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Eight-year-old girl suicide bomber


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Did anyone see a news story about an eight-year-old girl who was apparently forced to become a suicide bomber in Iraq? Saw something about it on another forum, but haven't been able to find a link to the actual news story?

If it's true, it's pretty horrific, even by the standards of some of the things which have been going on over there.

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Bordeaux 03

I could well believe it, obviously she knows nothing about it but i wouldn't put it past some of the miltia's to do something like that. Who will ever suspect a small child?


The mentally handicapped have been used as suicide bombers as well before. Pretty sickening, the strap them up with a bomb and just let them wander into a market etc and then blow them up.

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its funny how the leaders never go on sucide missions. If only these sucide bombers realised how far from the word of the the Kurhan there actions are. Why would Allah be pleased in commiting sucide to kill other Muslims. They use religous ideas to bring about political means, very dangerous.

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Kids they blow up so quickly these days. Wonder what an eight year old will do with 72 virgins:eek:

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its funny how the leaders never go on sucide missions. If only these sucide bombers realised how far from the word of the the Kurhan there actions are. Why would Allah be pleased in commiting sucide to kill other Muslims. They use religous ideas to bring about political means, very dangerous.


it's not really as simple as that, especially in Palestine. most of the suicide bombers over there aren't doing it for their religion as such, more out of their desperation. i don't really know much about what's going on in iraq, and by the sound of this one, it is more likely to be religious or something...

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Kids they blow up so quickly these days. Wonder what an eight year old will do with 72 virgins:eek:


that first line made me laugh.


it reminds me of a line of ITV news where the reporter said:


"Israel's population has steadly increased over the last few years while Palistines population has exploded."

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