching a funny wee man, with a funny wee moustache making similar promises and with similar body language being cheered and praised by tens of thousands of reasonably normal working German people who were lulled into a belief for which they in the long run paid for very heavily. To Hitlers credit when his Country called him into its service for a war, he unlike the bone spur ridden Trump answered the call to duty.

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Another shoot em up brought to you by the crazy second amendment and nra.


Kind of gone a bit quiet on the Mueller front. Just hope he has collusion ammo. 

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2 minutes ago, JackLadd said:

Another shoot em up brought to you by the crazy second amendment and nra.


Kind of gone a bit quiet on the Mueller front. Just hope he has collusion ammo. 


Reports today that Putin says he did not do anything during the election campaign  and Trump believes him, and he believes Kim, but sees Canadas Prime Miister as dishonest and weak. How can anyone support this man, it is incredible

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5 hours ago, Barack said:

Can offer his prayers again today, and rail on the mentally ill, who have access to guns.


Another mass shooting. 5 dead so far.


The 10th mass-murder with guns in America this year, the 48th mass-shooting this month.


Yes, there has been 48 mass-shootings in the USA in June (so far).


Forty eight.


In June.


So far.

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Francis Albert
1 hour ago, peter_hmfc said:


The 10th mass-murder with guns in America this year, the 48th mass-shooting this month.


Yes, there has been 48 mass-shootings in the USA in June (so far).


Forty eight.


In June.


So far.

Is this unusual? 

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The Internet
3 hours ago, Francis Albert said:

Is this unusual? 


In most of the developed world? Yes. In America? Goes down as a quiet month. 

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54 minutes ago, Mauricio Pinilla said:


In most of the developed world? Yes. In America? Goes down as a quiet month. 


Sadly there's probably more truth in that statement then you'd realise.

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5 hours ago, Mauricio Pinilla said:


In most of the developed world? Yes. In America? Goes down as a quiet month. 


Actually it's the busiest month of the year so far. 48 of the 154 mass-shootings this year have come in June, making up for 31% of the entire years total.


In that, there's been 2 mass-murders, one in Orlando and yesterday in Maryland.

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5 hours ago, CJGJ said:

This shows you just what people are up against trying to get through to the citizens Trump panders to


Some are frightening in their thought process






At the end of his term as President, Trump will be an icon in Republican party history.  The Republicans ******* love him. :sick:

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Craig Gordons Gloves

There’s a guy I worked with who I’m friends with on Facebook that’s a big MAGA guy and loves Trump. 


I dont think he sees the irony in him posting a go fund me appeal for his relation who can’t afford his medical treatment...

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What a mess, where it will end and how it is just totally confusing, I have no use for Trump, but listening to the news the last few days, the Democrats  are like survivors on a raft with no sails, they do not know where they are going, have no in my  opinion any identified leaders with potential to take over, lots of questions with no real answers, its like being in the hospital emergency with lots of doctors looking at you, nodding their heads but offering no solution for relief of your pain.


Lots of film this morning its only 7.30am here of people banging drums, protesting, shouting, but really just doing what they enjoy with little real motivation to make change, probably too busy planning protests during election day to cast their vote.


Sometimes one is thankful that they have had such a good life in more sane times, I really feel for the young of today.


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It's time everyone looked after their security and blocks every US mobile provider.

Trump distracting the US people and everyone else while the real animals get to work destroying everything. 

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Allegedly (with quite a lot of proof), Donny was champing at the bit to invade Venezuela a few months ago





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3 hours ago, Cade said:

Allegedly (with quite a lot of proof), Donny was champing at the bit to invade Venezuela a few months ago






I'd be surprised if he even knew how to spell Venezuela let alone know where the feck it was.

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It's absolutely frightening, what's going on under the surface.

Pro-Trump & Russian-Linked Twitter Accounts Are Posing As Ex-Democrats In New Astroturfed Movement


"The primary functional goal of an astroturfed campaign like this one is to manipulate public opinion by gaming online algorithms to amplify certain content and push it onto people’s social media feeds and to the top of search engine results.

. . .

