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Whats could this possibly be ?


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Scared, the Norwegians, from a wee bit of a light show in the sky?! They're hardy beggers up there in the north of Norway - the overwhelming reaction would have been to grab a bottle of hooch and a deckchair, and sit back and enjoy the show. The most likely explanation is that it was a Russian rocket that went awry and to which there is no way that the Russians will ever admit being the perpetrators. :smiley2:

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Correct Red. As the great Bobby Farrell famously said......."oh, those Russians".

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"The troubled Bulava Missile program, Russia's most advanced submarine based missile system, has had 13 consecutive launch failures. This one involved a guidance failure which caused the rocket to spiral, a common effect when guidance fails above the atmosphere".:th_o:





For a video simulation of ejecta being emitted by a spiraling rocket, click here.



Seems like this is what is being offered as the explanation for this incident , when this was first reported Russia denied it was any of their test rockets but it seems they have possibly retracted this view.One other possible theory is HARRP( the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program), technology that Russian are involved in. HAARP seeks to mitigate the effects of High Altitude Nuclear Detonations on low earth orbiting spacecraft so it seems likely that the Russians where reluctant to admit it fecked up one of its tests.ML.:th_o:




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