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Yes. Nearly every word. It's the same xenophobic, insular thinking that causes most of the crap in this world.


Kick the darkies out, shut the channel and look after ourselves. The BNP way. Can't possibly see what could go wrong.




Seriously, your attitude disgusts me. Why is someone in Sudan more deserving than someone in dire need of help in Glasgow? Answer me that. The only racist language used in this thread is from yourself and IJ.


What was xenophobic about my post? Just because I believe that we should help out our needy first isn't xenophobia, I think you should look it up in the dictionary.


You just come across as a caricariture of left wing extremism, it's a form of inverse xenophobia. The sad thing is you probably can't even see that.

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Yes. Nearly every word. It's the same xenophobic, insular thinking that causes most of the crap in this world.


Kick the darkies out, shut the channel and look after ourselves. The BNP way. Can't possibly see what could go wrong.




djf - sorry mate, but that is just too extreme. There's nothing wrong at all with believing the British government has a responsibility to its own citizens first and foremost; nor is it at odds with believing we can do both. You'll be arguing that all our money should go towards the Third World next!

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The only racist language used in this thread is from yourself and IJ.


Which was, as I'm sure you know, satirical.

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Yes. Clearly the situation of the elderly in the UK is directly comparable with the widespread famine, starvation and disease throughout the third world.


I'm alright Jack.


Tell me one reason why an elderly person in Glasgow is any more deserving of aid than an elderly person in Sudan?

Well thats easy, they are in Glasgow! guess what, Glasgow is in the UK. And to answer your question, the elderly in need in this country are more deserving.....to the people of this country. If there is anything left over after OUR pensioners are taken care of, then, and only then, should we look elsewhere. I shudder at some of the replies to this, because the BNP make a story of it, obviously its some Nazi conspiracy, honestly some of you are laughable (only some).


IJ. Grow up you infant.

Shaun. If you want to know Nick Griffins views, write to him. He is very easy to get in contact with. I am not resposible for what someone said 15 or 20 year ago so get a life, try to keep it to less than 300 paragraphs though.

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You just come across as a caricariture of left wing extremism, it's a form of inverse xenophobia. The sad thing is you probably can't even see that.


That jumps out at you on most of his posts and not only on this thread.

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Seriously, your attitude disgusts me. Why is someone in Sudan more deserving than someone in dire need of help in Glasgow? Answer me that. The only racist language used in this thread is from yourself and IJ.


What was xenophobic about my post? Just because I believe that we should help out our needy first isn't xenophobia, I think you should look it up in the dictionary.


You just come across as a caricariture of left wing extremism, it's a form of inverse xenophobia. The sad thing is you probably can't even see that.

Sly, we are both wasting our breath I fear. I am not connecting you to my views overall, but clearly we are in agreement over this issue but apparently my/our views are racist......unbelievable.


The quote below from Cosanostra beggars belief

The fact that it bothers to highlight the amounts spent on foreign aid shows them up for what they are - racists.

They highlight the nine billion pounds foreign aid for a reason, would it not be better spent here first? not to some obviously.

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Shaun. If you want to know Nick Griffins views, write to him. He is very easy to get in contact with. I am not resposible for what someone said 15 or 20 year ago so get a life, try to keep it to less than 300 paragraphs though.


Nick Griffin's views (from 11 years ago, not 20) are on record. He's a Holocaust denier, with a past as part of the National Front. As leader of the party you belong to, his views reflect on you; and the absence of any answer from you on the question of whether the Holocaust happened leads me to conclude that you agree with them.

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Nick Griffin's views (from 11 years ago, not 20) are on record. He's a Holocaust denier, with a past as part of the National Front. As leader of the party you belong to, his views reflect on you; and the absence of any answer from you on the question of whether the Holocaust happened leads me to conclude that you agree with them.

Then you conclude wrong Shaun. Your hijacking the thread so I'll answer you. Did the holocaust happen? of course it did. Did Germany gas 6 million Jews? no. Many died from disease and malnutrition as well as various other things. But many were killed in the camps. Now get off your high horse and lets get back on subject........unless of course you are too wary to click on a link to the most democratic party website in the UK. If you have any further questions of Mr Griffins views, please ask him, not me.

(Guess everyone who votes Liebour agrees with all Brown or Blairs views......you see how silly it sounds?)

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Then you conclude wrong Shaun. Your hijacking the thread so I'll answer you. Did the holocaust happen? of course it did. Did Germany gas 6 million Jews? no. Many died from disease and malnutrition as well as various other things. But many were killed in the camps. Now get off your high horse and lets get back on subject........unless of course you are too wary to click on a link to the most democratic party website in the UK. If you have any further questions of Mr Griffins views, please ask him, not me.

