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Serial podcast


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It's a good listen and I'm surprised at just how popular it's become. My missus was saying she heard it being discussed on Radio 4 and they may be starting to broadcast it?

This American Life is made by the same folks. Both podcasts have a great tone and balance.

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Its a fascinating programme. I am amazed that the guys alleged friend Jay hasn't come under greater scrutiny given the inconsistencies in recollection of events.

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I heard this morning that Radio 4 extra are going to broadcast it. My thought process has changed over the weeks, far too many points not yet covered and it is supposed to only run for another two episodes I think?


The strangest thing to me is that if someone had lied and grassed me up for something I didn't do, I would badmouth him at every opportunity and the mention of their name would put me in a rage.


Will have to see what happens.

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Well worth a listen. There is also another podcast about the podcast called Serial Spoilers where they discuss each episode.

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Yep. First episode in I was hooked. It's so well done. I've changed my mind about every single one of the folk involved about a hundred times. The conflict between the truth and putting together a strong case is quite an eye opener once a case is all taken apart into wee bits like this.


Thursdays are now my favourite day. will be listening to today's episode as soon as I'm done working.

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I wasn't really into podcasts at all either but this one kept popping up all over the place so decided to give it a go and was hooked instantly.


Basically some journalists have taken a murder case which is about 5 years old now I think and re-opened it for private investigation. A guy was convicted of the murder but they start to look into it, interview the folk involved, go through the details and see what they can find. Some people think the guy is innocent, some don't.


Here's some blurb from a news article about it: "If you haven?t been listening to Serial here?s all you need to know to understand this article: the podcast re-investigates a 1999 murder in Baltimore of 18-year-old Hae Min Lee. Lee was strangled on 13 January of that year, and buried in a shallow grave in a local park. Her body was only found over a month later. Lee?s ex-boyfriend, Adnan Syed, was tried and convicted of the crime. The key testimony against him came from an acquaintance of both parties, a young man the podcast names Jay. Jay testified that Syed killed Lee in a rage over the breakup of the relationship, and that he helped Syed hide Lee?s body. He seasoned that narrative with suggestions that Syed?s Muslim religion led him to kill. Syed?s friends and family, as well as Syed himself, insist he is innocent."


Be warned, it's addictive.

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Agree, a bit of a strange one. Thought there was going to be some ground breaking evidence, but nothing. The letter was interesting and did help me to understand (possibly) a little bit more about why he doesn't slate those that 'grassed' him.


Confirmed also that only one episode left. She isn't obviously going to provide an outcome, which will be disappointing in my opinion.

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