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Be very careful - Mods take note


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I think, perhaps, you should.


At page 17 of "Scots Law Defamation on the Internet" by Kevin Crombie


you will find....




Does the above bear any resemblance to some of what passes for debate on JKB? You decide.

Thunderstruck - the major problem with your point is that what you have posted is from the Scots Law journal and as such has not as yet been tested in a Scottish court and what are citing is yet another opinion based paper for lawyers to discuss and consider. Defamation law as you will appreciate is extremely complicated and I have to say I have seen very little on here that would be worth the sort of money it would cost to pursue a case. Think it has to said most people are fairly safe to slag the incompetent fool of if they want without fear of recrimination.

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The case involving Sheffield Wednesday and posters on their message board could be seen as precedent, even although it was in England.

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the voice from above

If I turn to a work colleague and tell him I think Romanov is a **** could I be taken to court? No ****ing chance.


If I call him a **** on here? No ****ing chance.

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Thunderstruck - the major problem with your point is that what you have posted is from the Scots Law journal and as such has not as yet been tested in a Scottish court and what are citing is yet another opinion based paper for lawyers to discuss and consider. Defamation law as you will appreciate is extremely complicated and I have to say I have seen very little on here that would be worth the sort of money it would cost to pursue a case. Think it has to said most people are fairly safe to slag the incompetent fool of if they want without fear of recrimination.


You are quite correct and, as far as I can see, there is limited case law in the UK. The paper does, however, point out the potential pitfalls for anyone who thinks that the apparent anonymity of an internet forum gives them licence to publish material that is clearly abusive.

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