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Old people drivers.

Greedy Jambo

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Greedy Jambo

I'm against having to sit your test again, but ffs, they've really been pushing by buttons lately. 

I try to deal with their horrible driving, but nahh, they're an accident waiting to happen, man. 

I'm sitting in the van the other day, waiting to get parked, and an old boy reverses straight into me.

I was out again today, i've got a car in front of me, all over the road, constantly breaking hard etc, I pass him and look inside,  he's about 90. 



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Maybe not sit the full test but over 70s should have a more comprehensive medical and at least sit the hazard awareness exam every 2-3 years.

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I think younger drivers (sub 30yo) are the worst.  There is a reason their insurance premiums are so high.


Every one of them think they are the next Lewis Hamilton.

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Whilst I think there should be some sort of test to see if folk of a certain age are still competent, I am against this whole older folk shouldn’t be driving stuff. 

The two biggest problems on the road for me are over confident drivers rallying around like they have a death wish and  the arsehole just eat/uber eat cyclists with ****ing rocket launchers on their bikes pretty much doing what they want without consequences. 

If you’re a defensive driver you shouldn’t have much problems the majority of times. 

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Greedy Jambo
Posted (edited)

I didn't notice it as much until our van driver left and i started having to do his job as well. 

I've not experienced any issues with younger drivers, but maybe they're all at college smoking weed when i'm out.


I have noticed a hell of a lot of youths on tuned up E-scooters wearing balaclavas though. 


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32 minutes ago, Greedy Jambo said:

I'm against having to sit your test again, but ffs, they've really been pushing by buttons lately. 

I try to deal with their horrible driving, but nahh, they're an accident waiting to happen, man. 

I'm sitting in the van the other day, waiting to get parked, and an old boy reverses straight into me.

I was out again today, i've got a car in front of me, all over the road, constantly breaking hard etc, I pass him and look inside,  he's about 90. 





Got to be honest, the amount of nonsensical gibberish and pish you spout on here, morning, noon & night I assumed you were off yer pus on drink and drugs pretty much permanently.


Your compos mentis enough to actually drive, i stand corrected.

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Greedy Jambo
3 minutes ago, Bull's-eye said:



Got to be honest, the amount of nonsensical gibberish and pish you spout on here, morning, noon & night I assumed you were off yer pus on drink and drugs pretty much permanently.


Your compos mentis enough to actually drive, i stand corrected.


Aye, never judge a book by it's cover. 

I drive better drunk. 

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Those over 70 should be made to do some sort of competency test every year (for free).  The amount of times I’ve seen old folk up here that can barely get in to a car let alone drive it boils my piss. 

Absolutely no danger they could pull off an emergency break if a child ran out in front of them.  If they disagree, take a competency test to prove it. 


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Greedy Jambo
1 minute ago, jamboj said:

Van drivers are a far more dangerous group of drivers than the over 70s

Well that's utter nonsense, experienced van drivers can reverse park into spaces you can only dream of getting into.  

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There is certainly a case for auld yins to have to re-sit the test every couple of years. The physical and mental decline can be rapid and this can lead to tragic accidents.

But having said that, everybody should have to re-sit it once every ten years or so anyways.

It should be on a bell curve; with less experienced drivers also needing to re-sit more often to keep their competence up and for bad habits to be stamped out, then getting longer and longer periods between re-sits as they become a proper driver, before they hit old age when the re-sits become more frequent again.

With cars getting physically larger and more technologically complicated, it surely just makes sense to make sure everybody keeps their driver training current throughout their life.



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8 minutes ago, Greedy Jambo said:

Well that's utter nonsense, experienced van drivers can reverse park into spaces you can only dream of getting into.  

Being able to reverse into a space is absolutely irrelevant to being a dangerous driver 


I've seen 100 times as many instances of dangerous driving from van drivers compared to older people 

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Greedy Jambo
3 minutes ago, Cade said:

There is certainly a case for auld yins to have to re-sit the test every couple of years. The physical and mental decline can be rapid and this can lead to tragic accidents.

But having said that, everybody should have to re-sit it once every ten years or so anyways.

It should be on a bell curve; with less experienced drivers also needing to re-sit more often to keep their competence up and for bad habits to be stamped out, then getting longer and longer periods between re-sits as they become a proper driver, before they hit old age when the re-sits become more frequent again.

With cars getting physically larger and more technologically complicated, it surely just makes sense to make sure everybody keeps their driver training current throughout their life.



Nah, that's nonsense, I passed my test first time, i drove motorbikes before that, i've never had an accident in my life, and you're gonna ask me to sit my test again after 10 years?


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Greedy Jambo
4 minutes ago, jamboj said:

Being able to reverse into a space is absolutely irrelevant to being a dangerous driver 


I've seen 100 times as many instances of dangerous driving from van drivers compared to older people 


 Do you live near an amazon warehouse by any chance?  😂

Underpaid, underqualified and under stress. 

