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was i wrong to post this in a moaning celtic forum


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I just posted this on a cfc forum about them complaining about us reducing them by 400 was i right or just a raving pissedasshole ???


"The scenes at Tynecastle that night were poison only fueled by an arsehole of a Hearts supporter taking it too far.. however( you knew that was coming!!) i just find it really intolarable as a seving member of the RAF to sit listening to 90 mins of PRO IRA songs. Now i now the history of ireland and the uk but im not really sure how that is relavent at a football match, unlike the majority of celtic fans who think its ok and right to sing about an organisation who have murdered women and children indiscriminately in places like shopping centres in manchester and omah(spelling). Remember this is supposed to be FOOTBALL. I also cant understand why one or two red hand flags show up either!!! Maybe im just blinkered or sane!!! Anyway GIVE PEACE A CHANGE as a better Lennon once said!!!!"

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I think if we all gave peace our change he might be able to afford nicer shoes.

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scots civil war

spelling is just ******* awful and ,as allways, the words just dont go far enough


those vermin need to be made an example of....ban them and their tricolours n all,it works both ******* ways

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Special Agent Dale Cooper

spelling is just ******* awful and ,as allways, the words just dont go far enough


those vermin need to be made an example of....ban them and their tricolours n all,it works both ******* ways

Only one 'L' in 'always' matey ;)

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The worst thing that happened that day was that C*lt!c fans were allowed to attack Hearts officials and policemen and nobody remarked on it.


We as a club have been spineless and ignored it. An absolute disgrace.

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Drylaw Hearts

I think the OP is wrong for posting on a CFC forum in the first place.


I can think of nothing worse tbh.

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Vincent B.A

The worst thing that happened that day was that C*lt!c fans were allowed to attack Hearts officials and policemen and nobody remarked on it.


We as a club have been spineless and ignored it. An absolute disgrace.


Totally. I cant believe that was just swept under the carpet. I'm glad Celitc have lost 400 seats although I suppose it will hit us in the pocket a bit.

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The worst thing that happened that day was that C*lt!c fans were allowed to attack Hearts officials and policemen and nobody remarked on it.


We as a club have been spineless and ignored it. An absolute disgrace.

This, and nothing will change until old firm fans in Edinburgh start getting treated like away fans in glasgow!!

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The worst thing that happened that day was that C*lt!c fans were allowed to attack Hearts officials and policemen and nobody remarked on it.


We as a club have been spineless and ignored it. An absolute disgrace.


Let's not forget the ballboys


This, and nothing will change until old firm fans in Edinburgh start getting treated like away fans in glasgow!!


Agreed and I think it may come. The club won't say it publically as it's a can of worms. We've commented on our own fans and quite rightly, but commenting on others could fuel the whole thing so better to act than talk imo (as i said on another thread).


Problem is the police. We can tell the stewards what to do but the police in Glesga in general are just bigger swines to opposing supports prob cos they're all OF supporters themselves, so getting L&B to act in a similar way will be difficult imo. I guess what we do is present them with evidence too difficult to ignore and if they do, we can complain and threaten publicity on the issue.

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I just posted this on a cfc forum about them complaining about us reducing them by 400 was i right or just a raving pissedasshole ???


"The scenes at Tynecastle that night were poison only fueled by an arsehole of a Hearts supporter taking it too far.. however( you knew that was coming!!) i just find it really intolarable as a seving member of the RAF to sit listening to 90 mins of PRO IRA songs. Now i now the history of ireland and the uk but im not really sure how that is relavent at a football match, unlike the majority of celtic fans who think its ok and right to sing about an organisation who have murdered women and children indiscriminately in places like shopping centres in manchester and omah(spelling). Remember this is supposed to be FOOTBALL. I also cant understand why one or two red hand flags show up either!!! Maybe im just blinkered or sane!!! Anyway GIVE PEACE A CHANGE as a better Lennon once said!!!!"


What was the response you got?

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Konrad von Carstein

Cetic fans don't do irony do they...




Celtic, Tell Hearts To Shove Their Tickets Up Their A**e!

By Fanzone


Time To Act From Our Side?


A couple of days ago I wrote a kinda tongue in cheek piece about this coming season being one of forgiveness after the horrors of the last twelve months.


Thinking that nobody would want a repeat, and that all sides would ?work? together to get things right, I must admit I was way off mark. (Stupid me!)


In my defence a lot of my optimism comes from the type of person I am and the type of people us Celtic fans are. We are by nature accommodating and tolerant and that?s what makes us different from not only our South Side neighbours but most of the others in Scottish society, never mind football.


But look where it?s got us.


At the recent CSA Rally outgoing chairman John Reid made a terrific speech outlining and declaring that Celtic will NOT be treated like second class citizens. Well Mr Chairman, now?s your time to act on your words.


