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Why is racism unfair?


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I'm regularly slagged off being Scottish at work and I regularly give the English stick as well. I believe it's called banter. There is a line, obviously, but life would be so much better if people didn't take themselves quite so seriously. Some forms of racism are utterly abhorrent, of course, but in other cases I think it is "acceptable".

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I think Chubby Brown is really funny. Hardly ever is he racist in his gigs. I wouldn't say I was racist, I don't have any dislikes for any colour or creed. In fact, I have a good laugh with them in Costco. What I am though, is very open minded. I use the old school terms, for the chinese takeaway, or the corner shops. Why does [would] that make me racist?

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Ron Burgundy
I remember the days when you could buy a 'black man' from the icy.


I still ask for them.Just to be a bit old skool.

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I think Chubby Brown is really funny. Hardly ever is he racist in his gigs. I wouldn't say I was racist, I don't have any dislikes for any colour or creed. In fact, I have a good laugh with them in Costco. What I am though, is very open minded. I use the old school terms, for the chinese takeaway, or the corner shops. Why does [would] that make me racist?


Would the people in the shops see it as a derogatory term?

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I went down to birmingham to see Villa v Birmingham in the Villa end. There was a few young asian chaps sitting just down and along from us who kept shouting "get in to that jock b**tard" whenever McFadden got the ball. We all thought it was funny, amusing story to tell the mates when we got back home. I'd guess the majority of Jocks in the same situation would think the same.


What if Celtic were playing Hearts at Tynecastle and a Hearts supporter brought a Japanese friend to the match and the same happened to Nakamura? There would be an outrage etc etc


I just don't get racism so I have my own opinion on it and don't deliberately adhere to political correctness whatsoever.

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Would the people in the shops see it as a derogatory term?


Depends on whether or not they have a chip on their collective shoulder. Probably also depends on what the term is.

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Ok, this is a serious non-trolling question


You can make fun or jokes about the Scots and Jews (being mean) or the English, or the Yanks, or the Irish etc. Everyone laughs (mostly) even in Scotland its acceptable to make fun of, or racist jokes about Lithuanians, as well as other races and nobody bats an eyelid.


Make a joke about a Pakistani, muslim, African etc......and suddenly you can be the devil incarnate!


Who came up with the list? the list that says its ok to make fun of these guys over here, but you cant make fun of those guys over there. Like a section A and a section B.


I am not talking about JKB, but society in general, why are some races/religions fair game...and others are taboo?

Guilt. Nothing more nothing less. jmo.

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Would the people in the shops see it as a derogatory term?


Don't think so. Actually, you'd be surprised how many Pakistani's use the abbreviated version themselves.

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Ok, this is a serious non-trolling question


You can make fun or jokes about the Scots and Jews (being mean) or the English, or the Yanks, or the Irish etc. Everyone laughs (mostly) even in Scotland its acceptable to make fun of, or racist jokes about Lithuanians, as well as other races and nobody bats an eyelid.


Make a joke about a Pakistani, muslim, African etc......and suddenly you can be the devil incarnate!


Who came up with the list? the list that says its ok to make fun of these guys over here, but you cant make fun of those guys over there. Like a section A and a section B.


I am not talking about JKB, but society in general, why are some races/religions fair game...and others are taboo?



The reason why its different is that we accept who we are, they still view themselfs as a minority. I have plenty of black friends and we have jokey jests about each other how i have no rythem because i am white, and when we go out my mate calls himself token for a laugh, as he thinks he's teh token black man in our group.


the reason no one gets offended when we go out is that we view each other as equals, and thats what we are.


unfortunately some of the above groups spoil it for others as they view themselves higher than others in society. Unfortunately this is mainly down to silly religous views.


Reverse racism is the way forward to sorting these people out.

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Don't think so. Actually, you'd be surprised how many Pakistani's use the abbreviated version themselves.


Which is all it is. Haven't met many Australians who'd tell you the term 'Aussie' was racist, for example.

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The word '****' is not at all offensive to the vast majority of Pakistanis I've known, however it is pretty offensive to Indians!

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Don't think so. Actually, you'd be surprised how many Pakistani's use the abbreviated version themselves.


I went out with a Pakistani girl for about 5 years. She often referred to people from Pakistan as *******, but not people that were born in the UK.


So, If she said it; it could still be taken as racism. Racism as I see it is discrimination due to the ethnicity of the person.


