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TV ads - they make me pull my hair out


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There have been one or two things or adverts that have annoyed me of late.


first the recently launch DFS advert where it has people miming to rockstar by Nickleback. Just really annoys me (as sofa adverts often do) what has furniture got to do with rock? And the pointless bit at the end where they say DFS sale now on and then say "It Rocks." No it doesn't it is a sale like you have alll the time, just say we have sofas at reduced prices and be done with it.


Also mobile adverts are really doing my head in. They all have the same theme, friends together all happy smiling then the end, think it is overused. The new orange advert sums it up for me.


Same with car adverts, how many car adverts have the word fun or adventure or playtime in their tagline. Or when they advertise 4x4 showing what amazing things they can do offroad when they know too well that the majority will never go off road only in the city.

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Doctor FinnBarr
There have been one or two things or adverts that have annoyed me of late.


first the recently launch DFS advert where it has people miming to rockstar by Nickleback. Just really annoys me (as sofa adverts often do) what has furniture got to do with rock? And the pointless bit at the end where they say DFS sale now on and then say "It Rocks." No it doesn't it is a sale like you have alll the time, just say we have sofas at reduced prices and be done with it.


Also mobile adverts are really doing my head in. They all have the same theme, friends together all happy smiling then the end, think it is overused. The new orange advert sums it up for me.


Same with car adverts, how many car adverts have the word fun or adventure or playtime in their tagline. Or when they advertise 4x4 showing what amazing things they can do offroad when they know too well that the majority will never go off road only in the city.


Wife agrees with you on the DFS ad. She reckons they've conned customers inti making erses of themselves!


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Wife agrees with you on the DFS ad. She reckons they've conned customers inti making erses of themselves!



wouldn't surprise me, what annoys me is the thought of the ad excutives who got the account for DFS and the meeting probably went like this:


"yeah, so guys how we going to make a new ad for DFS?"


"How about taking a popular song"


"yeah, yeah that should work but which one?"


"well a band called nickleback, I think thats their name, had a song that lots of people like."


"sounds good but we need an unique angle for this advert how will we use this song in our advert?"


"well in the video people pretended to sing the song."


"THat it we will do the exact same thing but they are standing in front of sofas, and at the end to make us seem cool we will say "it rocks." good now that justifys our ?5 million fee."



Sure the Private Eye will mention it this week as they did with the advert which ripped off OK GO's music video.

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Could argue they've done their job just through the fact it's getting discussed. Do agree it's crap though.

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Nowadays I would think everyone wants to see some 'stars' doing a 'skit' with a bit wry humour injected. These ads with dance routines really bug my ass and as for that sing-song S1 jobs.com advert ..........it gives me the boak :sad:

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All the sofa shops have "sales" .. I am sure these are the real prices that they want and anyone who buys at the "normal" rate is an idiot!


Always a sale on if you look for it.. If not wait a week or two!

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Could argue they've done their job just through the fact it's getting discussed. Do agree it's crap though.


well its done the opposite for me, I will not buy from DFS due to the crap advert.

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Could argue they've done their job just through the fact it's getting discussed. Do agree it's crap though.


That is how marketing works DR, you don't necessarily attract people because they like your ads, you attract them because they become curious (through picking up on discussions like this). They then watch the advert, and might agree it is indeed crap, but while watching it and thinking it is crap they might also notice a sofa/suite that catches their eye, and draws a purchase, and bingo the marketing ploy has worked.

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That is how marketing works DR, you don't necessarily attract people because they like your ads, you attract them because they become curious (through picking up on discussions like this). They then watch the advert, and might agree it is indeed crap, but while watching it and thinking it is crap they might also notice a sofa/suite that catches their eye, and draws a purchase, and bingo the marketing ploy has worked.


Not even as far fetched as noticing a sofa they like.


The next time someone decides they need a new sofa the customer will ask themselves... what shop does sofa's and the only one they will remember is DFS because the advert was so retarded.


Brand awareness.

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Yea thge advert is rank rotten those people must be desperate to be in that ad. I bet the black guys wish they had seen the finished article before agreeing to be on it. Must be embarrassing with the old white folk in it. If i was offered a cheesy gig like that or crap like the churchill ad i would tell them to ram it (in the nicest possible way)


Oh & while we're talking about frustrating ads what is nintendo all about advertising the wii-fit with a tour??? You can't get the damn things in the shops anyway!!!! Talk about timing! what a bunch of tubes, come along & check out our game although it we have no idea whan it will be back in stock. Genuis! Ok will get off my soapbox :-)

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Has anyone seen the Mumm deodarant ad? Two things


1. We do not need to see old people snogging - eeeeeeeeuuuwwwww

2. "together for 56 years, thanks to Mumm" - yeah right, their deodarant kept them together for 56 years FECK OFF! :mad:

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I suspect DFS won't be paying a ?5million pound fee. To be honest most TV ads are **** and I blame the clients themselves. They always think they know best. A simple analogy would be getting the plumber round then trying to tell him how to plumb in the toilet. In fact, quite a few furniture retailers (not sure about DFS but definitely Reid) do their ads inhouse. So do specsavers and the people's postcode lottery. And their ads are cack too.

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....... dot com. My mum hates that advert so much so I order her birthday card from there just to annoy her!

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I P Knightley

Must admit, if I wanted a sofa, I'd at least look on the DFS site to see what they've got and how much it costs. Probably because I'm not a sofa expert and would need some kind of benchmark before hunting more seriously.





This comment was brought to you courtesy of my electrical sponsors:


Glenn's, Roberston's, Hutchison's and Stepek. Ahhhh!

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it is an annoying advert with a jingle that is just sore on the ears. Though I dont get the concept, I presume you pay extra for these cards. So you can change the name on the card, the persume gets it, has 5 seconds of that is nice then never really thinks of it again. And you probably pay double for that.



Also Specsavers has always annoyed me, the line "you should of gone to specsavers" has always annoyed me.

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Brian Whittaker's Tache

Once again lazy creative on the part of DFS Ad agency


Looks a lot like this



Same story with that Berocca ad

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Stupid Sexy Flanders

"Are you alright mum?"


"Yeah, just feeling a bit bloated."


Can't remember what it's for, but who would say that?!

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I P Knightley

Here's one that always makes me think "WTF"??:


We got through 50 years or so of commercial television without adverts for Dulco-Ease stool softener so why the eff do wee need it now.


They don't even do the punchline properly. It should be, "I used to have a pain in the arris. - But now she's dumped him!" Not that it's funny either way.


By and large, I HDD record shows on commercial telly and start watching them 10 minutes after their start time so that I can FFWD through the ads and finish roughly on time.

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