(Guess everyone who votes Liebour agrees with all Brown or Blairs views......you see how silly it sounds?)


"The most democratic website in the UK" - woohoo! Have a banana. And I don't vote Labour anyway; I vote Lib Dem. :sorcerer:


Your answer, though, leads me to ask you this. Why are you a member of a party with a Holocaust denier as its leader? How do the BNP expect any credibility at all if they have a Holocaust denier leading it?

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Recent foreign aid scandals have included the ?100 million for roads in Africa, ?15 million for ?gender equality? in Uganda, ?150 million of aid to Zimbabwe whose government has blamed Europe for its cholera crisis, and the ?825 million given in aid to India - whose industrialists own large portions of British industry such as Jaguar.



All very worthy causes. No problems with that.

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Ratcather thinks the money should be kept in house when other countries are ****ed and on their knees.


Im just glad that America never has that attitude before they entered WW2, as their aid was badly needed as we were royaly ****ed.

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Did Germany gas 6 million Jews? no. Many died from disease and malnutrition as well as various other things. But many were killed in the camps.


Ah, it's so nice to hear they weren't all gassed. I guess that was genocide in the good sense of the word rather than the bad sense.



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Ah, it's so nice to hear they weren't all gassed. I guess that was genocide in the good sense of the word rather than the bad sense.




Mind boggling aint it?

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I don't find anything abhorrent about highlighting how a government/regime shuns it's own vulnerable citizens yet grants an exorbitant amount of money to people outwith that country.


What I do find abhorrent is how people can defend that policy and think countries around the globe are more deserving of our help and support than our own vulnerable citizens. Truly vulgar IMO.


Britain is fortunate enough to be in a position where it can offer aid to countries who need it. Even the most hard-up penioners in the UK are still in a damn site of a better position than those living in poverty in developing countries.


Historically the British Empire ripped the p*** out of such countries and it is good that we are now giving something back.

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Then you conclude wrong Shaun. Your hijacking the thread so I'll answer you. Did the holocaust happen? of course it did. Did Germany gas 6 million Jews? no. Many died from disease and malnutrition as well as various other things. But many were killed in the camps. Now get off your high horse and lets get back on subject........unless of course you are too wary to click on a link to the most democratic party website in the UK. If you have any further questions of Mr Griffins views, please ask him, not me.

(Guess everyone who votes Liebour agrees with all Brown or Blairs views......you see how silly it sounds?)


Oh my god.

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Originally Posted by Ratcatcher View Post

Did Germany gas 6 million Jews? no. Many died from disease and malnutrition as well as various other things. But many were killed in the camps.


Most died from TB and other diseases. Almost all because of the camp conditions. All were murdered by the Nazis though, no matter how they died.

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"The most democratic website in the UK" - woohoo! Have a banana. And I don't vote Labour anyway; I vote Lib Dem. :sorcerer:


Your answer, though, leads me to ask you this. Why are you a member of a party with a Holocaust denier as its leader? How do the BNP expect any credibility at all if they have a Holocaust denier leading it?

Oh yeah, the Libdems...the party who cling onto the tailcoat of whoever gain power.


Why am I a proud member of the British National Party? Thats easy, they are the only party who want to look after my interests and every other Britons interest opposed to looking after the interests of Islam and immigrants first.


As for Nick Griffin being a holocaust denier, you seem to have a bug up your ass over that, he does not deny it, all he says is there are questionable so called facts on the subject. Its a very small part on his viewpoint which I dont agree with 100%, but I do agree with him on most other points.

This thread was about the shoddy treatment of our pensioners, if you insist on debating the pro's and con's of the BNP, start a thread and I'll be more than happy to debate in a civilised manner.

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Sly, we are both wasting our breath I fear. I am not connecting you to my views overall, but clearly we are in agreement over this issue but apparently my/our views are racist......unbelievable.


The quote below from Cosanostra beggars belief


They highlight the nine billion pounds foreign aid for a reason, would it not be better spent here first? not to some obviously.


I know mate, it's incredible that you can be accused of racism for wanting to look after people in this country before someone half way round the world. It really is unbelievable.


Like you said, we're wasting our breath.

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Oh yeah, the Libdems...the party who cling onto the tailcoat of whoever gain power.


Why am I a proud member of the British National Party? Thats easy, they are the only party who want to look after my interests and every other Britons interest opposed to looking after the interests of Islam and immigrants first.