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Just now, Greedy Jambo said:


 Do you live near an amazon warehouse by any chance?  😂

Underpaid, underqualified and under stress. 

No I don't. 

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8 minutes ago, Cade said:

There is certainly a case for auld yins to have to re-sit the test every couple of years. The physical and mental decline can be rapid and this can lead to tragic accidents.

But having said that, everybody should have to re-sit it once every ten years or so anyways.

It should be on a bell curve; with less experienced drivers also needing to re-sit more often to keep their competence up and for bad habits to be stamped out, then getting longer and longer periods between re-sits as they become a proper driver, before they hit old age when the re-sits become more frequent again.

With cars getting physically larger and more technologically complicated, it surely just makes sense to make sure everybody keeps their driver training current throughout their life.



Why not make every occupation then have to re sit tests and evaluate their morals and ethics. Judges re tested every few years, bricklayers re tested every few years, politicians re tested every few years etc. Why just car drivers? I've had my license for over 30 years, not one accident or near incident, very careful I am. Why should I be punished for the not so careful?

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The Real Maroonblood
51 minutes ago, frankblack said:

I think younger drivers (sub 30yo) are the worst.  There is a reason their insurance premiums are so high.


Every one of them think they are the next Lewis Hamilton.


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Greedy Jambo
5 minutes ago, Cranston said:

Why not make every occupation then have to re sit tests and evaluate their morals and ethics. Judges re tested every few years, bricklayers re tested every few years, politicians re tested every few years etc. Why just car drivers? I've had my license for over 30 years, not one accident or near incident, very careful I am. Why should I be punished for the not so careful?


I don't want this to turn into a politics thread, but that sounds like utter bollocks to me. 

When was the last time Jacob reese mogg was tested for anything?

Have you seen the videos of them sleeping on the benches? 

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Driving down the M90 between Kinross and Kelty heading south on Wed, some old biddy driving an old Audi estate literally stopped half way down the on ramp to turn right on the onto the motorway. :lol: Can only imagine what the drivers of the two cars behind her thought!

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3 minutes ago, Greedy Jambo said:


I don't want this to turn into a politics thread, but that sounds like utter bollocks to me. 

When was the last time Jacob reese mogg was tested for anything?

Have you seen the videos of them sleeping on the benches? 

Its not utter bollocks whatsoever. If a dictator decides one group of people should have to be re tested, then it is logical that the dictator will want to widen their dictatorship. Isn't that how dictatorships work?

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Greedy Jambo
7 minutes ago, Cranston said:

Its not utter bollocks whatsoever. If a dictator decides one group of people should have to be re tested, then it is logical that the dictator will want to widen their dictatorship. Isn't that how dictatorships work?


I'm not sure what you're on about, in all honesty, I'll leave this one to somebody else. 

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Howdy Doody Jambo

I actually wonder where some people pass their driving test and how many just don't bother with a licence and insurance

The worst road user's are these electric motorised bikes with uber eats and deliveroo I'm surprised there isn't more accidents as they just take the piss are disrespectful to the laws on the road and those on the pavement 

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I drive about 30k miles a year up and down the UK and one of the most annoying groups are old folks pootling along the likes of the A68 at 40mph. I get that the ‘maximum’ is 60mph but if you lack the confidence in your ability to drive close to that (assuming weather / conditions allow) you should be nowhere near the wheel of a car. 

Another group are the utter helmets who weave about, undertaking and diving back into gaps that really are not there, on 2 lane roads. 

And don’t get me started on HGV drivers who have to overtake another HGV because they’re going 0.001mph faster - and then take 4 miles to get by it. 

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il Duce McTarkin
1 hour ago, Jim_Duncan said:

Spoke to an old Nigerian guy last week; he has been in Britain for about 35 years. His opinion was that there are too many Asians and Africans on the roads. 



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Finbar Saunders
22 minutes ago, skinnybob72 said:

I drive about 30k miles a year up and down the UK and one of the most annoying groups are old folks pootling along the likes of the A68 at 40mph. I get that the ‘maximum’ is 60mph but if you lack the confidence in your ability to drive close to that (assuming weather / conditions allow) you should be nowhere near the wheel of a car. 

Another group are the utter helmets who weave about, undertaking and diving back into gaps that really are not there, on 2 lane roads. 

And don’t get me started on HGV drivers who have to overtake another HGV because they’re going 0.001mph faster - and then take 4 miles to get by it. 


Every work day I get this heading West on the M8, the brae at Harthill is a big favourite for them doing it.

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1 hour ago, Greedy Jambo said:

Well that's utter nonsense, experienced van drivers can reverse park into spaces you can only dream of getting into.  

