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Space Mackerel

You have been listening too much to Mr Angry, Alex Salmond.


Hes a Yorkshire blogger.


1. The National Insurance U-turn

The mainstream media desperately tried to turn the absurd Tory U-turn on their proposed National Insurance hike into an attack on Jeremy Corbyn, but the truth of it is that the "Corbyn missed an open goal" narrative is a sideshow designed to deflect attention away from the abject incompetence of the Tory party leadership. 


It's absolutely clear that Philip Hammond was far too busy writing jokes to put in his budget speech to bother briefing his fellow Tory MPs or the pro-Tory press that he was going to casually break the Tory manifest commitment not to raise National Insurance. The week of absolutely ridiculous Tory excuses being made against a backdrop of almost unanimous condemnation was followed by a hastily executed U-turn. It was a total shambles, and anyone guilty of trying to make the story about Jeremy Corbyn's Prime Minister's Questions performance is clearly attempting to deflect attention away from the abject incompetence of the actual government.


2. A record fine


The Tory party were handed a record ?70,000 fine for their dodgy election expenses during the 2015 General Election campaign. Not only did they misdeclare over ?100,000 in expenses as national rather than local expenses, they also totally failed to declare another ?100,000+ at all. The ?70,000 fine was less than one third of the value of the expenses they scammed, but the maximum allowable by law.


3. Criminal investigations


12 police forces have handed files to the Crown Prosecution Service over the 2015 Tory General Election fraud and Tory MPs are being interviewed under caution about their roles in the scandal. There is plenty of evidence that the Tory party broke the law by misdeclaring local campaign spending as national spending


It's becoming ever clearer that the Tories won the 2015 general Election with a coordinated breech of election spending rules designed to financially dope their way to victory in a load of marginal constituencies.  The only way the CPS can avoid accusations of a politically motivated whitewash will be to find some people to prosecute for the blatant criminality, which means they will have to decide whether to charge the MPs themselves, or their election agents. 


4. The NHS nursing crisis


Freedom of Information requests have revealed that the number of EU nurses quitting the NHS has risen to an all time high, while the number of new nurses arriving from the EU has slumped by 92%. Meanwhile there is a huge recruitment crisis going on as the number of British people applying to train as nurses has slumped by almost 10,000 as a result of Theresa May scrapping the NHS bursaries that helped trainee nurses qualify without assuming vast mountains of debt.


5. David Davis' admission


The Tory Brexit secretary David Davis made an absolutely extraordinary admission that very few people seem to have grasped the appalling significance of. As he was being grilled by the Brexit select committee Davis admitted that the Tory government have done absolutely no research into how bad a retaliatory hard Brexit would be for the UK economy and the British people. What makes this admission so extraordinary is that it shows that when Theresa May put on her tartan clown costume and made her do as we say or we'll blow up a 'hard Brexit' economic bomb threat to the EU, she hadn't even bothered to investigate how bad the economic damage will actually be if the EU call her bluff. 


6. Scotland


If there's one thing that's most likely to drive Scotland towards independence it's an English Tory Prime Minister expressing her determination to totally ignore Scottish democracy. The Scottish parliament will vote to hold an independence referendum to give the Scottish people the chance to escape the appalling consequences of a hard Tory Brexit that they voted so strongly against, and if Theresa May refuses to allow it because of her determination to drag Scotland out of the EU, and out of the Single Market against their will, she'll drive countless people into the welcoming arms of the Scottish independence campaign. 


David Cameron will always be remembered as the man who gambled the entire future of the UK in return for a little bit of short-term party political gain and lost. This week it's looking more and more likely that Theresa May is going to go down in history as the woman who's bossy authoritarianism ensured the break-up of the United Kingdom.


7. Child Poverty


The government's own figures revealed that 100,000 more children are living in poverty than last year. Of the 4 million children in the UK who are growing up in poverty, two thirds come from working families. As even more ideologically driven Tory cuts to in-work benefits really begin to bite over the next three years the child poverty rate looks set to continue increasing, and the proportion of kids in poverty from working families looks set to increase too.


Only the most savagely indifferent of Tory apologists could possibly try to argue that any kids, let alone kids from working families deserve to grow up in poverty.


