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totally finished with Scottish football


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As it says on the tin.


The deals to take Temps and Gowser to them is making me feel physically sick.


How can a team that have walked away from ?150 Million in debt be allowed to do this? I am totally and utterly shocked at how this can happen.


As for our glorious leader Romanov, well the sooner he fecks off the better. His statement earlier today was clearly aimed at Ryan McGowan. Basically told him that if he wanted more money then go elsewhere. This laddie was a future leader of Heart of Midlothian and he is being FORCED out the door by a man who no longer cares for his little Scottish toy.


I will not set foot in any Scottish Football stadium until true reform is undertaken (which probably means I will never see a Scottish football game again). I will spend no more money on Hearts until Romanov is a distant memory.


Even if we sign Rudi for another year, it will not make up for the loss of these 2.

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As it says on the tin.


The deals to take Temps and Gowser to them is making me feel physically sick.


How can a team that have walked away from ?150 Million in debt be allowed to do this? I am totally and utterly shocked at how this can happen.


As for our glorious leader Romanov, well the sooner he fecks off the better. His statement earlier today was clearly aimed at Ryan McGowan. Basically told him that if he wanted more money then go elsewhere. This laddie was a future leader of Heart of Midlothian and he is being FORCED out the door by a man who no longer cares for his little Scottish toy.


I will not set foot in any Scottish Football stadium until true reform is undertaken (which probably means I will never see a Scottish football game again). I will spend no more money on Hearts until Romanov is a distant memory.


Even if we sign Rudi for another year, it will not make up for the loss of these 2.


Yawn, goodbye then.


I'm a hearts support and I'll continue supporting.

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BBC Scotland's Brian McLauchlin

"To confirm: Hearts have not agreed a deal to sell Ryan McGowan to Rangers. Ally McCoist meeting player in attempt to convince him about signing"


So it really is something that has grown arms and legs, there is still hope

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They can do it because it is a new club with the old club's supporters.


Daft thing is they dont need them for footballing reasons but it will help with pending share issue.

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As it says on the tin.


The deals to take Temps and Gowser to them is making me feel physically sick.


How can a team that have walked away from ?150 Million in debt be allowed to do this? I am totally and utterly shocked at how this can happen.


As for our glorious leader Romanov, well the sooner he fecks off the better. His statement earlier today was clearly aimed at Ryan McGowan. Basically told him that if he wanted more money then go elsewhere. This laddie was a future leader of Heart of Midlothian and he is being FORCED out the door by a man who no longer cares for his little Scottish toy.


I will not set foot in any Scottish Football stadium until true reform is undertaken (which probably means I will never see a Scottish football game again). I will spend no more money on Hearts until Romanov is a distant memory.


Even if we sign Rudi for another year, it will not make up for the loss of these 2.

See ya.

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As it says on the tin.


The deals to take Temps and Gowser to them is making me feel physically sick.


How can a team that have walked away from ?150 Million in debt be allowed to do this? I am totally and utterly shocked at how this can happen.


As for our glorious leader Romanov, well the sooner he fecks off the better. His statement earlier today was clearly aimed at Ryan McGowan. Basically told him that if he wanted more money then go elsewhere. This laddie was a future leader of Heart of Midlothian and he is being FORCED out the door by a man who no longer cares for his little Scottish toy.


I will not set foot in any Scottish Football stadium until true reform is undertaken (which probably means I will never see a Scottish football game again). I will spend no more money on Hearts until Romanov is a distant memory.


Even if we sign Rudi for another year, it will not make up for the loss of these 2.

See ya.

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John McClure

Im ******* seething about this


but heres a quick question


we have/are about to lose temps and gowser for about ?1m


would you be finished if it was mackay-steven and russell from united that were joining sevco?

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why is the point of relaying on youth are new policy if we sell them for a a song prefer the the old days with good old merncnices that was more honest than this shat

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Has this actually happened?


If it has, I'm on the verge of giving up as well. What's the point?

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I am feeling the same, if it goes through I question my I follow Scottish football. No one in the media questioned this and just praised it. Scottish football is a broken flush.

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I am feeling the same, if it goes through I question why I follow Scottish football. No one in the media questioned this and just praised it. Scottish football is a broken flush.