Utter pish


As for Nick Griffin being a holocaust denier, you seem to have a bug up your ass over that, he does not deny it, all he says is there are questionable so called facts on the subject. Utter pish Its a very small part on his viewpoint which I dont agree with 100%, but I do agree with him on most other points.

This thread was about the shoddy treatment of our pensioners, then find a slightly less hysterical source if you insist on debating the pro's and con's of the BNP, start a thread and I'll be more than happy to debate in a civilised manner.


Just my tuppence worth.

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Oh yeah, the Libdems...the party who cling onto the tailcoat of whoever gain power.


Why am I a proud member of the British National Party? Thats easy, they are the only party who want to look after my interests and every other Britons interest opposed to looking after the interests of Islam and immigrants first.


As for Nick Griffin being a holocaust denier, you seem to have a bug up your ass over that, he does not deny it, all he says is there are questionable so called facts on the subject. Its a very small part on his viewpoint which I dont agree with 100%, but I do agree with him on most other points.

This thread was about the shoddy treatment of our pensioners, if you insist on debating the pro's and con's of the BNP, start a thread and I'll be more than happy to debate in a civilised manner.


Yes. All the other parties favour Islam right enough.


I think you'll find most want equality for all, unprejudiced against religion or race. The way it should be.

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...unless of course you are too wary to click on a link to the most democratic party website in the UK...


How can it be "the most democratic party" when it restricts party membership to "indigenous British ethnic groups deriving from the class of ?Indigenous Caucasian?"?


...This thread was about the shoddy treatment of our pensioners...


Do you mean ALL "our pensioners" or just those pensioners from "indigenous British ethnic groups deriving from the class of ?Indigenous Caucasian?"?

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Oh yeah, the Libdems...the party who cling onto the tailcoat of whoever gain power.


Why am I a proud member of the British National Party? Thats easy, they are the only party who want to look after my interests and every other Britons interest opposed to looking after the interests of Islam and immigrants first.


As for Nick Griffin being a holocaust denier, you seem to have a bug up your ass over that, he does not deny it, all he says is there are questionable so called facts on the subject. Its a very small part on his viewpoint which I dont agree with 100%, but I do agree with him on most other points.

This thread was about the shoddy treatment of our pensioners, if you insist on debating the pro's and con's of the BNP, start a thread and I'll be more than happy to debate in a civilised manner.


You linked to an article on the BNP website. So naturally, some of the debate is bound to revolve around its credibility; and for that matter, your credibility.


Nick Griffin is a Holocaust denier. There are no "questionable, so called facts on the subject"; the facts have been documented over many decades. When the historian Simon Dubnow was about to be murdered by the Nazis in Riga in 1941, he called out to his fellow Jews: "Shreibt un fershreibt". "Write and record". Yet Griffin referred to the Holocaust as the 'Holohoax', and criticised fellow denier David Irving for daring to accept as many as four million Jews may have been killed. (Keep going, Dave, only two million to go. You'll get there in the end).


Griffin's stance on one of the most important episodes of the twentieth century - perhaps even of all human history - renders his credibility to comment on other issues null and void.

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I know mate, it's incredible that you can be accused of racism for wanting to look after people in this country before someone half way round the world. It really is unbelievable.


Like you said, we're wasting our breath.


I don't think it the issue of our pensioners that lead people to believe that the BNP, and in turn, it's members and supporters are racist.


People are more likely to believe the BNP are racist because of the statements given by senior party officials. e.g. when, then deputy leader and current member of the BNP's Advisory Council, Richard Edmonds was asked if the BNP was racist, he replied "We are 100 per cent racist, yes".

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I know mate, it's incredible that you can be accused of racism for wanting to look after people in this country before someone half way round the world. It really is unbelievable.


Like you said, we're wasting our breath.


Ratcatcher is a member of the British National Party, SlyNB. He's expounded on his views regarding who are "indigenous Britons", and who aren't on this messageboard in the recent past. Of course he's a racist! He's racist and proud of it.

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I don't think it the issue of our pensioners that lead people to believe that the BNP, and in turn, it's members and supporters are racist.


People are more likely to believe the BNP are racist because of the statements given by senior party officials. e.g. when, then deputy leader and current member of the BNP's Advisory Council, Richard Edmonds was asked if the BNP was racist, he replied "We are 100 per cent racist, yes".

Poor attempt.

Now go and put it all in its full context, I wont embarrass you, I'll give you the oportunity to find and post the entire interview rather than pick a sentence where everyone looking would not know what the full txt said.

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Denny Crane
Ratcatcher is a member of the British National Party, SlyNB. He's expounded on his views regarding who are "indigenous Britons", and who aren't on this messageboard in the recent past. Of course he's a racist! He's racist and proud of it.


