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Running or Cycling

Konrad von Carstein

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Konrad von Carstein

Which is best for building up stamina and losing weight (not neccesarily in that order :P)

stopped gym membership bout 6 months ago and have been piling on the pounds, went for a run last night and ran not even half the distance in a time I wouldve been able to do 6 months ago. Was also fekin dying when I got home.

Need some tips...~i know im in for a couple of months of torture in any event:o

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Do both mate. Cycling is less impact on the knees and ankles but running is still good.

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I used to do alot of running, but this summer to get my fitness up for the new rowing season I cycled alot with a heart rate monitor. Think running builds your fitness more, while cycling builds alot more muscle lower body (which was what I needed.)

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Konrad von Carstein

Not long back from cycling along the canal from Longstone to near to Ratho and back. Ticking along at a fair lick, less *ahem* exhausted than after last nights run but still goosed nonetheless.

Am thinking cycling to get the lungs and heart aware of how they are supposed to work interspersed with a run before changing the emphasis round.

Thanks to those who responded.

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Not long back from cycling along the canal from Longstone to near to Ratho and back. Ticking along at a fair lick, less *ahem* exhausted than after last nights run but still goosed nonetheless.

Am thinking cycling to get the lungs and heart aware of how they are supposed to work interspersed with a run before changing the emphasis round.

Thanks to those who responded.


something that annoyed me when cycling which stopped me from getting a perfect work out is that there were not enough areas in edinburgh where you could get a fast cycle without being a problem for other pedestrians. The north edinburgh cycle route was perfect for this but I covered most of it in 15 mins. The canal when paved between the basin and wester hailes was good but there are alot of dog walkers.

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Konrad von Carstein
something that annoyed me when cycling which stopped me from getting a perfect work out is that there were not enough areas in edinburgh where you could get a fast cycle without being a problem for other pedestrians. The north edinburgh cycle route was perfect for this but I covered most of it in 15 mins. The canal when paved between the basin and wester hailes was good but there are alot of dog walkers.


Yeah, i know what you mean but tonights weather meant there were very few people about. Apart from a couple of basball cap wearing oiks walking a "i'm hard" dog which for a moment looked like it was goin to take a jump at me, dog not on leash....obviously:mad:

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