Just like me calling all the white people on the board honkies, because I am white, doesn't mean I can't be racist towards white people.


You honky gits.

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Sheriff Fatman
Which is all it is. Haven't met many Australians who'd tell you the term 'Aussie' was racist, for example.

However, call an New Zealander an 'Aussie' and be ready for a swift kick in the nads.

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I went out with a Pakistani girl for about 5 years. She often referred to people from Pakistan as *******, but not people that were born in the UK.


So, If she said it; it could still be taken as racism. Racism as I see it is discrimination due to the ethnicity of the person.


Just like me calling all the white people on the board honkies, because I am white, doesn't mean I can't be racist towards white people.


You honky gits.


How would she be being racist though? Regardless of the fact that she's Pakistani or not? Whether or not she's referring to immigrants or Pakistanis who are born here, where's the racism?!?

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How would she be being racist though? Regardless of the fact that she's Pakistani or not? Whether or not she's referring to immigrants or Pakistanis who are born here, where's the racism?!?



She thought she was superior being born in this country and not an immigrant. She considers herself Scottish from Pakistani descent, which she is.


Also, when she called them this, it was in a demeaning way, not a positive one.

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She thought she was superior being born in this country and not an immigrant. She considers herself Scottish from Pakistani descent, which she is.


Also, when she called them this, it was in a demeaning way, not a positive one.


Yet she's actually the same race as those whom she considers herself superior to?!?:confused:

Sounds like a bit of a mentalist!

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I think Chubby Brown is really funny. Hardly ever is he racist in his gigs. I wouldn't say I was racist, I don't have any dislikes for any colour or creed. In fact, I have a good laugh with them in Costco. What I am though, is very open minded. I use the old school terms, for the chinese takeaway, or the corner shops. Why does [would] that make me racist?


The bit underlined and highlighted is quite a good example of racism.

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Denny Crane

I know the below youtube vid has been posted on another thread but is worthy of inclusion for this one (IMO):-


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The bit underlined and highlighted is quite a good example of racism.


'Them being Pakistanis, Chinese, Poles etc. 'Them' being a collective word for all colours and creeds. You are dying to jump on the easily offended bus aint ya?



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Jimmy McNulty

There are some commercials on TV in North America that mock Scots and Irish. I do not find them offensive in the least, but I know for sure if they made the same fun as an Indian or Pakistani, then there would be an outcry.

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'Them being Pakistanis, Chinese, Poles etc. 'Them' being a collective word for all colours and creeds. You are dying to jump on the easily offended bus aint ya?




Not really no. I agree with the idea that people go looking for racism. I have no problem at all with racist jokes and fun poking. Its the ignorance of people who see themselves to be different or better to people of a different origin when really they are the same which bugs me


Which is what is saw when I read what I highlighted, the 'them' and 'us' attitude. You seemed surprised, 'I actually', that you got on well with and had a joke with 'them'....why wouldn't you?

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Yet she's actually the same race as those whom she considers herself superior to?!?:confused:

Sounds like a bit of a mentalist!


Not really, she considered herself Scottish more than Pakistani.


She was against all the immigrants coming in from Pakistan, and all the shenanigans with Muslim men bringing in wives and the wives families from abroad.


As for the mentalist part; yeah, she was.

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I know the below youtube vid has been posted on another thread but is worthy of inclusion for this one (IMO):-



Spot on IMO


Stewart Lee pretty much nailed it.

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Racism has no place in society. But some people are far too easily offended in my opinion and jump to conclusions as soon as you mention the word black. Some of it is just so hypocritical.




my thoughts exatly.


i mean you cant call "blackboards" blackboards any more

i have muslim friends, and even a few of them mention how "easily offended" muslims can get.


1 thing that gets my goat, and ill make enemies for it (and muslims sometimes agree with me) is when muslims harp on in this country about the way its run, or whatever.


im sorry, but if you move to the UK, and you dont like the UK, then please, go back to where you were happier.


does thinking like that make me racist ?


i say no, but the "oh lets jump on the bandwagon" crew will call me racist.


mostly EVERYONE i know has feelings towards "racism" and has issues over the Labour party and thier "come in, ill put the kettle on" towards immigration, but as soon as you get on a forum, or a place with more people, everyone jumps back on the fence, and shuts up



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Sheriff Fatman
mostly EVERYONE i know has feelings towards "racism" and has issues over the Labour party and thier "come in, ill put the kettle on" towards immigration, but as soon as you get on a forum, or a place with more people, everyone jumps back on the fence, and shuts up




If immigration is such an issue in Scotland why has the population stayed pretty much the same for 30 years.

