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2 Day Hangovers

Goose Baxter

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Does anyone else get these?


I was really pished on Saturday night, So bad that i fell out the taxi and fell asleep on the path outside the birds house. Had to be helped in by her old man.


Woke up on the Sunday full expecting a hangover which was fine considering what i had to drink. Went home and stayed in bed all day, Woke up this morning still feeling the same. R.A.F!! A 2 day hangover what the hell is that all about?


Anyone ever had it before?

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Had one when I was 16. Got completely rat arsed on the friday to the point where I passed out and spewed in my bath. Spent the entire of Saturday in bed pretending to my dad that I had a migrane - not completely inaccurate - and woke up on Sunday still feeling very wooesy.


Not had one since but I hear they are more common the more you get older.

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Had one when I was 16. Got completely rat arsed on the friday to the point where I passed out and spewed in my bath. Spent the entire of Saturday in bed pretending to my dad that I had a migrane - not completely inaccurate - and woke up on Sunday still feeling very wooesy.


Not had one since but I hear they are more common the more you get older.


Well i am nearly 25 and its the 1st one i have ever had. I had nothing to eat yesterday and i got up today feeling like i couldnt eat anything. Had a curry pie and it didnt go down too well.


12 Bottles of Corrona, Some Stella and Jack Daniels didnt help.


Was also sick in the Mrs livingroom carpet that stained it as well :laugh:

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Does anyone else get these?


I was really pished on Saturday night, So bad that i fell out the taxi and fell asleep on the path outside the birds house. Had to be helped in by her old man.


Woke up on the Sunday full expecting a hangover which was fine considering what i had to drink. Went home and stayed in bed all day, Woke up this morning still feeling the same. R.A.F!! A 2 day hangover what the hell is that all about?


Anyone ever had it before?


Bloody good effort!


I've never had a 2 day hangover, which is surprising on how much I've drank sometimes


PS - R.A.F is one of the best abbreviations ever

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Carl Weathers

My hangovers are 2-3 days standard. Every now and then I get really steaming and completely blank out. It's a horrible feeling, so I've decided to jack it in.


Haven't been drunk since boxing day and at the moment I don't feel the need to. I've been on a few nights out and looking at my drunk mates, I cringe when I think what I must be like.


Either that or I'm getting old!:eek:

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Mr Romanov Saviour of HMFC

About every hangover I get is 2-3 days long.


I dunno if it's excessive drinking or what but I have a habit of getting very little sleep over the Saturday and Sunday so I think it's probably that.


I had a few pints before and after the game on Saturday and stayed in at night and woke up on Sunday feeling rather sh*t.


Not got a clue what the problem is because I'm young and relatively healthy!


Dreading hangovers when I'm middle aged! :eek:

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Got my first 2 dayer when i was around 30, had a 3 day one and even a 4 day one since...god that was bad..


Tried various things over the years to try and lessen the effect but the only thing that really works is just not drinking myself into oblivian!!!


the bas&&ding thing is that i never had a hangover at all until i got to 29..

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Nucky Thompson
I think it's called getting older.
Correct. Never got one till I was in my 30's, now it's a regular occurence:rolleyes:
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Chad Sexington

2 day hangovers are the norm as you get older.


I usually feel rancid on the first day and incredibly tired.


The second day is less severe but I always start the morning with a horrible headache that takes half the day to go. I think it's caused by dehydration, despite me drinking copious amounts of water the day before.


It's simply your body failing to deal with the toxins like it used to be able to.

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Hell yeah. The second day is worse.



Sunday Night Dread!



Who suffers from that?



Buffalo Bill



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Hell yeah. The second day is worse.



Sunday Night Dread!



Who suffers from that?



Buffalo Bill




The old what did i do,did i offend anyone, was i an arse syndrome ?


Even though you are positive you did nothing wrong you still have this nagging doubt you have either upset someone or been a complete arse.

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Was blotto on Saturday night.


Sunday was a nightmare and yesterday wasnae much better.


I have to accept now that if i'm going out on the batter there WILL be consequences.

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Friday nights are the new Saturdays as far as I'm concerned. That 48 hr recovery window is needed to avoid Monday being even worse than it invariably is.


It's not necessarily a hangover I suffer from i.e. splitting head etc, it's more a general feeling of tiredness and being washed out. (OK, that sounds like a hangover, but you know whay I mean...!)

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Nelly Terraces
Friday nights are the new Saturdays as far as I'm concerned. That 48 hr recovery window is needed to avoid Monday being even worse than it invariably is.


It's not necessarily a hangover I suffer from i.e. splitting head etc, it's more a general feeling of tiredness and being washed out. (OK, that sounds like a hangover, but you know whay I mean...!)


