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The Venting Thread

BoJack Horseman

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When the perforations on bog roll don't line up. I want to strangle all Labrador puppies after that.

Bad Manners, not the group.

Also people that complain about spelling and grammar on internet forums. If you don't have a ginger Shakespeare hair cut, support Brechin City, head of English at Craigroyston between 76 & 80 and called Kenny MacAskill, then you can GTF.

Forget all that stuff about getting upset will spelling and shite on an internet forum, someone, on another thread used MATH instead of MATHS and I saw red I'm afraid.

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People who throw the word 'absolutely' into a conversation 4 and 5 times because they have nothing else to say other than, 'so I did' and 'so it is'.




Fat bint in my work does it all the time and it's only a matter of time before I strangle her with the mouse from her PC.


She also says pacific instead of specific. Grrrrr

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people who eat with there mouths open. :verymad:


Currently experiencing this as i type!... fat ride who sits behind me in my office is eating his dinner at his desk and all i can hear is the horrible noise coming from his gub :boak:


Think im going to strangle him with the telephone cord on his desk :seething:

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Snake Plissken

Mixing up any of the following annoys me more than it should:








It really shouldn't but it does, I also want to inflict bodily harm on those who use apostrophes for plurals.

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Mixing up any of the following annoys me more than it should:







It really shouldn't but it does, I also want to inflict bodily harm on those who use apostrophes for plurals.


unsure if i should edit my last post or not?

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Gregory House M.D.

People who stand so close to you in a queue that you can feel their breath battering your ears, people who overuse the word "Definitely" and emphasise the end, people who leave their empty pint glass at the table when going up for another drink, people who post on Facebook about the weather, people who stand at the bar dribbling utter shite with a full tray of drink, people who take pictures of themselves in pubs & bars and post them on facebook. I could go on and on and on but won't bore you.


1 last thing. People who wear Ramones t-shirts. Absolute whoppers to a man.

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Bert Le Clos

Pedestrians who walk up to a pedestrian crossing, push the button without looking then cross the road if it's clear. Meaning when I get to the lights 30 seconds later I have to sit while the green man is on and nobody crosses. Really does my tits in.


People who take photos of themselves at arm's length, usually pouting. Those photos are bad enough when it's of you and someone else, but seriously, just taking a picture of yourself? Have a word.


Loud breathers.


The fact they've gone back to specifying which seat you sit in at the cinema. No need.


People who hijack lines from comedies and over-use them at every opportunity in general conversation, especially when they sound nothing like whoever said it in the programme/film. Have the reason it's funny in the film is because of how it sounds. The boy at my work who answers "Computer says noooow" in his Dundonian accent instead of no just makes me want to punch him.


People who ask for a crisp. That's bad enough. People who then proceed to take a fecking massive handful, or rummage around in the pack touching every crisp possible to get to one at the bottom.


People who say "does my tits in".

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people who sniff. if they've got a cold, i can accept that but i'd prefer it if they just blew their nose. The ones that annoy me are those who do it as a sort of tick; there's a daft laddie in my office who does it every 8 or 9 seconds. eventually someone will crack and tell him to blow his nose, which he'll sheepishly do and then go right back to sniffing. There's **** all to get sniffed away so he's clearly doing it cos he's got nasal tourettes.


people who walk out of a building, in to the street and dont look to see if they're going to bump in to anyone and then act affronted when they do bump in to someone. it happened twice on my walk in to work this morning. you wouldnt turn in to a busy road in your car, no you'd wait until there was space to enter the flow of traffic.

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BoJack Horseman

Sub headings on threads.


Considering your username, I don't think you should be allowed in here.


I do agree with you but only when the subheading has important information in it.

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Sounds like a lot of people could do with learning how to use the 'hide' function on Facebook.


Or stop befriending total ****wits. One of the two...

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BoJack Horseman

People who laugh out loud in that expectant way, waiting for you to ask what was funny.

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Considering your username, I don't think you should be allowed in here.


I do agree with you but only when the subheading has important information in it.




That's what I mean. Some threads make no sense at all when you're on your mobile.

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My Twitter feed seems to be made up of angsty teenagers now.


"My life is so shit."

"Why does it not just all go away?"

"I don't want to live anymore."


Went on a massive purge last night because of it.

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Guest Alex Guttenplan

people who sniff. if they've got a cold, i can accept that but i'd prefer it if they just blew their nose.


aaaaaaaarghgh I ******* hate this. Nearly caved this Swedish lad's skull in with my chair in an exam a few weeks ago because he kept sniffing obscenely loudly every time I had a train of thought going.