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Scotish football is doomed, cant believe they have an embargo that starts tomorrow whats the point ??

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jack D and coke

Hearts know how to burst your bubble like. From the high of last night to this shite.


Really disheartened tonight. What's the point?

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Sydney from Sydney

As it says on the tin.


The deals to take Temps and Gowser to them is making me feel physically sick.


How can a team that have walked away from ?150 Million in debt be allowed to do this? I am totally and utterly shocked at how this can happen.


As for our glorious leader Romanov, well the sooner he fecks off the better. His statement earlier today was clearly aimed at Ryan McGowan. Basically told him that if he wanted more money then go elsewhere. This laddie was a future leader of Heart of Midlothian and he is being FORCED out the door by a man who no longer cares for his little Scottish toy.


I will not set foot in any Scottish Football stadium until true reform is undertaken (which probably means I will never see a Scottish football game again). I will spend no more money on Hearts until Romanov is a distant memory.


Even if we sign Rudi for another year, it will not make up for the loss of these 2.

Don't say anything too hasty mate. I'm totally stunned here if that's the case about Gowser. I'm hoping it's not true and that he has more respect for himself.

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Just wondering where I pick up some Tena Lady? Where did you guys get yours?




******* drama queens.

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The question here, apart from why on earth DerNewHun are able to fling cash about, is why anyone would want to sign for them now.



Temps will surely damage his international career prospects if he goes, and will probably find his contract ending and him being cut adrift around the point DerNewHun return to the SPL in three years time. If they last that long.



Short-term shekels can be the only reason.




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Temps will surely damage his international career prospects if he goes



I'd say his international prospects have improved significantly if he moves to Tribute Band FC.



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If we get a decent fee it helps keep us in business and we wont have to play against him in the league for a couple of seasons. I still miss Ralph Callaghan...

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Not to sound all VR here but: Im sure his agent was whispering away in his ear & got a nice cut.

This is a sore one...


The Bosman ruling though, can't blame Hearts for selling. Temps quadrupled his wages seemingly but still an odd move.

Sevco are snakes.

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As it says on the tin.


The deals to take Temps and Gowser to them is making me feel physically sick.


How can a team that have walked away from ?150 Million in debt be allowed to do this? I am totally and utterly shocked at how this can happen.


As for our glorious leader Romanov, well the sooner he fecks off the better. His statement earlier today was clearly aimed at Ryan McGowan. Basically told him that if he wanted more money then go elsewhere. This laddie was a future leader of Heart of Midlothian and he is being FORCED out the door by a man who no longer cares for his little Scottish toy.


I will not set foot in any Scottish Football stadium until true reform is undertaken (which probably means I will never see a Scottish football game again). I will spend no more money on Hearts until Romanov is a distant memory.


Even if we sign Rudi for another year, it will not make up for the loss of these 2.



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I am feeling the same, if it goes through I question why I follow Scottish football. No one in the media questioned this and just praised it. Scottish football is a broken flush.

Well all we can hope is that the SFL/SPL clubs listen to their fans next summer and don't allow the inevitable clamour for reconstruction to allow Sevoc in to the top league happen.

I also wish spl clubs had loaned some promising youngsters to Peterhead or other possible challengers to put the frightens on the cheats!


I cannot belief these players have signed for that shower without being promised top league football next year. Either the players are being lied to or the fans are getting taken for mugs. I just hope the clowns know that any decision that allows Sevco to cheat again will be the nail in the coffin for Scottish football!



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

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Franco Fascione

What a load of huffy, spoiled brats some Hearts fans are. Templeton's gone, the team is not going to fall apart. He's one player who's not going to hurt us in the league for the next 2-3 years.


Completely negative Hearts fans are the single worst thing about supporting this great club.

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If we needed money for a tax bill fair enough.

but to raise it by selling to the tax evaders is wrong.

our policy of playing youth players appears to be just

to put them in the shop window.

If Stevo plays in the hole behind Sutton in a 4.4.2 then fine.

But I worry about our squad depth.

I also wonder about the delay in money from the SPL.

are we being held to ransom. Tax Evaders up next year

or no funding.