Thanks for the advice, Grandad!:tongue:


Oh yes, the old 2 dayer eh? A nasty little blighter this one. Creeps up on you generally in your early to mid 30's (depending on how much a pishhead you've been in yer teens/20's), and by the time you hit late 30's yer screwed, it'll be like that forever. Walk into a pub and you'll feel the effects 2 days later. By time yer in yer 40's - good luck to you, it's pure hell as it has you in it's grip.


Heavy drinking is the only thing that as you get older doesn't get an easier, or at least the effects of it don't. Do what I've started to do, cut down a bit and do the old drinking water between rounds, you get it tight from yer mates for around a month but you know their jealous and they want to do the same, they ease up on you eventually. Also, cos I'm into my running, I'm lucky, nowt better the next day than hitting the road and burning that barsteward out yer system. Works a treat that. You could go the whole hog and give up altogether, but that's just madness, lifes for enjoying, though I've contemplated it, maybe for like a year to let my liver/kidneys repair themselves which is what it's all about.


Chin Chin lads, anyone for lunchtime sesh up town???:D

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Gavsy Van Gaverson


Was blotto on Saturday night.


Sunday was a nightmare and yesterday wasnae much better.


I have to accept now that if i'm going out on the batter there WILL be consequences.


Was also blotto'd on Saturday ,and can vouch that you were also in the same boat :laugh:


Was rough on Sunday, but it is not the hangover which does me in, it is my inability to fall asleep the night after. Sunday night was a feckin nightmare. Then add to that, that my 8 week old woke me up every time I managed to fall asleep :mad::tongue: that I was not really up to working yesterday. I think I did about 20 minutes work in the whole day :o

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Yeah mine usually last at least 2 days now if I get a hangover. The 2nd day is never as bad as the first but just feel dizzy, light headed & not 100%. I usually find if I have a heavy night planned I try my hardest to make sure I get some sort of exercise planned the next day at the earliest time possible - ie maybe a game of footy at 11 or 12 to sweat it out. Amazing how much better you feel after it although at the time it's hell

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The old what did i do,did i offend anyone, was i an arse syndrome ?


Even though you are positive you did nothing wrong you still have this nagging doubt you have either upset someone or been a complete arse.


I get that all the time. Usually comes from the few times where I'm positive I've done nothing wrong but actually have been quite an a***hole.


Never had a 2 day hangover though. I must be a real man.

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Carl Weathers
Hell yeah. The second day is worse.



Sunday Night Dread!



Who suffers from that?



Buffalo Bill




Never been able to sleep on a sunday if I've been on the sauce over the weekend.


Anxiety sets in as well. :laugh:

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Mr Romanov Saviour of HMFC

I get that guilty feeling as well. God knows why but I'm always convinced I've done something terrible.


Some deep physcological issues amongst us guys!

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Carl Weathers
I get that guilty feeling as well. God knows why but I'm always convinced I've done something terrible.


Some deep physcological issues amongst us guys!


The guilt is the worst feeling - I get it even when I've been a perfect gent! It's a strange one.


What makes it worse is that none of my mates get it!


Some people just aren't meant to drink!:mad:

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2 day hangovers are the norm for me now if i cane it.


worst i ever was was after a heavy night in magaluf when i was 15 and ended up with what i beleive was alcohol poisoning (wasn't seen by a doc). i had 3 or 4 trippy days in bed in the hotel and in total i was ill for 3 weeks

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Miller Jambo 60
The old what did i do,did i offend anyone, was i an arse syndrome ?


Even though you are positive you did nothing wrong you still have this nagging doubt you have either upset someone or been a complete arse.


Like when i offended my mother-in law 2 weeks past saturday.

She still is not talking to me.

That sat was a sesh and a half , pints before the ICT game and after.

Down to the wifes Aunties, more drink and then the bust up.

Ended up walking round Trinity for 2 hours gassed.

Not had a drink since wed and feeling the benefit.

Takes me at least 2 days now to get over a sesh.

Remember when i was working weekends would be out to 4am go home pick up my piece and work a 12hour dayshift:eek:

Then out again at night.:laugh:

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Dont seem to get hangovers unless i drink crap/cheap vodka. was blootered on sat night sun no hangover just tired and nothing a huge breakfast didnt sort out. i tend to drink water before i go to bed to seems to work.

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Nothing worse than waking up after a heavy sesh, not remembering much and getting the fear because you think you've done something bad.


I walked into my local the other day and the bar man shook my hand, bought me a drink and thanked me for something I had done the previous week.


I have no idea what I did:eek:. I remember being there but don't remember doing anything to get bought a drink. I think either he has mistakend me for someone else or I was alot drunker than I thought.


Should I ask him or is that rude after I've taken the drink and left it a few days??