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I sniff a lot :unsure:


People who stay up til obscene hours of the morning on their phone when you are with them trying to sleep. That is all.

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Guest Alex Guttenplan

People who laugh out loud in that expectant way, waiting for you to ask what was funny.


Oh and this too. And other variants of this complete *****'s trick such as flopping down on the seat next to me and sighing loudly or name dropping someone or referring to a past event/memory/sob story and refusing to elaborate. Basically anything that begs you to question them so they get attention.

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Guest Alex Guttenplan

This will make me sound like a right Scrooge but **** it.


I don't like it when people get so excited about something they turn into giddy children and lose their cool and sense of perspective. The final two weeks ago was the perfect example of this. People losing their minds, stressing over every tiny detail, flagrantly telling anyone who'll listen about how many smoke bombs they've bought (and then later posting their seat number ffs). You're adults ffs, grow up. I was excited as well but I didn't self-implode.


Another example is whenever we win at Easter Road. "OMG BEST ATMOSPHERE EVAA". It wasn't. I was there. I've heard better, sorry. I'm not deriding it, I'm just being honest. "UR JUST MISERABLE!" Maybe. But I'd seem to be constantly miserable than to have to revert to being 6 any time something vaguely interesting happens.


On a similar note - people who go to matches in fancy dress (that Star Wars shit at ER). It just isn't funny.


After a three-post mini rant, I'm now done. laugh.gif

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Websites owned by large companies with bill payment functions that don't work. Sort it out.


Bosses who demand large and complex pieces of work as a matter of great urgency and then 'forget' to mention they no longer need it, leaving you up til the wee small hours and ending up off your face on Pro Plus for absolutely no reason whatsoever.


Your inbox deciding it desperately needs archived the minute you've left your laptop behind and you're relying solely on your mobile device for email.


People who sit beside you on buses/trains when there are other unoccupied double seats available.


People who have loud phone conversations on buses/trains. Nobody cares. Shut up. People who use handsfree when not driving vehicles really annoy me too for some reason.



Folk who say too much on social media about their personal life or relationships. Or worse, use it to have a dig at someone they know might be reading or just say all this vague stuff in the desperate hope that some random asks what they mean so that they can then offer a little more in the way of information which will mean bugger all to anyone but them. Just shut up. You're not thirteen. A little self-respect would be good here, cheers.


People who wear severe sunburn and associated blisters like it's some sort of badge of honour. You are an idiot. Cover up.


Tesco Express failing to restock Diet Coke on a regular basis. It's one of the most popular drinks in the world therefore you can assume that there's a fair chance people might want to buy quite a lot of it. Argh.


Spam telephone calls asking me about mobile phones/car insurance/asking if I'm a homeowner (why the hell would I tell you, you rude anonymous arseface?) and spam text messages asking me if I've reclaimed PPI. Sod off. Sod off right now.





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Folk who constantly type EUFA instead of UEFA. See it all the bloomin' time :verymad:


People who try two or more cards at a cashline when you're waiting behind them pisses me right off too. :verymad:

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This will make me sound like a right Scrooge but **** it.


I don't like it when people get so excited about something they turn into giddy children and lose their cool and sense of perspective. The final two weeks ago was the perfect example of this. People losing their minds, stressing over every tiny detail, flagrantly telling anyone who'll listen about how many smoke bombs they've bought (and then later posting their seat number ffs). You're adults ffs, grow up. I was excited as well but I didn't self-implode.


Another example is whenever we win at Easter Road. "OMG BEST ATMOSPHERE EVAA". It wasn't. I was there. I've heard better, sorry. I'm not deriding it, I'm just being honest. "UR JUST MISERABLE!" Maybe. But I'd seem to be constantly miserable than to have to revert to being 6 any time something vaguely interesting happens.


On a similar note - people who go to matches in fancy dress (that Star Wars shit at ER). It just isn't funny.


After a three-post mini rant, I'm now done. laugh.gif




I saw your post. I read it. I scrolled back up to check the user name of person who had posted it. I didn't recognise it but I already knew it was you before I checked the name change history. Cheer up, you almighty grump. :)


P.S. The Star Wars stuff most certainly is funny. The day I don't laugh at Stormtroopers celebrating a goal is the day I know my soul has gone cold.

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People who are constantly off sick are rather annoying. Workshy *******s.

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People who ask "whits the difference like?"... Without making any effort to explain which two or more things they would like the difference between explained to them.


Hanging is too good for them.

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Sheiky Baby

As would I. It was a lassie on my mates Facebook. He took a photo of it, sent it to me and then swiftly booted her off his friends list :lol:

I'd delete half of these bints if I wasn't looking through their holiday photos :jjyay:

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BoJack Horseman

This will make me sound like a right Scrooge but **** it.