Heart of Midlothian tonight decided that they will cut the allocation of tickets for the Celtic support by 400 when the teams meet on 1st October 2011. Yip, they made that decision today a full THREE and a HALF months before the game is due to be played!


They?ve come up with some lame excuse for their action because a ?nutter? from THEIR support jumped the barrier and attacked OUR manager Neil Lennon in front of millions of television viewers.


Come to think of it, Celtic AND Neil have yet top receive an apology from the Edinburgh club.


Today has only served to remind us that those who oppose us are all still actively rounding on the club and our support. If we thought last season was tough?.


Anyway, the CSA had already made noises about boycotting certain grounds next season, and I?m sure Tynecastle would have been one of them. However Celtic should make a stand and tell Romanov and his mob to stick their tickets up their arse. We don?t want them.


And don?t ask for any tickets when you?re due to come to Celtic Park. [/b]Paradise is closed for bigots.[/b]


What a fekkin rasper!!


(Saw this on Newsnow - I don't go on any OF message boards)

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What was the response you got?

Nothing much really. I expected alot more poison and THEY never picked me up for spelling!!! ALLWAYS lol!!!! Atleast i was pissed!!

One response i got was this:

"90 minutes of PRO IRA songs?? Mmm. Can you tell me the songs in question? I?m sure your suffering from the same symptoms as the BBC sports presenters who don?t know folk songs from so called ?sectarian? songs. And while you?re at it, can you tell me how the ?Gorgie boys? has anything to do with football when the Jambos sing about ?up to there knees in fenian blood??"

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Cetic fans don't do irony do they...




Celtic, Tell Hearts To Shove Their Tickets Up Their A**e!

By Fanzone


Time To Act From Our Side?


A couple of days ago I wrote a kinda tongue in cheek piece about this coming season being one of forgiveness after the horrors of the last twelve months.


Thinking that nobody would want a repeat, and that all sides would ?work? together to get things right, I must admit I was way off mark. (Stupid me!)


In my defence a lot of my optimism comes from the type of person I am and the type of people us Celtic fans are. We are by nature accommodating and tolerant and that?s what makes us different from not only our South Side neighbours but most of the others in Scottish society, never mind football.


But look where it?s got us.


At the recent CSA Rally outgoing chairman John Reid made a terrific speech outlining and declaring that Celtic will NOT be treated like second class citizens. Well Mr Chairman, now?s your time to act on your words.


Heart of Midlothian tonight decided that they will cut the allocation of tickets for the Celtic support by 400 when the teams meet on 1st October 2011. Yip, they made that decision today a full THREE and a HALF months before the game is due to be played!


They?ve come up with some lame excuse for their action because a ?nutter? from THEIR support jumped the barrier and attacked OUR manager Neil Lennon in front of millions of television viewers.


Come to think of it, Celtic AND Neil have yet top receive an apology from the Edinburgh club.


Today has only served to remind us that those who oppose us are all still actively rounding on the club and our support. If we thought last season was tough?.


Anyway, the CSA had already made noises about boycotting certain grounds next season, and I?m sure Tynecastle would have been one of them. However Celtic should make a stand and tell Romanov and his mob to stick their tickets up their arse. We don?t want them.


And don?t ask for any tickets when you?re due to come to Celtic Park. [/b]Paradise is closed for bigots.[/b]


What a fekkin rasper!!


(Saw this on Newsnow - I don't go on any OF message boards)

That was the report i commented on, absolute blinkered fools!

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How the hell does something like that end up getting picked up by NewsNow? I know they sometimes allow links to good quality blogs but what on earth are they thinking including that sort of trash? :laugh:


A few weeks ago they were boycotting away games anyway, now they're annoyed because as a direct result of their inability to behave themselves, they've had their allocation cut. You couldn't make it up. What a mob of arsepieces.

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Barney Rubble

Cant believe the audacity of that bunch of cretins over the CT affair trying to take the morale high ground aswell talk about pot kettle black !

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Only a Game

Cant believe the audacity of that bunch of cretins over the CT affair trying to take the morale high ground aswell talk about pot kettle black !


Actually if there is a silver lining to the whole Craig Thomson affair its that no one can now sing BJK, Celtic Boys club etc etc, Glasgow Celtic paedophiles, without getting a complete red face for doing so.. I'll for one will be glad to see the back of that garbage.

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Barney Rubble

Actually if there is a silver lining to the whole Craig Thomson affair its that no one can now sing BJK, Celtic Boys club etc etc, Glasgow Celtic paedophiles, without getting a complete red face for doing so.. I'll for one will be glad to see the back of that garbage.