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if u mention the word polish people taking our jobs thats racist i myself speak alot about polish people and there doings-wrong, and i get told by lots of people that it's racist when i clearly would'nt think it would be.


You're 15. With all due respect, I doubt that you're well-informed enough to make judgements on a race's "doings-wrong".


As for "oh, if someone makes fun of Scots, it's ok, but not if they make fun of Indians (etc)" - to be honest, I think the payoff is fine. I've never been racially abused in the street for being a white male, so I respect that other minority races may be more used to being offended by such things. If racist abuse is regularly directed at you, then why shouldn't you be defensive?

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The bit underlined and highlighted is quite a good example of racism.



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MacDonald Jardine
You're 15. With all due respect, I doubt that you're well-informed enough to make judgements on a race's "doings-wrong".

As for "oh, if someone makes fun of Scots, it's ok, but not if they make fun of Indians (etc)" - to be honest, I think the payoff is fine. I've never been racially abused in the street for being a white male, so I respect that other minority races may be more used to being offended by such things. If racist abuse is regularly directed at you, then why shouldn't you be defensive?



I somehow suspect you were opinionated well before the age of 15 on all sorts of matters.

There's a distinction between being defensive and taking offence at the least thing.

There's also a distinction between respecting other races/ cultures and not being allowed to voice criticism about any aspect of them.

I accept it can be a fine line.

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Not really, she considered herself Scottish more than Pakistani.


She was against all the immigrants coming in from Pakistan, and all the shenanigans with Muslim men bringing in wives and the wives families from abroad.


As for the mentalist part; yeah, she was.


Ok see what you mean, not trying to be picky... but I think many confuse race with nationality. Someone born here could obviously consider their nationality to be Scottish, but if they've been bred by a Pakistani couple, then that would remain their race.

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Don't you just hate the words "racist" and "racism". I'm sure I hear them several times a day.

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Sheriff Fatman
Ok see what you mean, not trying to be picky... but I think many confuse race with nationality. Someone born here could obviously consider their nationality to be Scottish, but if they've been bred by a Pakistani couple, then that would remain their race.

No it wouldn't as Pakistani is a nationality, not a race.

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Which is what is saw when I read what I highlighted, the 'them' and 'us' attitude. You seemed surprised, 'I actually', that you got on well with and had a joke with 'them'....why wouldn't you?


What the hell are you on about mate? :confused:

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No it wouldn't as Pakistani is a nationality, not a race.


Yep you're right, I should have said Punjabi, Sindhi, Pashtun, Baloch or Muhajir, or whichever ethnicity would apply in that particular case.

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Rick Grimes
i mean you cant call "blackboards" blackboards any more



Stewart Lee does indeed nail it. unfortunately people still choose to believe utter lies like the above, which has been proved false repeatedly over the years. they then take the false rumour & base an entire argument off it. sad really.

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I don't mean to underestimate the issue of racism but the world has become overly sensitive. There's a really fine line between genuinely funny "ethnic" humour and humour which is downright racist. I suspect we've all laughed at jokes which have a racist element to them but that doesn't make us racist people.


For me the difference is how you treat or ridicule people because of their race, rather than joke about racial stereotypes such as the Scots being tight or the Irish thick.

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King of the North

That is a spot on article... can't believe it came from the Mail, but there you go.


The nonsense scare stories like the Blackboard one, and the guy stopping his bus to pray, just give easy and dangerous cannon fodder to idiots who would have you belive that the whole world is PC mad.


The truth is, as Stewart Lee points out, things are changing for the better, and those who feel that their viewpoints are out of date feel threatened, invent a term like 'PC', and cling on to false examples like the blackboard one to convince themselves that not being able to say '****' is PC gone mad.


I would argue there is no such thing as PC, it's a phrase invented by Right Wing groups to make themselves feel better about the fact that their views are out of date.

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Can you be racisist if you hate everyone equally including your own race ?

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Why is it wrong to have preconceived ideas or prejudices against a particular group or type of people? It is part of human nature and has existed as long as man has. It is naive to think that we will ever eradicate this.

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Why is it wrong to have preconceived ideas or prejudices against a particular group or type of people? It is part of human nature and has existed as long as man has. It is naive to think that we will ever eradicate this.


