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29 minutes ago, Zlatanable said:

I live in the south-east area of Edinburgh. There are a lot of people that seem like they are Chinese, and a lot of them wear face-masks. 


Chinese are largest ethnic group in Edinburgh after the Poles. Wander around Edinburgh Uni and it's halls of residence and you'll think you're in Beijing. 

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Central Belt 1874

Heard on the radio this week there are between 4 and 5 thousand Chinese students in Edinburgh. Also heard an expert describe these face masks as pointless in preventing viruses such as this latest virus. 



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34 minutes ago, mutley said:

A good old fashioned plague is required. Sort out the worlds over population issues and get rid of those elderly spongers in a single swoop


I take it you have numerous immunities two of which would appear to be plague and age. I wish I had received that gift, but what I did get once was the good advice, "be careful what you wish for."

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I doubt it's pointless if it's an airborne virus. I'm astounded that China has put a City of 11 million on lockdown with apparently more to follow. How do you even do that?

London has a population around 9 million. Imagine trying to put that on lockdown with no one in or out. The fact china is attempting it is a worrisome indication of how bad they think this could get.

The Spanish flu epidemic of 1918 killed 1% of the population of the globe. Translate those numbers to Scotland and you're looking at around 5,000 dead in Edinburgh alone.

And that's only if it proved to be less deadly than it ultimately could be. There's a virus in the Middle East right now similar to this one called called Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus.

It kills 30 to 40% of those who contract it. 

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1 hour ago, JackLadd said:


Chinese are largest ethnic group in Edinburgh after the Poles. Wander around Edinburgh Uni and it's halls of residence and you'll think you're in Beijing. 

There is a large Chinese community near me in Fountaunbridge...

Not seen a mask yet, but the news just saying now over 2000 have it in China..  56 dead, extrapolating that it may double every 48/72 hours..

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32 minutes ago, JFK-1 said:

I doubt it's pointless if it's an airborne virus. I'm astounded that China has put a City of 11 million on lockdown with apparently more to follow. How do you even do that?

London has a population around 9 million. Imagine trying to put that on lockdown with no one in or out. The fact china is attempting it is a worrisome indication of how bad they think this could get.

The Spanish flu epidemic of 1918 killed 1% of the population of the globe. Translate those numbers to Scotland and you're looking at around 5,000 dead in Edinburgh alone.

And that's only if it proved to be less deadly than it ultimately could be. There's a virus in the Middle East right now similar to this one called called Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus.

It kills 30 to 40% of those who contract it. 

Imagine it was the Ebola strain, which occurred a couple of years ago in Africa...  Potentially 95% fatal......   

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Seen Chinese people wearing those in Edinburgh for years. Not a new thing. And those masks actually can help prevent getting viruses so I'm not sure what the outrage is :lol:

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Going to your work place with a virus, should be totally discouraged.

But company attitudes towards sick time puts fear into workers taking time off.

I have seen complete departments down with the same virus. All passed on from airborne or using the same kettle, door handles, light switches, etc. Or a simple handshake.


Rant over.

Had a minger of a virus just before Xmas.

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3 minutes ago, Mr 3 Putt said:

Seen Asian people do this for years in Edinburgh, always wondered why. We hardly have the smog of the big Chinese city's.


It was usually people who had a cold who wore them to prevent transmission. Now everyone seems to be wearing them, though perhaps a waste of time. By all accounts, you'll need a decent respirator to avoid catching Coronavirus. 

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2 minutes ago, Craig_ said:


It was usually people who had a cold who wore them to prevent transmission. Now everyone seems to be wearing them, though perhaps a waste of time. By all accounts, you'll need a decent respirator to avoid catching Coronavirus. 


The Japanese do this if they have a cold etc, in their view it's being courteous to their fellow work colleagues and commuters by not spreading their germs on to others.

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7 hours ago, mutley said:

A good old fashioned plague is required. Sort out the worlds over population issues and get rid of those elderly spongers in a single swoop


The reverend Thomas Malthus propounded this theory in the late eighteenth century. A bit more measured than your take on the population thesis however.

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8 hours ago, mutley said:

A good old fashioned plague is required. Sort out the worlds over population issues and get rid of those elderly spongers in a single swoop


I would normally agree.

But I appear to be the juggernaut racing me to sponger age. :sadrobbo:

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It's a cultural thing.

Many people from that part of the world wear these silly wee masks any time they are outside.


Not that they do anything.

These masks are designed to be worn during surgery, to prevent the wearer from exhaling bacteria into an open wound.

They do absolutely nothing to prevent the inhalation of traffic fumes or airborn germs.

For that, you need an airtight mask with proper filters with active charcoal.



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These masks are only any good to prevent you passing germs to yourself by preventing you touching your mouth or nose with a hand that has touched something contaminated like door handle/lift buttons etc, which is the way various bugs transmit. Looks daft but got to think where Pig flu/Bird flu and now Con flu or started..

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been here before
11 minutes ago, Cade said:

It's a cultural thing.

Many people from that part of the world wear these silly wee masks any time they are outside.


Not that they do anything.

These masks are designed to be worn during surgery, to prevent the wearer from exhaling bacteria into an open wound.

They do absolutely nothing to prevent the inhalation of traffic fumes or airborn germs.

For that, you need an airtight mask with proper filters with active charcoal.




They do, but just not an awful lot.

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2 hours ago, Mauricio Pinilla said:

Seen Chinese people wearing those in Edinburgh for years. Not a new thing. And those masks actually can help prevent getting viruses so I'm not sure what the outrage is :lol:


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2 hours ago, Tommy Brown said:

Going to your work place with a virus, should be totally discouraged.

