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1902 Quiz


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All of the following events happened in 1902, lets see what we can all remeber about that landmark year. Which of these events occurred after Hibs last won the Scottish Cup?


1. Cuba achieves independence from America.


2. The London School of Economics opens.


3. The second Boer War comes to an end.


4. Portugal declares itself bankrupt as Angola threatens a revolt.


5. Lord Salisbury retires as Prime Minister.


6. Theodore Roosevelt becomes the first US President to ride in a car.


7. Edward VII is crowned.


8. The first young offenders Borstal opens in Borstal, Kent.


9. Cecil Rhodes dies.


10. Glasgow outlaws barmaids, creating huge controversy.

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Here's a list I had.... oops.... just read you're doing a quiz... looks like I gave away the answers to the next 100 questions


1902 .... Boer war ends

1903 .... First flight by the Wright brothers

1904 .... Trans-Siberian Railway Completed

1905 .... Albert Einstein publishes theory of relativity

1906 .... Hearts win scottish cup Hearts 1 Third Lanark 0

1907 .... Old Baily opens

1908 .... W.G. Grace retires from world class cricket

1909 .... Bleriot flys the channel

1910 .... Florence Nightengale Dies

1911 .... Greenwich Mean Time Adopted

1912 .... SOS Accepted as Universal Distress Signal

1913 .... Suffragette Emily Davidson throws herself under king George Vs horse

1914 .... Hibs defeated in the final celtic 4 hibs 1

1915 .... Battle of gallipoli

1916 .... Rasputin dies

1917 .... Buffalo Bill dies

1918 .... Laurence of arabia leads Arabs into Damascus

1919 .... Charlie Chaplin and co form United Artists 1920 .... Pancho Villa Surrenders

1921 .... Mussolini becomes leader of facists

1922 .... Tomb of Tutankhamun unearthed

1923 .... Hibs defeated in the final Celtic 1 Hibs 0

1924 .... Hibs defeated in the final Airdrie 2 Hibs 0

1925 .... Hitler Publishes Mein Kampf

1926 .... John Logie Baird invents tv

1927 .... BBC Founded

1928 .... Penicillin Discovered

1929 .... Byrd and Bennett Fly Over South Pole 1930 .... Sliced Bread Available

1931 .... Auguste Piccard Reaches StratosphereU.S.


Officially Gets National Anthem

1932 .... Scientists Split the Atom

1933 .... Loch Ness Monster First Spotted

1934 .... Mao Zedong Begins the Long March

1935 .... Germany Issues the Anti-Jewish Nuremberg Laws

1936 .... Hoover Dam Completed

1937 .... Golden Gate Bridge Opened

1938 .... Broadcast of "The War of the Worlds" Causes Panic

1939 .... Helicopter Invented

1940 .... Battle of Britain

1941 .... Japanese Attack Pearl Harbor

1942 .... T-shirt Introduced

1943 .... Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

1944 .... D-Day

1945 .... First Computer Built

1946 .... Bikinis Introduced

1947 .... Hibs defeated in the final Aberdeen 2 Hibs 0

1948 .... "Big Bang" Theory Formulated

1949 .... NATO Established

1950 .... First Modern Credit Card Introduced

1951 .... Color TV Introduced

1952 .... Polio Vaccine Created

1953 .... DNA Discovered

1954 .... Roger Bannister Breaks the Four-Minute Mile

1955 .... Disneyland Opens

1956 .... Hearts win the Scottish Cup Hearts 3 Celtic 1

1957 .... Soviet Satellite Sputnik Launches Space Age

1958 .... Hibs defeated in the final Clyde 1 Hibs 0

1959 .... Castro Becomes Dictator of Cuba 1960 .... Lasers Invented

1961 .... Soviets Launch First Man in Space

1962 .... Cuban Missile Crisis

1963 .... Martin Luther King Jr. Makes His "I Have a Dream" Speech

1964 .... Nelson Mandela Sentenced to Life in Prison

1965 .... Malcolm X Assassinated

1966 .... Mao Zedong Launches the Cultural Revolution

1967 .... First Heart Transplant

1968 .... Martin Luther King Jr. Assassinated

1969 .... Neil Armstrong Becomes the First Man on the Moon 1970 ....

Aswan High Dam Completed

1971 .... London Bridge Brought to the U.S.

1972 .... Hibs defeated in the final Celtic 6 Hibs 1

1973 .... U.S. Pulls Out of Vietnam

1974 .... Terracotta Army Discovered in China

1975 .... Arthur Ashe First Black Man to Win Wimbledon

1976 .... Sex Pistols form

1977 .... Elvis Found Dead

1978 .... First Test-Tube Baby Born

1979 .... Hibs defeated in the final Rangers 3 Hibs 2 1980 .... John Lennon Assassinated

1981 .... Personal Computers (PC) Introduced by IBM

1982 .... Falkland Islands Invaded by Argentina

1983 .... Sally Ride Becomes the First American Woman in Space

1984 .... Miners strike in UK

1985 .... Mikhail Gorbachev Calls for Glasnost and Perestroika

1986 .... U.S.S.R. Launches Mir Space Station

1987 .... DNA First Used to Convict Criminals

1988 .... Pan Am Flight 103 Is Bombed Over Lockerbie

1989 .... Berlin Wall Falls

1990 .... Hubble Telescope Launched Into Space

1991 .... South Africa Repeals Apartheid Laws

1992 .... Official End of the Cold War

1993 .... Use of the Internet Grows Exponentially

1994 .... Channel Tunnel Opens, Connecting Britain and France

1995 .... Yitzhak Rabin Assassinated

1996 .... Mad Cow Disease Hits Britain

1997 .... Scientists Clone Sheep

1998 .... Hearts win the Scottish Cup Hearts 2 Rangers 1

1999 .... The Euro the New European Currency 2000 ....

2001 .... Hibs defeated in final Celtic 3 Hibs 0

2002 .... Larsen B Ice shelf in the Antartica collapses

2003 .... Heatwave burns europe over 20,000 die

2004 .... Libya abandons nuclear weapons programme Embarrasing or what

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