Their fans wanting to know what happened to ?1.2m withheld from them by SPL

Supposedly going to other SPL clubs.

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Oh, and whilst I'm at it, hands up which of you follow "Scottish Football"? I'm a Hearts fan.


**** Scottish football, **** temps, **** anyone who moans about us not "splashing the cash" but at the same time doesn't buy tickets, and most importantly, mr OP, **** you.

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See these folk that come on here saying they won't be back whenever anything happens that's not totally positive ?


I'm willing to bet that none of them go anyway. Except to cup finals and big european games.


Cry me a fecking river.

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See these folk that come on here saying they won't be back whenever anything happens that's not totally positive ?


I'm willing to bet that none of them go anyway. Except to cup finals and big european games.


Cry me a fecking river.




Much like the same ones who said they'd never be back when Jefferies went only to flock back when we drew Spurs in the EL. :lol:

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Francis Albert

Personally I'll never forgive Vlad for selling Dave Mackay without even telling him, or for selling Willie Wallace to Celtic.

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See these folk that come on here saying they won't be back whenever anything happens that's not totally positive ?


I'm willing to bet that none of them go anyway. Except to cup finals and big european games.


Cry me a fecking river.



Or, go to Fester Road!

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As it says on the tin.


The deals to take Temps and Gowser to them is making me feel physically sick.


How can a team that have walked away from ?150 Million in debt be allowed to do this? I am totally and utterly shocked at how this can happen.


As for our glorious leader Romanov, well the sooner he fecks off the better. His statement earlier today was clearly aimed at Ryan McGowan. Basically told him that if he wanted more money then go elsewhere. This laddie was a future leader of Heart of Midlothian and he is being FORCED out the door by a man who no longer cares for his little Scottish toy.


I will not set foot in any Scottish Football stadium until true reform is undertaken (which probably means I will never see a Scottish football game again). I will spend no more money on Hearts until Romanov is a distant memory.


Even if we sign Rudi for another year, it will not make up for the loss of these 2.


The only thing making me physically sick is the amount of alcohol we managed to put away the last couple of days.

You promise to finish going to see the Hearts.....we'll stay off the lager.....who do you think will crack first?:geek:

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What a load of huffy, spoiled brats some Hearts fans are. Templeton's gone, the team is not going to fall apart. He's one player who's not going to hurt us in the league for the next 2-3 years.


Completely negative Hearts fans are the single worst thing about supporting this great club.

true, but isn`t the guy allowed, or all fans for that matter, to question why Vlad was quite happy to offload two of our better young players to a big rival he supposedly dislikes and used to want to topple?


For ages on here many jumped on the Vlad happy boat when he made it clear he`d never sell to the gruesome twosome......but we have a debt to clear don`t we???? :rolleyes:


Oh yes, we weren`t going to afford anyone either according to the JKB experts....whats that? Ryan the ship jumper Stevenson signed on a 3 year deal? What if Temps decided not to move? we`d be a player UP in numbers in the squad.


I`ve been in the Vlad camp for most part during his reign but i do feel now he isn`t interested.....I`d rather have an owner with considerably less wealth but had the best interests at heart, wanted the best team on the park using our own income to shape a team the best we can.......McGlynn is doing a fine job at the mo btw but the guy is in the door 5 mins and almost lost two key players(one now).

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If we needed money for a tax bill fair enough.

but to raise it by selling to the tax evaders is wrong.

our policy of playing youth players appears to be just

to put them in the shop window.

If Stevo plays in the hole behind Sutton in a 4.4.2 then fine.

But I worry about our squad depth.

I also wonder about the delay in money from the SPL.

are we being held to ransom. Tax Evaders up next year

or no funding.

Their fans wanting to know what happened to ?1.2m withheld from them by SPL

Supposedly going to other SPL clubs.


Its posts like this that get me frustrated and why I resisted posting last night while a number of people had meltdowns.


What you don't get is that we are trying to cut costs to get the club back on a sustainable footing for the first time in nearly 15 years.


The simple facts are that Romanov won't keep dipping into his pockets to bail us out when he has already put the club up for sale.


