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Money paid into my account....


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Whichever bank it is, they made the error by not checking the cheque payee matched up to the account holder so tell the bank to p*ss off if you choose not to close the account

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Shanks said no

The bank will win in the end so unless you can cover it when they reclaim it I would own up (through gritted teeth). If you play it right you might get something out of them. It might be worthwhile trying to find out where the BGC has come from, if its another punter then they will be equally put out.

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I have worked in the bank & they can only re-claim the error if you keep your account open

If you close the account then there's nothing they can do to re-claim the funds back

I would assume that it is the fault of the employee processing the cheque (they keep copies of the slips for future reference, they should also check that the cheque name matches the account holder, this hasn't been done),the customer will enquire at same stage about the whereabouts of the funds, bank will notice error & correct the error from their in house loss accounts and probably issue compensation for inconvenience

Everyone's a winner except the bank! Now close that account Sir!


i would expect that the police would get involved once accounts get closed in these circumstances.

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i would expect that the police would get involved once accounts get closed in these circumstances.

But the account holder has done nothing wrong, he's just "unhappy" with his bank, could be their interest fees or anything. It's the banks error & no criminal offence has been committed

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Happened to me a few years ago. I actually had to call a few times before I got someone to actually believe there was an error. I was given some nonsense that it was an excess overpayment from my ISA but I knew that wasn't the case.Eventually someone looked into it for me but they never did anything in the end.

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