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Hearts TV/ppv thread.. Q's and A's here.


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Just saw the "Hearts Telecom" thread--any details on whether connectivity now is available over on the Wheatfield for getting a better angle for the Hearts TV broadcast?  How about multiple cameras around the stadium even for replays, etc.?  Sounds like really exciting stuff!

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Raymond Reddington

any body else having issues with Hearts World? for some reason it's not recognizing me as a subscriber. I have emailed to club about it just wondered if anybody else was affected?

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any body else having issues with Hearts World? for some reason it's not recognizing me as a subscriber. I have emailed to club about it just wondered if anybody else was affected?

I had this once- my credit card had expired and I forgot to update it.

The sub ended but I never got an email to let me know and in the end I had to re subscribe.

If you're able to log in, see if you can see what it says about your subscription- I can see my last payment date, next payment date, sub type etc

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Raymond Reddington

I had this once- my credit card had expired and I forgot to update it.

The sub ended but I never got an email to let me know and in the end I had to re subscribe.



If you're able to log in, see if you can see what it says about your subscription- I can see my last payment date, next payment date, sub type etc


Thanks for this, I got a new bank card through recently. Thought this was set up by direct debit so card details change would not matter.

Edited by Raymond Reddington
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Thanks for this, I got a new bank card through recently. Thought this was set up by direct debit so card details change would not matter.

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As it's a home game there should be a video stream for international subscribers.

I don't know about domestic subscribers for the league cup but I'd guess they wouldn't want to affect the crowd even if they were allowed to broadcast it

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Is the Celtic game this week on heartstv? Thanks

UK subscribers will get commentary only. Outwith UK as long you've subscribed to Hearts tv international you should get the game.

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Live coverage will be going ahead tomorrow, audio commentary for UK subscribers plus video for international.


We had the equipment checked and fixed after the Killie match, hopefully any issues that occurred that afternoon were resolved for Saturday's County game.

Edited by Laurie
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Live coverage will be going ahead tomorrow, audio commentary for UK subscribers plus video for international.


We had the equipment checked and fixed after the Killie match, hopefully any issues that occurred that afternoon were resolved for Saturday's County game.


Saturday the service was tip top :thumbsup: Looking forward to the septic game tomorrow :)

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Live coverage will be going ahead tomorrow, audio commentary for UK subscribers plus video for international.


We had the equipment checked and fixed after the Killie match, hopefully any issues that occurred that afternoon were resolved for Saturday's County game.

unfortunately there is still a problem with screen width.. I'm not alone with trying to watch the game with only 3 quarters of a picture.. been on going for a couple of months now.. very frustrating

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unfortunately there is still a problem with screen width.. I'm not alone with trying to watch the game with only 3 quarters of a picture.. been on going for a couple of months now.. very frustrating

Hi HOV, sorry to hear you're having some issues. Did you email the support team about this? ([email protected]


I couldn't tell you what may be causing that myself but hopefully they may have some ideas. It certainly isn't something that affects everyone so I'm guessing it might be something to do with settings, but that would just be a guess.


I'd drop them a line if you haven't already. 

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unfortunately there is still a problem with screen width.. I'm not alone with trying to watch the game with only 3 quarters of a picture.. been on going for a couple of months now.. very frustrating


I had the same issue on the PC, if you are watching on the computer hold control and scroll the mouse wheel down. It zooms out and puts screen back to normal size.


If you are watching on an Ipad ect no idea how you would zoom out of the player.

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Cheers Neon & Laurie..I've been in contact for weeks with no joy at either Support or HeartsTV. I watch on my Galaxy 4g and have done for a few seasons, a few weeks into this season and boom right hand side 1/4 of the screen view gone... the constant screen scrolling in vain attempt to follow play.. well I'd say but mods would get mental..Roll that into a late night.. early morning..never mind my sooking.. fingers crossed we get a fix soon.. any help would be welcome thanks

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Unfortunately the same problem experienced early this morning watching the the Cup game... yet watching now on HeartsTV no problem..no reply from either after voicing my concerns before the game. There are similar concerns from other subscribers..I really do fix it sooner rather than later

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Heartofvic in cases like this it's tough.


The live stream leaves their servers in good condition and it's obviously something going wrong at the receiving end that's the problem, whether it be network, hardware or software related.


Hate to be devil's advocate here but if the problem's with your end, what are the club expected to do about it?

Realistically, they can ask you to set your device back to factory settings as they have no way of knowing what software etc could be interfering and start from there, but of course you don't want that.