You could say the same of murder and other crimes.

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You could say the same of murder and other crimes.


Perhaps you could explain how this is a crime?

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Perhaps you could explain how this is a crime?


Because racist acts are against the law? :)


Anyway, that wasn't my point. Just because something is part of human nature doesn't make it good and the mark of civilisation is to be able to overcome your instinctive behaviour.

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Because racist acts are against the law? :)


Anyway, that wasn't my point. Just because something is part of human nature doesn't make it good and the mark of civilisation is to be able to overcome your instinctive behaviour.


Racist ACTS are against the law. Racist thoughts, preconceived opinions or prejudices are not.


As far as civilisation being about being able to overcome instinctive behaviour, perhaps some people are trying to become too civilised?

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Sheriff Fatman
Why is it wrong to have preconceived ideas or prejudices against a particular group or type of people? It is part of human nature and has existed as long as man has. It is naive to think that we will ever eradicate this.


I know, I have a preconcieved notion that racists are knuckle dragging neanderthals who like to blame all the problems in their own banal and pointless lives on others as they aren't men enough to see that 90% of it is their own fault.



It is quite naive to think that I could eradicate that notion.

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Racist ACTS are against the law. Racist thoughts, preconceived opinions or prejudices are not.


As far as civilisation being about being able to overcome instinctive behaviour, perhaps some people are trying to become too civilised?


Could you expand on that? :rolleyes:

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Denny Crane
perhaps some people are trying to become too civilised?


You're not a spokesman for a "let's return to barbarity" lobby group are you?



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Could you expand on that? :rolleyes:


Certainly. What is ruining the "west" is this notion that everyone needs to be protected from everything. The so called do-gooders who are trying to PC and sanitise absolutely everything from what we eat to what we do. The "health and safety" brigade who are looking for some sort of utopia where everyone wears a cotton wool suit to prevent injury and nobody is allowed to have any sort of fun at all.


Feel free to mock with all the knuckle-dragging neanderthal comments you like - I genuinely couldn't give a flying feck. However, bear in mind that almost every single one of you has a preconceived idea about "hobos" or hibs fans and has at one time or another called someone on this board something similar. Is this not the type of racism that you are objecting to on this thread?


Let me make my stance abundantly clear - I am not a racist, I probably have a more multi-cultural set of friends than many on this board - but I do not agree with the sanitisation of everything that anyone says. Why does it always have to be assumed derogatory to say that someone is ginger, black, pakistani, chinese etc? Maybe they are!


If more people got on with having a good time rather than bothering what other people are saying or doing, the world would be a much better place.

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Sheriff Fatman
The so called do-gooders who are trying to PC and sanitise absolutely everything from what we eat to what we do.


The vast majority of stories of 'PC gone mad' turn out to be either made up or cases of the hard of thinking not being able to tell the difference between reality and fiction.


If more people got on with having a good time rather than bothering what other people are saying or doing, the world would be a much better place.


True, but if those people having a good time entails other people being deliberately hurt or disadvantaged then the other people are well within their rights to stop the good time.

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True, but if those people having a good time entails other people being deliberately hurt or disadvantaged then the other people are well within their rights to stop the good time.


Ok, here's one for you. Last week I was out one night and saw my mates girlfriend in a car. My mate happens to be black as the ace of spades (look forward to being picked up for that one!) and his girlfriend is not. It later turns out that my mate was also in the car, but I didn't see him. Anyway, the following day, he had a dig at me for ignoring him. I laughed and said something along the lines of "maybe if you had smiled at me, I would have seen you in the dark". Anyway, he laughed and we got on with things until after he left, someone else had a go at me for being racist.


Now tell me how that fits in with your comment above.

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Sheriff Fatman
Ok, here's one for you. Last week I was out one night and saw my mates girlfriend in a car. My mate happens to be black as the ace of spades (look forward to being picked up for that one!) and his girlfriend is not. It later turns out that my mate was also in the car, but I didn't see him. Anyway, the following day, he had a dig at me for ignoring him. I laughed and said something along the lines of "maybe if you had smiled at me, I would have seen you in the dark". Anyway, he laughed and we got on with things until after he left, someone else had a go at me for being racist.


Now tell me how that fits in with your comment above.


That was you and your mate having a laugh with each other and a **** sticking his nose in. But that does not mean that blatant racism does not occur, and that it should be ignored when it does.


Me and my friends call each other things that if anybody else said we would take a serious issue with.

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