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Weird Workmates


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I work with a really weird one. Some people in the office, not me, call her scary mary from the old t mobile adverts and boy she does look like her.

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I used to work with someone who drank on the job.


The phone rang one day and she was that blitzed, she answered her mouse.

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Got one bloke at work that is very weird, uses treasury tags to hold 2 sheets of paper together but ony uses the bottom hole and files the sheets using just the top hole??? Also he seems to really mistrust post-it notes, doesn't just stick the post-it to whatever but also cello-tapes and staples them down just to be sure!!

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We had an Internal Auditor at the Council I used to work at who would go to the bog at the exact same time every day, and at lunchtime would always have 1 sandwich, 1 kit kat and 1 apple then open his paper at the TV page and use a highlighter to highlight the programmes he intended to watch that night....


Got a woman at our current place who's nickname is The Mute as she blanks everyone she walks past in the corridor and will only speak to folk when she sits in her office.

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Many years ago back in Edinburgh I used to work with a guy who constantly stroked himself. He did it so much that he ended up with a big white patch in his jeans.

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There's a boy in our office who at first I gave some credit and thought might just be a bit of an extrovert. But no, I'm now convinced he's just simply a lunatic.

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A Boy Named Crow

The guy beside me isn't so much weird, as just really fekking annoying. He's in Accounts Receivable and spends the whole day on the phone. I used to sit at the other end of the office, I could hear him then and he ripped my knitting. Now I sitting right beside him!!!

He always uses Americanisms, for example, he'll never say he'll phone you - he will "Reach out to you" though. He's always moaning about getting "Dinged" - none of us around him have a clue what this means, it seems to change from conversation to conversation. He is very fat, and he smells, oh and did I mention he is loud? Can't stand the man!!!

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I P Knightley

There was a guy, a fellow Scot, with whom I used to work. He'd just left Aberdeen Uni to come down to the Smoke and kind of latched on to me as a friend/mentor.


That wasn't weird.


He also latched on to a rather attractive blonde lass as the object of his desire. The trouble was that he wasn't her type - her boyfriend was.


This upset poor whatsisname to the extent that, after a few relatively minor incidents and the involvement of the police and ambulances, he eventually set fire to himself in his car outside the blonde's parents' home.


That was weird.

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Sexton Hardcastle

It always seems to be them and heres another - The Cleaner. When he started i used to laugh at what he would come out with and what he did but now its just cringe worthy. He rumbles in at half 9 clattering his bike against the office door, stumbles in total reeking of corn beef/old people. Makes and drinks about 4 cups of teas with the first half an hour then beings some work. Throughout the course of his day he will have no fewer than 7/8 toilet trips. Fair enough the boy mite have a blader problem which aint funny but it isnt this. The Toilet being central in the warehouse makes his antics even worse. He'l tell me what he had for dinner/breakfast and how it "went rite through me". Then he proceeds to pebble dashes the toilet for a few mins. Comes out, does a little work and cracks on with another dump. He talks total nonsense about anything that comes up and when his 3 hour shift finishes he smuggles out a few Bananas/Oranges for a "little treat".


Thank feck he finished a few hours ago and its the weekend tomorow.

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Whenever I have training at work and a lunch is provided for us there is this old bird (receptionist) who comes down after most folk have eaten and packs the food up into her own tupperware and takes it home. This wasn't really that annoying but the last few times she has actually come and helped herself to about a quarter of the food BEFORE we have eaten. That is feckin annoying and a little bit hoboesque.

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Doctor FinnBarr

Theres only me and the boss so I,d better not say anything about him, but then again, does that make me the weird one?

Have worked with plenty over the years tho.


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