Or, they can ask you to try a different device, that'll tell them if it's your connection or the device that's at fault, but either way, what are they expected to do to fix it?


If I was you if be trying the next game on a desktop or something, that'll give you some info at least

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Heartofvic in cases like this it's tough.


The live stream leaves their servers in good condition and it's obviously something going wrong at the receiving end that's the problem, whether it be network, hardware or software related.


Hate to be devil's advocate here but if the problem's with your end, what are the club expected to do about it?

Realistically, they can ask you to set your device back to factory settings as they have no way of knowing what software etc could be interfering and start from there, but of course you don't want that.


Or, they can ask you to try a different device, that'll tell them if it's your connection or the device that's at fault, but either way, what are they expected to do to fix it?


If I was you if be trying the next game on a desktop or something, that'll give you some info at least

thanks for the feedback Smithee, unfortunately I can only watch on my phone.. Also being a technology hater I actually don't do upgrades in case this happens.. so that might be the problem who knows but for a couple of seasons it's worked perfectly well..my query is why now and in short have they changed anything since the start of the season?

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thanks for the feedback Smithee, unfortunately I can only watch on my phone.. Also being a technology hater I actually don't do upgrades in case this happens.. so that might be the problem who knows but for a couple of seasons it's worked perfectly well..my query is why now and in short have they changed anything since the start of the season?

Things have changed since the start of the season but I couldn't give you any more detail than that I'm afraid, I'm a hobby tech support guy only these days.


Are you using Photon browser in full screen mode out of interest?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Audio was better than 2 weeks ago but there was still some screen frame jerkiness in the first half.


As we get further into the winter months the dark skies are showing the poor camera angle up more and more.  It's now becoming very easy to lose the ball if it pings around the pitch.  However, at least we've stopped seeing that old stand post at the Gorgie Road end when the ball goes out for a corner down there.  Good work by the cameraman! 

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Audio was better than 2 weeks ago but there was still some screen frame jerkiness in the first half.


As we get further into the winter months the dark skies are showing the poor camera angle up more and more. It's now becoming very easy to lose the ball if it pings around the pitch. However, at least we've stopped seeing that old stand post at the Gorgie Road end when the ball goes out for a corner down there. Good work by the cameraman!

Frame jerkiness isn't a problem for me now but it was before I cleaned up my pc, could it be your hardware/connection?

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I doubt it as all other streaming video works fine.  Of course, it could be my location at that time of day, 8.00am. 


Anyway, we'll see how it goes.  I should have tested it today against Raith Rovers TV as I have access to an account there.  If it happens again, I'll run that comparison.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Things have changed since the start of the season but I couldn't give you any more detail than that I'm afraid, I'm a hobby tech support guy only these days.


Are you using Photon browser in full screen mode out of interest?

The photon browser is all Hearts TV suggest but it is absolutely horrific. Tiny and covered in ads and it won't let you use full screen unless you subscribe. Having read the reviews on the play store (of the last 15 reviews, they've had two 3*, one 2* and 12 1* reviews) most subscribers seem to have issues with their picture quality getting worse or the browser not recognising their subscription at all once they've paid for it.


What I don't understand is that Hearts TV was absolutely fine at the start of the season, so something has changed at their end.


On my Kindle Fire I have a split second where I can see the full picture and the full screen button when I rotate my screen, but it is hidden by the "latest videos" down the right hand side and any attempt to tap the full screen button is unresponsive or takes me to the video.


It's pretty frustrating to pay what I have for an international subscription to only see 60% of the screen. It's not as if Android is a rarely used operating system.

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The photon browser is all Hearts TV suggest but it is absolutely horrific. Tiny and covered in ads and it won't let you use full screen unless you subscribe. Having read the reviews on the play store (of the last 15 reviews, they've had two 3*, one 2* and 12 1* reviews) most subscribers seem to have issues with their picture quality getting worse or the browser not recognising their subscription at all once they've paid for it.


What I don't understand is that Hearts TV was absolutely fine at the start of the season, so something has changed at their end.


On my Kindle Fire I have a split second where I can see the full picture and the full screen button when I rotate my screen, but it is hidden by the "latest videos" down the right hand side and any attempt to tap the full screen button is unresponsive or takes me to the video.


It's pretty frustrating to pay what I have for an international subscription to only see 60% of the screen. It's not as if Android is a rarely used operating system.

I hear you, and I totally agree, but as far as I'm aware, Photon is the only browser they know it'll work with on android.


I ended up getting the paid version, but unfortunately it really isn't a good browser and I only use it if there's a game on when I'm on the move.


