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The realities of war


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Was reading this article on BBC and had to say it was quite interesting




The reason why is compared to the normal media reports I found it was quite detailed and graphic as to the sort of circumstances soldiers find themselves in every day whereas normally you get told they where hit by a mine and no detailed info


the most harrowing bit is the whole waiting 3 hours badly injured to be rescued


Maybe do a few of the conspiracy theorists, dregs of society and anti war crew a bit of good to read what exactly young guys have to go through over there and think about things

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Patrick Bateman

Maybe do a few of the conspiracy theorists, dregs of society and anti war crew a bit of good to read what exactly young guys have to go through over there and think about things



Yes, because the Anti-War crew want soldiers to be suffering over there right enough :rolleyes: A classic misinterpretation of the Anti-War movement.

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It would almost seem Prancer that you have had the Hollywood version of war in your mind previously, and this is not unusual nor are you unique in that. The fact is war is a filthy brutal business, the injuries are horrific, the fear is intense, and the saddest part of the whole thing is that so often the young wounded men are discarded by their respective countries when they return home.


There was an excellent film in the eighties about a Scots Guards officer who suffered an extremely serious head wound in the Falklands, his treatment on return and I have no reason to disbelieve it was nothing short of cruelty in the extreme. I am not an anti war activist, I think there is as much chance of stopping war as there is of having Vlad GTF, but unfortunately in both cases there does not seem a viable alternative. The way society, politicians and the human race are the cessation of war as a means to resolve disputes is never going to happen.

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