8. Zero Hours Contracts


Office for National Statistics figures revealed that the number of UK workers on exploitative Zero Hours Contracts rose to an all time record high of 905,000, an increase of 13%.


Last year New Zealand banned Zero Hours Contracts, but in Tory Britain ever more people are finding themselves stuck in exploitative and unstable Zero Hours jobs.


9. The Housing crisis


The Office for National Statistics have revealed that UK houses are the least affordable they have ever been. Since 1997 house prices have risen 259% while wages have risen only 68% in the same period. This means that the the average house now costs 7.6x average annual earnings as compared to 3.6x in 1997.


In the 1980s the Tories used to bang on and on about the importance of home ownership, but nowadays the percentage of people who own their own home is in freefall, house prices have become the most unaffordable they've ever been, house building remains in the worst slump since the 1920s, a massive horde of virtually unregulated buy-to-let slumlords are cashing in on the crisis by renting appalling properties at sky-high rents, and last year the Tories voted down a bill to ensure that rented houses are fit for human habitation!.


39% of Tory MPs are landlords.


10. Ireland just shamed the UK


In January 2017 Theresa May scuttled off to the United States to lick Donald Trump's boots and beg him for a hastily cobbled-together trade deal for Brexit Britain. Her "begging bowl" speech was an absolute abomination.


In March 207 the Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny used his visit to America to lecture Donald Trump about the benefits of immigration as a swipe against Trump's immoral and brazenly unconstitutional anti-refugee policies.


Don't think that I like Enda Kenny's economic policies. I don't. But his backbone is admirable. Theresa May shamed Britain with her pathetic grovelling at the feet of a narcissistic bully with no respect whatever for basic human decency or the rule of law. Enda Kenny did the Irish proud by standing up for immigrants.


If the right-wing Prime Minister of our little neighbour Ireland can stand up to Trump, why on earth did Theresa May have to shame the United Kingdom by licking his boots so cravenly?






The Tory government is an absolute shambles. They're slow-marching us towards a catastrophic nuclear Brexit and the break-up of the United Kingdom; they just did possibly the biggest budget U-turn in living memory; they're trashing the NHS; they're overseeing huge spikes in child poverty and people in unstable work; they're under criminal investigation for cheating their way into power; they're overseeing an extraordinary house price inflation crisis; and Theresa May just got put to shame by the bloody Prime Minister of Ireland.

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                                                                                   :dotell:      :policeman:  :detective:

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The Tartan Trump

och aye the squeeky clean SNP 

Bravo sir, a near perfect example of whataboutery.


There's a thread for kicking the SNP, this one is for kicking the Tories.

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Arnold Rothstein

Bravo sir, a near perfect example of whataboutery.


There's a thread for kicking the SNP, this one is for kicking the Tories.


:lol: And that thread is full of "....but...but....but, what about the big bad torys (sic)".

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The Tory lie of "fairness".











Osborne , its astounding and even  scary that this man can get so many highly paid jobs given his abject failure to meet any of his own targets.


Was part of the cabinet that instigated  welfare cuts for the vulnerable and mentally and disabled. :thumbsdown:


Serial liars the lot of them.


Some Tories will just put it to envy and jealously though.   :vrface:

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Did the Fraser of Allander not confirm that the budget had declined? At what point do you stop wanting to pay additional taxes to further public services given that the Tories intend further austerity? We shouldn't be penalized (correct spelling for me!) for the governments unneccessary austerity measures.

But austerity exists now as it is. A Scottish government with its deficit (quibble about figures of it elsewhere) will be implementing a similar approach. So are you then prepared to pay Mr MacKay an extra few pence a month to keep your libraries open and free personal care well resourced?


This isan issue which will come to a head either way the vote goes. We may actually have to decide if forwhat the state provides we wmare willing to pay more to keep it going or are open to graduate taxes (I'm pro that), paid prescriptions, bridge tolls and the like to allow for money to be spent on providing nurses, classroom assistants and first rate services.


Disagree with Trident point but acquiesce to the unified SNP stance.