I’m not sure how much bearing on your general driving being able to go slowly backwards with accuracy is.

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6 hours ago, skinnybob72 said:

I drive about 30k miles a year up and down the UK and one of the most annoying groups are old folks pootling along the likes of the A68 at 40mph. I get that the ‘maximum’ is 60mph but if you lack the confidence in your ability to drive close to that (assuming weather / conditions allow) you should be nowhere near the wheel of a car.

And don’t get me started on HGV drivers who have to overtake another HGV because they’re going 0.001mph faster - and then take 4 miles to get by it. 


These two paragraphs are somewhat linked for different reasons but they both apply, especially the latter, to 'variable speed' cameras. They literally send me towards sleep!

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7 hours ago, Greedy Jambo said:

Well that's utter nonsense, experienced van drivers can reverse park into spaces you can only dream of getting into.  

They are also most excellent at double parking to save them a short walk.   

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The Mighty Thor

Ride motorbikes. Then you'll very quickly get to see who the real dangers on the road are. 


Foll with airpods/headphones, texting, vaping, a boy having an electric shave and my personal favourite some ***** eating a bowl of cereal on the A720.


Van drivers however are a special breed of arsehole

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I'd like to see a limit on the number of times you can sit your test. The number of awful drivers I know when you chat to them they're like "oh yeah, I passed on my sixth attempt, ha ha!". After 3 they should decide its just not for you and you are bus bound....

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10 hours ago, Jim_Duncan said:

Spoke to an old Nigerian guy last week; he has been in Britain for about 35 years. His opinion was that there are too many Asians and Africans on the roads. 

There is a much higher percentage of the two demographics mentioned above pootling along at 60 in the middle lane of a motorway than would be expected statistically.

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I drove round a fair bit of the abomination that is the M25 on Tuesday morning.


One full circuit without serious accident or death should be all thats needed for a Driving License.

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48 minutes ago, Seats said:

I'd like to see a limit on the number of times you can sit your test. The number of awful drivers I know when you chat to them they're like "oh yeah, I passed on my sixth attempt, ha ha!". After 3 they should decide its just not for you and you are bus bound....

That's an excellent point. My wife's cousin sat her test 3 times on lewis and failed all 3. She then moved to Glasgow and sat a further 13 (yes, 13!) tests amd still no pass. She moved to Australia and passed first time. Her brother said to me that maybe the move removed her nerves. Then the next time she was visiting I was watching her try to reverse her car. After 10 minutes I got out the house and reversed the car for her seeing ad its a single track road with a deep dish either side. 

Shows how easy the test must be down under.

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Nearly got killed last year by a delivery driver who mounted the pavement at about 30mph to avoid oncoming traffic just as I was stepping out of my front gate. He was maybe in his early 30s.


Most of the life-threatening driving I witness is by young drivers. Raise the driving age to 45, I say.

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I am 80 still driving and would have no problem sitting an annual competency test particularly if it emphasised the dangers when encountering some of the van drivers on our roads 

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10 hours ago, Cade said:

There is certainly a case for auld yins to have to re-sit the test every couple of years. The physical and mental decline can be rapid and this can lead to tragic accidents.

But having said that, everybody should have to re-sit it once every ten years or so anyways.

It should be on a bell curve; with less experienced drivers also needing to re-sit more often to keep their competence up and for bad habits to be stamped out, then getting longer and longer periods between re-sits as they become a proper driver, before they hit old age when the re-sits become more frequent again.

With cars getting physically larger and more technologically complicated, it surely just makes sense to make sure everybody keeps their driver training current throughout their life.



i agree

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22 minutes ago, superjack said:

That's an excellent point. My wife's cousin sat her test 3 times on lewis and failed all 3. She then moved to Glasgow and sat a further 13 (yes, 13!) tests amd still no pass. She moved to Australia and passed first time. Her brother said to me that maybe the move removed her nerves. Then the next time she was visiting I was watching her try to reverse her car. After 10 minutes I got out the house and reversed the car for her seeing ad its a single track road with a deep dish either side. 

Shows how easy the test must be down under.

I wouldn't be wanting to ruin a couple of pizzas either. Can't imagine they're easy to come by up that part of teh world, sj. :D

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28 minutes ago, leginten said:

Nearly got killed last year by a delivery driver who mounted the pavement at about 30mph to avoid oncoming traffic just as I was stepping out of my front gate. He was maybe in his early 30s.


