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More WOKE crap: Bursd this time. Dozens of bursd to be renamed


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1 hour ago, henrysmithsgloves said:

I know a place where the stukies " flee backwards,to keep the stoor oot their een"😄

That sounds exactly like my wee east neuk granny

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1 hour ago, ǝǝɥʇᴉɯS said:

That sounds exactly like my wee east neuk granny

"Hink because I come from east neuk,I cannie feght"😄



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Finbar Saunders
18 hours ago, ǝǝɥʇᴉɯS said:


It's spuggie and stuckie where I grew up, spuggie is indeed a sparrow and stuckie's a starling.


Just different spellings of the same word really.

18 hours ago, Ulysses said:


There's a chance speug/spuggie came across from Gàidhlig (or via Scots).  Not sure where stuckie might have originated, though.


Not sure either but in my (then) young head it was something to do with stukka dive bombers. Most likely a young vivid imagination is the explanation for that.

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Francis Albert
On 03/11/2023 at 13:02, Jambo-Jimbo said:

Wait till they start on the town and then the street names.

Had the same thought.


But still scraping the surface. Most if not all modern languages have their roots in languages of slave owning societies. We need new alphabets and languges free of associations with slavery or communicate only in gifs, emoticons and pictures.  Fortunately thanks to the internet we have already made the first steps on that road.

Edited by Francis Albert
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Lads, if you're on this thread and you're (a) not talking about BURSD or (b) trying to make a serious political point, you need to be wary of the risk - however slight - of making something of a Parus major of yourself.



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Francis Albert

A group professors of astronomy In the States is  campaigning for galaxies discovered in the early 16th century by Magellan and named after him to renamed because of his "colonialist legacy".


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il Duce McTarkin
4 hours ago, Jim_Duncan said:

Isn’t the word University etymologically derived from Latin? Which was the language of the Romans? Who had slaves? Surely the word University should be cancelled. And all those who have ever worked at one, such as these academics, pay reparations. 


Or just shoot them.

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15 minutes ago, Ulysses said:

Is this thread still running?  Feck sake.


If I had the wings of a swallow

And the arse of a ****ing big crow...

I’d fly over Lochend tomorrow

and shite on the feckers below, below

and shite on the feckers below. 

Edited by Tazio
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1 hour ago, Tazio said:

I’d fly over Lochend tomorrow

and shite on the feckers below, below

and shite on the feckers below. 


Ornithology at its finest, right there.

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