And yes I hate 2 day hang overs after a Saturday sesh I normally find a couple on Sunday evenming helps :D

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I was just thinking I'm in the middle of a day 2 hangover right now, then realised it's actually Tuesday so this is day 3 and there may be more to come :(

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I was just thinking I'm in the middle of a day 2 hangover right now, then realised it's actually Tuesday so this is day 3 and there may be more to come :(


I'd give up drinking if I were you;)

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I'd give up drinking if I were you;)


It's on the list, just under giving up smoking, stopping swearing and losing weight but i've put watching hibs lift the scottish cup at the top of my list so I can enjoy life for a wee while yet

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It's on the list, just under giving up smoking, stopping swearing and losing weight but i've put watching hibs lift the scottish cup at the top of my list so I can enjoy life for a wee while yet



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Hell yeah. The second day is worse.



Sunday Night Dread!



Who suffers from that?



Buffalo Bill




Commonly referred to in the trade as 'Sunday night syndrome'.


Followed closely by the 'Monday night madness'.

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I get that all the time. Usually comes from the few times where I'm positive I've done nothing wrong but actually have been quite an a***hole.


Never had a 2 day hangover though. I must be a real man.


Or you drink like a big girl??

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Governor Tarkin

Its not so much the hangovers that are worse as waking up at lunchtime the day after still drunk. This only started to happen around 30 ish. Luckily I don't get the Sunday night dread or guilt as such but if I've had a good fri-sat-sun weekender out on it I usually wake up in a cold sweat semi hallucinating over the course on Monday/Tuesday night. Which is a wierd sensation.


Oh, and NT, water? you? don't make me laugh

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Nelly Terraces
Its not so much the hangovers that are worse as waking up at lunchtime the day after still drunk. This only started to happen around 30 ish. Luckily I don't get the Sunday night dread or guilt as such but if I've had a good fri-sat-sun weekender out on it I usually wake up in a cold sweat semi hallucinating over the course on Monday/Tuesday night. Which is a wierd sensation.


Oh, and NT, water? you? don't make me laugh


Water is the new chaser. You'll all be at it when you hit 40.


Oh, and I know why you get those sweaty hallucinations, and it aint from the beer....:mw_rolleyes::D

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Secret is not to drink rubbish. Stick to proper beer and malt whisky with touch of water and you will never have a hangover.


The young yins drink vodka with lemonade,cola or red bull and throw these wee coloured blighters down their throats, no wonder they are ill!


Becks is also good for avoiding a hangover, no chemicals unlike Stella, Carling, Miller and Budweiser. Allegedly.


Have at least two nights a week without drink and as the man above said, do a bit of running. I read Jimmy Greaves' book, he was an alky but reckoned his fitness stopped him getting hangovers.


and finally, avoid eating junk.


Lesson over kiddies

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I'm 26 next month and still yet to have a hangover.

Drunk cheap voddie when I was younger but I reckon the walk home used to help.

Nowadays only drink Lager :)

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2 day hangovers are standard for me now.


I can't sleep when the night after I've been on the bevvy for whatever reason, absolute killer.

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As said before drinking German beer reduces the horror of the hangover. The good stuff has to comply with the 1516 Purity Laws - no rubbish in it.

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Governor Tarkin
As said before drinking German beer reduces the horror of the hangover. The good stuff has to comply with the 1516 Purity Laws - no rubbish in it.


You have possibly the best avatar I have ever seen.

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I get jealous of people who don't get hangovers. I'm actually quite bad for them even if I don't drink that much the night before. Drinking water sometimes helps. I can't get back to sleep when I wake up early the next day, its a nightmare.

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Stupid Sexy Flanders

With hangovers, I find prevention is better than cure. Now this probably sounds pretty bad, but I always make myself sick when I get home from a night out, then have something to eat and at least a pint of water.


If I don't spew before bed then I do it ALL DAY the next day! :laugh:

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Never had a 2 day hang over but I do have a cure for the guilt on a Sunday. Trick is to act like a complete knob for a month on the bevvy. Every Sunday you'll wake up knowing you're going to get a barrage of abuse and your mates are close to dis-owning you. Once this stage is complete, you can go back to being your normal idiotic drunken self. Then, when you wake up on a Sunday you've behaved better than every one expected and you know the worst they can give you, and you've dealt with it. Easy!


Also, a small cure for a Sunday hang over is to ease yourself in with a few beers while watching the football. By Sunday night you're back to being tipsy/drunk and your hangover is long gone. Monday morning you feel a wee bit of an after effect but that's only tiredness.


JamboSean, you're resident early twenty's alcoholic.

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Does anyone else get these?


I was really pished on Saturday night, So bad that i fell out the taxi and fell asleep on the path outside the birds house. Had to be helped in by her old man.


Woke up on the Sunday full expecting a hangover which was fine considering what i had to drink. Went home and stayed in bed all day, Woke up this morning still feeling the same. R.A.F!! A 2 day hangover what the hell is that all about?


Anyone ever had it before?


Yes, two day hangovers aren,t a barrel of laughs, though in my case its maybe natures way of telling me I,m too long in the tooth for getting peshed :o

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