I don't like it when people get so excited about something they turn into giddy children and lose their cool and sense of perspective. The final two weeks ago was the perfect example of this. People losing their minds, stressing over every tiny detail, flagrantly telling anyone who'll listen about how many smoke bombs they've bought (and then later posting their seat number ffs). You're adults ffs, grow up. I was excited as well but I didn't self-implode.


Another example is whenever we win at Easter Road. "OMG BEST ATMOSPHERE EVAA". It wasn't. I was there. I've heard better, sorry. I'm not deriding it, I'm just being honest. "UR JUST MISERABLE!" Maybe. But I'd seem to be constantly miserable than to have to revert to being 6 any time something vaguely interesting happens.


On a similar note - people who go to matches in fancy dress (that Star Wars shit at ER). It just isn't funny.


After a three-post mini rant, I'm now done. laugh.gif


I felt this way about the sun. Grown men getting excited about sitting on the grass. I don't get it.

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people who sniff. if they've got a cold, i can accept that but i'd prefer it if they just blew their nose. The ones that annoy me are those who do it as a sort of tick; there's a daft laddie in my office who does it every 8 or 9 seconds. eventually someone will crack and tell him to blow his nose, which he'll sheepishly do and then go right back to sniffing. There's **** all to get sniffed away so he's clearly doing it cos he's got nasal tourettes.


people who walk out of a building, in to the street and dont look to see if they're going to bump in to anyone and then act affronted when they do bump in to someone. it happened twice on my walk in to work this morning. you wouldnt turn in to a busy road in your car, no you'd wait until there was space to enter the flow of traffic.


I have a similar gripe to this when I am out running. But in this case it is people getting off buses. I try to keep to the opposite side of the pavement if a bus is stopping and letting people off next to me but the amount of people who when they get off the bus dont look and just walk straight to the far side of the pavement is astonishing. When you come off the bus, look, and preferbly go onto the side of the pavement nearest the road, if it is clear then you move to the otherside.


Another one similar to that is people who dont know how to walk along a pavement properly. This can be ones (usually reading texts) who weave left and right meaning if your behind them its hard to get past (and if they have headphones on it is downright impossible.) Then it is the people who walk in two or three and fill up the whole pavement and if they see you coming they move to the side...by an inch which is of no use at all.


Also as a cyclist I use paths sometimes which are either designed with bikes at the main user or as a frequent user, so what annoys me is dog walkers. Dont get me wrong, I dont hate all of them, those who have well trained dogs who when they call them will move to the side after I have rung my bell to warn of my presence. But its the ones who dont seem to understand that dogs are baffled by bikes, they have a horrible knack of keeping to the opposite side of their owners and creating space in the middle to cycle past then last minute crossing your path. If you are taking your dog on these paths either keep them on a leash or learn to command them better.

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BoJack Horseman

Cyclists. Specifically the ones who think they can cycle as fast as a vehicle. Too many times by bus has had to crawl behind a cyclists crawling down the middle of a busy road. Move to the side or choose an alternate route, you're not superman.

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The Great Khali

Cyclists. Specifically the ones who think they can cycle as fast as a vehicle. Too many times by bus has had to crawl behind a cyclists crawling down the middle of a busy road. Move to the side or choose an alternate route, you're not superman.



See it's not cyclists though is it. Cyclists who know what they're doing and can use the road are not a danger to themselves or other road users.


It's the folk who don't actually know how to use the road that causes danger. Folk who don't stay into the side, usually means it folk who can't stay into the side because theyre not comfortable enough cycling so close to a kerb, or not skilled enough to stay in a straight line.

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Vincent B.A

Then it is the people who walk in two or three and fill up the whole pavement and if they see you coming they move to the side...by an inch which is of no use at all.


This really pisses me off. I get serious pavement rage sometimes.


I also get pissed off when people jump the queue when waiting for a drink at the bar.

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Right here we go...


1.People who sit in the seat right next to you in the cinema when the place is practically empty.


2.People who judge people without having ever had a conversation with them in their lives.


3.People who lie.


4.People who make excuses for others. My parents tend to do it a lot regarding my brother.


5.People who act differently around certain people in order to try and be "cool" - You're not cool, you're acting like a massive idiot. Quite a lot of my friends from school became guilty of this.


6.When shop assistants try and have banter with you, ask you if you're buying an outfit for a reason or you "just fancied treating yourself"- I just want to buy the item and leave the shop, not tell you my life story or hear about how you're so excited you're going to magaluf in two weeks.


