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Why has no media outlet condemned Celtic F.C. ???

Walter Bishop

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Guest S.U.S.S.

Bullets dont care which church you attend.


A little respect was all that was asked for, one minute per year, not too much to ask.

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Guest JamboRobbo
Celtics fans at Parkhead are the best in the world dont you know?


Also after Bhoys against Bigotry im sure there are no bigots left in Parkhead.


Please note, i will be taking this comedy act to the stage in the festival.


Couldn't care less about either side mate.


The way I see it, we have absolute numpties who follow HMFC, singing all sorts of ****e at the games.


Celtic have absolute numpties who follow them, singing all sorts of ****e at the games.


Rangers have absolute numpties who follow them, singing all sorts of ****e at the games.


So do most other teams. I don't have a big issue with people laying the boot into any of these sets of numpties.


But when it's people who defend our numpties, and the bull**** songs they sing, who are coming on here jumping on the easily offended bus and making out like they are saints and the Celtic fans are the **** of the earth, I think it's pretty easy to see right through their agenda.


IMO, some of our numpties are just upset because the Celtic numpties weren't given the opportunity to make a national embarrasment of their club.


numpties are numpties, regardless of which club they claim to support when engaging in their numptiness. IMO.

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Guest S.U.S.S.
Couldn't care less about either side mate.


The way I see it, we have absolute numpties who follow HMFC, singing all sorts of ****e at the games.


Celtic have absolute numpties who follow them, singing all sorts of ****e at the games.


Rangers have absolute numpties who follow them, singing all sorts of ****e at the games.


So do most other teams. I don't have a big issue with people laying the boot into any of these sets of numpties.


But when it's people who defend our numpties, and the bull**** songs they sing, who are coming on here jumping on the easily offended bus and making out like they are saints and the Celtic fans are the **** of the earth, I think it's pretty easy to see right through their agenda.


IMO, some of our numpties are just upset because the Celtic numpties weren't given the opportunity to make a national embarrasment of their club.


numpties are numpties, regardless of which club they claim to support when engaging in their numptiness. IMO.


That is by far the greatest number of numpties i have ever read! :)

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All fair enough.


For me, I see little reason to give the morons their moment of fame if we know it's gonna happen. Seems to me Celtic knew fine the morons in their support couldn't behave, so they worked out a solution which was acceptable to the SPL/SFA or whoever.


I don't know if HMFC asked the SFA NOT to have a minutes silence for the pope? Perhaps HMFC were guilty of having too much faith in their own fans with re to the semi with Celtic? I'm sure if HMFC had approached the SFA and said "hold on, a minority of moron in our support won't be able to contain themselves for a whole minutes silence without feeling the need to show disrespect to a man who just died, so could we work out something that doesn't end up a national embarrasment", then I'm sure something would've been worked out.


It's a shame that our morons got their moment of fame, but I don't see that as a reason to encourage the problem by giving Celtics morons their moment of fame also? Their club is getting a bit of stick for taking the option they did (applause), but it seems to me like the sensible option given the circumstances.


Do you really think Celtic or the SFA would have stopped the minute's silence for the Pope if Hearts had asked them to? I don't. At that time there was no such thing as a minute's applause in British football. It was something imported after the Pope's booing as clubs' looked at Hearts being strung out by the media and politicians and realised "that could easily have been us" - and both OF clubs will have had this epiphany too, probably before anyone else...


I think Celtic covered their own backside and rightly so TBH, but the genuinely anti-sectarian thing to do would have been to talk to the police, have the minute's silence, and get them to lift those who boo it...Celtic and Rangers don't have either the balls or the inclination to do something like this though, so they took the cop-out route.

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Guest S.U.S.S.
Wrong Numpty S.U.S.S...:P, Flattered by the Sweetcheeks comment though!! :o


Being classed as a numpty by you means a lot.



Not a lot



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Celtic will always get away with this type of nonsece, Its been hapning for years and will continue for meny years more.. They are S-C-U-M And it time the GFA(sfa) Do something about it.. If that was hearts or rankgers fans who done that, they would have been front page news,on every news channel and seriously punnished for it..


Its an absolut joke that things like this happen in football.. If they dont want to be a part of britain and respect it then why dont they just **** off back to Irland and take there S-C-U-M-M-Y team with them! Then they can do wot the hell the want..


Hope the ***** get hit by a bus or sumthing!

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Colonel Kurtz
Celtic will always get away with this type of nonsece, Its been hapning for years and will continue for meny years more.. They are S-C-U-M And it time the GFA(sfa) Do something about it.. If that was hearts or rankgers fans who done that, they would have been front page news,on every news channel and seriously punnished for it..


Its an absolut joke that things like this happen in football.. If they dont want to be a part of britain and respect it then why dont they just **** off back to Irland and take there S-C-U-M-M-Y team with them! Then they can do wot the hell the want..


Hope the ***** get hit by a bus or sumthing!


Thank you,the Lib. Dem.spokesman for your contribution

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Guest Fabuloso
Do you really think Celtic or the SFA would have stopped the minute's silence for the Pope if Hearts had asked them to? I don't. At that time there was no such thing as a minute's applause in British football. It was something imported after the Pope's booing as clubs' looked at Hearts being strung out by the media and politicians and realised "that could easily have been us" - and both OF clubs will have had this epiphany too, probably before anyone else...


I think Celtic covered their own backside and rightly so TBH, but the genuinely anti-sectarian thing to do would have been to talk to the police, have the minute's silence, and get them to lift those who boo it...Celtic and Rangers don't have either the balls or the inclination to do something like this though, so they took the cop-out route.


I don't think you can arrest people for booing though - as nice as it may be.

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For not having a minutes silence on saturday? A friend of mine who is a season ticket holder at the piggery was disgusted that there was no silence!!



To answer the question, because the west of Scotland based TV, radio and 'news'papers is heavily populated by left footers?

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To be fair to Talk Sport Adrian Durham and Ian Wright spent about an hour discussing this yesterday and were both pretty critical of the minutes applause.

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Celtic will always get away with this type of nonsece, Its been hapning for years and will continue for meny years more.. They are S-C-U-M And it time the GFA(sfa) Do something about it.. If that was hearts or rankgers fans who done that, they would have been front page news,on every news channel and seriously punnished for it..


Its an absolut joke that things like this happen in football.. If they dont want to be a part of britain and respect it then why dont they just **** off back to Irland and take there S-C-U-M-M-Y team with them! Then they can do wot the hell the want..


Hope the ***** get hit by a bus or sumthing!


That's a post worthy of Follow Follow. Away back to Ibrox and stop disgracing Hearts.

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Bonnie Prince Charlie

I don't have time to read through all the threads so apologies if this has been mentioned before. I was in a pub in Oban last year when a Celtic supporter tried to slag me because we did not respect the silence for the pope - I pointed out that tic fans at Livingston, a year or 2 earlier did exactly the same - I think the Queen mum was much more relevant to Scotland than the pope. We were set up, no doubt about it.

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Because they are Celtic???




We should count our blessings - if it'd been the Hun insisting on clapping like **** rather than a proper silence, the Daily ****** would have launched a campaign by now to make clapping compulsory.

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Seymour M Hersh
And what brilliant steps they took!


Instead of flushing the toilet, they simply lit a scented candle.


This would have been a great opportunity to identify trouble makers within their ground and get them banned, but once again they bottled it.


We're lead to believe that the waiting list for season tickets at Celtic is 20 miles long, yet they seem to be **** scared of even banning a single fan...


Only there was no minutes applause back then it was only a minutes silence. We were stuffed the minute the SFA granted the sellik supporters association's request.

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