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Rudi's goal celebration & the t-shirt (merged threads)


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I am not being funny, but what is the rule? I thought it was taking your shirt off. Skacel did not take his shirt off. Unless, there is a rule for moving/adjusting your shirt. I am glad such a rule wasn't about in the day of our lord, John Colquhoun, as he would have had a booking from the start for not tucking his shirt in, anywhere other than the front of course.





Totally agree. Completely undervalued by many. God, I'm going to miss him.


You're not allowed to pull your shirt over your head either. And as someone else has said, there is a rule against personalised messages on t-shirts.

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Geoff Kilpatrick

Well done Rudi.


I can't quite put into words how much I despise the SFA.



To be fair to them for once, this rule comes from FIFA and the International Board.

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I dont remember skacel getting much abuse, if any really. Some folk may take him for granted, but thats far from abuse.


He constantly gets accused of not running about enough, as that seems to be the mark of a great player for a lot of folk.


Have a look at some of the comments directed towards him on here after the game at Inverness away last season(and this season as well when he wasn't even stripped) for some abuse. Not much personal abuse but enough for me to wonder what some people want from a player.


As has been mentioned, he does twice as much for this club both on and off the pitch than any other player in the squad currently. An absolute class act who is the closest thing this club has had to a talisman since Robbo. He should be cherished for as long as he has left...I just hope he gets a new deal. I have a feeling he will be given one, even if it means he will be taking a big wage cut.

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To be fair to them for once, this rule comes from FIFA and the International Board.


I also heard that it was something to do with the sponsorship logo not being seen as it is a money shot when the player scores a goal?


Maybe Rudi should have spoke to the ref before the game and explained what he intended to do.....but then if he did the ref might have then told him not to and given him a red card for the offence.....surely not!

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Sergio Garcia

Nice touch by Rudi but sadly showing a personalised message will get you a booking, be it if you play for Hearts, the wee team or the Old Firm. Running into the crowd is a refs call showing a tshirt is more clear cut.


The ref by the letter of the law got it right.

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Sergio Garcia

That must have hurt. You'll no be used to one of your players being red carded.


The poster you are quoting is a season ticket holder and a lifelong Hearts man. Just cause you dont agree with him doesnt make him a supporter of another team, he is right in what he is saying as well, and its not often we agree.

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I also heard that it was something to do with the sponsorship logo not being seen as it is a money shot when the player scores a goal?


Maybe Rudi should have spoke to the ref before the game and explained what he intended to do.....but then if he did the ref might have then told him not to and given him a red card for the offence.....surely not!


would only have been a yellow card, can't give a yellow card before a game BUT can put in a match report saying he advised the player not to do it,

which would mean the GFA would propably call him up in front of them and give him a 3 match ban

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Not the refs fault but it is a cringeworthy rule.


At the end of the day is it so different to Frank Lampard pointing to the sky to his mum after he scores?

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He constantly gets accused of not running about enough, as that seems to be the mark of a great player for a lot of folk.


Have a look at some of the comments directed towards him on here after the game at Inverness away last season(and this season as well when he wasn't even stripped) for some abuse. Not much personal abuse but enough for me to wonder what some people want from a player.


As has been mentioned, he does twice as much for this club both on and off the pitch than any other player in the squad currently. An absolute class act who is the closest thing this club has had to a talisman since Robbo. He should be cherished for as long as he has left...I just hope he gets a new deal. I have a feeling he will be given one, even if it means he will be taking a big wage cut.


so reasonably justified professional criticism as opposed to abuse? cool beans.

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well done rudi. nice touch.


the referee had to book him. that's not to say it was deserved, but the rules enforce that this kind of thing is a bookable offence.


what the rules DON'T enforce is for referees to apply them fairly all the time. people who can't see that are living on planet zanussi.

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