If Faslane shrinks the supply economy (the corner shops in nearby towns for example) will be hit. Same would be true of shutting Rosyth on the Fife economy. Or historically Ravenscraig or the pitts in Lanarkshire. They shut and the ripple effect decimated communities.


There has to be a solid plan for these places in an independent Scotland or not because local communities will suffer if tgeir main industrial sites go.

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jambo lodge

The Tory lie of "fairness".











Osborne , its astounding and even  scary that this man can get so many highly paid jobs given his abject failure to meet any of his own targets.


Was part of the cabinet that instigated  welfare cuts for the vulnerable and mentally and disabled. :thumbsdown:


Serial liars the lot of them.


Some Tories will just put it to envy and jealously though.   :vrface:


Disgusting what G Osborne is doing but how many pensions/jobs does Eck have?

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Disgusting what G Osborne is doing but how many pensions/jobs does Eck have?


No idea but I am pretty sure if it was anything substantial our friends in the Tory press would soon let us know about it.

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The Real Maroonblood

The Tory lie of "fairness".











Osborne , its astounding and even  scary that this man can get so many highly paid jobs given his abject failure to meet any of his own targets.


Was part of the cabinet that instigated  welfare cuts for the vulnerable and mentally and disabled. :thumbsdown:


Serial liars the lot of them.


Excellent post.

Some Tories will just put it to envy and jealously though.   :vrface:

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The Tory lie of "fairness".











Osborne , its astounding and even  scary that this man can get so many highly paid jobs given his abject failure to meet any of his own targets.


Was part of the cabinet that instigated  welfare cuts for the vulnerable and mentally and disabled. :thumbsdown:


Serial liars the lot of them.


Excellent post.

Some Tories will just put it to envy and jealously though.   :vrface:




Absolutely not on.    He should be booted out of Parliament.   Its true that many MPs have significant income from other work but this is ridiculous.  There should be a limit to days allocated to external jobs, or at the very least external jobs can be permitted during the summer recess but thats it.

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Another thing how can he possibly be giving all these jobs his full attention ?

Companies are obviously just employing him for the status his stint as Chancellor gives him. He will be collecting the huge salaries for these jobs while some other sucker does all the work.

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Do you remember if it was revenue, GVA or some other measurement ?  I can get the GVA figures by region for 2011 > 2015 but going back 40 years seems more difficult to find.

From 1901 until 1922 Scotland put so much money into the English coffers that the English were too embarrassed and stopped keeping count of all the money sent down from here,Scotland.

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From 1901 until 1922 Scotland put so much money into the English coffers that the English were too embarrassed and stopped keeping count of all the money sent down from here,Scotland.


Link ?

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Absolutely not on. He should be booted out of Parliament. Its true that many MPs have significant income from other work but this is ridiculous. There should be a limit to days allocated to external jobs, or at the very least external jobs can be permitted during the summer recess but thats it.

I said a few days ago that it should be a free for all or a complete ban on any other employment.


Where do you draw the line?

Who draws the line?


I favour the complete ban. They wanted to be elected representatives, the voters gave them that trusted position and they should devote their entire energy to that role.


I also note that the SNP adherents have been silent on Salmond's array of paid extracurricular activities. Maybe that's #snpbad.

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Found it.....apologies for the size.



I think I've found the source of that info @ http://worldofstuart.excellentcontent.com/repository/GERS1921.xlsx


Unfortunately, it's missing the figures for both "revenue from England" & "Expenditure in England" that I'd really need to have a better understanding of how unfairly or not Scotland was being treated.

It also, doesn't include if money raised elsewhere was spent in Scotland, which would also have an impact on how the information would be interpreted.

Given the source is a pro-Scottish independence blogger I wouldn't be surprised if these details had been left out intentionally to help spin the story for pro-independence.

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I think I've found the source of that info @ http://worldofstuart.excellentcontent.com/repository/GERS1921.xlsx


Unfortunately, it's missing the figures for both "revenue from England" & "Expenditure in England" that I'd really need to have a better understanding of how unfairly or not Scotland was being treated.

It also, doesn't include if money raised elsewhere was spent in Scotland, which would also have an impact on how the information would be interpreted.

Given the source is a pro-Scottish independence blogger I wouldn't be surprised if these details had been left out intentionally to help spin the story for pro-independence.