And like most racists Shaun, he's a hypocrite.




(Send 'em all back... right who's for a curry) :smash:

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And like most racists Shaun, he's a hypocrite.




(Send 'em all back... right who's for a curry) :smash:


I noticed that - and couldn't help but laugh. Oh, the irony.


I am, incidentally, reminded of a couple of old biddies whining on about all these "bloody immigrants stealing everyone's jobs" while waiting to be seen in a doctor's surgery a couple of years ago. The name of the GPs there? Dr Shah and Dr Patel.

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And like most racists Shaun, he's a hypocrite.




(Send 'em all back... right who's for a curry) :smash:


Was about the post the very same thing. I don't understand that one myself one bit.


I know some people vote BNP because they feel the party matches the majority of their beliefs but are not out and out racists. I can't understand the staunch party members who are clearly racist. What do they eat!? It must be a pretty dull or boring menu only eating things that came from Britain. I'd miss pizza's myself, those pesky Italians who make them!

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Ratcatcher is a member of the British National Party, SlyNB. He's expounded on his views regarding who are "indigenous Britons", and who aren't on this messageboard in the recent past. Of course he's a racist! He's racist and proud of it.

Oh dear Shaun. My views on Islam are no secret, but, you will find Islam is not a race! having said that, trawl through all my posts and find a racist comment.....when you cannot I will accept your public apology.


(yes, I have been suspended a couple of times for so called derogatory remarks against muslims/Islam. Fair enough I broke the forum rules.....but NEVER for a racist comment)


Do hurry back Shaun.

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Poor attempt.

Now go and put it all in its full context, I wont embarrass you, I'll give you the oportunity to find and post the entire interview rather than pick a sentence where everyone looking would not know what the full txt said.


If there is a good reason as to why a senior member of the BNP would say "We are 100 per cent racist" then why don't you post it, in full, in context. I won't be embarrassed. I suspect though, that there is a good reason as to why you didn't post it "in context" but asked me to find the interview.


While you're at it, maybe you could explain why the "the most democratic party" restricts party membership to indigenous British ethnic groups deriving from the class of Indigenous Caucasian? Or where you hoping that you could just ignore that piece of BNP policy?

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Denny Crane
Was about the post the very same thing. I don't understand that one myself one bit.


I know some people vote BNP because they feel the party matches the majority of their beliefs but are not out and out racists. I can't understand the staunch party members who are clearly racist. What do they eat!? It must be a pretty dull or boring menu only eating things that came from Britain. I'd miss pizza's myself, those pesky Italians who make them!


Like the sketch from "Goodness, Gracious Me" when they all go for "an English", one person demands "the blandest thing on the menu" (gammon)!

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Like the sketch from "Goodness, Gracious Me" when they all go for "an English", one person demands "the blandest thing on the menu" (gammon)!



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I noticed that - and couldn't help but laugh. Oh, the irony.


I am, incidentally, reminded of a couple of old biddies whining on about all these "bloody immigrants stealing everyone's jobs" while waiting to be seen in a doctor's surgery a couple of years ago. The name of the GPs there? Dr Shah and Dr Patel.

Another pathetic attempt, I (and the BNP) have no gripe with Indians. Perhaps you should read both sides rather than just your lefty rags.

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Oh dear Shaun. My views on Islam are no secret, but, you will find Islam is not a race! having said that, trawl through all my posts and find a racist comment.....when you cannot I will accept your public apology.


(yes, I have been suspended a couple of times for so called derogatory remarks against muslims/Islam. Fair enough I broke the forum rules.....but NEVER for a racist comment)


Do hurry back Shaun.


I asked you some time back about whether I'd be welcome in the UK under the BNP. I'm Jewish, one side of my family brought up in the East End of and then South London, the other half Ashkenazi Jews, emanating originally from Russia and Hungary. My appearance often leads me to be mistaken for being Meditteranean or North African - yet I'm as British as they come.


So now you have another chance. Would I be welcome in the UK under the BNP?

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Another pathetic attempt, I (and the BNP) have no gripe with Indians. Perhaps you should read both sides rather than just your lefty rags.


But Dr Shah and Dr Patel weren't "Indians", Ratcatcher. They were British.

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I asked you some time back about whether I'd be welcome in the UK under the BNP. I'm Jewish, one side of my family brought up in the East End of and then South London, the other half Ashkenazi Jews, emanating originally from Russia and Hungary. My appearance often leads me to be mistaken for being Meditteranean or North African - yet I'm as British as they come.


So now you have another chance. Would I be welcome in the UK under the BNP?


