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Vlad backing Csaba / Lee Miller linked

Clerry Jambo

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Buffalo Bill

Miller, like the majority of journeyman pros will simply play for the highest bidder. Don't take it personally that he chose to sign for Dundee Utd. And as been mentioned before, the Bristol chairman was trying to screw Vlad over the fee.


As a player, I really rated him at Hearts but as opposition, I despise him. He looks like a Jakey and acts like a knob.


But if he did sign for Hearts, I reckon he'd take up where he left off; scoring plenty of goals although I think we'll have no chance of getting him.



Buffalo Bill



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Cardiac Rucksack

I seem to rememebr him going really quite rubbish towards the end of his loan spell, he was excellent for a period I grant you. I wouldnt be that impressed if we were to splash out on him.

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I dont know if anyone else as metioned it but i noticed in one of the papers ( yes i know, dont belive everything u read) but they did have quotes, that Mark de-vries, was almost begging Lazlo to sign him as he does not like it in Holland.


I would take him back anyday, just for the fact he scored 4 against Hibs.


He might be old but i think he would be a good addition to the team with a bit more physical presence that elliot who has the pace, i think they would work quite well if Lazlo was adventurous and played 2 up front. Ill look out the link if anyone requests it.


I think he has been ***** everywhere he has been since Hearts.

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Think it's pointless discussing Miller because it won't happen. He's still under contract at Aberdeen and they'll want more money than we can afford, apart from the fact I can't see us shelling out money for anyone.


Even if he did leave Aberdeen, he'd probably end up going to the Championship.

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Not that theres much chance of it happening but i would be very happy if we signed the 4 players we have been linked with (anyone else noticed they are all scottish - a change of tact maybe?) - maurice ross, paul hartley, stephen hughes and lee miller



Ross Zal Eggman Lee


Hartley Black

Hughes Driver


Elliot Miller



Wouldnt be a bad team would it?

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I think that if mark de vries came back to hearts then im pretty sure csaba would make him shed some pounds like he did with nade,when i last saw mark playing at tynie against us he was BIG! bigger than nads..i think his best days are over,it would take a huge miracle for him to score 1 against the hobos never mind 4! we can dream tho.

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Miller, like the majority of journeyman pros will simply play for the highest bidder. Don't take it personally that he chose to sign for Dundee Utd. And as been mentioned before, the Bristol chairman was trying to screw Vlad over the fee.


As a player, I really rated him at Hearts but as opposition, I despise him. He looks like a Jakey and acts like a knob.


But if he did sign for Hearts, I reckon he'd take up where he left off; scoring plenty of goals although I think we'll have no chance of getting him.



Buffalo Bill




I actually agree with this post 100%, however, how come you always sign your posts with 'Buffalo Bill'?! Always bugged me that, but hey ho!

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I don't see anyone getting signed this summer, well maybe Mroweic, but thats hardly a new signing. Hearts have no money, unless we get rid of Kingston, Driver or anyone else to get hard earned cash no one else will be coming. So, any talk of new signing i take with a pinch of salt.

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Guest GhostHunter

Lee Miller ?


No thanks...he kinda cooked his goose with the carry on when he left the last time. I'd rather have The Horseman back.

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Tommy Brown
Lee Miller ?


No thanks...he kinda cooked his goose with the carry on when he left the last time. I'd rather have The Horseman back.


Can you expand on that Dex.

As pointed out before Bristol were holding out for a bigger fee (?250K) and Vlad didn't seem to want him anyway. Ex teammate Chisholm paid up and took him to DU. Is your info different?

Vlad then went and bought Bednar , Pospisil & signed Janny.

IMO, if he had signed Miller, he would have been sold on for more cash or still have been here as our main striker.

One player I would def like to see back, but I cant see us paying a fee for just yet.

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Guest GhostHunter
Hearts then attempted to secure Miller on a permanent deal, however his good form while on loan caused Bristol City to up their initial asking price. Aberdeen and Hearts both had offers accepted but Miller eventually joined Dundee United for ?225,000 in June 2005



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Drylaw Hearts

How hard did we try and keep Lee Miller ?


Just after that season ended VR was throwing money about like confetti If he really wanted Lee Miller he would have at the very least matched Aberdeen or Utd offer.


It transpired we were 3rd on the list with regards to terms being offered.


VR knew at that point Jankauskas would probably be on his way to Hearts and so probably didn't really try that hard to sign Miller.

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Guest GhostHunter

Was there not some hoo-hah over wages ? Were we not all bemoaning how DU could afford to pay his wages etc ?