Not saying this as fact but it's quite possible a good few ??? went to the war effort.
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Not saying this as fact but it's quite possible a good few ??? went to the war effort.


Yeah, I think that is a fair assumption and pretty much my point - unless Scotland were picking up an unreasonable %age of that then I don't think your original "Scotland put so much money into the English coffers" is fair.

We could get into the rights and wrongs of entering into WW1 but it was a British effort not just English so I'd expect Scotland to contribute to that financially.

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Nookie Bear

The Tory lie of "fairness".











Osborne , its astounding and even scary that this man can get so many highly paid jobs given his abject failure to meet any of his own targets.


Was part of the cabinet that instigated welfare cuts for the vulnerable and mentally and disabled. :thumbsdown:


Serial liars the lot of them.


Some Tories will just put it to envy and jealously though. :vrface:

Just shows how poor MP's pay is compared to what they can earn in the public sector (admittedly obscene numbers, mind)

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Nookie Bear

Just shows how poor MP's pay is compared to what they can earn in the public sector (admittedly obscene numbers, mind)

*Private*, duh.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Space Mackerel



What an embarrassment to her gender and the general population.


She is not fit to even be in opposition.

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What an embarrassment to her gender and the general population.


She is not fit to even be in opposition.

Due to no worries on the rape front.

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Space Mackerel

Due to no worries on the rape front.

State assessed if you've been raped or not is the way to go via Ruth.

Handouts are at the discretion of the DHSS.

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What happened to your manifesto pledge of no more Tax hikes. NI hike for the self employed to align with PAYE employees without the same benefits. Are they gonnae give me holiday pay etc...???



Political party in "not fulfilling manifesto pledges" shocker.



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Political party in "not fulfilling manifesto pledges" shocker.



Take yer time there noo Frank. Nae rush.




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Mooth must be spewin'. Utterly hamstrung by a woeful policy she can't speak out against. Forced to defend it by saying the SNP should mitigate against it from the welfare fund if it's that bad.


Sound. We'll impose any number of horrendous policies and if you don't like them... and don't allocate your own budget to take up the slack... it's your fault.


Meanwhile in England... Grammar Schools ra-ra-ra. They're open to all and everyone. Honest they are.

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Mooth must be spewin'. Utterly hamstrung by a woeful policy she can't speak out against. Forced to defend it by saying the SNP should mitigate against it from the welfare fund if it's that bad.

Sound. We'll impose any number of horrendous policies and if you don't like them... and don't allocate your own budget to take up the slack... it's your fault.

Meanwhile in England... Grammar Schools ra-ra-ra. They're open to all and everyone. Honest they are.

Excellent post, Sir.


You would think the Labour Party would be all over this up here as well, but sadly not.

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Excellent post, Sir.


You would think the Labour Party would be all over this up here as well, but sadly not.

Dugbaws is probably too busy trying to rehash the 'concentrate on the day job' soundbyte for the next eagerly anticipated chance to wheel it out.

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Space Mackerel

I saw the SLAB party political broadcast the other night. Anyone would think this indy2 referendum was next week going on the amount they banged on about it.


Utterly pathetic stuff, no wonder they are where they are.

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Seymour M Hersh

The Tory lie of "fairness".











Osborne , its astounding and even  scary that this man can get so many highly paid jobs given his abject failure to meet any of his own targets.


Was part of the cabinet that instigated  welfare cuts for the vulnerable and mentally and disabled. :thumbsdown:


Serial liars the lot of them.


Some Tories will just put it to envy and jealously though.   :vrface:


It's hardly May's fault that the evening standard are so stupid to appoint that fekwit is it? As for the serial liars bit surely your mature enough to realise that all politicians are serial liars.

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March 2015?


Since the SNP landslide has similar not been done?


Genuine question as I'd be surprised if my taxes didn't (rightly) subsidise the living costs of MPs from far outwith London.

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Excellent post, Sir.


You would think the Labour Party would be all over this up here as well, but sadly not.

Sadly as Denis Healy once said of Geoffrey Howe, Ms Dugdale has likely been going door to door of late, gun in hand, hole in foot telling anyone who will listen she didn't realise it was loaded rather than attacking this Tory debacle.