I think you would, it would be a gas.



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If there is a good reason as to why a senior member of the BNP would say "We are 100 per cent racist" then why don't you post it, in full, in context. I won't be embarrassed. I suspect though, that there is a good reason as to why you didn't post it "in context" but asked me to find the interview.


While you're at it, maybe you could explain why the "the most democratic party" restricts party membership to indigenous British ethnic groups deriving from the class of Indigenous Caucasian? Or where you hoping that you could just ignore that piece of BNP policy?

Oh dear, look son, you posted it, I'm asking you to back it up but obviously you cant, you really are making yourself look foolish.

As for your second point, your not really that stupid are you? The BNP stand for the white indigenous Briton. If I was a copper, I would not be allowed to join the Black police officers federation in the UK, are they racist? is there a white police officers federation?

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Too far.


I didn't take offence - it made me laugh actually!

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Oh dear, look son, you posted it, I'm asking you to back it up but obviously you cant, you really are making yourself look foolish.

As for your second point, your not really that stupid are you? The BNP stand for the white indigenous Briton. If I was a copper, I would not be allowed to join the Black police officers federation in the UK, are they racist? is there a white police officers federation?


If the BNP stand for the "white indigenous Briton" (whatever the final two words might mean), that makes them racists.

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I didn't take offence - it made me laugh actually!


I've got a jewish friend from North London who tells of a story where she was at a pub quiz and there were too many of them for one team. So they entered 2 teams team A and team B. However when they called the teams Zyklon A and Zyklon B the quiz master banned them and told them it was terrible bad taste.


I guess it's the Mel Brooks syndrome.

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Too far.




I didn't take offence - it made me laugh actually!


Good, if it had I would have taken it back immediately.

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I've got a jewish friend from North London who tells of a story where she was at a pub quiz and there were too many of them for one team. So they entered 2 teams team A and team B. However when they called the teams Zyklon A and Zyklon B the quiz master banned them and told them it was terrible bad taste.


I guess it's the Mel Brooks syndrome.


No doubt! And of course, it's always easier for members of a particular faith, family or even fans of a particular football club to use gallows humour and make highly dubious comments about one another than those from the outside.

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I asked you some time back about whether I'd be welcome in the UK under the BNP. I'm Jewish, one side of my family brought up in the East End of and then South London, the other half Ashkenazi Jews, emanating originally from Russia and Hungary. My appearance often leads me to be mistaken for being Meditteranean or North African - yet I'm as British as they come.


So now you have another chance. Would I be welcome in the UK under the BNP?

To answer your question Shaun, yes you would, we have Jewish members, we also have Eastern European members who were born here (including one on Bradford council)


I'm farting against thunder trying to tell some people what the BNP stand for, but we are not some racist nazi party as some would have you believe, being pro white Briton does not make us racist........because with that logic every group in Britain set up to help only Asians or Blacks are racist too by that thinking.

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Oh dear, look son, you posted it, I'm asking you to back it up but obviously you cant, you really are making yourself look foolish.

As for your second point, your not really that stupid are you? The BNP stand for the white indigenous Briton.. If I was a copper, I would not be allowed to join the Black police officers federation in the UK, are they racist? is there a white police officers federation?


Son? Oh dear. Foolish? Hah... maybe we should have a poll. Who is looking the most foolish on this thread.


I stand firm in my belief that you cannot counter with any reasonable explanation as to why a senior member of your political party would state that they are 100% racist and yet somehow be taken out of context.*


Re your second point, are still sticking to your statement that the BNP is the most democratic party when they only stand for the white indigenous Briton?


*I like this article though. Especially the part about "Nick Griffin, Patrick Harrington and Derek Holland went to Tripoli courtesy of the Libyan regime in the hope of securing funding. Unfortunately all they got was 5,000 copies of Colonel Gadaffi's Green Book." Nick Griffin, the defender of Britain kowtowing to Gadaffi - a man who funded and armed a terrorist organisation intent on murdering British soldiers.


Or how about "The British National Party was described by the European Parliament's committee on racism and xenophobia as an "openly Nazi party... whose leadership have serious criminal convictions". Asked whether this was accurate, Edmonds replied that people such as German stormtroopers were "fine, brave men who fought the whole world for five years". He does realise that the whole world includes Britain, doesn't he?


I better stop now. I don't want to look foolish. Son.

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being pro white Briton does not make us racist........because with that logic every group in Britain set up to help only Asians or Blacks are racist too by that thinking.


There's one key difference:

They are set up to get EQUALITY for their given races.

The BNP wants to give preferential treatment to whites.

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