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Hearts made no attempt to keep Miller at Tynecastle, and I don't remember anyone complaining when he was replaced with a champions league winner on ?10k a week.


I'd have him back.

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Lee Miller ?


No thanks...he kinda cooked his goose with the carry on when he left the last time. I'd rather have The Horseman back.


As a player, i always rated him pretty highly and in that respect, i'd probably quite like to see him back at Hearts.


But for the reasons Dexter states, as a "person", i've not really got much time for the boy.


If he came and did a job for us, i suspect we'd all be happy bunnies. If he came and turned out to be mince...... I dont think it'd be very long before his past came back to haunt him. I for one dont think i'd have much patience with him.

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Guest JamboRobbo


Aye, killing this club every day.


Come on Dex, he's a professional footballer who signed the best contract on offer to him. Shock horror.


I hope he signs for us, as he's a better striker than the other strikers we have.

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Cut The Crap
Hearts made no attempt to keep Miller at Tynecastle, and I don't remember anyone complaining when he was replaced with a champions league winner on ?10k a week.


I'd have him back.



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The Future's Maroon

I see The Sun are still sticking with there 'exclusive' from the weekend - did they miss his quotes over the last few days sayin he wasnt quitting?

CSABA LASZLO has stepped back from quitting Hearts after winning his transfer battle with Vladimir Romanov.


Crunch talks between the duo have led to Romanov accepting the manager's desperate plea for summer signings, after SunSport revealed that the manager of the year was on the brink of walking out of Tynecastle.


Hearts are in talks with former Rangers defender Maurice Ross and Celtic's Paul Hartley has been earmarked for a return.


Laszlo has also asked for Polish midfielder Adrian Mrowiec to be secured after a loan spell and Ian Black is on his way from Caley Thistle.


Laszlo and Romanov had talks on Sunday and the boss said: "Mr Romanov promised to do something.


"I think we must be very active and look to bring players in during the next five weeks."

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Re the Zali incident, i dont really blame Miller. He squared up to Zali and gave a little butt. Happens all the time, he should have been sent off, the ref got it wrong and I dont think we can expect Miller to then go, 'erm ref, actually it was me - you should send me off and not him'!


No, you are mistaken the ref reviewed the Miller incident on video and was satisfied that the decision to send off Zal was correct!!


In my book that decision can either be described as blatant cheating or just down right incompetence but not according to the Scottish football authorities.

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Was there not some hoo-hah over wages ? Were we not all bemoaning how DU could afford to pay his wages etc ?


At a Fans Forum (?) meeting with Phil Anderton he spelled out the situation with Lee Miller. He said that he and Willie Miller had come to an agreement about the maximum wages they would pay Lee Miller,neither would go any higher,so that any decision the player took would be down to "football or personal" reasons.

Lee Miller then chose to go to Dundee United,obviously as they were offering more.

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Aye, killing this club every day.


Come on Dex, he's a professional footballer who signed the best contract on offer to him. Shock horror.


I hope he signs for us, as he's a better striker than the other strikers we have.


I agree, I've no problem with the Millers of the football world, it's the one's who try and make out they love the club, when in fact they're only there for the money that bother me.


He is a better striker than we currently have too.

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Well Mr Miller has split the board!


I would take him back.


Proven SPL striker!


He may dive, but so does Ronaldo and Drogba,, and pretty sure most people would take them at Hearts. (My agrument with diving is that players will use it to there advantage until UEFA/FIFA, crack down on it. It's not sporting, but top players will do everything and anything to win.)


He may not of singed for us before,, but are signing policy has always been a bit odd since vlad. Im pretty sure at the time we did not even have a manager so I dont blame him. In fact,,, looking back it was probally better for him as be may not of got first team football.


That said i think he will cost to much.

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Guest GhostHunter

Remind me again, why he was booed pretty spectacularly every time he rolled up at Tynie after he left ?

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Drylaw Hearts
Remind me again, why he was booed pretty spectacularly every time he rolled up at Tynie after he left ?


Because he was a good player and didn't sign for us.


Hearts fans are hardly likely to cheer his every touch.

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Well Mr Miller has split the board!




But he has made friends of old foes and in a strange way has bridged boundaries otherwise uncrossed....

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I agree, I've no problem with the Millers of the football world, it's the one's who try and make out they love the club, when in fact they're only there for the money that bother me.


He is a better striker than we currently have too.

Pres - you've just agreed with JR !!!!!


I know it's sunny up there, but I didn't think it was so hot you'd get sunstroke.

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Guest JamboRobbo
Remind me again, why he was booed pretty spectacularly every time he rolled up at Tynie after he left ?