Then again rather than play the man I'd rather she was actually playing the game in the first place and articulating what she's wanting to achieve from these local elections.

Edited by JamboX2
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John Findlay

Sadly as Denis Healy once said of Geoffrey Howe, Ms Dugdale has likely been going door to door of late, gun in hand, hole in foot telling anyone who will listen she didn't realise it was loaded rather than attacking this Tory debacle.


Then again rather than play the man I'd rather she was actually playing the game in the first place and articulating what she's wanting to achieve from these local elections.

Alas she has found out good and proper that SLAB are indeed just a branch office even with Corbyn at the helm.

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Space Mackerel

Sadly as Denis Healy once said of Geoffrey Howe, Ms Dugdale has likely been going door to door of late, gun in hand, hole in foot telling anyone who will listen she didn't realise it was loaded rather than attacking this Tory debacle.


Then again rather than play the man I'd rather she was actually playing the game in the first place and articulating what she's wanting to achieve from these local elections.

What do you think of this?



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Alas she has found out good and proper that SLAB are indeed just a branch office even with Corbyn at the helm.

No John. She's had the most authority and independence of anyone in that job. She has total control of the Scottish Party.


She has a seat on the UK NEC.


The failings now are those of herself and her advisors and her senior MSPs. After this further decline to come she should stay in post but actually wake up, flex her muscles and actually focus on day to day issues in a coherent way.


Scottish Labour should say what do we want to do for Scotland. Even be as bold as to identify 4 or 5 key evils or ills in Scottish life and tailor policies to combat them much like Beveridge did with Disease, Squalor, Ignorance, Want and Idleness. I'd argue they should be:


Inequality - welfare & health & attainment

Ignorance - connectivity, education and skills, combatting sectarianism

Shelter - housing

Centralisation - empowering local communities

Freedom - greater democracy and rights

Edited by JamboX2
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Space Mackerel

No John. She's had the most authority and independence of anyone in that job. She has total control of the Scottish Party.


She has a seat on the UK NEC.


The failings now are those of herself and her advisors and her senior MSPs. After this further decline to come she should stay in post but actually wake up, flex her muscles and actually focus on day to day issues in a coherent way.


Scottish Labour should say what do we want to do for Scotland. Even be as bold as to identify 4 or 5 key evils or ills in Scottish life and tailor policies to combat them much like Beveridge did with Disease, Squalor, Ignorance, Want and Idleness. I'd argue they should be:


Inequality - welfare & health & attainment

Ignorance - connectivity, education and skills, combatting sectarianism

Shelter - housing

Centralisation - empowering local communities

Freedom - greater democracy and rights

Dugdale will be dug meat after these council elections mate.

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John Findlay

No John. She's had the most authority and independence of anyone in that job. She has total control of the Scottish Party.


She has a seat on the UK NEC.


The failings now are those of herself and her advisors and her senior MSPs. After this further decline to come she should stay in post but actually wake up, flex her muscles and actually focus on day to day issues in a coherent way.


Scottish Labour should say what do we want to do for Scotland. Even be as bold as to identify 4 or 5 key evils or ills in Scottish life and tailor policies to combat them much like Beveridge did with Disease, Squalor, Ignorance, Want and Idleness. I'd argue they should be:


Inequality - welfare & health & attainment

Ignorance - connectivity, education and skills, combatting sectarianism

Shelter - housing

Centralisation - empowering local communities

Freedom - greater democracy and rights

That doesn't mean anything. Still a branch office and as long as there is a UK labour party. SLAB will be a branch office.

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MacDonald Jardine

That doesn't mean anything. Still a branch office and as long as there is a UK labour party. SLAB will be a branch office.

Does that mean there's only one proper political party in Scotland?


Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk

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Space Mackerel

That doesn't mean anything. Still a branch office and as long as there is a UK labour party. SLAB will be a branch office.

Not a very good branch office either with Kezia and Jeremy at loggerheads over indy2 and the Section 30 request.


An utter shambles of a party now.

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John Findlay

Does that mean there's only one proper political party in Scotland?


Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk

No. One run by Scotland. The rest from London which includes the Greens to a certain degree.

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