"In the case of the “WalkAway Movement,” every tweet was a deviation. The vast majority of (early) tweets using the hashtag #WalkAway were sent by accounts with less than 100 followers (many with less than 25), which in itself is an aberration and indicates that many of these accounts were likely created or repurposed recently, possibly for the explicit goal of amplifying this hashtag. Most of the tweets sent by these accounts had far more than 100 likes and retweets—and that’s not even looking at other types of reactions.
. . .
"The average engagement rate for tweets using the hashtag #WalkAway was over 500 percent, with many exceeding 1000 percent and some even reaching rates of 3000 to 4000 percent and above. I’ve tracked a lot of hashtags—including organic and non-organic movements—and I’ve never seen anything even close to this. This is not what a viral hashtag campaign looks like; this is what a manufactured and artificially amplified digital operation looks like."
. . .
"Consider, for example, that at the same time Russian-linked Twitter accounts were amplifying #WalkAway and joining Trump supporters in reprimanding Democrats for a supposed lack of civility, they were also boosting the hashtags #AbolishICE and #MaxineWaters. In other words, they were working both sides of divisive issues and amplifying the most polarizing positions (and in some cases, intentionally misrepresenting those positions) in an apparent effort to erase the middle ground, discourage reasoned discourse, and make it seem like compromise is either not possible or not desirable."


**** sake.

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Francis Albert
2 hours ago, Justin Z said:

It's absolutely frightening, what's going on under the surface.

Pro-Trump & Russian-Linked Twitter Accounts Are Posing As Ex-Democrats In New Astroturfed Movement


"The primary functional goal of an astroturfed campaign like this one is to manipulate public opinion by gaming online algorithms to amplify certain content and push it onto people’s social media feeds and to the top of search engine results.

. . .

"In the case of the “WalkAway Movement,” every tweet was a deviation. The vast majority of (early) tweets using the hashtag #WalkAway were sent by accounts with less than 100 followers (many with less than 25), which in itself is an aberration and indicates that many of these accounts were likely created or repurposed recently, possibly for the explicit goal of amplifying this hashtag. Most of the tweets sent by these accounts had far more than 100 likes and retweets—and that’s not even looking at other types of reactions.
. . .
"The average engagement rate for tweets using the hashtag #WalkAway was over 500 percent, with many exceeding 1000 percent and some even reaching rates of 3000 to 4000 percent and above. I’ve tracked a lot of hashtags—including organic and non-organic movements—and I’ve never seen anything even close to this. This is not what a viral hashtag campaign looks like; this is what a manufactured and artificially amplified digital operation looks like."
. . .
"Consider, for example, that at the same time Russian-linked Twitter accounts were amplifying #WalkAway and joining Trump supporters in reprimanding Democrats for a supposed lack of civility, they were also boosting the hashtags #AbolishICE and #MaxineWaters. In other words, they were working both sides of divisive issues and amplifying the most polarizing positions (and in some cases, intentionally misrepresenting those positions) in an apparent effort to erase the middle ground, discourage reasoned discourse, and make it seem like compromise is either not possible or not desirable."


**** sake.

What I find absolutely frightening is people paying serious attention to anything on social media. 

Edited by Francis Albert
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Look at this child. Look at the harm that's been done to her. Probably forever.



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The Mighty Thor
10 minutes ago, The Real Maroonblood said:

Confirmed the a******e is visiting Scotland.

Janey Godley is getting her very succinct and accurate poster ready again 

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Trump next week meets with Putin, and will have one on one talks translators only, so we may never know what was discussed. What we do know is that Trump has basically cut trade ties with Europe, he has also intimated that he is considering withdrawing all American troops from Europe, and withdrawing from NATO, he is also wanting to withdraw from the WTO, and really has no use at all for UNO. Right here on JKB  guys are getting all out of shape with each other about Brexit and Scottish Independence, can a dismantled Europe, and United Kingdom compete with Russia should they decide to do what they have wanted to do since 1945 enter and take over Europe, and can Europe without U.S assistance repel them. It would be nice to be a fly on the wall at the Trump/Putin meetings.


Last night he had another rally, his rhetoric now is boasts about what he has achieved, insults about those who oppose him, insults about the Me Too system  and going to appoint a Supreme Court judge who will repeal some decisions such as Wade v Rowe. Every move he makes leaves a trail of desired dictatorsghip, and his Republican colleagues are prepared to support him for no other reason than their own job security.

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The Real Maroonblood
58 minutes ago, Jason Dufner said:

He will win another term as president without a doubt.

That wouldn't surprise.