Cause many football fans can't see past the end of their own noses? Too busy holding petty grudges to take the blinkers off and look at things rationally.

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Cause many football fans can't see past the end of their own noses? Too busy holding petty grudges to take the blinkers off and look at things rationally.


laughing one's ass off at that piece of comic gold.

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Cause many football fans can't see past the end of their own noses? Too busy holding petty grudges to take the blinkers off and look at things rationally.




Says the leader of the Zaliukas hate campaign.



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Guest JamboRobbo


Says the leader of the Zaliukas hate campaign.




Re Zalklueless. I don't hate him. I just think he's not anywhere near a good enough footballer to play for HMFC. Perfectly rational thank you very much.


If you don't rate Miller as a football, that is your perogative.


But people saying we shouldn't sign him cause of "insert petty grudge here" are not looking at it rationally IMO.

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I don't hate him. I just think he's not anywhere near a good enough footballer to play for HMFC. Perfectly rational thank you very much.


If you don't rate Miller as a football, that is your perogative.


But people saying we shouldn't sign him cause of "insert petty grudge here" are not looking at it rationally IMO.


If you could see far enough past the end of your own nose to actually read what i'd written regarding Miller, you'd see that I DO rate him as a footballer thanks.


Your dislike of Zaliukas is purely discipline related and has NOTHING to do with footballing ability. That in my eye's makes it every bit as petty a grudge as the folk who choose not to like Miller on the basis of what happened last time round.



** editted to add..... ooooh TWO trakemark JR edits for this one...... I see what you've done there, adding in a "Zalklueless"..... and all you've done is merely back up my point about petty grudges by doing so, so for that, i thank you. **

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Guest JamboRobbo
If you could see far enough past the end of your own nose to actually read what i'd written regarding Miller, you'd see that I DO rate him as a footballer thanks.


Then you're not one of those football fans who are too blinkered to see past their petty grudges then. Congrats.


Your dislike of Zaliukas is purely discipline related and has NOTHING to do with footballing ability.


You're just making things up now. How do you knwo why I don't rate him? I've said he was an awful footballer ever since the first time I saw him play back at Motherwell in 2006. He is an accident waiting to happen every time he steps on a football field.


That in my eye's makes it every bit as petty a grudge as the folk who choose not to like Miller on the basis of what happened last time round.


You're entitled to your ridiculous opinion.

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Tiberius Stinkfinger
you devil you. that's another pair of pants you owe me. :D:D:D


Agreed :10900:


Enough is enough though, its time these petty squabbles where settled properly.

I propose a penalty shoot-out.





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At a Fans Forum (?) meeting with Phil Anderton he spelled out the situation with Lee Miller. He said that he and Willie Miller had come to an agreement about the maximum wages they would pay Lee Miller,neither would go any higher,so that any decision the player took would be down to "football or personal" reasons.

Lee Miller then chose to go to Dundee United,obviously as they were offering more.


Why on earth did Phil (and Miller) enter into an agreement with a rival, which proved detrimental to both clubs?

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Mr Quagmire
Then you're not one of those football fans who are too blinkered to see past their petty grudges then. Congrats.




You're just making things up now. How do you knwo why I don't rate him? I've said he was an awful footballer ever since the first time I saw him play back at Motherwell in 2006. He is an accident waiting to happen every time he steps on a football field.




You're entitled to your ridiculous opinion.



Are you still jobless ? :qqb017:

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Says the leader of the Zaliukas hate campaign.




I'm offended at this slur

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Cause many football fans can't see past the end of their own noses? Too busy holding petty grudges to take the blinkers off and look at things rationally.


That's a classic, next thing you know, they'll be making 10,000 repetitive posts about something that happened four years ago :stuart:

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Pres - you've just agreed with JR !!!!!


I know it's sunny up there, but I didn't think it was so hot you'd get sunstroke.


There had to be one of his twenty thousand stupid posts that made sense at some point :stuart:

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Clerry Jambo

Hey stoap hijacking this serious thread ya numties:10900:


Is Vlad backing Shabba or NOT!

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being a jambo i believe zilch til i see it for myself,i just hate paper talk

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Hey stoap hijacking this serious thread ya numties:10900:


Is Vlad backing Shabba or NOT!


of course Vlad is backing Shabba, if you listen to Mr Loverman you can quite clearly hear Vlad singing backing vocals.

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of course Vlad is backing Shabba, if you listen to Mr Loverman you can quite clearly hear Vlad singing backing vocals.



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This turned into a great thread.


Favorite Zulu movie? :rifle:

I know, I know. The Shed.

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Looks like Levein and Hogg squaring up at Kirkcaldy lol.



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