7. Traffic jams. Such an unnecessary waste of time.


8. People who drive at 20mph in a 40 zone. More dangerous than people that speed IMO.


9. People who cancel plans at the last minute. Particularly once you've got ready and are about to leave the house.


10.Selfish people


11.People who have no manners. I once saw a woman in a wheelchair struggling to get through a door in Nandos so I got up from my seat and went and opened the door for her. No thanks at all, just a growl and a dirty look.

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Cannae believe no-ones mentioned any of these work-shy, benefit fraud having w*nkers.


I bust my arse off in 2 jobs to make sure I can provide a decent life for my young family but these unwashed, skanky f*ckwits seem to thinks it alright just to have more bairns to get more money & live off hard working fowk who knock their pans in daily.


Fowk that walk in between cars in traffic. You can see me coming at a decent pace on my bike, dinnae be smart & try & walk infront of me when you can quite clearly see I'm not gonna be able to stop in time. Accident claim wanting pr*cks.

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1. people who eat Nandos (Sorry STScool.gif)


2. People who tweet etc that they're in/have just been to Nandos.


Horrific food that for some reason teenagers think it's 'cool' and 'happening' to dine there.


3. Handicapped folk.


4. Jews

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1. people who eat Nandos (Sorry STScool.gif)


2. People who tweet etc that they're in/have just been to Nandos.


Horrific food that for some reason teenagers think it's 'cool' and 'happening' to dine there.


3. Handicapped folk.


4. Jews



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Juan Rom?n Riquelme

People who like shite music.


People who judge people based on the clothes they wear.


People who watch stuff like The Voice.


These things annoy me more than anything else.

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Captain Haddock hates my loved ones and Deal With It hates me.

I like these things :thumbsup:

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Old people crowding bus stops is a particular hatred of mine, you think they're all wanting to get on your bus so you hang back a bit, not wanting to be rude and then bang the door shuts and the bus is gone. Don't ask them what they're playing at either, you either have to repeat it or you just get a look of utter disgust as if you'd just punched them in the face.


Another is rude pricks, in my work it's always the big shots poncing about on their Blackberrys and in their suits (us mere mortals get to dress casual to work, pretty sure it's so they stand out as the big shots but they class it as making it comfortable for us to work), who when you politely hold the door open for them or let them through first, don't utter a word of thanks, some of the *******s don't even look you in the eye, women are bad for this as well I've noticed.


There's probably others but that'll do for now.





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BoJack Horseman


10.Selfish people



Everybody is selfish. I figured out a long time ago that there's little more to life than self satisfaction. The majority of what you do in your day to day life is for your own benefit. Even if it's helping others, you're helping them to feel better about yourself.


There was a Friends episode that dealt with this. No one is truly selfless.


Cannae believe no-ones mentioned any of these work-shy, benefit fraud having w*nkers.


I bust my arse off in 2 jobs to make sure I can provide a decent life for my young family but these unwashed, skanky f*ckwits seem to thinks it alright just to have more bairns to get more money & live off hard working fowk who knock their pans in daily.



Why does that piss you off? Unless it's your job to hunt them down, I can't see how what they do has any bearing on your life. You keep working hard to provide for your family and be safe in the knowledge that you're better than them. Not worth getting your knickers in a twist over though.

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Stupid Sexy Flanders

Obviously I started this for a reason, so today's moan for me;


I'm aware of the weather. I have windows, I have senses, I even have a smartphone that keeps me up to date on all things weather related. Please stop telling me how bloody sunny it is. (not hating on the sun here, just hating on those that care just a bit too much about it).



People who use Americanisms like "hating on." :P


(Actually that is a major gripe of mine, they were talking about it on Daybreak this morning and a woman emailed in to say her kids call her "mom". I'd just ignore them til they stopped it!)



Someone mentioned The Voice earlier, I've only seen a bit of it once when my missus had it on, and I just found myself getting angrier by the minute. That William is a complete and utter dick and that fecking Jessie J calling the contestants "artists". They're not artists, they're bloody karaoke singers!


I could go on all day about stuff that I get angry about, but I'll leave it at that for now!

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BoJack Horseman

People who use Americanisms like "hating on." :P


(Actually that is a major gripe of mine, they were talking about it on Daybreak this morning and a woman emailed in to say her kids call her "mom". I'd just ignore them til they stopped it!)