But company attitudes towards sick time puts fear into workers taking time off.

I have seen complete departments down with the same virus. All passed on from airborne or using the same kettle, door handles, light switches, etc. Or a simple handshake.


Rant over.

Had a minger of a virus just before Xmas.


Some joker will be along soon and change the word in bold to "with" and say "ftfy" 😏

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5 minutes ago, graygo said:


Some joker will be along soon and change the word in bold to "with" and say "ftfy" 😏


Been with a mingers with viruses

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2 hours ago, Mauricio Pinilla said:

Seen Chinese people wearing those in Edinburgh for years. Not a new thing. And those masks actually can help prevent getting viruses so I'm not sure what the outrage is :lol:

No outrage just laughter at their stupidity...and no they do nothing to prevent the spread




“It’s part of the overreaction to an outbreak. Masks won’t make a difference one way or the other on the streets of Edinburgh.

“Ideas spread that a mask might give some protection.

Edited by CJGJ
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1 hour ago, CJGJ said:

No outrage just laughter at their stupidity...and no they do nothing to prevent the spread




“It’s part of the overreaction to an outbreak. Masks won’t make a difference one way or the other on the streets of Edinburgh.

“Ideas spread that a mask might give some protection.

And other experts are quoted as saying they can help. Hardly stupid or worthy of ridicule. In my medically-unqualified opinion. 

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been here before
6 minutes ago, Peebo said:

And other experts are quoted as saying they can help. Hardly stupid or worthy of ridicule. In my medically-unqualified opinion. 


Its more a case of they can play a (small) part in the wearer spreading the lurgy as opposed to another wearer catching it.


Thats why the Chinese dudes only wear them if they have a cold.

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A Boy Named Crow
10 hours ago, redjambo said:

Perhaps it's a fashion thing?

It’s exactly that, or maybe a superstition. They certainly don’t help avoid the flu, or even really do much against pollution. A pure affectation.

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There was guy on the news here saying the normal mask you buy in the drugstore i of minimal help you have to go to some tpe of proper mask, and I don't know what they are. Drugstores are getting sold out of masks here as people mainly Chinese are buying them in bulk to send to China.

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18 hours ago, Mikey1874 said:

Pollution is bad in parts of Edinburgh. 


Unless those masks have a filter, theyre doing **** all. 

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11 hours ago, been here before said:


Its more a case of they can play a (small) part in the wearer spreading the lurgy as opposed to another wearer catching it.


Thats why the Chinese dudes only wear them if they have a cold.


Yep, I used to work at the Uni, and some students wore them when they weren't ill enough to miss lectures, but didn't want to pass their cold on to their mates/anyone they came into contact with.


Working in an office that was in a constant loop of someone having a cold, it seemed a nice courtesy to at least give it a shot.

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I was in Schiphol airport on Friday and there was loads of chinese around and pretty much every one of them had a mask on. When you see so many people wearing them, you start to wonder just how serious it all is, or is it just folk panicking needlessly.




had a chuckle at this whilst I was there...


Edited by luckyBatistuta
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7 hours ago, luckyBatistuta said:

I was in Schiphol airport on Friday and there was loads of chinese around and pretty much every one of them had a mask on. When you see so many people wearing them, you start to wonder just how serious it all is, or is it just folk panicking needlessly.




had a chuckle at this whilst I was there...




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I P Knightley
On 26/01/2020 at 08:48, Mr 3 Putt said:

Seen Asian people do this for years in Edinburgh, always wondered why. We hardly have the smog of the big Chinese city's.

These masks became widespread in SE Asia when they had SARS however long ago that was. They might have kicked around before that but it was shortly after SARS that I became aware of them, with a couple of trips to HK, KL and Singapore. I see folk using them all the time in the region and, as you say, they bring them with them on holiday. They don't do any harm, so let them. Mind you, as others say, I don't think they do much good, either; they're not designed to stop you getting airborne viruses. 

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4 hours ago, ArcticJambo said:

:lol:  Surely it swivels though.

Na, Roller shutters come down where the red lines are shown in the video if the fire alarm goes off. Then the doors come into use.

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1 minute ago, Gulpener said:

Na, Roller shutters come down where the red lines are shown in the video if the fire alarm goes off. Then the doors come into use.

:thumbsup:  good wee bit of engineering info.

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5 hours ago, ArcticJambo said:

:lol:  Surely it swivels though.


10 minutes ago, Gulpener said:

Na, Roller shutters come down where the red lines are shown in the video if the fire alarm goes off. Then the doors come into use.

Gulpener is right, but when you are first faced with it, you can’t help having a wee quizzical look on your face.

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An oriental guy who was walking towards me wearing a mask just undid his mask, had a puff of an ecig and put the mask back on. 


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1 hour ago, Lemongrab said:

An oriental guy who was walking towards me wearing a mask just undid his mask, had a puff of an ecig and put the mask back on. 






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Can you imagine how long it takes them to have a meal


Mask on mask off mask on mask off...………………...


Oh and do they take them off in a restaurant or bar and if they do why


I can just about understand their use in terms of pollution but for disease utter nonsense

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1 hour ago, CJGJ said:

Can you imagine how long it takes them to have a meal


Mask on mask off mask on mask off...………………...


Oh and do they take them off in a restaurant or bar and if they do why


I can just about understand their use in terms of pollution but for disease utter nonsense


And I bet they'll take them off when they are in their house.


It's fecking airborne, which means the virus could already be in their house, madness, utter madness.


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