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Boulder county, Colorado

ri Alban

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I don't think there is anywhere in the world that gets the on occasion destructive forces that hit Americans. Fires, flood, earthquakes so many.  I guess some of the problem may be as is done here, including my own house construction consists of wooden framing covered by a veneer of siding or in my case stucco.  When something like fire gets a hold its curtains, and if there is a wind blowing say during a house fire, fire department will wet  down all threatened homes, but some housing developments are a distance from emergency forces so damage is well started before they arrive.


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It’s quite hard to comprehend how massive these big fires must be.  I got to about a mile from one in California a few years ago. We were stopped at a police roadblock so I got out the car to talk to a cop and you could feel the heat from the fire. He told me it was a mile away but was moving quickly and we had to turn off the road we were on and head inland towards the freeway. By the time we were half way towards the main road it was like driving through fog the smoke was so thick as the wind was blowing it across the county. And that was a relatively minor one in the scale of these things. 

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