I agree the whole thing was a bit sick to be honest , but can we as in Hearts and Celtic support draw a line under it ?


cannae see it myself !

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Nothing much really. I expected alot more poison and THEY never picked me up for spelling!!! ALLWAYS lol!!!! Atleast i was pissed!!

One response i got was this:

"90 minutes of PRO IRA songs?? Mmm. Can you tell me the songs in question? I?m sure your suffering from the same symptoms as the BBC sports presenters who don?t know folk songs from so called ?sectarian? songs. And while you?re at it, can you tell me how the ?Gorgie boys? has anything to do with football when the Jambos sing about ?up to there knees in fenian blood??"


According to Celtic FC and their followers "boys of the old brigade" is an acceptable song for football because it's "political" and not sectarian.


Aye right then!


Well done for taking them on mate

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Cetic fans don't do irony do they...




Celtic, Tell Hearts To Shove Their Tickets Up Their A**e!

By Fanzone


Time To Act From Our Side?


A couple of days ago I wrote a kinda tongue in cheek piece about this coming season being one of forgiveness after the horrors of the last twelve months.


Thinking that nobody would want a repeat, and that all sides would ?work? together to get things right, I must admit I was way off mark. (Stupid me!)


In my defence a lot of my optimism comes from the type of person I am and the type of people us Celtic fans are. We are by nature accommodating and tolerant and that?s what makes us different from not only our South Side neighbours but most of the others in Scottish society, never mind football.


But look where it?s got us.


At the recent CSA Rally outgoing chairman John Reid made a terrific speech outlining and declaring that Celtic will NOT be treated like second class citizens. Well Mr Chairman, now?s your time to act on your words.


Heart of Midlothian tonight decided that they will cut the allocation of tickets for the Celtic support by 400 when the teams meet on 1st October 2011. Yip, they made that decision today a full THREE and a HALF months before the game is due to be played!


They?ve come up with some lame excuse for their action because a ?nutter? from THEIR support jumped the barrier and attacked OUR manager Neil Lennon in front of millions of television viewers.


Come to think of it, Celtic AND Neil have yet top receive an apology from the Edinburgh club.


Today has only served to remind us that those who oppose us are all still actively rounding on the club and our support. If we thought last season was tough?.


Anyway, the CSA had already made noises about boycotting certain grounds next season, and I?m sure Tynecastle would have been one of them. However Celtic should make a stand and tell Romanov and his mob to stick their tickets up their arse. We don?t want them.


And don?t ask for any tickets when you?re due to come to Celtic Park. [/b]Paradise is closed for bigots.[/b]


What a fekkin rasper!!


(Saw this on Newsnow - I don't go on any OF message boards)



This is one of the main reason we are having all this trouble! You can get away with posting complete bollocks like this. You would be torn a new one in you said this in public.... The internet can be used for good! but it also means people can hide away and push their hatred and convince others to hate... When you have a whole forum like kerrydale street spewing hatred towards all things Scottish, the young Celtic fans don't stand a chance of making their own minds up.... And it starts all over again!!!

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I think the OP is wrong for posting on a CFC forum in the first place.


I can think of nothing worse tbh.


I'm with Dylaw on this one thumbsup.gif

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Punks No Deid

**** them.


Every one of them.

:thumbsup: my sentiments exactly :thumbsup:

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i can't allow myself to get into this because they aren't normal people. no good can ever come of conversing with them on the internet. it's a complete waste of time and you would be better off in the long run by not getting involved with them.

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Guest Busby is God

Don't know why you would even bother to post on another forum mate?

Be just like that total fud 'cheesegrater' who posts on EN forum bout Hearts news, what's the point?


Celtic fans, more than any other, are streamlined into believing that there is nothing wrong with their historical links, either political or otherwise.


I used to be a complete nutter at matches, (honest!!) :ninja:

but I guess with age comes maturity(?), and now I beleive that Soapy Salmond is right though, we must tackle it from a grassroots stance, which means in my book, no more 'seperate' schools etc.

Maybe then we can get away from all this pash we have to put up with.


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we must tackle it from a grassroots stance, which means in my book, no more 'seperate' schools etc.

Maybe then we can get away from all this pash we have to put up with.



Bang on the money there chief. Separate schools does nothing to end the divide and only serves to highlight the "differences". How many "second class citizens" get their own schooling in other parts of the world?

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I only acknowledge they exist 4 days a year. I urge others to do the same


Very good policy.

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the songs they were singing were the usual bile and there supporters fighting in the stands only added to there shame, the headlines were probably all going to be about the celtic fans behaviour right up until one of OUR supporters decided to let them off the hook by going for lennon, at that point the newspapers and tv were only ever going to highlight one story im afraid

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