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Das Root

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Just watched it on Beeb1, great film with some madness and piano playing chucked in for good measure. Performances from Rush and Taylor are both damn good and the whole story gives you a real lifting feeling as he goes from a family where his dad's a total git, through madness and finally to happiness and having his talent realised.


Unfortunately it turns out it's all a pile of bollox. All of it. The guy was definitely mental (genetic disorder) but hardly talented, where his playing has been described as amateurish at best (in comparison to the real pros) and his Rach 3 nowhere near the quality of others. Still tours as far as I can see, but to audiences fueled on the Shine story, having little understanding of how these pieces should really sound.


He also has a brother, Gillian is his second wife (who seems to be a bit of a bitch, controlling things to ensure money is made) and the half-way house portrayed as a sh*thole was actually a very well run place by a Rev who looked after David for years. But worse of all his father wasn't anything but a good man who supported him through all his madness, never beat him or burnt his stuff, replied to letters throughout his stay in London and never put the phone down when he returned, rather helping him until he died of a heart attack aged 72.


The director warped all to suit himself and Gillian's lawyers demanded the return of all those 'burnt' letters as she had him sign the copyright over to her while I'd have to imagine that with David having mental issues it was her driving the rewriting of history to give 'Shine' more of a box office appeal than the real life story would have.


Good film with great acting, but utter fiction that should at least mention this fact than tarnish the memory of a good man.

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Commander Harris

I think it's a very good film and a great performance but it is a shame that it does not match the reality.


If it made no claim to be based on anyone then it would be all the better for it.

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I think it's a very good film and a great performance but it is a shame that it does not match the reality.


If it made no claim to be based on anyone then it would be all the better for it.




I'd say it would so aye. Don't think it would detract from the actual performances or story if it was about David Smith or whoever. You could say that folk relate better to 'real-life' type films but afterwards it's the character on the screen those folk think about and the actor becomes the person and the story becomes fact, nobody then cares about the guy it was based on.

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