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Breaking news this morning , Pompeo's visit to North Korea may not have been as succesful as hoped. North Koreans possibly balking at total denuclearisation, want unilateral instead.  Not like North Korea to change the rules in an agreement.


Everyone does realise if Trump was removed from the Presidency by any means you then get Pence, really not the thought you go to bed to get a good nights sleep with.

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2 hours ago, bobsharp said:

Breaking news this morning , Pompeo's visit to North Korea may not have been as succesful as hoped. North Koreans possibly balking at total denuclearisation, want unilateral instead.  Not like North Korea to change the rules in an agreement.


Everyone does realise if Trump was removed from the Presidency by any means you then get Pence, really not the thought you go to bed to get a good nights sleep with.

They have Pence already, Trump isn't President he's a distraction. 

Edited by ri Alban
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47 minutes ago, ri Alban said:

They have Pence already, Trump isn't President he's a distraction. 


The certainly do have Pence, he is like a ventriloquists dummy, he only speaks when the Donald pulls his strings, the thing that I would worry about if I was Trump, is if you watch when he is standing behind Trump he looks at his back like he would like to put a knife in it, don't get me wrong I would like and expect to see Trump removed in complete dishonor as he deserves, but his whole organisation is so out of step, the alternatives to him are no great catch. I do have to admit though I am no advocate of violent removal, one reason it is wrong, main reason it could create a martyr.

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2 minutes ago, bobsharp said:


The certainly do have Pence, he is like a ventriloquists dummy, he only speaks when the Donald pulls his strings, the thing that I would worry about if I was Trump, is if you watch when he is standing behind Trump he looks at his back like he would like to put a knife in it, don't get me wrong I would like and expect to see Trump removed in complete dishonor as he deserves, but his whole organisation is so out of step, the alternatives to him are no great catch. I do have to admit though I am no advocate of violent removal, one reason it is wrong, main reason it could create a martyr.

Some reckon there's gonna be another civil war. What do you think? 

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53 minutes ago, ri Alban said:

Some reckon there's gonna be another civil war. What do you think? 


Watc hed a news program last night about the various groups who are arming themselves, some for racial reasons, some feminist groups, gun rights activists, so the potential under the leadership of a liar, a man who insults and criticises political adversaries, and even has the balls to talk about how he can get so angry that he would take some of them on, this while gesticulating with clenched fists, then saying I may not win but they will know they have been in a fight, from the man who had his toughest fight in his life, suffering bone spurs which kept him out of the military.  Do I think there will be a civil war, no but I do believe that if something is not done soon there will be violence between between conflicting groups.


Now my question to you, if Scotland did get Independence, and Trump did opt out of Nato and withdraw U.S. forces, and if Russia did attempt to annex, a European country, what do you see and expect Scotland to do.

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15 minutes ago, bobsharp said:


Watc hed a news program last night about the various groups who are arming themselves, some for racial reasons, some feminist groups, gun rights activists, so the potential under the leadership of a liar, a man who insults and criticises political adversaries, and even has the balls to talk about how he can get so angry that he would take some of them on, this while gesticulating with clenched fists, then saying I may not win but they will know they have been in a fight, from the man who had his toughest fight in his life, suffering bone spurs which kept him out of the military.  Do I think there will be a civil war, no but I do believe that if something is not done soon there will be violence between between conflicting groups.


Now my question to you, if Scotland did get Independence, and Trump did opt out of Nato and withdraw U.S. forces, and if Russia did attempt to annex, a European country, what do you see and expect Scotland to do.

Whatever it takes to help Russia. 

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7 minutes ago, ri Alban said:

Whatever it takes to help Russia. 


So why would you want Trump to be John Kennedyed, he is Russias greatest advocateo you and he want the same thing, or are you just being provocative with an old lost in my day man, because I am smarter than that, and to avoid my potential nastiness I shall desist from other comment. Mebbe your bait only works on the other threads you are on.

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Just now, bobsharp said:


So why would you want Trump to be John Kennedyed, he is Russias greatest advocate for Russia so you and he want the same thing, or are you just being provocative with an old lost in my day man, because I am smarter than that, and to avoid my potential nastiness I shall desist from other comment. Medbbe your bait only works on the other threads you are on.

I was only joking, I don't think Russia are looking to expand. But if they did who knows. I'm sure the EU can deal with it. 

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