It doesn't seem like they're in a hurry to fix it either, this has been a known issue since the company took over the website contract at the start of last season, but the bottom line is that until they do something to fix it, there's only one proven solution for now

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I hear you, and I totally agree, but as far as I'm aware, Photon is the only browser they know it'll work with on android.


I ended up getting the paid version, but unfortunately it really isn't a good browser and I only use it if there's a game on when I'm on the move.


It doesn't seem like they're in a hurry to fix it either, this has been a known issue since the company took over the website contract at the start of last season, but the bottom line is that until they do something to fix it, there's only one proven solution for now

I know nothing about website design etc, but surely if they just moved the location of the "other videos" on the right of the page I'd be able to watch it properly on my Kindle as they would no longer overlap the right hand edge of the video?

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I know nothing about website design etc, but surely if they just moved the location of the "other videos" on the right of the page I'd be able to watch it properly on my Kindle as they would no longer overlap the right hand edge of the video?

I can't help thinking there must be a simple solution too, I'd be much more frustrated if I didn't have the PC myself tbh

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I can't help thinking there must be a simple solution too, I'd be much more frustrated if I didn't have the PC myself tbh

Yeah, I'm traveling so have my phone, kindle and a cheap notebook which just doesn't have the processing ability for streaming well. Tried to watch the first match of the season on my notebook and it was like watching it under water wearing dodgy glasses :D

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Yeah, I'm traveling so have my phone, kindle and a cheap notebook which just doesn't have the processing ability for streaming well. Tried to watch the first match of the season on my notebook and it was like watching it under water wearing dodgy glasses :D

You know, the only way that the club and company are going to be able to understand what the needs of the fans are is with clear, honest feedback. If you haven't already, I'd be sending an email to the contact details explaining that the Photon thing isn't a good workaround, and it certainly shouldn't be viewed as a permanent solution, and asking if there are plans to make your life easier.


Yours in maroon frustration etc

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Hi .

I dont know if this is my computer problem or not.

The sound from the mic?s.

Sounds like its hitting a limiter or peaking when Laurie is speaking?

Breaking up?

Seems better on Jimmys mic?


Also when it gets to an important part of the match ie a shot on goal it just jumps forward a few seconds to the celebrations or goal kick :(


Any ideas?

Like I say maybe my Computer .


Fuengirola,Southern Spain


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I had the same problem with Laurie's mic this week, I think it was turned up too high or something.


I haven't experienced the same problem with jumping, so that suggests that the stream itself is OK and the problem is more local to you.


I had a lot of problems with stuttery playback for a while, I was using an old laptop right enough but it could play everything else OK. In the end, I created a new windows user profile and removed any extras that weren't needed, leaving a lean, sleek profile for Hearts games alone- it works well now.


Before doing something like that though, you can test your internet speed and quality at speedtest.net and pingtest.net

The results at pingtest are important for streaming, anything below an A means you should be contacting your provider as this will definitely be affecting the quality

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as motherwell have a tv service do we ever get a away game live or just ones that are on sports channels like beIn that i can watch on pay tv ?

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as motherwell have a tv service do we ever get a away game live or just ones that are on sports channels like beIn that i can watch on pay tv ?

We don't piggy back on to other clubs' streams, only if they're being televised when away.


As an expat, I'd love to see clubs do reciprocal deals for away games so I can see more games but I imagine it would be a nightmare to set up

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as motherwell have a tv service do we ever get a away game live or just ones that are on sports channels like beIn that i can watch on pay tv ?

Nice. Might look into signing up for the Motherwell service for this weekend.

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I am not sure if we are on this week, though.

Sunday night bud. Was confirmed at end of dundee game last week.


Quite impressive of sorts.

Broadcasting sevco v st midden live at 1205

AND having extended highlights of our game and the sheep game.

Who knownthey had that many cameras and staff

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Geoff Kilpatrick

can anyone advise me how to get alba tv vidios in aus and have tried unsuccessfully a few times

Use Chrome and install the Hola extension. Type any BBC URL in your browser and iPlayer is all yours.
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can anyone advise me how to get alba tv vidios in aus and have tried unsuccessfully a few times


Have a look in hambone heaven, usually has the works. But is on holiday for the next week.


Not sure if he will get the dundee and well games but can hope

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  • 2 weeks later...

Is the Aberdeen game on Hearts T.V this Saturday with it being a live away broadcast?


Thanks in advance.


Yes, on the Live Match page of the website it says that international subscribers will get the game.


If it's a home game, it's shown live on the website.


If it's away and being televised live elsewhere, it's also shown live :thumbsup:

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