Most of the life-threatening driving I witness is by young drivers. Raise the driving age to 45, I say.

a delivery van came belting round a corner forcing me to mount the pavement. Wrecked my alloy and he went off into the distance. Was raging as thatll cost me big time when car goes back. I don’t enjoy driving anymore tbh and I’m early 50’s. Driving in city’s is infuriating and just roadworks everywhere, not to mention the cat scratching cycle posts just randomly placed. Fully intend to stop driving after I stop working also due to the cost of doing it as well

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12 hours ago, skinnybob72 said:

I drive about 30k miles a year up and down the UK and one of the most annoying groups are old folks pootling along the likes of the A68 at 40mph. I get that the ‘maximum’ is 60mph but if you lack the confidence in your ability to drive close to that (assuming weather / conditions allow) you should be nowhere near the wheel of a car. 

Plus they usually brake at the slightest hint of a corner coming up or if they see a car coming in the opposite direction, you have to have your wits about you when driving behind someone like that. I'd say usually 9 times out of 10, once I overtake them, it's usually an old biddy hunched over the wheel driving them.


I'd agree that a competency test is really needed once someone is over 70 years old. My old man was never a great driver, but he definitely went downhill in driving skills once he was older, nobody really wanted to be in the car with him when he insisted on driving somewhere...

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This lot boil my piss as well……are they allowed on the road?…insured?…….you see them from time to time just tooting along at 5-10mph with not a care in the world…..plod seem to just ignore them.


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19 minutes ago, highlandjambo3 said:

This lot boil my piss as well……are they allowed on the road?…insured?…….you see them from time to time just tooting along at 5-10mph with not a care in the world…..plod seem to just ignore them.



I cant wait to get one of those tbh. Old and incontinent nashin around smashing into anything that cant avoid me.



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3 hours ago, ArcticJambo said:

I wouldn't be wanting to ruin a couple of pizzas either. Can't imagine they're easy to come by up that part of teh world, sj. :D


10 minutes ago, Jim_Duncan said:



Careless to be leaving them in such a place, but who knows what kind of rituals and shit goes on up there.

It just shows what I order a lot of if that's what my autocorrect brings up.🤣🤣🤣

I won't tell you about the rituals. If it was found out that I told outsiders I would end up like Edward Woodward in the whicker man!

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About ten years ago now an old dear caused a three car pile up on a roundabout as she stopped on it to let me enter :vrface:

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30 minutes ago, Jim_Duncan said:

Of course, with you being the requisite stopping distance behind them, their erratic braking patterns have no dangerous impact on you ;) 

Makes it easy to overtake when you're slipstreaming them :wink:

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If carlsberg did rivals...

I'm all for a refresher every 10 years rather than a full resit, as it stands I think I'm in the 5% of Edinburgh drivers who know you can use bus lanes outside of restricted times.

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Just now, Jim_Duncan said:

I notice more and more of this these days. Someone stopped as I was trying to turn right up Hillend yesterday. He was the last car coming from the Biggar Road, so no need to stop. By the time I’d figured out he was letting me go (thought he was slowing to turn without having put his indicator on), another car had come up and had stop behind him. 

A few years back, I was towing a trailer and slowed down to turn right into my driveway, I was on the far side of the road so I’d be crossing the path of oncoming vehicles, of which there were none, there were a few cars behind me and just as I pulled the steering wheel right to turn a car suddenly shot past me.  Some idiot a few cars behind me had decided to overtake, he’d obviously been puzzled as to why the line of traffic he was in was slowing down…….arse 🤬🤬

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8 minutes ago, Jim_Duncan said:


AFAICR, you should stop and wait for someone to execute a 3 point turn.

You should but it’s not always the case.  I’m an ex driving instructor and the party line is, two cars should not be moving at the same time (yours and the one trying to pass), you never know how urgent their need is to be somewhere else 😳😳.  I’ve had a mum with a car full of kids swearing at me at the top of her voice as she passed with both her near side wheels on the pavement 🤬


Was also involved in two accidents during my instructor time, on both occasions I had a pupil under instruction and my car was not moving:


1. *Van man reverses out of a parking bay into the side of my car as I’m waiting to bay park next to him, he said “I didn’t see you”……obviously.


2. Were the first car in a line facing an island contraflow where oncoming traffic has right of way, the first oncoming vehicle was a public bus…..as he squeezed past he just about ripped off my front bumper then proceeded to drive off.  I changed seats with the pupil then proceeded to hunt him down 😂.  I pulled up across the front of his bus at a bus stop (Starsky & Hutch style).  He denied it but, thankfully I had a wide lens camera fitted in the car to record lessons, I was happy to play this back to the gobsmacked old git.


* incidentally greedy jambo, where were you on the 3 March 2011?  Inverness by chance 😏


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Harry Potter

Bad drivers in every age group,  Not enough hours in the day, for some, its

must get there now, beyond me, never learn till they have a bump.


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10 minutes ago, Harry Potter said:

Bad drivers in every age group,  Not enough hours in the day, for some, its

must get there now, beyond me, never learn till they have a bump.


Spot on, Harry.

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