Added to the fact that nearly 1500 people failed to renew their season tickets despite us humping the vermin 5-1 in the cup final, so we are considerably down on operating capital from last season. We also had a number of tax bills to pay off last season which probably ate into our budget for this year also, so that missing 1500 are hurting the club.


As for playing youngsters it makes a change from previous managers such as Paulo Sergio and Laszlo who wouldn't give our youth players the opportunity to break through. Hearts can only be sustainable as a club with 12k fans on average if the majority of our team is developed in the academy.

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I think that the OP has knee-jerked in the extreme. It is a joke, that Rangers can sign ANY player, and i think Templeton has just thrown away at least 3 years of his career. He is extremely likely, to get a bad one in the lower leagues, and will probably be on the treatment table more often than not.


However, not a disaster for Hearts really. His contract was up, he wanted to go, he doesn`t change too many games and we got Stevenson, so balanced out a bit.


I would only change my opinion, if McGowan gets the "Kello" treatment, in which case i would join the OP`s army, until Romanov got tae feck. Do not think it would happen though. Better not i say.

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Its posts like this that get me frustrated and why I resisted posting last night while a number of people had meltdowns.


What you don't get is that we are trying to cut costs to get the club back on a sustainable footing for the first time in nearly 15 years.


The simple facts are that Romanov won't keep dipping into his pockets to bail us out when he has already put the club up for sale.


Added to the fact that nearly 1500 people failed to renew their season tickets despite us humping the vermin 5-1 in the cup final, so we are considerably down on operating capital from last season. We also had a number of tax bills to pay off last season which probably ate into our budget for this year also, so that missing 1500 are hurting the club.


As for playing youngsters it makes a change from previous managers such as Paulo Sergio and Laszlo who wouldn't give our youth players the opportunity to break through. Hearts can only be sustainable as a club with 12k fans on average if the majority of our team is developed in the academy.

Well put frank a genuine common sense post. :thumbsup:

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Its posts like this that get me frustrated and why I resisted posting last night while a number of people had meltdowns.


What you don't get is that we are trying to cut costs to get the club back on a sustainable footing for the first time in nearly 15 years.


The simple facts are that Romanov won't keep dipping into his pockets to bail us out when he has already put the club up for sale.


Added to the fact that nearly 1500 people failed to renew their season tickets despite us humping the vermin 5-1 in the cup final, so we are considerably down on operating capital from last season. We also had a number of tax bills to pay off last season which probably ate into our budget for this year also, so that missing 1500 are hurting the club.


As for playing youngsters it makes a change from previous managers such as Paulo Sergio and Laszlo who wouldn't give our youth players the opportunity to break through. Hearts can only be sustainable as a club with 12k fans on average if the majority of our team is developed in the academy.


I understand that things are changing, but we just seem to be dumping players willy-nilly. A bunch of guys contracts run out, and they go and that is great - the David Obua's of the world, not missed. And fine, we can't retain Black, Skacel, Suso and Beattie, but surely keeping 1, (Black for me), would have been sensible - we need a framework to add the youth players too.


It's sensible to cut costs, but we overpaid journeymen players, lots of them. They are a part of the burden on the club. Couldn't we just take a year or two's transition, and shift the squad onto sustainable levels. Right now we are just throwing out the baby with the bath water.


McGlynn looks to be a tactically astute manager. But we are odds on to lose all out of contract players of any value at the end of the season - Webster, Zal, Barr, Driver (admittedly no great loss on current form) all gone. Just keep enough old lags around to get through the transition, it can be done sustainably, and I'd go as far as to say it is more expensive NOT to do it than to do it (loss of season tickets, league position, crowd income), but there are many ways to describe Vlad but canny, smart and astute just aren't in there.


Motherwell, St Johnstone, Dundee United have built teams on a fraction of our budget that are as good or better than ours. We should be constantly asking why that is.


Don't get me wrong, we have no club without Vlad, and it's been a fun roller coaster ride, but it just seems more obvious not to be quite so daft. Just a wee bit more sense and we can be in second, and sustainably so.

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See these folk that come on here saying they won't be back whenever anything happens that's not totally positive ?


I'm willing to bet that none of them go anyway. Except to cup finals and big european games.


