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Jambos in the US

Craig Gordons Gloves

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Craig Gordons Gloves

The thread earlier got me thinking about the number of us that live over here. Every couple of weeks i go into one of the training classes my team are holding and do a quick chat - and i always get asked the same question:


"What's do you like most about living here, least about living here and what do you miss most about home".


I've been giving the same answers for a while in that "the lifestyle here is great, the religion and politics do my head in and i miss the 4 F's - football, family, friends and food such as pies, bacon, sausages, chippies etc- as well as Deuchars IPA"


So what would your answers be and i can maybe steal them.

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Like most - The lifestyle. Higher wages, cheaper prices and bigger houses. Also, people have a much better attitude, by and large everyone is prepared to be friendly when you meet them.


Least - The lunatic fringe. Radical politicians and religious fanatics being the most obvious.


Miss - Friends and family. My daughter won't know them nearly as much as I would want when she's growing up.

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Like most - the bitter seethe of those who can't figure out how to get in. The variety, the opportunities, proper weather, the attitude.


Least - The food. Seriously. I find it massively overrated in NYC, and in many ways quite far behind the UK. Though when I lived for a year in Seattle it was far better.


Miss - friends, family, football (watching, I play as much out here as I did back in London), British pubs, the girlfriend (currently).

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Craig Gordons Gloves

Like most - the bitter seethe of those who can't figure out how to get in. The variety, the opportunities, proper weather, the attitude.


Least - The food. Seriously. I find it massively overrated in NYC, and in many ways quite far behind the UK. Though when I lived for a year in Seattle it was far better.


Miss - friends, family, football (watching, I play as much out here as I did back in London), British pubs, the girlfriend (currently).


Where are you eating? I found the opposite for food. There is a cracking Belgian restaurant off 14th st and 8th Ave (i think) that does great moules fritte (they also do non seafood that tastes good too. The restaurants around midtown are pretty crap to be honest. Good Indians around 3rd/Lexington & 23rd area. Couple of really good steakhouses but i can't remember the names that we discovered and around the west village there are loads of great places for food.

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