How are you meant to distinguish between acceptable speech and Americanisms? I've only been talking for 22 years. Kids these days will be heavily exposed to these 'Americanisms' and they'll just become normal. It's inevitable, especially in today's constantly connected world. It seems to be a Kiwi thing anyway :P



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Stupid Sexy Flanders

How are you meant to distinguish between acceptable speech and Americanisms? I've only been talking for 22 years. Kids these days will be heavily exposed to these 'Americanisms' and they'll just become normal. It's inevitable, especially in today's constantly connected world. It seems to be a Kiwi thing anyway :P





I never for a moment thought there'd be graphs and stats available for this sort of thing! :lol:

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People who use Americanisms

Said it on another thread, I hate Americanisms.

Math its not badword Math its Maths.

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Notorious BIG

Right here we go...


1.People who sit in the seat right next to you in the cinema when the place is practically empty.


2.People who judge people without having ever had a conversation with them in their lives.


3.People who lie.


4.People who make excuses for others. My parents tend to do it a lot regarding my brother.


5.People who act differently around certain people in order to try and be "cool" - You're not cool, you're acting like a massive idiot. Quite a lot of my friends from school became guilty of this.


6.When shop assistants try and have banter with you, ask you if you're buying an outfit for a reason or you "just fancied treating yourself"- I just want to buy the item and leave the shop, not tell you my life story or hear about how you're so excited you're going to magaluf in two weeks.


7. Traffic jams. Such an unnecessary waste of time.


8. People who drive at 20mph in a 40 zone. More dangerous than people that speed IMO.


9. People who cancel plans at the last minute. Particularly once you've got ready and are about to leave the house.


10.Selfish people


11.People who have no manners. I once saw a woman in a wheelchair struggling to get through a door in Nandos so I got up from my seat and went and opened the door for her. No thanks at all, just a growl and a dirty look.




Or people that are looking for a house or a street and just keep slamming the anchors on every 2 secs as the look for it!! dicks

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Cannae believe no-ones mentioned any of these work-shy, benefit fraud having w*nkers.


I bust my arse off in 2 jobs to make sure I can provide a decent life for my young family but these unwashed, skanky f*ckwits seem to thinks it alright just to have more bairns to get more money & live off hard working fowk who knock their pans in daily.


Fowk that walk in between cars in traffic. You can see me coming at a decent pace on my bike, dinnae be smart & try & walk infront of me when you can quite clearly see I'm not gonna be able to stop in time. Accident claim wanting pr*cks.


Agree with people between cars. There is nothing more worrying as a cyclist when your traveling fast down the road and some starts crossing and gets within 1m of your bike, it may seem far away for the pedestrian but travelling faster than 15mph it feels very close. That and taxi drivers, was waiting at traffic lights on Queensferry Road at the junction with Randolph crescent on Saturday. I was in one lane and a car was in the next one, the lights just change at which point a taxi at full speed flies through the small gap between me and this car (must have got through the lights behind) it was heart in my mouth stuff and feckin irresponsible of the taxi.

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BoJack Horseman

I never for a moment thought there'd be graphs and stats available for this sort of thing! :lol:


You learn something new everyday :). It's just Google Trends. Tells you the popularity over time of any given search term. Got to use it for work, that's why I know about it.


Said it on another thread, I hate Americanisms.

Math its not badword Math its Maths.


See this is a proper Americanism to me. Not something that originated in America that we have no alternative for, but something that the Yanks do differently or wrong.




Could care less





These are Americanisms. If any Brit attempts to use these, then we have a problem.

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Matthew Le Tissier

People who give bairns daggers for simply talking. Aye if the bairn is out of control its xpected ,but when their just sitting their and trying to be a kid no need for it.


Smelly people on packed buses HAVE A FECKING WASH


People who stand at bus stops for ages then when the bus comes they then try and find change


Bars that regulary get busy and theirs insignificcent (sp) staff for how busy it gets

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Cannae believe no-ones mentioned any of these work-shy, benefit fraud having w*nkers.


I bust my arse off in 2 jobs to make sure I can provide a decent life for my young family but these unwashed, skanky f*ckwits seem to thinks it alright just to have more bairns to get more money & live off hard working fowk who knock their pans in daily.

This. Especially in the Weej where 9 in 10 adults are on the dole in some areas. Ranked #1 in the UK for unemployment :verymad:


Sent from my LT26i using Tapatalk 2

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Guest Alex Guttenplan

Old people crowding bus stops is a particular hatred of mine, you think they're all wanting to get on your bus so you hang back a bit, not wanting to be rude and then bang the door shuts and the bus is gone. Don't ask them what they're playing at either, you either have to repeat it or you just get a look of utter disgust as if you'd just punched them in the face.


The one on South Clerk St? Near the mosque and Lidl etc. Happens. All. The. Time.



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