Cry me a fecking river.

Listen pal. I have had a season ticket for 25 years. I was married at Tynecastle. Both my children had their Christening parties in the Gorgie suite. I have bought both home and away kits for myself and my kids. How dare you or anyone else insinuate that I am any less a supporter than you!!! I can guarantee you that I have put more of my hard earned cash into Heart of Midlothian Football club than you ever have.


What has got my craw up is that we even consider selling to a club that SHOULD have been consigned to complete oblivion!! A club our glorious leader has critisised ever since he came into Scottish football. They have been allowed to walk away from their debt and poach a player from us that only 1 other club in Scotland could dream of taking from us. If we had sold Temps to anyone else outside the SPL I would have been OK with that turn of affairs.


I'm delighted that Ryan McGowan has stayed, this shows real character in my opinion. Unfortunately we know what happens to player from our club that refuse to accept a transfer that will line Romanovs pocket. Lets just hope Ryan doesn't develop Vlad flu or we will have lost 2 of our best players.

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Listen pal. I have had a season ticket for 25 years. I was married at Tynecastle. Both my children had their Christening parties in the Gorgie suite. I have bought both home and away kits for myself and my kids. How dare you or anyone else insinuate that I am any less a supporter than you!!! I can guarantee you that I have put more of my hard earned cash into Heart of Midlothian Football club than you ever have.


What has got my craw up is that we even consider selling to a club that SHOULD have been consigned to complete oblivion!! A club our glorious leader has critisised ever since he came into Scottish football. They have been allowed to walk away from their debt and poach a player from us that only 1 other club in Scotland could dream of taking from us. If we had sold Temps to anyone else outside the SPL I would have been OK with that turn of affairs.


I'm delighted that Ryan McGowan has stayed, this shows real character in my opinion. Unfortunately we know what happens to player from our club that refuse to accept a transfer that will line Romanovs pocket. Lets just hope Ryan doesn't develop Vlad flu or we will have lost 2 of our best players.

We did not sell to anyone else because we did not receive bids from anyone else.


I do not like the fact we sold to them but I like even less the fact they were allowed to bid for him and that it seems he wanted to go there.

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No denying, the OP is perhaps a little melodramatic / drama queenesque, and just about all of the responses which followed were completely predictable.


But..... I can totally understand the sentiments behind it. I wouldn't blame anyone for being completely disillusioned by this whole thing.


I see two different reasons to be disillusioned here, the fact that they've both kinda clashed here just amplifies everything that little bit more.


There's a Hearts specific reason in that we kinda have to ask ourselves 'whats the point' - the way things are, we will NEVER be able to build a team capable of regularly challenge for honours. Any time we stumble across a diamond, we have them for a season or two at best before they are punted on to make ends meet. This isn't a new thing, granted, but it's probably as apparent now as it'll ever be.


Then there's the 'general' picture and everything that's wrong with what's going on with Rangers. The fact that a team so deep in the doo doo having effectively gone under, can emerge from this and still be stronger than the team who are now really the second biggest in the land, is fundamentally wrong. They are getting away with murder.


So, two different things to be fed up about, and when they

come together and result in it being THEM doing the pillaging of our squad.......... Well, it doesn't make for pleasant viewing.


I'm not in the 'done with it' camp yet, but I can totally understand to position of folk who are. Rather than mock them and tell them to bolt, I'm more sad that it's reached that point.

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Oh and by the way, there's a massive irony in the fact that the same folk who are telling people to bolt and never come back are also the same folk moaning for.... Ummmm.... Folk not coming back!!!


'don't come back! We don't need you'


'get your arse back and support the team, YOURE KILLING THE CLUB!!!'

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Governor Tarkin

What a load of huffy, spoiled brats some Hearts fans are. Templeton's gone, the team is not going to fall apart. He's one player who's not going to hurt us in the league for the next 2-3 years.


Completely negative Hearts fans are the single worst thing about supporting this great club.


No they're not, but losing your top players to the cheating tax dodgers maybe is.

Closely followed by pellets who can't understand why some people are pissed off with this. Allow the man his seethe, he'll be back when the dust settles.

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